Press Time & Press Time Press Time & Press Time en Copyright © 2024 Press Time. All rights reserved. How did Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru set the precedent for incorporating patriotic songs, national symbols, and flag hoisting as integral components of Independence Day celebrations? Introduction:
Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, two excessive figures in India's struggle for liberty, gambled pivotal parts in forming the folklores and characters associated with Independence Day festivals. Their visionary guidance and assurance to the country with its own government's ethics laid the basis for including devoted verses, national characters, and flag hoisting as basic elements concerning this important day.

Patriotic Songs:
One of ultimate lasting legacies of Gandhi and Nehru was their importance on the capacity of music and expressive to encourage and combine common people. During the immunity movement, two together officers acknowledged the potential of devoted songs to stimulate forceful sympathy and implant a sense of ethnic pride. Gandhi's advocacy for shared unity and wholeness raise verbalization in the selection of arias that surpassed semantic and enlightening barriers. This practice designed the organization for combining devoted arias into Independence Day celebrations. These ballads not only supported the essence of privilege but also promoted a joint sense of similarity between various communities.

National Symbols:

This may contain: an old black and white photo of two men walking with another man in the background
Gandhi and Nehru assumed the meaning of able to be seen with eyes letters in rallying public about a prevailing cause. The endorsement of domestic symbols like the tricolor flag and the machine for spinning yarn (charkha) as likenesses of the country with its own government's struggle and hopes became symbolic of their guidance. The tricolor flag, accompanying allure sunny color, white, and green strips, symbolized the wholeness of various breedings, while the charkha became a powerful character of independence and financial liberty. These symbols raise their place in early Independence Day festivals, serve as a notice of the values for that the country with its own government endured.

Flag Hoisting:
Flag hoisting on Independence Day is a entertained folklore that has its ancestries in the law furthered by Gandhi and Nehru. Gandhi viewed the flag as a symbol of civil domination and wholeness, stressing that it concede possibility be made apiece public themselves, augmenting the plan of independence. Nehru, in his legendary "Tryst accompanying Destiny" talk, stressed the significance of the middle of the night time when India reached privilege, that is marked apiece hoisting of the communal flag. This act of lifting the flag dressed as a poignant verbalization of India's recently discovered freedom and domination.

Impact on Independence Day Celebrations:
Gandhi and Nehru's influence on Independence Day festivals is undeniable. Their assistance for pacifism, wholeness, and independence found reverberation in the excerpt of tunes that induced these principles. The inclusion of ethnic letters like the flag and the charkha additional coatings of symbolism that widespread further absolute typology. The act of flag hoisting enhanced a solemn still honorific importance that apparent the culmination of age of struggle and sacrifice.

The inheritance of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru in forming Independence Day festivals is a tribute to their visionary leadership and deep understanding of the part of typology and custom in a country with its own government's identity. By combining devoted tunes, nationwide letters, and flag hoisting as integral parts of Independence Day, they guaranteed that today would not only honor freedom but too symbolize a determined notice of the principles and aspirations that delineate the country with its own government. Their lasting gifts continue to stimulate production and create each Independence Day a bitter reflection of India's journey towards appropriate a sovereign, combined, and independent country with its own government.

Sat, 29 Jun 2024 12:41:54 +0530 Press Time
Celebrating Lord Rama's Birth: The Significance of Ram Navami Ram Navami: Celebrating the Birth of Lord Rama

Ram Navami is a significant festival in the Hindu calendar, marking the birth of Lord Rama, who is revered as the seventh incarnation of the Hindu deity Vishnu. This auspicious day falls on the ninth day (Navami) of the Chaitra month of the Hindu lunar calendar, which usually corresponds to March or April in the Gregorian calendar.

The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm across India and in Hindu communities worldwide. Devotees observe Ram Navami by engaging in various rituals and customs that honor the life and virtues of Lord Rama. The celebrations include reading passages from the Ramayana, the ancient Indian epic that narrates the story of Rama's life, his righteousness, and his dedication to dharma (duty).

In Ayodhya, the birthplace of Lord Rama, the festival is marked with unparalleled joy and devotion. The city, which holds a special place in the hearts of devotees, witnesses grand celebrations. In 2024, the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is set to perform a 'Surya tilak' for Ram Lalla, a ceremonial anointment with the sun's rays, facilitated by an intricate arrangement of mirrors and lenses. This ritual symbolizes the divine connection between the cosmos and the deity.

The significance of Ram Navami goes beyond the celebratory rituals; it is a day for reflection on the moral and ethical principles depicted in the life of Lord Rama. His embodiment of virtues such as truthfulness, moral integrity, and compassion serves as an inspiration for many to lead a life of righteousness and adherence to one's duties.

As the world observes Ram Navami, the message of peace, virtue, and devotion resonates, reminding us of the timeless values that Lord Rama represents. It is a day that brings together communities in a shared celebration of a divine legacy that continues to guide and enlighten.

Ram Navami is not just a day of festivity but also a day of spiritual renewal and commitment to the ideals exemplified by Lord Rama. It encourages individuals to embody the qualities of good governance, fairness, and the welfare of the people, as demonstrated by Rama's rule in Ayodhya, which is often referred to as 'Ram Rajya'—an era of prosperity and righteousness.

As we celebrate Ram Navami, let us embrace the teachings of Lord Rama and strive to incorporate them into our daily lives, fostering a world where dharma prevails, and harmony reigns. Happy Ram Navami to all!

Wed, 17 Apr 2024 11:47:34 +0530 Press Time
Unlocking the Benefits of Surya Namaskar: A Holistic Approach to Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Well&being Surya Namaskar, as known or named at another time or place Sun Salutation, is a prize practice in yoga that connects a order of twelve postures, each coordinated accompanying particular alive methods. This old practice not only pays admiration to the sunlight but also offers a myriad of tangible, insane, and religious benefits. Let's investigate the inclusive benefits that Surya Namaskar produces to those the one incorporate it into their often routine:

Woman practices yoga asana Urdhva Mukha Svanasana at the beach Vintage retro effect filtered hipster style image of Yoga outdoors on beach - woman practices Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga Surya Namaskar Sun Salutation asana Urdhva Mukha Svanasana - upward facing dog pose on sunset. With light leak and lens flare Surya Namaskar stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Physical Benefits:

1. Flexibility: Surya Namaskar includes a difference of poses that catch various power groups, embellishing overall adaptability and joint mobility.

2. Strengthening: The postures engross miscellaneous power groups, superior to enhanced substance in the weaponry, legs, back, and center.

3. Cardiovascular Health: The vital type of Surya Namaskar increases the essence rate, advancing bodily conditioning and supporting in better distribution.

4. Digestive Health:The controlled respiring and cadenced campaigns massage the intestinal means, reconstructing digesting and lessening issues like constipation.

5. Weight Management: Regular practice of Surya Namaskar can help pressure misfortune by pushing absorption and blazing calories.

6. Enhanced Lung Capacity:The related respiring expands lung volume, happening in revised respiring effectiveness and alveolus well-being.

7. Balanced Endocrine System: Surya Namaskar stimulates the endocrine glands, that helps organize hormonal balance, chief to enhanced overall well-being.

Mental Benefits:

8. Stress Reduction: The mixture of activity and alert breathing calms the mind, lowering stress and tension.

9. Mindfulness:Practicing Surya Namaskar nurtures care as you devote effort to something each shift and respiration, chief to improved insane clearness.

10. Better Concentration: Regular practice improves aggregation and intelligent function by advancing a sense of insane peace.

11. Emotional Balance:The practice encourages self-knowledge and heated balance, helping in directing attitude swings and supporting a positive view.

12. **Improved Sleep:** The entertainment worked out through Surya Namaskar can bring about revised sleep character and a more quiet midnight's rest.

Spiritual and Holistic Benefits:

13. Increased Energy:The practice generates a impression of revival and refreshed strength, leaving experts impression stimulated.

14. Connection accompanying Nature: Surya Namaskar's tribute to the star represents our relates accompanying the things as they are and outer space.

15. Mind-Body Harmony: The practice nurtures a sense of wholeness 'tween the physical corpse, respite, and mind, advancing complete prosperity.

16. Chakra Activation: Surya Namaskar's postures and breathwork excite the physique's energy centers, or chakras, supporting in their adjustment and balance.

17. Enhanced Intuition:The practice is trusted to improve individual's instinctive talents, supporting a deeper understanding of oneself and the experience.

18. Cultivation of Discipline:Regular practice nurtures regimen and obligation, scene the groundwork for a more active behavior.

19. Positive Body Image: Surya Namaskar encourages self-agreement and party eagerness, advancing a athletic friendship accompanying individual's physical form.

20. Mind-Body-Soul Integration: Surya Namaskar is a whole practice that integrates the mind, frame, and energy, promoting a deep sense of wholeness and balance inside oneself.

Incorporating Surya Namaskar into your routine routine can yield life-changing benefits, doing not only your material fitness but again your insane clearness and spiritual journey. As you flow through each posture, remind that the practice is a party of two together the star's strength and your own central spirit.

Tue, 19 Mar 2024 12:28:26 +0530 Press Time
'Why do some people experience premature graying of hair at a young age?' What are the reasons behind this? Premature dim of fur at a young age maybe attributed to a consolidation of historical, tangible, behavior, and healing factors. While sideburn normally escapes allure color as we age on account of curtailed melanin production, experience dim at a young age is frequently a cause for concern and interest. Here are the key reasons behind untimely graying of haircut:

A young woman examines the gray hair on her head in a mirror on a black background. Close up texture of gray hair. White Hair, Examining, Hair, One Woman Only, Women grey hair woman stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

1. Genetic Predisposition:
- Family history plays a important part in rash dim. If your parents or close fathers knowing early dim, skilled's a larger chance that you might excessively.
- Genetic determinants influence by what method fast melanin result decreases, affecting the rate of wig color misfortune.

2. Melanin Deficiency:
- Melanin is the shade being the reason for hairstyle color. Premature graying happens when melanin result decreases too soon.
- A inadequacy in enzymes that produce melanin can bring about the deficit of color in hair follicles, inducing bureaucracy to perform silver or silver.

3. Oxidative Stress:
- Oxidative stress is a condition where skilled's an inequality 'tween free radicals and antioxidants in the frame.
- Excessive oxidative stress can damage melanin-bearing cells and upset the unaffected color process, superior to impulsive dim.

4. Autoimmune Disorders:
- Certain autoimmune disorders, such as vitiligo and male hair loss areata, can bring about changes in eyebrow color.
- Autoimmune backlashes can damage strand follicles and affect melanin result, happening in impulsive dim.

5. Hormonal Imbalances:
- Hormonal changes can impact melanin result. Thyroid imbalances and changes in birth control method levels can contribute to dim at a young age.

6. Medical Conditions:
- Medical environments like chlorosis and inadequacies in source of nourishment B12, folate, and other essential minerals can influence melanin result and cause impulsive dim.

7. Stress and Lifestyle Factors:
- High stress levels can accelerate the maturing process, containing strand dim. Chronic stress can consume the body's melanin-bearing containers.
- Poor digestive clothings, lack of decent nutrition, and hot can cause untimely dim.

8. Environmental Factors:
- Exposure to material contaminants, chemicals, and poisons can bring about oxidative stress, that influences melanin-bearing cells.
- Harmful UV fallout from the star can more enhance rash graying by injurious fur follicles.

9. Hereditary Factors:
- Some community are innately inclined graying strand at an early age on account of a alliance of ancestry and basic ancestral factors.

10. Lifestyle Choices:
- Unhealthy behavior selections, in the way that incompetent sleep, overdone alcohol use, and weak stress administration, can cause rash graying.

While it's disputing to entirely bar untimely dim, adopting a healthy behavior, directing stress, and upholding a equalized diet can conceivably slow down the process. If untimely dim is a concern, advisory a dermatologist or healthcare professional can specify observations into attainable underlying causes and appropriate deterrent measures.

Ultimately, rash dim is a unrefined part of the becoming older process for few things. Embracing the change and pursuing appropriate care can help assert healthy fiber and overall health.

Wed, 13 Mar 2024 13:27:55 +0530 Press Time
England's Bazballers Reflect on Series Loss to India The Indians had departed the stadium an hour after the ceremony, but the England Bazballers were back on the field. As the sun set over the snow-capped peaks of the mountains, the sportsmen were practicing their football abilities instead of putting on their cricketing gear.

Although they were disappointed by their first series loss since Ben Stokes and Brendon McCullum assumed leadership, they used this as a means of strengthening their bond as a team and moving forward.

Their loss was the worst of the series; they were bowled out in the first and second innings, taking just 57.4 and 48.1 overs respectively, and the match was over in eight sessions. However, there was little reason to think that their tactics and plan would be called into question, nor that there would be a significant change. Stokes stated that the group needed to remain loyal to their core values.

McCullum used this to avoid "getting stuck in past failures."

Stokes is also unwilling to think about the possibilities. When questioned if they could have attempted fielding five bowlers, he responded, "Hindsight never loses." "Those kinds of inquiries will never stop coming up after the fact. Sorry, but I don't deal in hindsight.

He acknowledged that England had fallen short in crucial situations where the outcome of the game was in doubt; India had shown resilience in those situations whereas England had not.

Even on what ended up being the final day of the series, the batting was careless. Joe Root scored 122 not out, 11, 26, and 84 on Friday after he abandoned his impetuosity in favor of a traditional approach following the third Test.

Stokes cautioned against discounting his viewpoint "at your own peril." "It's not always a good idea to take risks, but if you have a good reason for taking them and they don't end up working out, then that's okay too," he said. Cricket is a hard game that can consume you, but there's always a chance that this tour will either teach you a valuable lesson or turn you into a stronger player.

"I've now done numerous tours throughout India. Although I am definitely unhappy with my performance for the squad, you risk damaging our team and me by writing me off.

"There are many things that we did well. Nothing we've accomplished before this trip should be impacted by this series.

Dravid thought England had their opportunities. "This Test match, we dominated... However, there were times throughout the first four Tests when they did put us under a little bit of pressure; these were especially the third days in Rajkot and Ranchi, when England had the upper hand in the morning. The encouraging thing was how skillfully our seasoned players filled in during such times.

A glimmer of hope emerged when Ben Foakes trapped Kuldeep Yadav behind for James Anderson's 700th Test wicket. For the English supporters on a forgettable cricket tour, it was a time to say "I was there."

Jimmy handles everything with ease. He plays the game for his teammates and England, not for the milestones. For 700, it was a fairly quiet celebration, according to Stokes.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:51:14 +0530 Press Time
BCCI Introduces Test Cricket Incentive Scheme to Promote Red&Ball Format In an effort to promote red-ball cricket, the BCCI announced a "Test cricket incentive scheme" on Saturday. This incentive will push the match fees up a notch or two after players who decline to play the extended format have already faced consequences.

Board President Roger Binny stated, "This initiative aligns with our vision of promoting Test cricket."

Players who appear in 50–75 percent of the Tests throughout a season are eligible to get Rs 30 lakh for each Test (in addition to Rs 15 lakh in match money). In addition to match payments, players who participate in more than 75% of Tests would be paid Rs 45 lakh each Test. In both categories, the non-playing members of the XI will receive Rs 15 lakh and Rs 22.5 lakh.

This will be on top of the yearly retainer.

The effort was praised by Rahul Dravid. "It's good that the BCCI acknowledges tests... He stated, "I believe it is a reward rather than an incentive." In addition, the head coach emphasized the need of "hearing the players" and demanded a "all-round review" of the condensed domestic schedule.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:49:13 +0530 Press Time
Ashwin's Masterclass Decimates England: India Clinch Series 4&1 With a loud yell, Kuldeep Yadav pounded his fists and burst into wild celebrations. Joe Root's wrist spinner lost control of his emotions as his heave fell into the long-on fielder's clutches.

In this series, he had been outstanding, his releases more swift and deadly. As befitted, he added the finishing touch during the spectacular occasion.

However, the festivities had begun well in advance of lunchtime. "Ashwin will get you if Bumrah doesn't; Kuldeep will get you if Jadeja doesn't.” All morning, the Barmy Army, positioned in the adjacent enclosure, had been drawn in by the boisterous chants of the spontaneous rhyme from the people gathered in the grand stand of the main pavilion.

The English trumpeter fell into line and began playing a Bollywood song, much to the joy of the crowd, as India turned their 3-1 lead into a 4-1 lead at the HPCA Stadium on Saturday, virtually at the stroke of tea on Day III.

The triumph in the first Test match in Hyderabad appears to be a long time ago. Since then, the visitors have declined and have not at all been motivating. Their massive caravan of travelling supporters found little incentive to sustain their enthusiasm as their team played bland cricket.

Ben Stokes' disgusted reaction when Ashwin got past his defense, showing that he was playing for a turn that wasn't there, accurately reflected England's predicament on this tour, with the last Test culminating in a defeat of an innings and 64 runs.

With seven scores of less than 15, an average of 7.6 in the second innings, and 199 runs in 10 innings, Stokes was a sitting duck against the spinners, particularly Ashwin, who has now removed him 13 times in his career.

With 259 needed to force India to bat once more, they had to exercise restraint and care, which helped the spinners. Ashwin, who was bowling with the new ball, broke the backbone of their batting with his 36th five-wicket haul, surpassing Anil Kumble, and disrupting their innings along with player of the match Kuldeep (2/40). In the game, the off-spinner had nine wickets for 128.

Ben Duckett's charge down the wicket in the second over was defended by Stokes as "trying to get the close-in fielders out" or "trying to put pressure back on Ashwin." However, such indiscretion against skilful spinners has shown to be suicidal.

Kuldeep proved to be the ideal counterbalance to Ashwin, who was brilliant and took three wickets in his opening eight overs before things went south. England relied on Stokes and Root to carry the match into a fourth day. However, Stokes, who was playing the spinners from inside the crease, was enticed to rush forward to a slider by Ashwin's flawless delivery.

Head coach Rahul Dravid stated, "It takes a special person to do what Ashwin has done, to play 100 Test matches." "Jad­eja and Ashwin are both unquestionable game legends—500 wickets in 100 Test matches, and sometimes he can't play abroad. We don't get wickets when we travel overseas that let us use more than one spinner.

Even Rohit Sharma was overjoyed. "Every bowler gave a response. With the ball in possession, they sought to change things," the skipper remarked.

Kuldeep was specifically mentioned by Dravid. To be honest, Kuldeep has had a difficult time. He's bowling during a period when legendary players are acting as spinners, according to Dravid. Since making his debut in red-ball cricket here in 2017, he hasn't played much of it. It's been so amazing to see him enter this series and perform like he has. Also, Kuldeep's bowling ability has practically pushed us to play him.

Ashwin is rewarded for his grasp of the game, his evaluation of each batter, and his meticulous planning of every series before it begins. And he's always searching for new tools to add to his arsenal—the sign of a true champion.

It makes sense that, with 26 scalps, he finished as the highest wicket-taker. The next best at 19 was Jasprit Bumrah, who took the lead because to Rohit's tight back. Though Kuldeep and Ravindra Jadeja also claimed 19 wickets, Ashwin was the one who completely destroyed Bazball. Knowing full well that he had done the most harm to Bazball's reputation, the off-spinner took the match ball and went off the field, pointing it in the direction of the Barmy Army.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:46:44 +0530 Press Time
Age is Just a Number: Defying Limits in Bollywood Although the adage "age is just a number" may be overdone, it has been showing up in new ways lately.

Hema Malini had discussed her career in politics in July of last year, revealing that she had approached it as a challenge. "I was forced into politics, rather than just jumping into it," she remarked. "My mother insisted that I run for office in Gurdaspur on behalf of Vinod Khannaji. I remarked, "What do I know about politics?" and expressed disinterest. However, mom persevered because she loved Atal Bihari Vajpayee so much, and she composed my first speech in Hindi for me.

Since she was little, the stage has been her companion. However, giving speeches was a change that developed organically with time. "You portray a character while acting, and you are given dialogue. You have to say something because you are Hema Malini now. It was demanding but not easy. She was hooked after that. "Because learning is so abundant. The other side of life is not shown in the film industry.

She started off serving in the Rajya Sabha for six years before serving two terms as a Lok Sabha MP from Mathura, a city she was familiar with from her days as a famous dancer and Krishna follower.

However, she had questioned last year whether Mathura would give her a third opportunity. "If my party asks me, I would love to stand for elections again," she said. However, shouldn't age be a constraint?

She had said, "It's unbelievable that I'm 75," out loud. I think and act like a person in their 30s or 40s. I also don't want to act like a 75-year-old, so I don't. (You can still watch this Hema Malini's Biggest Interview on YouTube.)

Her age proved to be meaningless when her name appeared on the BJP's initial list of contenders. Hema was jubilant. Not long after the announcement, she stated to me, "So they've given me a third time to serve the Brijwasis." "I'll do even better things this time around for Mathura because I'm so happy."

Ninety-year-old Vyjayanthimala, who received a Padma Vibhushan in January, was said to have performed at the Ayodhya shrine on March 1. Son Suchi, who resides with the actor-dancer in Chennai, verified, "It's true." Yesterday at Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, she performed abhinayam on Sitaram Shlokam. By God's grace, she is doing well. Not only is the timeless Vyjayanthimala always present, but up until a few years ago, she wouldn't even venture out without her golf equipment.

The Film Critics Guild will present a special award for Extraordinary Contribution to Cinema to 82-year-old music composer Usha Khanna during its sixth Critics' Choice Awards ceremony. She is the only female composer to date to have achieved commercial success with both Dil deke dekho (1959) by Shammi Kapoor and Asha Parekh and Chai pe bulaya hai (1983) by Rajesh Khanna and Tina Munim. She worked with Sonu Nigam, who has an exclusive deal with T-Series, to record two private tracks barely two weeks ago. Sonu Nigam made an exception for her. Sonu took care of the studio charges and didn't even ask for a penny from her. Usha Khanna recently recorded a song with Asha Bhosle, who is 90 years old. The words to Asha's song Dil cheez kya hai (from Umrao Jaan) now read "Age cheez kya hai?"

Lenovo tablets were given out at the check-in desk when Karan Johar flew a full complement of media representatives from Mumbai to Ahmedabad last week for the mid-air premiere of the trailer for his action movie Yodha, which is about a hijack and commando. Following takeoff, Karan's crew asked everyone to turn on their tablets, and he revealed the password as "1980." Suddenly, the trailer aired. Karan clarified that he selected it as the password because to the 1980 release of Dostana, his father's debut production. He went on, "But it had been in the making for three years." I couldn't help but remark, "I know, Karan," even though I was younger than Hema Malini, Vyjayanthimala, Asha Bhosle, and Usha Khanna. I was alive in 1980 as well.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:43:59 +0530 Press Time
Unforgettable Moments and Top Contenders from the Oscars Over the Past Decade TOP Actor

Those nominated:

Bradley Cooper, the conductor

Murphy Cillian (Oppenheimer)

Rustin Colman Domingo

The Holdovers' Paul Giamatti

American fiction author Jeffrey Wright

Cillian Murphy for Oppenheimer, according to t2oS

Why? Because this is his best act to date as a professional. Cillian Murphy not only gives a performance that checks all the best-of-the-best boxes, but he also goes above and beyond to make Robert J. Oppenheimer, the man credited with inventing the atomic bomb and then haunted by its fallout for the rest of his life, embodies everything that Christopher Nolan's epic yet intimate film stands for.

Awards received thus far: Screen Actors Guild Award, BAFTA, and Golden Globe

The Holdovers' Paul Giamatti is also a contender. In this Alexander Payne picture, Giamatti plays a Scrooge-like classics instructor. His acting is superb; the audience not only grows to adore Giamatti's grumpy character but also warms to him throughout the narrative. He is a serious contender because he is a Golden Globe and Critics' Choice Movie Award winner.


Those nominated:

Nyad, Annette Bening

Lily Gladstone (The Flower Moon Killers)

Huller, Sandra (Anatomy of a Fall)

Carey Mulligan, the conductor

Emma Stone - Dark Matter

Lily Gladstone for Killers of the Flower Moon is t2oS' choice.

 Why: Lily Gladstone is the (bleeding) heart and soul of Martin Scorsese's film on injustice and loss, making history as the first Native American to receive an Oscar nomination for Best Actress. She turns in a magnificent performance that steals every scene, leaving viewers with a haunting and unforgettable screen time. Who doesn't want to watch history being written, anyway?

Accomplished thus far: Screen Actors Guild Award and Golden Globe

Emma Stone, who starred in Poor Things, is also a contender. Stone is a formidable force in the most hotly contested Oscar category this year, playing the bold and untamed Bella in Yorgos Lanthimos' steampunk tribute to Frankenstein. Without a question, it's a rebellious act driven by both creativity and innocence.


Those nominated:

Zone of Interest's Jonathan Glazer

Poor Things by Yorgos Lanthimos

Nolan Christopher (Oppenheimer)

Martin Scorsese (The Flower Moon Killers)

Anatomy of a Fall by Justine Triet

Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer) is t2oS' choice.

Christopher Nolan on the sets Oppenheimer

Christopher Nolan on Oppenheimer's sets

Why: Oppenheimer is a towering and enormous effort in both storyline and size, not just a biographical sketch. Nolan skillfully combines dramatic thriller, biography, historical documentaries, and thriller elements to create a thrilling thriller that encapsulates a complicated and pivotal historical era. Oppenheimer is a wonderful place to start, and Nolan has never taken home the Best Director Oscar.

Awards received thus far: Critics Choice, Directors Guild of America, and Golden Globe

Martin Scorsese for Killers of the Flower Moon is also a contender. Even if it looks like Nolan has it all, the 81-year-old auteur Scorsese, who never stops surprising, could pull off an upset. And for good reason—Killers of the Flower Moon is one of the director's most powerful works to date, a melancholic examination of entitlement and colonization.


Those nominated:

Brown, Sterling K. (American Fiction)

Killers of the Flower Moon, starring Robert De Niro

Oppenheimer's Robert Downey Jr.

Barbie / Ryan Gosling

Mark Ruffalo, star of Bad Things

Robert Downey Jr. for Oppenheimer, according to t2oS

Why? Because he has experienced highs and lows, given some strong performances on cinema, and portrayed a superhero for more than ten years. Robert Downey Jr.'s mantle will be adorned with an Oscar, and he is almost certain to win his first one. As Lewis Strauss, Oppenheimer's main adversary, the actor displays his talent for portraying a sophisticated and nuanced antagonist. In a role where he is hardly recognizable, Downey Jr. shines by depending more on his acting prowess than on his gritty appeal.

Awards received thus far: Screen Actors Guild Award, BAFTA, and Golden Globe

Mark Ruffalo is also a contender for Poor Things. Only RDJ's Avengers friend is capable of pulling off an upset. Ruffalo plays a somewhat insane but incredibly hilarious "foppish, mustachioed scalawag," a part that has been colorfully described.


Those nominated:

Blunt, Emily (Oppenheimer)

The Color Purple's Danielle Brooks

Barbie, aka America Ferrera

Nyad's mother, Jodie Foster

Paul Giamatti in The Holdovers

Joy Randolph Da'Vine (The Holdovers)

Da'Vine Joy Randolph for The Holdovers is t2oS' choice.

Paul Giamatti from The Contingent
Paul Giamatti from The Contingent

Why? This is arguably the only area where there isn't much of a competition, and Da'Vine Joy Randolph is the favorite to win. As Mary Lamb, the head cook at a boarding school who is struggling with her son's death, Randolph is both amusing and tragic in The Holdovers. With a performance that combines toughness and sensitivity, Randolph plays the central character of the movie.

Awards received thus far: BAFTA, Golden Globe

America Ferrera is also a contender for Barbie. One of the most memorable scenes in Barbie is Gloria's statement on how it is hard to be a woman. For that reason alone, Ferrera, who plays Gloria, ought to win an Oscar. Will there be an Oscar for that?


Those nominated:

Fiction from America

The Structure of a Fall


The Remainders

Assassins of the Flower Moon




Former Lives

Bad Things

The Interest Zone

Choice of t2oS: Oppenheimer


Why: With an astounding 13 nominations, Nolan's epic saga has a good chance of winning the Best Picture Oscar. Much has been said about Oppenheimer's brilliance; it is a picture that is daringly shot, cleverly written, and able to hold viewers' interest even at its most talkative sequences. Its true success is that despite running over three hours, there's never a hint of boredom. After winning every major guild and industry award, it's the first film since Argo to enjoy a "perfect season." Nolan and Emma Thomas, his producing partner, will become the second married couple in Oscar history to win Best Picture if they win.

The following awards have been won thus far: Producers Guild of America, Golden Globes, Directors Guild Awards, Critics Choice Awards, and BAFTA.

The Screen Actors Guild Awards

Anatomy of a Fall is also a contender. Anatomy of a Fall has very little chance of winning, but if it does, it will be a victory for a clever and well-made courtroom thriller that explores the enigma of relationships and society's ingrained prejudices, with a powerful performance from Sandra Huller.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:41:26 +0530 Press Time
Unforgettable Moments from the Oscars Over the Past Decade It was 2014. While presenting the Oscars, Ellen DeGeneres stunned the world with a star-studded photo that featured Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Lupita Nyong'o, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as a couple back then. We look back at a few more Academy Awards ceremony moments from the last ten years that have influenced popular culture as that iconic photo marks the end of a decade.

Jennifer Lawrence slips on stairs in 2013

When Jennifer Lawrence was younger and heading to the stage after winning her first Oscar for best actress in 2013 for her outstanding performance in Silver Linings Playbook, she stumbled on the steps. JLaw recovered swiftly, grinned charmingly while clutching her prize, and stunned the crowd with a clever comment during her acceptance speech. Even more justification to adore this gifted actress.

2016: The #OscarsSoWhite dispute

When no actors of color received nominations for the 88th Academy Awards for the second year in a row, it caused criticism. The #OscarsSoWhite hashtag gained traction as fans and members of the industry voiced their displeasure with the nominees' lack of diversity. The Academy was awakened by this moment, which sparked conversations about diversity and representation in Hollywood.

2017: The Gatekeeper

Presenters for the Best Picture Oscar, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway, announced La La Land as the winner instead of Moonlight after receiving the incorrect envelope. The confusion that broke out on stage during the La La Land team's acceptance speech was unprecedented and left a lasting impression on the audience. The error was discovered midway through the ceremony. The Oscar history will always remember February 26, 2017, as the "Envelopegate" night.

2017: Kimmel's trip of Hollywood

Working with a Hollywood tour bus, Jimmy Kimmel created a memorable and viral moment during his first year hosting the Oscars. This unexpected event entailed ushering a party of tourists from Hollywood right into the 89th Academy Awards. Chicago native Gary Alan Coe was the first to arrive, and he and his fiancée gave hand kisses to a number of A-list celebrities as they entered the front row. Gary's fiancée's favorite, Denzel Washington, presided over a lighthearted marriage ceremony between the couple to complete the unforgettable trip.

Oscars 2019: The host is underwhelmed

Following Kevin Hart's resignation amid criticism over his prior homophobic remarks, the 2019 Oscars event was presented without a host for the first time in thirty years. The Hollywood actor and comedian apologized to the LGBTQ community on Twitter for his "insensitive words."

2019: Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga's spectacular stage performance

First-time filmmaker Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga, the star of his film, had a stunning entrance at the 91st Academy Awards ceremony. They walked hand in hand from the audience to the stage and gave an impassioned performance of their chart-topping song, Shallow. Their attempt to mimic the passionate love seen in the movie set off a social media craze that resulted in over 731 million views.

2020: A surprise performance by Eminem

Eminem made a surprise appearance at the 92nd Academy Awards, 18 years after he won an Oscar for the song "Lose Yourself" in 2003. Instant memes were created from the unexpected appearance and the audience's responses, which included those of Billie Eilish, Idina Menzel, and Martin Scorsese.

2021: The Slapgate of Will Smith

The wildest moment in Oscar history occurred when host and comedian Chris Rock was slapped by actor Will Smith on stage in reaction to a joke about his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. The audience was shocked by the incident, and the seriousness of the matter was highlighted by Smith's resignation from the Academy and 10-year ban from Oscar-related activities.

2023: Oscar goes to Naatu Naatu

On the 95th Academy Awards stage, India had its moment when RRR's Naatu Naatu was named Best Original Song, becoming the first-ever Indian song to win this coveted category. The prestigious trophy went to writer Chandrabose and composer MM Keeravani.

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Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:32:12 +0530 Press Time
BJP&BJD Alliance Talks Stalled Over Seat&Sharing Dispute in Odisha By Saturday night, the anticipated partnership between the BJP and the Biju Janata Dal had not materialized. According to BJD insiders, the saffron party was asking for an excessive number of seats, while a central BJP senior asserted that no seat negotiations had taken place at all.

Leaders of the state BJP, who are adamantly against forming an alliance with the BJD, seemed content with the increasing ambiguity. Since the collapse of their previous coalition in 2009 due to attacks on Christians in Kandhamal, a top leader of the BJP claimed that the BJD was the party's principal adversary in Odisha.

"We are the state's principal opposition party. For the past 15 years, we have been opposing the BJD from every platform available," he stated, pleading for anonymity.

"How are they going to be our allies? It will completely demolish our state's basis of support."

The BJP's election chief for Odisha, Vijaypal Singh Tomar, told reporters "there has been no discussion on an alliance" after arriving from Delhi on Saturday.

"On the matter, the central leadership has not communicated with us. In Odisha, where there will be simultaneous elections, we would run for every Assembly and Lok Sabha seat," he declared.

"We're going to take over 80 out of the 147 Assembly seats and establish a state government." Over 16 (of the 21) Lok Sabha seats will be won by us from the state."

Manmohan Samal, the president of the state BJP, denied discussing an alliance on Friday as well, following his return from Delhi.

According to BJD insiders, the BJP's demand for roughly 50 Assembly seats and 13 to 15 Lok Sabha seats, including Puri and Bhubaneswar, had proven to be a roadblock. However, seat talks had taken place at the highest level.

The BJD and the BJP shared seats in the previous alliance at a ratio of 4:3, with the ruling party of Odisha contesting 84 Assembly seats and 12 Lok Sabha seats, leaving 63 and 9 seats for the partner, respectively.

According to reports in this publication, the BJP is willing to accept fewer Assembly seats in exchange for more Lok Sabha seats from potential allies in an attempt to reach the 400 seats that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set for the NDA.

There was some dissatisfaction within the BJD, according to sources, about the suggestion of an alliance. They claimed that party leaders were having difficulty persuading the general public that their principal opponent of the last fifteen years ought to turn around and rejoin them.

Former minister and senior BJD politician Nrusingha Charan Sahu told reporters on Saturday that "talk of an alliance is in the state's interests."

"We desire positive interactions with the Center. But the chief minister will make the final decision, and his decisions will be followed. We are capable of winning over 110 seats in the Assembly on our own.

The majority of state leaders agree that the 1998 formation of the previous BJP-BJD coalition was driven by political necessity, since the two parties needed to work together to defeat the Congress.

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Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:25:08 +0530 Press Time
Varanasi's Iconic Riverfront Sinking Due to Groundwater Depletion: Study The distinctive geology that causes the Ganga to flow through the city and the constant depletion of groundwater are causing the land along Varanasi's famous riverbank to sink.

Researchers at the US universities of Banaras Hindu University and Chapman University have computed land subsidence rates along riverfronts that range from 2 to 8 millimeters per year by combining groundwater and rainfall observations with data from satellites.

Between February 2017 and August 2023, the Manikarnika ghat (near the Kashi Vishwanath temple), the Harishchandra ghat, and the Ravidas ghat showed cumulative subsidence levels ranging from 2 cm to 2.5 cm, according to their study. There was 3 to 5 cm of subsidence at the Chousatti, Prahlag, and Samne ghats.

"Our results emphasize the necessity for methodical assessments of subsidence throughout the ghats," Ashwani Raju, the BHU assistant professor of geology who oversaw the investigation, stated to The Telegraph. The results of Raju's research have been published in the peer-reviewed journal Science of the Total Environment.

The experts have demanded that subsidence rates be considered in future plans for groundwater use and water management in Varanasi, a city that has steadily lost groundwater due to population increase, fast urbanization, and intensive farming on adjacent farmland.

Using information from the government and state groundwater boards as well as data from a US satellite from 2003 to 2023, Raju and his primary partner Ramesh Singh of Chapman University evaluated changes in groundwater levels. Additionally, they tracked ground displacements from 2017 to 2023 using information from a European satellite.

One of the oldest cities in the world to still be inhabited is Varanasi. Discoveries from archaeological digs have shown that its earliest settlements date to 1200 BC.

Also, since the sixth century AD, the city's riverfront has become a popular destination for pilgrims.

Over the past ten years, numerous studies have shown extensive groundwater depletion over huge areas of land, ranging from the Indo-Gangetic plains to the foothills of the Himalayas.

Sand, silt, and clay strata alternately rest atop one another in the Indo-Gangetic plains, with an average depth of 4.9 km above ancient bedrock.

Because groundwater is trapped in sand layers, its depletion hinders groundwater replenishment by causing irreversible deformation of the clay layers. Land subsidence is the end result of these processes.

Land subsidence has been connected to groundwater depletion at numerous locations across the globe, including Indo-Gangetic plain towns like Chandigarh, Delhi, and Lucknow. With rates of up to 30 cm annually, Mexico City and Tehran have the highest rates of sinking.

However, the way the Ganga water travels along the geological fault that runs through Varanasi exacerbates the effect of groundwater depletion along the riverbank and ghats.

The erosion of the ghat parts along the riverbank is caused by high water velocity along the meandering ghats, according to Raju. The city of Varanasi is experiencing a shortage of groundwater. However, the river's impacts amplify sinking along the ghats. The alterations or undulations on the stairways of some of the ghats are indicative of these effects.

Mitali Sinha, Saurabh Singh, Abhinav Patel, and Praveen Kanojia from the BHU were the other collaborators.

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Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:21:41 +0530 Press Time
Rahul Gandhi Targets Modi's 'Gujarat Model' at Bharuch Rally, Emphasizes Social Justice and Economic Equality Rahul Gandhi declared on Saturday that the underprivileged and impoverished segments of society would ultimately topple Narendra Modi's "Gujarat model," which involved deceiving the populace to enable corporate looting that had spread throughout the nation.

During his Nyay Yatra, Rahul addressed a group in Bharuch and asked, "Have you seen how a jeb-katra (pickpocket) works? One diverts your focus, while the other embezzles your funds. The prime minister's role is to deflect attention, and Adani comes up from behind to steal your money. Amit Shah has a lathi handy to make sure no one causes any trouble. The Gujarat model is that.

The Election Commission forbade Rahul from using phrases like "jeb-katra" a few days ago since he had previously used them to justify the corporate loot. However, as the audience erupted in laughter, the former president of Congress employed the "jeb-katra" metaphor once more. "Yehi to hai model Gujarati. Indeed, Yahan shuru hua tha, desh mein faila diya inhone. Isko roka jayega toe yahin jayega. Is rokega? Gareeb, Kisan, Dalit, Adivasi, pichhde rokenge — aaplog rokoge. Oh my goodness, how foolish you are! (They began this here and disseminated it throughout the nation). Thus, this needs to end right now. Who is going to put an end to it? Backwards will, farmers, Dalits, tribal people, and the impoverished. And you hear me out—this needs to end).

Rahul went into detail about how, in addition to plunging into the water and piloting a seaplane, Modi diverted people's attention by bringing up unrelated topics, slamming dishes, and flashing the flashlight on his cellphone. He maintained that the development that is taking place today is "Vikas," or development intended for a very tiny population, and that the true problems are social justice, unemployment, prices, rising economic disparity, and subversive schemes like Agniveer.

"We have seen 70 years after Independence," he declared. Let's take a social X-ray now to determine the exact nature of the ailment. Remember that the caste census will provide us with facts, both social and financial, and only then will India's real politics begin. Today, over 90% of the population, which is made up of OBCs, Dalits, Adivasis, and minorities, is underrepresented in business, bureaucracy, private hospitals, colleges, and universities. Not a single member of the Dalit, tribal, OBC, or minority group appears on the list of top contractors in Gujarat.

The Congress discussed a basic income guarantee in 2019, but Rahul was the only one who concentrated on promoting the idea. Rahul has decided to focus on the caste census at every gathering and engagement in an effort to disseminate the word far and wide this time. Even though he discussed it during the most recent Assembly polls, the concept did not pique people's interest. However, Nyay Yatra altered the conversation, making even representatives discuss it.

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Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:19:00 +0530 Press Time
Election Commissioner Resigns: Election Commission of India Left with Sole Member Ahead of Lok Sabha Polls Before the Lok Sabha elections, chief election commissioner Rajiv Kumar would be the only person in charge of the Election Commission of India following the resignation of Arun Goel.

The President had approved Goel's resignation, according to a gazette notice on Saturday night.

The commission is required to have three members, but as of right now, Kumar is the only one remaining after election commissioner Anup Chandra Pandey retired in February and the government failed to appoint a replacement.

Goel did not answer this newspaper's calls or messages. His resignation's cause has not been made public. During the poll panel's Tuesday visit to Calcutta, he did not attend a news conference. A commission representative stated that this was because of poor health.

Election commissioners will no longer be chosen only on the cabinet's suggestion, as per a new law.

The decision will be made by a search committee followed by a selection committee in a two-step procedure.

The Prime Minister and one of his cabinet colleagues make up the other two members of the selection committee, giving the Centre the advantage even though the leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha is on it. The search committee, which is directed by the Union law minister, has not yet disclosed if it has nominated any individuals, according to the Narendra Modi administration.

"This (Goel's resignation) is a great surprise and a matter of concern as the elections are due within a couple of weeks," former chief election commissioner S.Y. Quraishi told The Telegraph.

"India now has only ONE Election Commissioner, even though Lok Sabha elections are to be announced in a few days," tweeted Mallikarjun Kharge, the head of the Congress. Why not?

"Our democracy will be usurped by dictatorship if we do not halt the systematic destruction of our independent institutions," he continued. Now, ECI will be among the final establishments guaranteed by the Constitution.

Only two Lok Sabha elections, in 1999 and 2009, were held by two-member panels since the commission's formation as a three-member body in the early 1990s. This was due to commissioners resigning after the polls were announced. A commission with its entire membership presided over each of the other general elections.

When Goel voluntarily retired in 2022 to join the EC, he was the secretary of the Union for Heavy Industries. The Association for Democratic Reforms, a poll watchdog, filed a challenge with the Supreme Court opposing his appointment, casting doubt on it. Nonetheless, the plea was rejected.

Goel is the second election commissioner to resign in the last five years. In 2020, Ashok Lavasa resigned to accept a post to the Asian Development Bank, which was suggested by the Center. A year earlier, he had objected to a poll panel's decision to absolve Modi of any responsibility for violating the poll code in his statements during the previous Lok Sabha campaign.

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Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:16:43 +0530 Press Time
CPM Resurgence in Sandeshkhali: Reclaiming Political Turf Amid Trinamul Unrest It was said that the CPM had avoided Sandeshkhali for more than ten years due to the threat posed by Sheikh Shahjahan and his supporters.

The CPM is currently attempting to make up ground lost by reopening party offices, holding modest rallies, and establishing booth committees ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, helped by the arrest of the Trinamul strongman.

They forbade us from engaging in political activity in the area for ten years. Our decision to go back there has been strengthened by the people's rebellion. Our followers are gradually emerging; many of them had been subjected to atrocities and lost their farms at the hands of Trinamul goons. Nirapada Sardar, the final CPM MLA to represent Sandeshkhali, told The Telegraph on Saturday, "With their support, we opened our Korakati party office in Sandeshkhali block-II that Trinamul had locked 12 years ago."

From 1977 till 2016, the CPM represented Sandeshkhali, the ground for the Tebhaga agitation headed by the Communist party and which secured the rights of sharecroppers, continuously in the Assembly.

The CPM's winning run came to an end in 2016 as Sukumar Mahata of Trinamul defeated Sardar. But even prior to it, the CPM has been institutionally outmatched in this area since the 2013 panchayat elections. It did not field a candidate in the area for the rural votes in 2023.

Local CPM activist Pradipta Sarkar claimed that "despite Sandeshkhali having a CPM MLA until 2016, the ruling party unleashed terror in the run-up to the 2013 panchayat elections forcing our party supporters and sympathisers to shun political programmes and refrain from contesting rural polls."

Since 2013, the region's CPM cardholder population has sharply decreased. However, in the aftermath of the Sandeshkhali protests against the purported atrocities of local Trinamul officials, which began on February 7, things have been gradually shifting for the CPM.

Sandeshkhali made national headlines last month when villagers, especially women, took to the streets to demand the arrest of Trinamul officials Shahjahan, Shib Prasad Hazra, and Uttam Sardar. They accused them of extortion, land grabbing, and physical and sexual abuse. In the lead-up to the Lok Sabha elections, even Prime Minister Narendra Modi has gone all out to undermine the ruling party in Bengal.

Recognizing the BJP's significant advance in Tebhaga, the CPM is exerting its influence by holding small rallies in Sandeshkhali areas, such as Bermajur, Jeliakhali, Dhamakhali, Khulna, Manipur, and Durgamandap; reactivating supporters; and setting up street-corner meetings in public spaces.

The BJP is attempting to crush the populace's democratic resistance to Trinamul's intimidation by engaging in a risky communal game. To raise public awareness of the BJP's cunning plan to use religion to undermine the democratic struggle of the rural poor, we have decided to host a rally in Sandeshkhali on Monday," stated Sardar.

To get people back together, village parleys are being organized by grassroots CPM leaders.

"There is still fear of Trinamul. A number of low-level Trinamul leaders who have been the subject of complaints are out and about, posing a threat to our followers. Our current goal is to establish booth committees and raise the party flag in each booth located throughout Sandeshkhali, stated Pradipta, who is also a local school teacher.

Still, locals such as farmer Subir Sarkar of Bermajur felt the Left would face significant challenges.

I had received several land plots from the government of the Left Front. Shahjahan and his henchmen have taken most of my land plots. Although I feel sorry for the CPM, I am too afraid to publicly express my support. "The dangers are genuine," stated Sarkar.

Trinamul denied the CPM's allegations.

"Those close to Sandeshkhali do not support the CPM. There is no foundation for the party. Partha Bhowmick, a minister, stated that this is the reason CPM leaders are accusing Trinamul of threats.

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Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:14:25 +0530 Press Time
BJP Emphasizes Development with Inauguration of Infrastructural Projects in North Bengal As Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a number of infrastructure projects in north Bengal on Saturday, the BJP attempted to use the development card to win over voters in the region.

Today (Saturday), we officially opened projects in north Bengal valued at Rs 4,500 crore. At a government event hosted on Kawakhali Ground in Siliguri, Modi stated, "We have increased the speed of trains traveling through this region over the past ten years, and in the next five years, connectivity in north Bengal will reach a height."

Previously, the railways budgeted for a total expenditure of almost Rs 4,000 crore. We've raised it to fourteen thousand crores. According to Modi, the NH27, which is passing through north Bengal, will increase travel and other economic activity.

Several electrification initiatives were started by the prime minister on 438.77 km of railway tracks in north Bengal and the neighboring state of Bihar.

Eklakhi-Balurghat, Barsoi-Radhikapur, Raninagar-Jalpaiguri-Haldibari, Siliguri-Aluabari via Bagdogra, and Siliguri-Sevoke-Alipurduar Junction were among the portions that were electrified.

According to a Northeast Frontier Railway official, "he also flagged off a new passenger train between Siliguri and Radhikapur (in North Dinajpur)."

Modi also officially opened the new Islampur Bypass and the Ghoshpukur-Dhupguri stretch of NH27, which links Gujarat and Assam, in addition to the railways.

Political analysts noted that in order to win support, the BJP plans to emphasize the infrastructure projects it has completed in north Bengal. This is due to the fact that, despite promises, members of other communities, such as the Rajbanshis and Gorkhas, are unhappy that the Center has not complied with their previous demands.

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Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:12:07 +0530 Press Time
Former Judge's Political Debut: Greeting Modi Sparks Controversy at Siliguri Rally Wearing a saffron kurta, the former judge leaned forward and clasped Prime Minister Narendra Modi's outstretched palm firmly with both hands.

At Modi's Siliguri rally on Saturday, Abhijit Gangopadhyay made his first appearance at the speaker's platform during a political event, but what really caught people's attention was how the former high court judge opted to meet the Prime Minister just four days after leaving the judiciary.

Modi came thirty minutes late, thus Gangopadhyay, who had to speak at the rally in the prime minister's absence, was seated behind Modi. Modi held out his hand to Gangopadhyay as soon as he saw him. The former judge got up from his seat and bowed slightly to meet the PM.

Prior to taking off for Siliguri on Saturday morning, Gangopadhyay called for the establishment of President's rule in Bengal.

He added of his meeting with the Prime Minister, "I sought Modiji's blessings."

Just two days into his political career, Gangopadhyay claimed to have received a certificate of courage from Modi and expressed his delight at the BJP's embrace of him.

Trinamul, Bengal's ruling party, which had been Gangopadhyay's ardent opponent since the day his rulings on the purported teacher recruitment scandal embarrassed the Mamata Banerjee administration, picked up the photo showing him bending to greet the prime minister.

Derek O' Brien, a Rajya MP, posted the picture with the caption, "GODSE LOVERS UNITE."

Gangopadhyay's first statement as a BJP leader was essentially an extension of what he had been saying ever before he decided to step down as a judge at the Calcutta High Court and fly the party banner, even if the photo stole the show in Siliguri.

"This (Trinamul) is a criminal organization. The minister of education is behind bars. The minister of food is behind bars. Gangopadhyay declared, pressing people "not to cast a single vote to Trinamul," saying, "They have taken away people's basic rights — food, housing, and clothing."

Trinamul spokesperson Kunal Ghosh commented on Gangopadhyay's remarks at the Siliguri rally, saying, "We always said he (Gangopadhyay) was biased as a judge, and now it is amply clear."

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Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:10:00 +0530 Press Time
Modi Reaches Out to Gorkha Population in North Bengal, Makes Promises Ahead of Lok Sabha Polls Reaching out to the Gorkha community in north Bengal on Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the BJP was "very close" to fulfilling their "longstanding demand".

In an effort to garner support for his party in the area, Modi concurrently made a number of announcements for the small tea growers ahead of the Lok Sabha elections.

The Assemblies of the Gorkha brothers and sisters must be met with peace and amity, the BJP has vowed. People had never imagined that we would destroy Article 370, but we have created Ram Mandir. The Gorkhas' demands have always been respected by our party, and we will work to fulfill their goals. Let me say that we are extremely near to fulfilling their long-standing demand," Modi declared on Saturday afternoon during a public meeting in this city.

"The BJP has a detailed plan for the advancement of North Bengal. We want the three Ts of the region to prosper: tea, timber, and tourism," he continued.

The statement from the prime minister coincides with concerns being expressed throughout the hills on the timing of the BJP's response to their request for a long-term political solution (PPS). Since the BJP's vow that PPS would be fulfilled, hill inhabitants have voted for the party in significant numbers since the 2009 Lok Sabha elections. Several political figures, including BJP leaders, have questioned when this promise would be fulfilled.

"It is clear that the prime minister made an effort to appease irate people in the hills, who have repeatedly brought up the two main issues—PPS and Scheduled Tribe status—to eleven different hill communities. As the sole Lok Sabha seat in Bengal that the party has won three times since 2009, it appears like the Prime Minister and his party don't want to lose it, a political expert said.

In light of recent election results, the Bharatiya Gorkha Prajatantrik Morcha (BGPM), the largest political organization in the hills, was eager to point out that the Prime Minister had just reiterated his pledge in front of the 2024 elections.

The Prime Minister's comments support our earlier claims that the BJP has done little to assist the Gorkhas over the previous 15 years. Now that the Lok Sabha elections are almost here, he reiterated the pledge. However, the people living in the hills would not accept it this time, according to Rajesh Chouhan, the deputy chief of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration and leader of the BGPM central committee.

In the hills, Trinamul is cooperating with the BGPM, led by Anit Thapa, as an ally.

During the gathering that included tea workers, Modi reiterated his title of "chaiwala (tea seller)."

This area is home to about 40,000 tiny tea growers. We are providing them with the advantages of central programs such as the PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana, the PM Fasal Bima Yojana (crop insurance), and the Kisan credit card. They will benefit greatly from it, Modi asserted.

According to people in the industry, almost seven lakh people are either directly or indirectly involved in it.

A tiny Siliguri-based tea planter stated, "The announcements will definitely impact those who make a livelihood from the sector, and their families."

The Confederation of Small Tea Growers' Associations head, Bijoygopal Chakraborty, praised the announcements.

The prime minister's announcement that growers will profit from these government programs is encouraging. We had desired that," he remarked.

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Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:07:13 +0530 Press Time
TMC Gears Up for Massive Election Rally in Kolkata's Brigade Parade Ground The TMC will hold a massive gathering at Kolkata's Brigade Parade Ground on Sunday to reveal its list of candidates for the next Lok Sabha elections.

The party's supremo Mamata Banerjee is anticipated to set the tone for the impending elections at the gathering, where the party will launch its electoral campaign.

"All India Trinamul Congress chairperson Mamata Banerjee will announce the party's candidates for the 42 parliamentary constituencies in West Bengal," according to a statement issued by the TMC.

The party announced that this is the first time it will release its list of candidates following a large-scale public gathering at Brigade Parade Ground in Kolkata.

Thousands of admirers and a large number of block-level leaders were observed assembling early in the morning from various districts to hear their leader, who they lovingly refer to as "Didi."

The massive gathering, dubbed "Jana Garjan Sabha," would include three stages, including a cross ramp, and two primary speakers: Banerjee and Abhishek Banerjee, the national general secretary of the TMC.

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Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:04:26 +0530 Press Time
What are the potential weight loss benefits of adding curd to your diet? Incorporating mass of coagulation, as known or named at another time or place yogurt, into your diet can offer a range of potential benefits for pressure loss and overall well-being. Curd is a buttery commodity that is to say created by fermenting milk accompanying advantageous microorganisms, developing in a buttery and tangy amount namely rich in fibers. While it's main to note that curd unique isn't a appearance answer for pressure misfortune, its digestive characterization and miscellaneous elements can contribute to a more healthful behavior that supports your pressure administration aims.

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One of the key benefits of curd is allure extreme protein content. Protein is an essential mineral that plays a important role in feeding and helps to curb hungriness. Including protein-rich foodstuff like flesh of plant in your food can help you feel full for more protracted periods, conceivably lowering requirement to overeat or lunch on sick alternatives middle from two points food. This satiety effect can enhance a decrease in overall calorie consumption, that is a fundamental facet of weight deficit.

Curd is again a good beginning of probiotics, that are advantageous bacteria that support gut well-being. A active gut is progressively being acknowledged as integral to miscellaneous facets of welfare, containing pressure management. A equalized gut microbiome can influence digesting, vitamin assimilation, and even metabolism. By advancing a different and successful society of gut microorganisms, curd grant permission obliquely influence upgraded digestion and better mineral exercise, conceivably supporting in pressure loss exertions.

Additionally, blockage is rich in calcium and source of nourishment D, two together of which are essential for claiming cartilage strength. While the direct link betwixt these fibers and weight misfortune power not be as apparent, they do imitate in overall well-being. A physique that is to say functioning optimally is better outfitted to undertake tangible activities that support burden deficit, to a degree exercise and claiming an active behavior.

When combining blockage into your diet for pressure misfortune, it's important to select plain and pungent sorts. Flavored yogurts frequently come with additional sugars that can negate the potential benefits. You can embellish the taste of plain sour by increasing fresh products, crazy, or a spray of sweetheart if desired.

It's value noticing that while mass of coagulation maybe a valuable adding to a weight misfortune diet, tenable pressure administration requires a inclusive approach that contains a equalized diet, balanced entertainment, adequate sleep, and stress administration. Consulting accompanying a recorded dietitian or healthcare professional can help you forge a personalized plan that joins accompanying your burden deficit aims and overall health needs.

In conclusion, including animal into your diet can determine you accompanying protein, probiotics, and essential nutrients that support pressure deficit and overall happiness. By containing flesh of plant as part of a equalized and healthful behavior, you can harness allure potential benefits to enhance your burden administration journey.

Tue, 05 Mar 2024 10:11:28 +0530 Press Time
Which butterfly species is known for its long lifespan and why? The Monarch butterfly, or Danaus plexippus, is well-known for having a longer life span than many other species of butterflies. Its long life is mostly noted in that particular generation that sets out on an incredible migratory trek that takes them thousands of miles from North America to overwintering grounds in Mexico or California.

The Monarchs display an amazing trait known as reproductive diapause throughout this breathtaking migration. Reproduction is delayed until they return to their breeding sites in the spring due to this physiological state. The longer longevity of this migratory generation is mostly due to this delay in reproductive activity.

These Monarchs can live for several months because they can preserve energy and lessen the strain on their bodies by forgoing the energy-intensive activities involved in mating and laying eggs. Generally speaking, butterflies only live a few weeks to a few months, however because of their focused energy preservation and delayed reproduction, migrating monarchs live much longer.

A key component of the monarchs' survival strategy is the choice to postpone reproduction. During their long and difficult migration, which takes them across several climates and landscapes, these butterflies put more emphasis on preserving their strength than on mating and laying eggs.

When it comes to butterflies, the migratory monarchs' longer lifespan is remarkable. It is a unique adaptation that allows them to endure the hard temperatures and rigors of their migration voyage that allows them to survive for several months throughout the migration period, in contrast to future generations that emphasize reproduction.

Overall, the migratory behavior and reproductive diapause that distinguishes monarchs from many other butterfly species enable this particular generation to live noticeably longer. Their extraordinary longevity is a result of their outstanding adaptation and survival tactics in the face of harsh climatic circumstances and extended migrations.

Sun, 07 Jan 2024 11:57:06 +0530 Press Time
Sutapa Sikdar Gratefully Acknowledges Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi's Impact on Irrfan Khan's Career The famous Indian TV series "Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi" has garnered appreciation from Sutapa Sikdar, the wife of renowned actor Irrfan Khan, for its unintentional role in catapulting her husband to international fame. She considered how important a role the show had in influencing their professional choices and life choices.

Sutapa Sikdar said in a recent interview how their lives might have turned out differently if Irrfan hadn't turned down the opportunity to star in "Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi." She stated that had Irrfan taken the role, they may have pursued his acting career instead of becoming producers, which ultimately propelled him to global fame.

Sutapa spoke warmly of Irrfan Khan's choice to decline the television part that was provided by Ekta Kapoor's legendary show, pointing out that they went in a different direction, which encouraged Irrfan to pursue his acting love more broadly.

Sutapa Sikdar also thanked the show and its creators, pointing out that their choice allowed Irrfan to pursue other acting opportunities around the world and become a well-known actor who has been recognized for his outstanding performances in critically acclaimed films and television series.

Irrfan Khan achieved extraordinary success in both Bollywood and Hollywood thanks to his adaptable acting abilities and unwavering commitment to his craft. His stellar roles in movies such as "The Lunchbox," "Life of Pi," and "The Namesake," among others, cemented his stature as one of the world's most talented actors.

The acknowledgement made by Sutapa Sikdar serves as a reminder of the various ways in which seemingly insignificant choices may mold lives, resulting in unexpected outcomes and ultimate success in the entertainment sector.

Irrfan Khan's contributions to the world of cinema are still honored and treasured long after his tragic passing, and his legacy inspires future actors and endures in the hearts of fans everywhere.

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Sun, 07 Jan 2024 11:54:46 +0530 Press Time
Oscars Entry Snub: 'Super Deluxe' Omitted Amid Political Controversy Unexpectedly, after being rejected as India's official Oscar entry, the critically praised Tamil film "Super Deluxe" became the subject of a contentious discussion. There were accusations of political meddling in the selection process as the decision caused controversy among the film community.

'Super Deluxe,' directed by Thiagarajan Kumararaja,' won a lot of praise from critics for its daring narrative, complex script, and outstanding acting. The film gained a devoted following and international acclaim thanks to its unique storyline and social insight.

Super Deluxe, however, was noticeably missing from the list of films submitted by India for the Oscars' International Feature Film category. Fans, detractors, and industry insiders were all abuzz with conjecture and unhappiness about this absence.

Many in the film industry reacted shock and dismay at the Academy's rejection, arguing that "Super Deluxe" was a worthy contender because of its artistic value and widespread appeal. Notwithstanding the film's critical praise, allegations arose that suggested political influences and biases affected the selecting process.

The film "Super Deluxe" received a lot of appreciation for its complex plot, subtle storytelling, and powerful performances by Samantha Akkineni, Vijay Sethupathi, and other actors. There were concerns regarding the impartiality and openness of the selection process when the film was not included in India's Oscar nomination.

The film industry is still split; some call for a reconsideration of the choice made in favor of "Super Deluxe," while others emphasize the necessity for a more open and impartial process for choosing India's submissions for major international festivals like the Oscars.

Many people are eagerly awaiting more developments in this ongoing story as the controversy surrounding "Super Deluxe" and its exclusion from India's official Oscars entry has rekindled discussions about the difficulties and possible biases in the nation's selection process for international film competitions.

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Sun, 07 Jan 2024 11:51:27 +0530 Press Time
Aamir Khan's Daughter's Wedding Celebration and Bollywood Insights: Controversies and Box Office Dynamics Aamir Khan, the actor and filmmaker, started off the first event of the year. His father is just as meticulous as his son. All the people he has been in contact with over the years have received invitations to his daughter Ira's wedding celebration. The families are in Udaipur for three days of ceremonies and celebrations following a legally recognized marriage in Mumbai. Despite what the Net said, there would be receptions in Delhi and Jaipur; nonetheless, the chic Jio World Centre in Mumbai has been selected to host the event on January 13. Aamir's younger son Azaad attends Mukesh and Nita's school, hence the two have a long-standing personal relationship. Therefore, when he throws the celebration at an Ambani property, it feels like a family gathering.

Radical voices, however, have attempted to taint the joyous occasion with their typical unpleasantness. Concerns about Ira's first ceremony being a civil marriage originated from Aamir's group, but he was not spared by the opposite side either. On social media, they boasted that a Khan girl had wed a Hindu Shikhare, branding him a "Islamist." "A person who believes strongly in Islam, especially one who believes that Islam should influence political systems," is how the Cambridge Dictionary defines an Islamist. Not a moniker one would affix to Aamir, who chose to wed Kiran Rao in a civil ceremony and file for divorce through the civil courts.

Fortunately, Aamir is too experienced to allow either of the voices influence his choices or his level of enjoyment.

But religion follows him nonetheless. His son Junaid's acting debut, which is rumored to have been postponed for religious reasons, will occupy him once more. It was planned by producer Aditya Chopra to launch Maharaj on Netflix following the Lok Sabha elections. Because it is based on the true account of a Gujarati godman who was exposed by writer Karsandas Mulji for having sex with his followers, there is concern that the topic may cause offence. The godman and the journalist were from the same community, and anyone who is interested in learning more about the 1862 Maharaj Libel Case can do so, but there are rumors that YRF was afraid to take a chance on a Khan portraying a journalist who exposes a Hindu godman. A disproportionate and baseless fear? Perhaps. However, it does exist with the slogan "wait till the elections are over" for many producers of religiously themed films and television programs.

Another 2023 rollover line that has gained traction is "What's the genuine collection?" following the questionable Brahmastra and Pathaan box office results. It's possible that Karan, Adi, and SRK deserve the credit for drawing the distinction between inflated and authentic collections. The latter group includes Gadar2 and Animal, two blockbusters that attracted actual ticket-buying audiences while being successful for different reasons. Therefore, it appeared unfair that when SRK and his Red Chillies originally went overboard by presenting upbeat collections, clumsy Dunki—written witlessly—had to calm down. For SRK, the year that started off so wild didn't end off so memorable.

It wasn't just about the numbers. Another argument was sparked by the success of Vidhu Vinod Chopra's 12th Fail, which recorded the best return on investment for 2023, along with Raju Hirani's lackluster Dunki. It was assumed that Hirani was unfailing and Chopra was a spent force ever since Munna Bhai MBBS introduced Raju, the modest man of few words, while the louder, boasting Vidhu's directing attempts, like Broken Horses and Shikara, flopped terribly. However, with Vidhu producing all of Raju's hit movies up until Sanju and the two of them splitting up for Dunki alone, there is a little voice that questions if Chopra was truly creatively involved in Hirani's success. Perhaps an umbilical chord is intended to be kept forever.

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Sun, 07 Jan 2024 11:44:21 +0530 Press Time
Controversy Surrounds Shaheen Afridi's Rest Decision Amid Pakistan's Defeat to Australia The Pakistan team's director, Mohammad Hafeez, disclosed that, in contrast to the popular perception that the team management had decided to rest the left-arm bowler, Shaheen Shah Afridi had approached him with a request to take a vacation from the third and final Test against Australia in Sydney.

Australia won the series 3-0 after defeating Pakistan at the SCG on Saturday by eight wickets.

"We didn't want his body to be adversely affected, so we decided to rest Shaheen and manage his workload," Hafeez stated following the third Test match against Australia.

The cricket fraternity in Pakistan was taken aback by the decision to rest Afridi for the final Test.

Great Pakistani fast bowlers Waqar Younis and Wasim Akram also chastised the team management for choosing to rest Afridi for the Test match.

Following the uproar on the opening day of the Sydney Test, Afridi informed the host broadcasters that the team management and support personnel believed he need to take a break from the game.

But according to Hafeez, Afridi deserved a rest because he has been carrying a heavy duty since his injury return last year.

We thought it would be ideal if we could control his workload and give him a break. Unaware of past incidents, Hafeez stated, "I wanted to make sure that no bowler's career was ruined because their workload was not being managed at this time."

The former all-rounder further stated that Afridi's selection as Pakistan's captain for the five-match Twenty20 International series in New Zealand, which begins on January 12, had nothing to do with his rest from the Sydney Test.

Shaheen was determined to play T20 cricket, therefore he didn't sleep. He was obviously feeling a little sore. It didn't sit well with him that his body would react the way it should.

I have a responsibility as the team director to make sure that no player enters a zone where they could get hurt," Hafeez stated.

Hafeez also hinted that, in the event that it becomes necessary, top batsman Babar Azam would also be rested.

Even though Babar is going through a lean phase, we have complete faith in his potential to perform. He can, however, be granted a respite if necessary. Hafeez continued, "But we will talk to him to find out what he wants."

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Sun, 07 Jan 2024 11:41:27 +0530 Press Time
India Women Eye Series Victory Against Australia Women in Second T20I After dominating the opening game, India Women will try to complete the three-match series on Sunday when they play Australia Women in the second Twenty20 International.

After suffering a crushing 0-3 loss in the ODIs, India Women fired up their batting in the opening Twenty20 international match, defeating Australia for the first time ever by nine wickets.

Titas Sadhu, a young seamen, had an amazing trip, taking 4/17. The 19-year-old claimed that she had benefited much from the guidance of the renowned Jhulan Goswami.

When we spoke for the first time, Jhulandi advised me to "quit thinking about everything else and just bowl quickly." Because you have to bowl quickly if you're a fast bowler, and I believe that has been crucial, Titas remarked.

Once more, Titas will need to be crucial in order to prevent a potent Australian batting lineup.

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Sun, 07 Jan 2024 11:38:21 +0530 Press Time
Rashid Khan's Return to Afghanistan Squad Amidst Recovery and Rest Speculations Rashid Khan is expected to be rested from the series but has rejoined the Afghanistan team for the next three Twenty20 Internationals, which start in Mohali on January 11.

The brilliant leg-spinner had had lower back surgery in the UK in November, having returned from Afghanistan's ODI World Cup campaign. He did not participate in the Big Bash League with Adelaide Strikers this season, nor did he travel to the United Arab Emirates with the national squad recently.

The full recovery from a lower-back injury takes some time, therefore Rashid's chances of returning to the field quickly have been slightly reduced. Ibrahim Zadran, who had captained Afghanistan in the matches against the UAE, would continue as captain for the India T20Is despite Rashid being part of the 19-man roster.

The fact that Rashid is Afghanistan's regular T20I captain suggests that he won't be starting in the starting eleven.

"Rashid was also in the UAE, observing the matches from the grandstands. During the UAE tour, he was one of Afghanistan's four reserves.

Therefore, it seems unlikely that he would make the starting XI for this India tour as well. Perhaps he will play in one of the three games, but only if he gets back to full training, a source from the Afghanistan Cricket Board told The Telegraph on Saturday.

"Now that he is the team's regular captain in Twenty20 Internationals and Afghanistan has a short window of games remaining before the T20 World Cup (which starts in June), Rashid wants to see how the players are developing."

After three Twenty20 Internationals (T20Is) against Sri Lanka, Afghanistan will play as many ODIs starting on January 23. The insider went on to say Rashid might miss that series as well.

He might also forego the SA20 for MI Cape Town. He might decide to hold off until the start of the Indian Premier League in March, which would aid in his T20 World Cup preparation.The Gujarat Titans have decided to keep Rashid around.

Mujeeb Ur Rahman, an off-spinner, has also returned to the team after being left out of the UAE T20I squad.

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Sun, 07 Jan 2024 11:35:48 +0530 Press Time
Ranji Trophy Updates: Bengal Dominates Andhra, Pujara Shines for Saurashtra On the second day of their Ranji Trophy Elite Group B encounter against Andhra at the Dr. Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy ACA VDCA Cricket Stadium in Visakhapatnam, Bengal remained strong.

At the end of Day II, Bengal had taken three wickets off the opponents after an impressive 409 in the first innings.

Mohammad Kaif, Pradipta Pramanik, and Akash Deep all claimed wickets as Andhra reached 119/3 at the end of the first innings on Saturday. As a result, the host team was still 290 runs short of Bengal's first innings total.

Bengal lost night watchman Kaif early in the day, and they started the day with an overnight score of 289/4.

But captain Manoj Tiwary (32) and Abishek Porel (70) held their ground and added some crucial runs to the total. Abishek teamed up with Ka­ran Lal (19) to assist the team surpass the 350-run threshold following Manoj's departure.

With the help of keeper-battler Abishek, Bengal also crossed the 400-mark. The last individual to be sacked was Abishek.

Lalith Mohan (4/134) was the best bowler for Andhra.

In response, Andhra got off to a great start thanks to DB Prashanth Kumar (41) and CR Gnaneshwar (33). However, the bowlers from Bengal hit three times to hold onto the leash.

Brief scores: Lalith Mohan 4/134; Bengal 409 (Sourav Paul 96, Anustup Majumdar 125, Abishek Porel 70). Andhra 119/3 (Kumar Prasanth 41). Day II at stumps.

Ton Pujara

In the Group A encounter between Saurashtra and Jharkhand in Rajkot, the reigning champions achieved 406/4 thanks to an unbeaten century from Cheteshwar Pujara, who was benched for the two-Test series against South Africa.

As Pujara batted with 157, the stumps were drawn.

On the first day of play, Saurashtra had easily defeated Jharkhand for a pitiful 142.

Pujara consumed 239 deliveries for his undefeated innings that featured 19 boundaries, finding the gaps and sometimes punishing the loose deliveries.

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Sun, 07 Jan 2024 11:33:07 +0530 Press Time
David Warner's Farewell Test: Australia Sweeps Series as Warner Bids Adieu with Grace The mysterious David Warner admits that he hasn't been "everyone's cup of tea," but if he could go back and start over, he would have been more reserved.

Warner led Australia to an eight-wicket victory against Pakistan on Saturday, completing a 3-0 series sweep, and walked into the Test sunset, capping off an incredible career in the most fitting way.

Despite not being his usual aggressive self, the 37-year-old managed a 75-ball score of 57 at his home ground of Sydney Cricket Ground in his final conventional format performance.

Warner said to Fox Cricket, "I haven't been everyone's cup of tea over the years, but for me, I've played the game as hard as I can and trying to do my best for the team."

"I probably would show myself a little bit more patience and bite my tongue a little bit more if I had my time again and I knew that."

Particularly in the early stages of his career, Warner was perceived as an aggressive and occasionally even vicious player willing to engage in verbal sparring as well as sledging with other players.

He was the main character in the notorious ball-tampering incident that occurred in South Africa in 2018; as a result, he was banned from Australian team leadership for life and served a one-year suspension from first-class cricket.

Many people, in my opinion, never get to see, meet, or get to know the person. I was that happy little guy out there from the beginning," Warner remarked.

"Going out there and getting under the skin of the opposition and the batter was my job on the team, and yeah, it did help me a little bit because they came after me when I batted.

"However, they witnessed it in the beginning, and I believe that you only get one chance to make a first impression, so I've worked to win back their faith and trust."

Warner claimed he was able to alter his strategy in his later years of playing premier league cricket, blaming it on a self-imposed alcohol prohibition.

He remarked, "I really enjoyed the two and a half years that I abstained from drinking and spent being called the Reverend."

"I believe that people desired the return of the old bull, but for me, it meant playing with pride and ardor; there are alternative approaches." That is the true me, and I have toned it down a great deal.

"The game has changed a lot, in my opinion, and you play against a lot of different individuals. There are alternative ways to be chirpy and pushy without having to go out there.”

A unique Australian gift for their "mate"

Sydney: Australia defeated Pakistan by eight wickets on Saturday to win the series 3-0, despite David Warner being deprived of the opportunity to score the game-winning runs in his farewell Test. Warner still managed to contribute 57 runs to the goal of 130.

In an attempt to snap a 16-match losing streak in Australia dating back to 1995, Pakistan amassed 47 runs during the course of the night before being dismissed for 115 one hour before midday.

At the boundary rope, Warner hugged his opening partner and childhood friend Usman Khawaja. The visitors gave Warner a guard of honor as he approached the crease.

In the first over, Warner played like a man on a mission, cutting the ball through the covers in his usual way for his first four runs, while Khawaja went leg before for a duck.

With a single to square leg, he reached his 37th Test half-century, and Australia headed to lunch on 91/1, 39 runs short of their target, with the victory all but assured.

Warner hit seven boundaries in his 75-ball innings before Australia was just 11 runs away from victory when spinner Sajid Khan trapped him in front. At his home pitch, more than 24,000 spectators stood for a standing ovation as Warner exited the field.

For me, it meant everything. Regarding the applause, Warner remarked, "I've sacrificed a lot to be in this position and I've given absolutely everything to play this game."

Over my career, there have been many ups and downs for me. I had to endure hardship and come back. I believe I did that really, really nicely. Today, I believe, has simply demonstrated to me how supportive I am, and I am quite appreciative of that.

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Sun, 07 Jan 2024 11:30:01 +0530 Press Time
Cooch Behar's BJP MLA Faces Locals' Ire Over Suspended 100&Day Work Program Funding On Saturday, a BJP MLA in Cooch Behar had to deal with irate locals over the Center's decision to halt funding for the 100-day work program.

Sitalkuchi BJP MLA Baren Chandra Barman charged Trinamul of planning the demonstrations and holding him captive for an hour. Leaders of the Trinamul movement refuted the accusation, claiming that scheme beneficiaries were demonstrating spontaneously.

Barman had visited BJP party worker Samir Roy, whose mother had passed away on Friday, at Bairagihat, a panchayat in the Mathabhanga-I block. Subsequently, the MLA proceeded to Sabitri Barman's Ashokbari home, where she was conducting a meeting with local leaders, when a group of irate citizens arrived and began yelling slogans, accusing the Narendra Modi government at the Center of having suspended funding for MGNREGS.

Many of us participated in the job scheme but were not paid. We have no work. A protester added, "The MLA did not show initiative, and since the elections in 2021, he has not made many visits to our neighborhood.

Barman attempted to appease them, but the demonstrators remained unmoving. They permitted him to go after one hour.

The MLA proceeded to the Mathabhanga police station and reported "harassment by Trinamul supporters" to the police over the phone.

Local Trinamul leaders refuted the accusation, claiming that the BJP MLA and the "central apathy" were at blame for the locals' ire.

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Sun, 07 Jan 2024 11:22:25 +0530 Press Time
Road Blockage Sparks Controversy: Bengal BJP President's Meeting in Jalpaiguri Draws Criticism The Bengal BJP president, Sukanta Majumdar, blocked a major road for more than an hour on Saturday in order to hold a public meeting in Jalpaiguri.

Trinamul called the meeting illegal and said Majumdar had provoked the locals of Jalpaiguri with this kind of action.

BJP leaders, led by Majumdar, staged a rally on Saturday afternoon from a Netajipara club ground. Through the town's center, on DBC Road, the rally arrived at the district BJP office.

Workers from the BJP erected a temporary dais on the road at around 4 p.m. Traffic was stopped as Majumdar, MP Jayanta Roy, district BJP president Bapi Goswami, and other individuals stood on the dais and gave statements.

Hundreds of people diverted at rush hour in the evening.

Majumdar attacked the "corruption" of Trinamul in a harsh tone.

"Several (Trinamul) leaders are involved in corruption in north Bengal, including Jalpaiguri. They are on par with Sandeshkhali's Sheikh Shahjahan. We own their dossiers," he declared.

An hour later, the meeting was over. The dais was moved, and traffic restarted after another twenty minutes.

"How can a political party's state president close a route and convene a conference without the police's consent? It's against the law. According to Mahua Gope, the head of Trinamul district, "their idea was to provoke people who were puzzled at the sudden closure of the road." "BJP politicians would have yelled at the top of their lungs, criticizing Jappaiguri's law and order if there had been any unrest. It's fortunate that locals avoided falling for this ruse."

Leaders of Trinamul also questioned why the police permitted the meeting without authorization. In his speech, Majumdar had expressed gratitude to the cops.

Senior police declined to comment further. An officer stated, "We had personnel posted in appropriate locations to maintain law and order."

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Sun, 07 Jan 2024 11:17:11 +0530 Press Time
Tensions Rise in Cooch Behar as BJP MLA Faces Local Ire Over Suspended Funding On Saturday, a BJP MLA in Cooch Behar had to deal with irate locals over the Center's decision to halt funding for the 100-day work program.

Sitalkuchi BJP MLA Baren Chandra Barman charged Trinamul of planning the demonstrations and holding him captive for an hour. Leaders of the Trinamul movement refuted the accusation, claiming that scheme beneficiaries were demonstrating spontaneously.

Barman had visited BJP party worker Samir Roy, whose mother had passed away on Friday, at Bairagihat, a panchayat in the Mathabhanga-I block. Subsequently, the MLA proceeded to Sabitri Barman's Ashokbari home, where she was conducting a meeting with local leaders, when a group of irate citizens arrived and began yelling slogans, accusing the Narendra Modi government at the Center of having suspended funding for MGNREGS.

Many of us participated in the job scheme but were not paid. We have no work. A protester added, "The MLA did not show initiative, and since the elections in 2021, he has not made many visits to our neighborhood.

Barman attempted to appease them, but the demonstrators remained unmoving. They permitted him to go after one hour.

The MLA proceeded to the Mathabhanga police station and reported "harassment by Trinamul supporters" to the police over the phone.

Local Trinamul leaders refuted the accusation, claiming that the BJP MLA and the "central apathy" were at blame for the locals' ire.

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Sun, 07 Jan 2024 11:14:02 +0530 Press Time
Nitish Kumar's Key Address at Jyoti Basu Symposium amid Opposition's Unified Front Endeavo Later this month, Bihar Chief Minister and prominent INDIA bloc leader Nitish Kumar is expected in Calcutta to deliver a speech at a national symposium honoring CPM patriarch Jyoti Basu's death anniversary.

The Opposition's coordinated effort to mount a united front in the Lok Sabha elections against "the BJP's attempt to undermine the Constitution and destroy democratic institutions" makes Nitish's planned visit all the more significant.

According to JDU sources who spoke with The Telegraph on Saturday, Nitish accepted an invitation from the Jyoti Basu Centre for Social Studies and Research to speak at a symposium commemorating the CPM patriarch's 15th anniversary of passing away and at a ceremony to lay the foundation stone for the institute's new building in New Town.

A top JDU leader called from Bihar and said, "Nitish-ji will be in Calcutta on January 17 to speak at the national symposium on Jyoti Basu at the invitation of the CPM."

Md Salim, the CPM Bengal unit secretary, confirmed to The Telegraph on Saturday that Nitish had indeed been asked by the CPM to speak at the symposium on January 17.

Yes, the Bihar chief minister has been invited to speak at the national seminar on January 17. However, the specifics of the event will be revealed following the Brigade rally on Sunday. We've invited him by email, and we're waiting on his response," Salim stated.

Banerjee Mamata.
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When asked if Nitish's contribution to bringing the partners in the INDIA bloc together had an influence on the decision, Salim responded, "Jyoti Basu was previously India's longest-serving chief minister, and Nitish has a long tenure as CM. In addition, he supports socialism.

"Challenges before secular, democratic Republic: Jyoti Basu's role and our duty" is the likely topic for Nitish's address, notwithstanding Salim's assertion that the symposium had nothing to do with the Lok Sabha polls and everything to do with Basu.

The invitation matters to allies who oppose the BJP. Nitish had expressed his anger with INDIA for not considering his suggestions during a JDU meeting. JDU officials claimed that Nitish was irritated by the "disarray" among important INDIA actors in developing a cohesive plan against the BJP. Perceiving his discontent, the Congress allegedly proposed Nitish as the coalition convener, a notion that was well accepted by the alliance's other members.

When Nitish travels to Calcutta, JDU sources were unable to clarify whether he will meet important Indian leader Mamata Banerjee, his counterpart from Bengal.

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Sun, 07 Jan 2024 11:09:49 +0530 Press Time
Title: "Turbulence in Sandeshkhali: Aftermath of Mob Attack on ED Officials Shakes Trinamul Stronghold Large portions of the Trinamul strongman's village Sarberia and nearby Dhamakhali appeared deserted on Saturday, twenty-four hours after the mob attack on Enforcement Directorate officials during a raid in connection with the PDS scam on Sheikh Shahjahan's residence at Sandeshkhali in North 24-Parganas.

Since Friday morning, there appears to have been an unofficial "bandh" in the area, with markets and stores remaining mostly shuttered and police patrols manning flashpoints and empty roadways.

To find those suspected of being involved in the violence on Friday, police teams raided a number of locations. Still, the majority of men in Dhamakhali and Sarberia had left their houses.

Trinamul opted to keep a quiet profile on Saturday. In Shahjahan's stronghold, the party did not formally protest.

Some laborers from brick kilns, who were close allies of Shahjahan and known to be Trinamul supporters, staged a protest against the ED raid near Sarberia Market, accusing it of being a “BJP conspiracy” to bring their leader to justice. Some party members threatened to organize a protest if Shahjahan's homes were once again targeted by central authorities for entry.

"The public thought that the ED team may plant money and documents at Shahjahan's house to implicate him, thus Friday's demonstration was unplanned. We merely attempted to stop the ED team from trying to break into his house," an employee from Trinamul stated.

On Saturday, the four residential properties belonging to Shahjahan and his family in Akunjipara, Sarberia, were discovered to be locked from the outside.

According to a nearby source, "we saw no movement in the vicinity except for police vans at regular intervals."

A few of Shahjahan's close aides forbade media from approaching the residences.

The majority of the local Trinamul leaders had fled. Those who could be located declined to discuss the violence on Friday or the individuals responsible. One of them remarked, "We are awaiting Bhai's (Shahjahan) instructions."

Numerous Trinamul leaders and supporters who were known to be connected to Shahjahan had their cell phones turned off.

Senior Trinamul politician Mithu Sardar, a Karmadhakshya of Sandeshkhali-I panchayat samiti, stated: "Those who love Shahjahan spontaneously staged Friday's protest." There was no official directive to stage a protest.

Furthermore, she would not acknowledge that Trinamul had issued a "bandh call" the day following the violence on Friday or that it had anything to do with the village and its environs being abandoned.

"At this time, our party has not planned any protests; we have denounced the ED's scheme. In the upcoming days, voters will respond appropriately to the BJP during the elections. Their attempt to link Shahjahan to the incident would fail, she warned.

However, Sarberian retailers asserted that they "were told" to close their doors for a minimum of twelve hours on Saturday.

A vendor in the Sarberia market remarked, "Everything here is controlled by one person, Shahjahan. We were instructed to keep our stores closed, and we have to comply."

Everyone "fears one person in Sandeshkhali, who has the blessings of our chief minister," according to local BJP leader Krishnendu Mukherjee.

"He is the leader of a group of thugs that murdered three members of our party prior to the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Their remains remained unfound. Police eventually removed Shahjahan's name off the chargesheet despite though he was named as an accused in the FIR, according to Mukherjee.

Local CPM politician Biswajit Bose essentially repeated Mukherjee's remarks when he stated, "Under Shahjahan, who has the chief minister's blessings, Sandeshkhali has become a haven of criminals."

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Sun, 07 Jan 2024 11:04:44 +0530 Press Time
Bumrah and Siraj's Bowling Heroics Shape India's Comeback in South Africa Test Series Jasprit Bumrah would much rather work in silence than be the center of attention. To the extent that he chose to downplay the praise bestowed upon him by the Player of the Match on Thursday when he accompanied Mohammed Siraj at the prize giving ceremony at Newlands as an interpreter.

If Siraj's career-best 6/15 on the opening day had South Africa out for 55, Bumrah's 6/61 in the second innings had turned the tables on them, allowing India to tie the series.

The part where Siraj gave him the praise was omitted by Bumrah, who instead put all the credit for his teammate's performance on the junior pacer.

"Jassi, hamesha, jo woh start karte hain toh woh message milta hai ki kya wicket pe konsi line aur length better hai. This message is really constant, yet it's not very clear at all... "Well, if you work hard, you will succeed (Bumrah), and if you don't, you won't be as successful," Siraj remarked.

However, Bumrah lacked humility. Because of our shared experience, he understands the message a little earlier when we play together. In order to communicate to the bowling circuit that this is the wicket and this is what we want to do, we try to analyze the wicket a little faster. Thus, that occasionally assists him," Bumrah translated apologetically.

The Indian pace attack was heavily criticized for their performance in the Centurion Test before arriving in Cape Town. After the back surgery, was Bumrah still the same bowler? Could Siraj cover the gap created by Mohammed Shami's injury-related absence?

It was beginning to feel like a different kind of pressure. They weren't sure how the Cape Town wicket would play and were concerned about India's dismal history there.

The think-tank continued to support youthful Prasidh Krishna, but Mukesh Kumar took the role of a tired Shardul Thakur. It was an assessment of both the depth of the attack and each man's particular prowess on unfamiliar territory.

In the first session, Siraj batted South Africa through a nine-over stint while maintaining his composure and accuracy. They had focused on bowling an off-stump line and worked on lengthening their stroke.

Pitch characteristics in South Africa combine lateral movement and bounce in a special way. Batters scrambled for cover as Bumrah and Siraj bowled hard lengths.

It was difficult since the team had to overcome the psychological fallout from losing the final six wickets in the first innings for nothing. However, Bumrah and Siraj got off to an adventurous start, displaying the same control and aggressiveness.

Mukesh gave the squad enough assistance on the other end with well-timed strikes that were advantageous.

No matter the circumstances, the trio can destroy any squad once Shami is back. Their greatest asset has been that, and the national selectors will have to keep an eye on the workload. India needs them to be ready for the Border-Gavaskar Trophy in Australia at the end of the year.

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Sat, 06 Jan 2024 12:11:11 +0530 Press Time
Australia&Pakistan Test: Aamer Jamal's Brilliance, Warner's Baggy Green Return Shape Third Test's Dynamics Pakistan over Australia seized a narrow first-innings lead on Friday thanks to the fast bowling of Aamer Jamal, who claimed six wickets. However, the home team's bowlers recovered the advantage in the third Test.

Before Day 3's end, the Australians claimed seven wickets in the session, leaving Pakistan with the chance to lose another Test match in Australia.

Australia trailed Pakistan by 14 runs after losing their final four first-inning wickets for 10 runs, all because to Aamer. Australia finished at 299 all out.

Australia went behind in a home Test match before the second innings for the first time since December 2020.

Then, though, the bowlers from Australia took control. Pakistan was reduced to 68/7 at stumps, an overall lead of 82, as Josh Hazlewood claimed four wickets and Mitchell Starc, Nathan Lyon, and Travis Head each claimed one in the innings. The last time Pakistan won a Test match in Australia was at the SCG in 1995.

The afternoon belonged to the bowling assaults, following the batsmen' nearly complete dominance in the early going.

With stats of 6/69, Aamer achieved his second six-wicket haul in just three Test matches. In a three-Test series, he has taken the most wickets (18) of any new Pakistani bowler.

Aamer said to Fox Cricket, a local broadcaster, "I'm over the moon now."

Warner returns with his scruffy green.

Sydney: Australia opener David Warner's famous headgear was found at the team hotel here, fulfilling his passionate plea for the return of his missing baggy green cap for his last Test.

After the second Test against Pakistan, the rucksack vanished on the trip from Melbourne to Warner's hometown, and the 37-year-old had to wear a replacement on the field on the first day of the third Test.

Day III of the match began on Friday, when Warner, playing his 112th Test, posted on Instagram, saying, "I am very pleased and relieved that I have got my baggy back in my hands." "Any cricket player understands the significance of their cap, and I will treasure this for the rest of my life."

"I'm really appreciative of everyone who helped find it; it's been a weight off my shoulders for the past few days."

On the morning of their Test debut, Australian international players receive the baggy green cap—typically from a former player—and wear it with pride, despite the fact that it will eventually fall off throughout their career.

The opener, who scored 34 in Australia's opening innings, will likely get another opportunity to bat in the coming days at his home stadium.

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Sat, 06 Jan 2024 12:07:57 +0530 Press Time
India Set to Clash with Pakistan in Highly Anticipated Men's T20 World Cup Fixture In the most anticipated match of the 2024 men's T20 World Cup, India will play Pakistan on June 9 at Eisenhower Park in New York, as per the schedule that was released on Friday.

India's four group matches are scheduled to take place in Florida and New York, respectively. India has been placed in Group A alongside Ireland, Canada, and the United States of America.

The US and the West Indies are co-hosting the event, and it is set to start on June 1 in Dallas with a match between the USA and Canada.

On June 29, there will be a final in Barbados. June 26 in Guyana and June 27 in Trinidad are the dates of the semi-finals.

The 55 games will be spread across three US locations (Eisenhower Park, New York; Lauderhill, Florida; and Grand Prairie, Texas) and six West Indies locations (Kensington Oval, Barbados; Brian Lara Cricket Academy, Trinidad; Providence Stadium, Guyana; Sir Vivian Richards Stadium, Antigua; Darren Sammy Cricket Ground, St Lucia; Arnos Vale Stadium, St Vincent).

Group B and C will play their games in the West Indies, whereas Group A's teams will base themselves only in the US throughout the group stage. The only teams playing in both the US and the West Indies are those in Group D.

There will be four groups of five teams each from the twenty teams. In the Super 8 phase, where the teams are split into two groups of four each, the top two teams from each group move on.

June 1–18 is the group stage, and June 19–24 is the Super 8 round in the West Indies. Thereafter, the top two teams from each Super 8 group advance to the semifinals.

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Sat, 06 Jan 2024 12:04:54 +0530 Press Time
India Secures Convincing Victory Over Australia in Women's T20 International Opener In the opening women's Twenty20 International, India defeated Australia by nine wickets to grab a 1-0 lead in the three-match series here on Friday.

The hosts easily defeated the Australians, bowling them out for 141 in 19.2 overs thanks to pacer Titas Sadhu, who claimed four wickets. They then managed to chase down the goal in 17.4 overs.

With a 49, Phoebe Litchfield led the visitors in scoring.

Shafali Verma (64 not out from 44 balls) and Smriti Mandhana (54 off 52 balls), who opened for India, put up excellent efforts, scoring 137 runs in just 15.2 overs.

Earlier, India Women defeated Australia thanks to bowling averages of 4/17 from Titas, 2/24 from Deepti Sharma, and 2/19 from Shreyanka Patil.

While Ellyse Perry (37), and Litchfield (34) spearheaded the Australian comeback with a 79-run partnership for the fifth wicket, Sadhu stunned the country with a three-wicket opening burst.

But Australia was bowled out in 19.2 overs after losing wickets in bunches on either side of the fifth wicket stand.

In her opening Powerplay period, Titas came back 3-0-8-3, accounting for Beth Mooney (17), Tahlia McGrath (0), and Ashleigh Gardner (0).

The right-arm bowler, 19, who is from Chinsurah in Bengal, came back for her 18th over of the innings and was successful in taking out Annabel Sutherland (12) for her fourth wicket of the evening.

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Sat, 06 Jan 2024 12:01:23 +0530 Press Time
Bengal Dominates Ranji Trophy Opener Against Andhra with Majumdar's Century and Paul's Debut Brilliance On the first day of their opening Ranji Trophy Elite Group B match against Andhra in Visakhapatnam on Friday, Bengal reached a commanding score of 289/4 at stumps thanks to a brilliant 125 from Anustup Majumdar and a remarkable debut from Sourav Paul (96).

Anustup smashed 15 fours and two sixes en route to his heroic 139-ball knock, while Sourav hammered 10 boundaries in his 232-ball innings.

Captain Manoj Tiwary (15) and Mohammad Kaif (0) were still unblemished at the end of the day's play.

Sourav and Shreyansh Ghosh (11), who chose to bat earlier, gave the squad a good start. Following their eight-over loss against Shreyansh, Sourav and Sudip Kumar Gharami (18) appeared to be in a comfortable place.

However, Gharami's tenure in the middle was short-lived as the gifted right-hander was removed from the lineup at 62/2 after Hanuma Vihari caught him off A Lalith Mohan.

Bengal needed someone to provide the youthful opener with support while Sourav held fort at one end, and once again, the seasoned Anustup came to the rescue.

At the other end, the 39-year-old veteran batter gave young Sourav all of his support and guidance while producing one of his best knocks of his career. Bengal passed 250 runs and were in a commanding position as the pair put up a much-needed 189 runs for the third wicket.

Sourav was unfortunate to lose out on a century. In the last moments of the day, Anustup also left after being dismissed, with stumps being called in the 86th over.

Lalith Mohan was the best bowler for Andhra, with 2/91.

In 86 overs, Bengal defeated Andhra 289 for 4 (Sourav Paul 96, Anustup Majumdar 125, Lalith Mohan 2/91).

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Sat, 06 Jan 2024 11:57:29 +0530 Press Time
Mel Gibson Directs Suspense Thriller "Flight Risk" Starring Mark Wahlberg, Topher Grace, and Michelle Dockery Hollywood actor Mel Gibson is directing the suspense thriller "Flight Risk," which stars actors Topher Grace and Michelle Dockery.

Mark Wahlberg is slated to play a pilot who is taking a dangerous criminal (Grace) to stand trial in the Lionsgate film.

Tensions rise and trust is put to the test as they traverse the Alaskan tundra since not everyone on board is who they seem to be.

The movie is based on Jared Rosenberg's 2020 Black List script.

The producers include Bruce Davey's Icon Productions, Davis Entertainment, and Gibson, according to American news source Deadline.

"Flight Risk" marks Wahlberg and Gibson's first acting-directing joint project. They both starred in the biographical drama "Father Stu" lately.

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Sat, 06 Jan 2024 11:53:02 +0530 Press Time
Gerard Butler Set to Reprise Role in Live&Action 'How to Train Your Dragon' Adaptation According to US entertainment publication Deadline, actor Gerard Butler will be reprising his role in Universal Pictures' live-action version of the animated film series How to Train Your Dragon.

Mason Thames and Nico Parker will co-star with Butler in the live-action version of the well-liked animated film series. Released on June 13, 2025, the picture will be written, directed, and produced by Dean DeBlois.

How to Train Your Dragon centers on Hiccup, a young Viking who disobeys the laws of his community and makes friends with a dragon by the name of Toothless. Together, the two begin to bring dragons and Vikings together.

In the forthcoming film, Butler portrays Hiccup's father, Stoick. A resolute Viking commander attempting to raise his son alone, Stoick shows great affection for his son and finally experiences a change in how he views dragons.

Along with Adam Siegel, Marc Platt will produce the live-action How to Train Your Dragon version under his own label. The movie will be overseen by VP Production Lexi Barta for Universal Pictures.

In addition to the forthcoming live-action version, Butler will be seen in the Den of Thieves sequel, which is expected to be released in theaters later this year.

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Sat, 06 Jan 2024 11:49:31 +0530 Press Time
Shruti Haasan: Reflections on 'Salaar,' Diverse Roles, and Empowering Women in Cinema With the success of her big-budget movie "Salaar," in which she costarred with Prabhas, Shruti Haasan is enjoying an artistically rewarding year that showcases her range of skills. She discusses her experiences in the industry and the fallout from the movie's release in a t2 interview.

Haasan expressed confidence in "Salaar's" success, pointing to the buzz around Prabhas' and director Prashanth Neel's work. Throughout the filming, she sensed that the picture will be well received, and she is ecstatic about its success. She particularly values the positive reaction to her character and the multilingual dubbing.

When Haasan thought back on his time spent working with Prashanth Neel, he appreciated his collaborative style, leadership, lack of ego, and ability to communicate clearly so that actors could easily grasp his vision.

For Haasan, playing Aadya in "Salaar" had more emotional than physical obstacles. Because the job required her to play a fierce yet dependent woman—a character she hadn't explored before—and because it contrasted dramatically with her personality, she found the role interesting.

Speaking about her casting decisions, Haasan said that she was rarely chosen for roles that closely matched her personality rather than ones that were chosen based on her own persona. She mentioned how she prefers unusual, contemporary parts that showcase a range of cultural backgrounds.

Professionally, Haasan thanked everyone for an amazing year, expressing her excitement for her next parts in movies like "Dacoit," where she will star opposite Adivi Sesh, and "The Eye," her first English-language film. She emphasized her prior accomplishments and times of professional validation.

Speaking about her Hollywood debut, Haasan emphasized the female-driven story and the teamwork amongst the women behind the movie, calling the experience amazing and unforgettable. She values belonging to this kind of sisterhood and thinks that creative female collaboration is powerful.

Haasan talked about the changing prospects for women in Indian cinema while pointing out the long history of female-led narratives in Indian culture. She acknowledged actors like Nayanthara and Vidya Balan as heroes in this genre and emphasized the necessity to make female-led movies like "Barbie" commercially viable in India. She also noted the recent success of these kinds of movies.

About her music career, Haasan said she was excited to continue making hits and fusing her love of singing and acting. She spoke on the creative freedom she has in music as opposed to the limitations placed on her by the roles she plays in movies.

Overall, Haasan's interview emphasized her professional achievements, difficulties, and goals. She also expressed her passion for various roles in music and film and her support for the progression of women-led storylines in the business.

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Sat, 06 Jan 2024 11:45:51 +0530 Press Time
Tragic Plane Crash Claims the Lives of Indiana Jones Actress Christian Klepser and Daughters Social media was used by Royal Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force to confirm the death of Indiana Jones actress Christian Klepser and her two daughters on Thursday in a plane crash off the coast of a Caribbean island.

The 51-year-old actor, better known to his fans as Christian Oliver, was traveling with his daughters, Madita (10) and Annik (12), when Robert Sachs piloted a single-engine aircraft that crashed into the water sometime around midday close to the Caribbean island of Bequia.

After being removed from the aircraft, their bodies were taken to the mortuary at St. Vincent's Kingstown, where post-mortem tests are scheduled to be performed in order to determine the cause of death.

About 12:11 p.m., the aircraft took off from the J.F. Mitchell Airport in Paget Farm with St. Lucia as its final destination. The aircraft encountered problems shortly after takeoff and crashed into the sea, according to a post on the RSVG Police Force's official Facebook page.

The matter is currently being looked into further.

Filmmaker Nick Lyon, who oversaw Klesper in the movie Forever Hold Your Peace, posted a remembrance of the late actor on Instagram on Friday. We've worked on five movies together. This is the last day of filming for me and @christianoliverofficial, who produced this one," he wrote. We had been discussing making a movie together for a long time and now we actually did! The film director from Los Angeles wrote, "Thank you for being a great colleague, actor, and friend @christianoliverofficial."

Bai Ling, Klepser's co-star in Forever Hold Your Peace, also wrote a tribute. "Dear Christian Oliver @christianoliverofficial, I can't even begin to describe how sad I felt when our direct Nick called me a short while ago to tell me that the plane he was taking had crashed, killing the pilot and his two lovely daughters! in the Carribean. "He was on vacation," she wrote.

Ling wrote, "We were supposed to have one day pick up shot tomorrow..," expressing her shock at the news.We shot our first and last movie together, and I cried so hard because I loved working with him so much. Fortunately, you can watch our film, #foreverholdyourpeace.

US actor Klepser, who was born in Germany, made his acting debut in 1994 on the television series Saved by the Bell: The New Class, appearing in 26 episodes. He made appearances with Hollywood celebrities like George Clooney, Tom Cruise, and Cate Blanchett between 2006 and 2008. His most recent credits include providing voice acting for the video games Medal of Honor (2020) and Call of Duty (2017).

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Sat, 06 Jan 2024 11:24:34 +0530 Press Time
'What elusive social behavior do ducks exhibit that distinguishes them mysteriously from other waterfowl species?' During migration, when we think of ducks, we frequently picture these graceful waterfowl skimming across ponds or creating V-shaped formations. Still, ducks are unique among the waterfowl because of their intriguing and little-known social behaviors, which go beyond their picturesque appearance.

Beyond Mating Social Interactions:

Ducks are not just mammalers; they also engage in sophisticated social interactions outside the ring. Although the spectacular nature of mating behaviors frequently draws attention, duck social dynamics go well beyond the mating season. They tend to form complex social hierarchies and groups, which is one intriguing feature.

Ducks behave more communally than many other birds, which tend to be strictly territorial. Individuals gather in clusters, frequently creating loose affiliations with differing levels of social organization. These can be modest, close-knit families or more expansive flocks made up of several families.

Ducks create social hierarchies in these groups according to size, dominance, and occasionally even personal preferences. Resources like food and favored nesting locations are influenced by this hierarchy. Remarkably, dominance isn't just based on strength; it's influenced by a variety of nuanced behavioral cues.

Beyond Just Quacks in Communication

Ducks have complex social behavior that includes a variety of communication styles. Despite being known for their classic "quack," these waterfowl have a wide range of vocalizations that have various functions. Every sound, whether it be a gentle whistle or a raspy call, has a distinct meaning that has to do with protection, wooing, or preserving social harmony.

Ducks also read body language quite well. They convey intentions and feelings within their social group using a variety of visual cues, including head movements, tail wagging, and feather displays. These tiny gestures reveal complex social dynamics that can be understood by observing them.

Family Units That Cohere:

Ducks' strong emphasis on family ties is another fascinating feature of their social behavior. Ducklings learn vital survival skills from their mother and develop an instant bond with her after hatching. As a result, the mother duck exhibits exceptional parenting skills by carefully tending to and safeguarding her offspring.

Interestingly, other female ducks in the social group may also help raise the young, even though the mother has a major role to play. This group effort exemplifies a collective strategy for raising the future generation.

It enhances our admiration of these amazing birds of flight to comprehend these lesser-known social aspects of ducks. They provide a window into a fascinating world beyond their picturesque existence on placid waters with their complex social structures, subtle communication, and emphasis on familial bonds. The intricacy and diversity of these amazing waterfowl's lives are highlighted by investigating these unusual habits.

Sat, 06 Jan 2024 11:11:16 +0530 Press Time
Box Office Blues: Dunki and Salaar See Steep Drop on Third Friday The weekend did not start well for Shah Rukh Khan's Dunki and Prabhas' Salaar, as both films saw a sharp decline in their box office receipts on their third Fridays following their premieres.

According to trade reports, Dunki, starring Rajkumar Hirani, made its lowest earnings in India with Rs 1,65 crore on its 16th day in theaters, while Salaar's collection fell to Rs 3.30-3.50 crore nett on its third Friday.

The Prashanth Neel-directed Salaar, which also stars Prithviraj Sukumaran, has a different performance from its easygoing run in the first two weeks. On December 22, 2023, the action film made a huge opening of Rs 90 crore nett at the box office. It went on to earn Rs 308 crore in the first week and Rs 70.1 crore in the second. In India, Salaar has made a total of Rs 381.60 crore nett as of its fifteenth day of release.

Although Dunki rode Shah Rukh's record-breaking run at the box office with Pathaan and Jawan, it never really took off domestically, managing only Rs 208.2 crore nett in India following its release on December 21.

Salaar's general success provides a welcome break for Prabhas, who suffered greatly following Adipurush's box office failure in 2023. Shah Rukh's third release of the year is Dunki, in the meantime. Although Jawan and Pathaan, his prior films, were commercial successes, Dunki has not been able to equal their performance at the box office.

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Sat, 06 Jan 2024 11:10:43 +0530 Press Time
Controversial Newlands Pitch Sparks Criticism in South Africa&India Test Series Even during India's final tour of South Africa in the 2021–2022 season, the pitches still had some bounce for the quicks. The fact that 300 was only broken once in those three Tests (by India in the opening match in Centurion) indicates that batting wasn't easy on those surfaces either, despite the fact that South Africa had twice chased down 200-plus totals in the fourth innings to win that series 2-1.

The next two matches in that series continued until the penultimate day at least, with the exception of the first Test, which lasted for five days.

One could argue that South Africa's batting has gotten worse during the recently finished series. During the second and final Test in Cape Town, the majority of the Indian batting lineup also lacked application and looked technically unprepared.

Although the pitch didn't really misbehave much on Day 2, which also happened to be the last day of the Cape Town Test, inconsistent bounce occasionally caused problems for batsmen. The fact that the majority of South Africa's batsmen chose terrible shots, on the other hand, also contributed to India winning the Test in just over four sessions.

In the beginning of 2021, India defeated England in a day and night pink-ball Test match thanks to a rank turner in Ahmedabad. That Ahmedabad pitch was subsequently deemed "average" by the International Cricket Council (ICC). For this Newlands surface, what might the rating be?

With its excessive movement and inconsistent bounce, the pitch won't be regarded favorably by the ICC. Though getting a result in two days is a bit too much in the bowlers' favor, players would always prefer to have one.

"Bat and ball need to be balanced," an ICC insider stated.

It won't be shocking in the slightest if the ICC rates the pitch as below average or even poor, given that India captain Rohit Sharma has also expressed dissatisfaction with the Newlands wicket.

Legendary South African pacer Allan Donald also tore up the Newlands surface. Furthermore, according to Donald, it wouldn't be just to attribute the less-than-two-day finish to the batsmen's ability deficiencies.

"The bowlers' physical prowess, technical proficiency, and inventiveness would always be put to the test at Newlands, especially as partnerships develop. This is the best pitch I have ever seen.

"I don't think Test cricket should involve watching 23 wickets fall on Day 1 and then four quickly this morning, and then watching India come out and take their chances chasing 79," the author said. The DP World Lions' bowling coach, Donald, stated to The presstime on Thursday, "Bowlers in Cape Town have always had to think harder and be creative, but this was just the opposite."

"The dismissals are simply not due to a lack of skill on the part of the batsmen, given how quickly the ball moved off the seam." The ball is pitched in an excellent area, bounces off the seam so quickly, and gives you no time to react.

This was a total mismatch between the ball and the bat. On the other hand, Aiden Markram scored a gallant and hard-working century. Yes, you still need to bowl well on such a surface. But there will be a lot of questions.

"Today (Thursday) was a huge blow for Test cricket, and this pitch is going to take some serious flak. Donald retorted, "It was a one-sided competition that deserved more.

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Fri, 05 Jan 2024 12:01:31 +0530 Press Time
South Africa Coach Criticizes Newlands Pitch After Record&Breaking Test Match Shukri Conrad, the head coach of South Africa, described the Newlands surface, where the game's shortest Test match ever took place, as "not great" on Thursday, saying that pure luck prevailed over skill.

In a match that lasted only 106.2 overs and was completed in a day and a little more than one session, India defeated South Africa by seven wickets.

"I have no idea what the public wants me to say. All you have to do is glance at the scores. A test match lasting 1.5 days! Take a look at the way they pursued 80 (79). When skill is not enough, you are in a sad state. After the series ended in a 1-1 deadlock, former Western Province cricketer Conrad blasted, "All the ethics and values of Test cricket goes out the window."

As the coach of Western Province and the renowned insider, he was questioned concerning the surface on which balls were seemingly launching themselves long distances.

"What's going on here, I have no idea. I've moved on. Not qualified to discuss what happens behind closed doors. The bosses of the Western Province and Cricket South Africa (CSA) would suffer from his candid assessment that "everyone knows the wicket wasn't great."

Conrad felt sorry for Braam Mong, the chief curator of Newlands, who may have "over-prepared" the surface, as the head coach of the Proteas put it.

"Braam Mong is someone I know. Braam is a decent man. Good guys are not perfect and occasionally make mistakes. This does not qualify him as a subpar groundskeeper. He will learn a great deal from this. I may stop by and talk to him to find out what he is seeing.

"You also need to feel bad for the groundskeepers. The wicket may be over-prepared because he wants to get it perfect too. Accept it," Conrad remarked.

It seemed only a matter of time for you to leave: Markram

During his 103-ball 106, Aiden Markram, who may have played his best Test innings under the most difficult circumstances, stated that he felt like he could be dismissed at any moment.

Attack seemed to be the best form of defense on this track.

"Yes, attack is the best form of defense in certain situations. It seems like it will only be a matter of time until you leave. When you're there, you have to make the most of it and win.

Squeeze a 50; in difficult circumstances, it might go a long way. Partnerships and roles. It may be necessary for someone to stay put and allow another guy to score." Without holding back, Markram acknowledged that being bowled out for 55 in the opening innings was unacceptable.

"Excellent performance? Not fifty-five, for sure. It was really challenging. You may occasionally discover that you nick every ball. It seemed like we were having one of those days.

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"With hindsight, we should have strived for 150. The game would have been excellent. It was challenging to return from there."

Fri, 05 Jan 2024 11:56:28 +0530 Press Time
Indian Captain Urges Neutrality and Fairness in Pitch Assessments During the press conference on Thursday, Rohit Sharma was furious.

The captain of India made it very evident that he "doesn't mind" playing on fields like the one in Cape Town, where the game was finished in less than two days, but he wants people who criticize Indian pitches to keep quiet.

"The events of this Test match and the performance of the pitch were visible to all." As long as people in India keep their mouths shut and don't discuss Indian pitches, I honestly don't mind playing on pitches like these," Rohit declared following India's seven-wicket victory.

"You are here to push yourself. Sure, it's risky, but it's also difficult. It is also difficult for visitors to India. We talk about how playing Test cricket is the ultimate goal, the peak, and everything when you're here to play the game. We also support it.

"You come and face it when faced with a challenge like that. That is the case in India, but on Day 1, when the pitch begins to turn, people there begin to say things like, "Puff of dust, puff of dust, there are so many cracks on the pitch." Everywhere we go, it's critical that we maintain our neutrality.

Regarding pitch evaluations, Rohit pleaded with the ICC to remain "neutral."

To be honest, I'm curious to know how the pitches are scored. Cities like Centurion, Bangalore, Mumbai, and Cape Town are all very different. There are differences in the overhead conditions.

It's okay for everyone if the ball seams from ball 1. That is unfair. Everything should be alright if ball 1 starts to spin. If not, you maintain your objectivity and begin labeling these pitches as awful. It's completely incorrect, in my opinion, if you want the ball to only seam rather than turn. I will not stray from my assessment or opinion.

Rohit was taken aback by the World Cup final pitch's "below average" rating.

"Some of these referees for matches should be monitoring their pitch ratings. It still amazes me that the pitch in the World Cup final was deemed "below average." There, a batsman was hit hard. How is that a bad pitch? It is imperative that the ICC and match referees begin assigning pitch ratings based on their observations, not on nationality. That's crucial.

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Fri, 05 Jan 2024 11:53:23 +0530 Press Time
Jasprit Bumrah's Stellar Performances & Indian Cricket Feats in Cape Town Test ■ On Thursday, Jasprit Bumrah claimed his ninth five-wicket Test haul. His eighth haul of that kind outside of India. The 5/24 match in Bengaluru, 2022, against Sri Lanka was his only match in India.

Additionally, it was Bumrah's third career six-wicket performance: vs. WI on June 27 (Kingston, 2019) 6/33 — Australia versus vs. SA on 6/61 (Cape Town, 2024)

■ Bumrah has taken 18 Test wickets from 3 Tests thus far in Cape Town. In four Test matches, only Colin Blythe, an Englishman, has taken more wickets than Bumrah (25). Shane Warne, who had 17 wickets from 3 Tests in Cape Town, trailed Bumrah in this match.

■ Following MS Dhoni in the 2010–11 series, Rohit Sharma became the second Indian captain to draw a Test series in South Africa.

■ In Cape Town, Rohit became the first Asian captain to win a Test match.

■ Cape Town is now the third location where India has won a Test in less than two days, following Bangalore (vs. Afg, June 14–15, 2018) and Ahmedabad (vs. Eng, Feb. 24–25, 2021).

■ Aiden Markram scored the highest score by a South African in a full Test innings with 106, accounting for 60.8% of the team's total of 176. The previous record was set in December 1913 in Durban against England by Herbie Taylor, who scored 59.89% (109 out of 182) in the match.

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Fri, 05 Jan 2024 11:48:35 +0530 Press Time
David Warner's Relieved Recovery of Beloved Baggy Greens Sparks Mystery On Friday, a relieved and appreciative David Warner disclosed that he had found his beloved baggy greens again after the recognizable cap had unexplainably materialized in the team hotel here.

Warner posted on Instagram ahead of the third day of the Australia vs. Pakistan third Test at the SCG to say that his two baggy greens have been located.

"Hey everyone, I'm happy to inform everyone that my baggy greens have been located, as well as relieved.

"Every cricket player understands the significance of that cap, and I will treasure it forever. In a video that he uploaded to Instagram, Warner expressed his gratitude to everyone who helped find it.

"I truly appreciate it because it relieves a burden that has been on my shoulders for the last several days. "Many thanks to everyone who helped, and special thanks to Qantas, the freight company, our hotels, and the team management," he continued.

Cricket Australia released a statement saying, "The bag in which they were packed was found at the team hotel (in Sydney) with all the contents inside." How it got there is still a mystery, though.

"The movements of the missing bag are unknown despite extensive searches and the review of CCTV footage at multiple locations and the efforts of numerous parties since Tuesday," said CA.

Warner had earlier this week, while traveling from Melbourne to Sydney, shared an emotional plea on social media for the return of his baggy greens, after the backpack holding the priceless item vanished.

There were two caps in the bag because Warner received a replacement after misplacing his original Baggy Green in 2017.

But Warner's wife had subsequently located the original from his 2011 Test debut.

Warner donned a backup Baggy Green that the team has on hand in case of emergencies for his farewell Test.

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Fri, 05 Jan 2024 11:46:11 +0530 Press Time
Breakout Bollywood Debuts of 2023: New Talent Making Waves Bollywood had an incredible year in 2023, from bringing in new talent to delivering back-to-back box office hits. I was completely captivated by South Indian actress Nayanthara, who made her big screen debut in the action thriller Jawan, out of all the newcomers.

Her portrayal of the devoted police officer Narmada Rai demonstrated a deft mix of compassion and tenacity, which not only helped Naramada have a prosperous career but also inspired her to carry out her responsibilities as a single mother. In the beautiful ballad Chaleya, she and Shah Rukh Khan had a mesmerizing chemistry that brought back the Bollywood superstar's allure as a romantic hero. In addition to her outstanding performance, she rekindled my interest in pleated, flared skirts, which she stylishly wore in the movie. She has the ability to be a leading lady in the Hindi film industry, as evidenced by the fact that she made a name for herself in a multistarrer. eagerly awaiting her next major release! Which Bolly debut from 2023 was the greatest or worst?December 18

Aayman Anwar Ali

In 2023, the attractive and youthful Vedang Raina from The Archies made a significant debut in Bollywood. He was surrounded on the big screen by a group of young people from well-known Bollywood families. However, Vedang managed to draw attention to himself with his endearing performance. His portrayal of Reggie in the film The Archies is a cool guy who values words and writing. He plays 17-year-old Reggie Mantle as flirtatious and fun-loving, but also as serious, understanding, and mature, unlike in the original. It was enjoyable to witness this novice's assurance in both acting and dancing. Perhaps by taking such modest yet important steps, he will carve out a place for himself on the bigger silver screen.

Banerjee Sarbani

The actress Vedang Raina, who starred in Zoya Akhtar's Netflix film The Archies, is my favorite 2023 debutante from Bollywood. Vedang was the only one who impressed with his performance, even though I thought the movie was not interesting enough and that neither the stories nor the characters were interesting enough. He did an excellent job acting. He demonstrated that he is a future star by flawlessly capturing the essence of Reggie Mantle's mindset. Vedang's star appeal is enhanced by his stunning good looks.

Anirban Bhattacharya's screen debut in the Bolly film Mrs. Chatterjee vs. Norway was also enjoyable to me. Anirban has always been one of my favorites. And because he was so good at making us all despise him, I believe he did a pretty good job portraying the egotistical, ambitious husband. Anirban made a fantastic impression in his first Hindi film, despite the fact that it was directed by Rani Mukerji. He looked amazing in the part.

In the near future, I hope both of these actors have more chances to work in Bollywood movies and television shows because they truly deserve a place at the table with actors of great caliber.

Dutta Rishika

I think that Nayanthara's Bollywood debut was the best of all the actors who started their careers in 2023. The stunning Tamil actress made her Bolly debut in Jawan, where she left a lasting impression as Narmada Rai. In the blockbuster directed by Atlee, the Lady Superstar of the South won over both critics and audiences with her outstanding performance.

Bitter Misra

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Fri, 05 Jan 2024 11:43:23 +0530 Press Time
Martin Scorsese's 'Killers of the Flower Moon' Set to Premiere on Apple TV+ Starring Robert De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese's epic western crime drama Killers of the Flower Moon will debut globally on Apple TV+ on January 12.

Based on David Grann's best-selling book of the same name, Killers of the Flower Moon was co-written by Eric Roth and Scorsese. The film, which is set in Oklahoma in the 1920s, tells the terrifying tale of the heinous crime spree known as the Reign of Terror, which began with the cold-blooded murder of Osage Nation members in Ohio.

The film's cast also includes Jesse Plemons, Tantoo Cardinal, Cara Jade Myers, JaNae Collins, Jillian Dion, and Lily Gladstone in addition to DiCaprio and De Niro.

Since its 2023 Cannes Film Festival debut, Killers of the Flower Moon has won praise from both critics and viewers. The most recent film directed by Scorsese won the Best Film of the Year award from the National Board of Review. It was nominated for seven Golden Globe Awards and an astounding twelve Critics Choice Awards.

Killers of the Flower Moon has not only made it onto the American Film Institute's esteemed list of Motion Pictures of the Year, but it has also made it onto the shortlists for several 96th Academy Awards categories, including Best Sound, Best Original Score, Best Original Song, and Best Makeup and Hair.

To add to its accolades, on January 4 at the Palm Springs International Film Festival Awards gala, Killers of the Flower Moon received the Vanguard Award.

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Fri, 05 Jan 2024 11:40:30 +0530 Press Time
Rowan Atkinson Returns as Mr. Bean in Fourth Season of Animated Series The official page of the British sitcom, Mr. Bean: The Animated Series, revealed on Thursday that Rowan Atkinson will be reprising his role as the popular character's voice actor. The show is scheduled to return for a fourth season in 2025.

"Bean is Returning! Mr. Bean: The Animated Series will return for a fourth season in 2025, according to the show's official X page. Atkinson will serve as executive producer for the most recent season.

"This version of Mr. Bean and the unique liberties he has in animated form have always appealed to me. Atkinson remarked, "We can send him down a tin mine or into space, and I won't have to bear the consequences myself."

The upcoming series, which will consist of 52 11-minute episodes, will follow Mr. Bean and Teddy as they go on hilarious adventures together.

The animated series will premiere on Cartoonito and HBO Max throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Africa on April 35, the 35th anniversary of the first live-action episode. While viewers in the UK and Ireland can watch the show on ITVX Kids, viewers in southeast and south Asia can watch it on Warner Bros. Discovery's kids channels and streaming services.

Originally premiering as a British sitcom in 1990, Mr. Bean has since aired internationally. Atkinson, who went on to provide the voice of the animated series that was released in 2002, portrayed the humorous character.

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series was written by Ciaran Murtagh and Andrew Barnett Jones and directed by Dave Osborne in collaboration with Warner Bros. Discovery and ITVX.

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Fri, 05 Jan 2024 11:38:05 +0530 Press Time
Sushmita Sen's Birthday Wish for Ex Rohman Fuels Rekindled Romance Rumors Arya star Sushmita Sen wished model Rohman Shawl, her ex-boyfriend, a happy birthday on Thursday with a heartfelt message and cozy mirror selfie.

"Happy Birthday, Babus! @rohmanshawl ...A perpetual toast to your happiness... Abundance of love & Duas," the 48-year-old actress captioned a photo of herself and Rohman wearing winter attire on Instagram.

In the photo, Sushmita is seen cuddling up to Rohman and putting her chin on his shoulders. While Rohman donned a black jacket with monochrome sneakers and dark-gray pants, the former Miss Universe looked chic in black joggers, a grey beanie, and grey boots.

In response, Rohman thanked Sushmita for her affection and her wishes in the post. Renee Sen, the actress's daughter, said, "I love this picture."

Even though the three-year relationship between the former couple ended in 2021, their recent social media interactions have reignited dating rumors.

In an Instagram post on November 19, Rohman wished the actress a happy 48th birthday. He captioned a black-and-white photo of Sushmita wearing a veil, saying, "Happy Birthday, 'wonder woman.'"

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by rohman shawl (@rohmanshawl)

Last year, at the Diwali celebration thrown by producers Vishal Gurnani and Juhi Parekh Mehta, the pair was spotted together. In addition, Rohman went to Mumbai with Sushmita in November to promote Aarya Season 3.

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Fri, 05 Jan 2024 11:33:34 +0530 Press Time
David Tennant Set to Host Prestigious BAFTA Film Awards The 2024 BAFTA Film Awards will be hosted by British actor David Tennant on February 18 at London's Royal Festival Hall, part of the Southbank Center.

Tennant responded to the news by telling American entertainment magazine Deadline, "I am delighted to have been asked to host the EE BAFTA Film Awards and help celebrate the very best of this year's films and the many brilliant people who bring them to life."

The actor from Doctor Who takes over as presenter of the awards ceremony from Richard E. Grant.

Tennant's hosting role was announced in tandem with the news that the 24 BAFTA category longlists will be revealed on Friday. On January 18, former EE Rising Star Award nominees Naomi Ackie and Kingsley Ben-Adir will reveal the final nominees via livestream.

Tennant, who is best known for portraying Doctor Who's tenth Doctor, recently made a return to the show in 2023 to reprise the title character in the Christmas Special episodes of the longest-running British science fiction series, which are currently available to stream onDisney+ Hotstar.

CEO of BAFTA Jane Millichip expressed her excitement about Tennant's selection to present the esteemed awards ceremony, saying they were "over the moon." Both British and international audiences genuinely adore him. The show at the Royal Festival Hall next month will be a must-see for both our guests and the millions of viewers at home thanks to his warmth, charm, and cunning wit.

Fri, 05 Jan 2024 11:27:36 +0530 Press Time
Which zodiac signs are considered the top 5 most attractive in the horoscope? Unveiling the True Allure of the Zodiac's Gems: Let Go of Fairytales and Embrace Fierceness

While judging beauty is as subjective as grading a watercolor painting, there is an undeniable charm about some zodiac signs that captivates people. Today, instead of focusing on their perfectly sculpted features or idealized fairytale selves, we'll explore the **top 5 most captivating signs** based on their true, unadulterated traits that truly shine:

1.Scorpio (November 21–October 23): Nature's femme fatale (and deadly man), the mysterious Scorpio, is shrouded in mystery. Their unwavering conviction, coupled with their intensity that crackles like lightning and their gaze that smolders with unspoken passions, makes them stand out. The beauty of a Scorpio isn't just surface-level; it's about **depth, raw honesty, and an almost hypnotic allure** that begs you to discover their mysteries.

2. Libra (October 22–September 23): Unavoidably graceful and elegant by nature, Libras are ruled by Venus, the goddess of beauty and love. Their **steadfast diplomacy, their natural ability to find harmony, and their contagious joy for life** are what make them so endearing. With their soft warmth, Libras captivate you like a well-balanced melody, leaving you feeling lighter, happier, and completely enchanted.

3. Taurus (April 20–May 20):  Sexiness personified, the Taurus radiates a grounded charm that whispers assurances of coziness and enjoyment. Their steadfast devotion, resolute will, and **calm, self-assured strength** are like a warm hug on a chilly evening. They may seem calm, but beneath the surface is a volcano of sensuality just waiting to erupt. Don't confuse this with a lack of passion.

4. Aries (March 21–April 19): The Aries is a fiery, audacious, and fearless sign of nature. They are an adrenaline boost to the soul with their contagious enthusiasm, unwavering courage, and **unapologetic individuality**. Their unadulterated sincerity and contagious enthusiasm are indisputable allure, even though they don't always follow the rules.

5. Leo:(23 July – 22 August): As the sun itself, Leos, the native rulers of the zodiac, exude warmth and confidence. They are the life of the party because of their generosity, good humor, and insatiable thirst for life. Yes, they are attention-seekers, but they also give it back tenfold, illuminating everyone in their path and leaving them feeling radiant and seen.

Fri, 05 Jan 2024 11:19:09 +0530 Press Time
How many species of crocodiles exist today, and where are they primarily distributed around the world?

An In-Dependent Look at the Species and Global Distribution of Crocodiles

Crocodiles are members of the order Crocodylia, which also includes alligators, caimans, gharials, and other magnificent reptiles that are frequently connected to ancient mysteries and terrifying strength. Of these, there are currently about 13 species of crocodiles that are known to exist in different parts of the world.

1. Crocodiles of the United States (Crocodylus acutus):
The American crocodile, which is mostly found in the Americas, saunters through freshwater environments in southern Florida, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. These crocodiles are frequently seen in coastal regions and are well-known for their tolerance of saltwater environments.

2.Crocodiles of the Nile  (Crocodylus niloticus): 
Africa's waterways are dominated by the Nile crocodile, one of the largest crocodilian species. These ferocious predators are found all over the continent and live in marshlands, lakes, and rivers. They exhibit both aquatic and terrestrial behavior.

3. Crocodiles in saltwater (Crocodylus porosus):
Situated in the Indo-Pacific region, which includes Southeast Asia, Northern Australia, and the eastern coast of India, the saltwater crocodile is recognized as the biggest living reptile. They have established themselves as apex predators by thriving in both fresh and saltwater habitats.

4. Crocodylus moreletii, or Morelet's Crocodile:
The Morelet's crocodile, which is indigenous to Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico, likes freshwater environments like lagoons, swamps, and rivers. Although they are protected in some places, these crocodiles have faced threats from habitat destruction and hunting.

5. Crocodiles of Cuba (Crocodylus rhombifer):
The Cuban crocodile is endemic to Cuba and prefers freshwater environments such as marshes and swamps. Unfortunately, habitat loss and interbreeding with American crocodiles put them at risk of extinction.

6. Crocodiles of the Philippines (Crocodylus mindorensis):
Native to the Philippines, the Philippine crocodile is a critically endangered species that lives in freshwater environments like rivers and marshes. The goal of conservation efforts is to safeguard and boost this species' numbers.

7.The Crocodile known as Siamese (Crocodylus siamensis):
Situated in freshwater environments such as rivers and marshes, the Siamese crocodile is a species that is native to Southeast Asia, specifically Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. Conservation programs are aimed at these critically endangered crocodiles.

8. Crocodiles of West Africa (Crocodylus suchus):
Parts of West and Central Africa are home to the West African crocodile, which prefers freshwater environments. These crocodiles are vulnerable because of hunting and habitat loss.

9. Crocodiles in freshwater (Crocodylus johnsoni):
The freshwater crocodile, which is native to Australia, lives in billabongs, freshwater swamps, and rivers. They are comparatively thin-framed and live side by side with saltwater crocodiles.

10. Crocodiles of New Guinea (Crocodylus novaeguineae):
These crocodiles, which are native to New Guinea, live in freshwater environments like rivers and swamps. But there is still a lot to learn about their behavior and population status because of the paucity of research.

11.Crocodile Orinoco (Crocodylus intermedius): 
The Orinoco River Basin in Venezuela and Colombia is home to the Orinoco crocodile. The survival of this severely endangered species depends on massive conservation efforts as it faces threats from habitat loss and hunting.

12.Gharial, or Gavialis gangeticus: 
The gharial, which is distinguished by its long, thin snout, lives in riverine habitats in the northern region of the Indian subcontinent. Fish are the main food source for this critically endangered species, which is threatened by habitat degradation and unintentional capture.

13. Schlegelii, or Tomistoma:
The Tomistoma is a species of bird found in Southeast Asia. It is primarily found in freshwater environments such as lakes and swamps in Indonesia, Malaysia, and possibly some areas of Thailand. Hunting and habitat loss are the main threats to this species.

Because of their remarkable adaptability and diversity, crocodiles are essential to the equilibrium of ecosystems. Threats to many species, however, include habitat loss, poaching, and conflicts between people and wildlife. The survival of these extinct animals depends on conservation initiatives, such as habitat preservation and raising public awareness.

Comprehending the range and condition of these exceptional species serves as a prompt to preserve their natural environments and guarantee their harmonious coexistence with human societies.


Thu, 04 Jan 2024 10:57:30 +0530 Press Time
Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed. Foresters in the Sunderbans have reported that an increase in the tiger population is forcing the big cats onto more recent land.

Two such pockets, according to one of them, are Dhanchi, a small forest island on the eastern side of G-Plot beach on the edge of the Bay of Bengal, and Thakuran Char, a section of land formed by the periodic accretion of soil on the banks of the Thakuran river.

An adult male tiger has already been discovered by trap cameras in Dhanchi. We have pugmarks in Thakuran Char. There were no tigers known to exist in these two pockets. Trap cameras will be installed in both pockets as part of the ongoing annual (state-level) tiger census for official documentation, according to Milan Mandal, the South-24 Parganas division's divisional forest officer.

In the Sunderbans, the number of tigers has been gradually increasing. Tigers are relocating to more recent areas as a result. The Sunderbans have a different tiger density than any other tiger habitat due to its difficult terrain. Here, a tiger can be found in about 25 sq km. About 35 square kilometers make up Dhanchi, and about 100 square kilometers make up the island on the Thakuran bank, according to Mandal.

There are three tiger ranges in the South-24 Parganas division: Matla is the third range; Dhanchi and the Thakuran char are located in Ramganga and Raidighi, respectively.

Status of Tigers: Co-Predators and Prey in India, 2022, the report from the last quadrennial national tiger census, was released in 2023. The Wildlife Institute of India (WII) and the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) collaborated to prepare the report, which estimated the number of tigers in the Sunderbans at 101.

According to the report, the density of tigers in the Indian portion of the Sunderbans was estimated to be 4.27 per 100 square kilometers. According to the report, the mangrove forest has an estimated carrying capacity of 4.68 tigers per 100 square kilometers.

In 2010, when 70 tigers were counted during the Sunderbans tiger census, trap cameras were first used. In 2014, there were 76, and by 2018, there were 88.

Around Christmas Eve, the tiger that had been tracked through the Dhanchi Forest crossed the river and arrived at the boundaries of a few villages on the other side. It was driven back into the forest on December 27.

The first picture was taken in the second week of November inside the Dhanchi Forest. The larger Dhulibhasani forest, a known tiger habitat in the Ramganga range, is thought to be the big cat's new home.

The NTCA and the WII have received the photos taken at Dhanchi Forest for additional examination.

Every tiger has different markings. According to officials, the images of the Dhanchi tiger should match the Sunderbans tigers currently listed in the database. After the tiger has been identified, foresters will know with certainty where it originated.

According to an experienced forester, more of these new tiger pockets may appear throughout the mangrove delta.

An animal as territorial as a tiger. It is fiercely protective of its own territory. They begin to look for new areas as the population grows. They search for places that are unaltered and have an adequate food supply, according to Ravikant Sinha, a former chief wildlife warden of Bengal.

However, he cautioned that the Sunderbans' ability to harbor tigers was subject to change.

This figure is theoretical and predicated on conjecture. Let's say that there are roughly four tigers for every 100 square kilometers. It might alter. To arrive at the estimate, we consider the prey density, human interference, and other variables. These elements are fluid," he stated.

The only mangrove tiger habitat in the world, the Sunderbans, is subject to tidal waves that cause new islands to continually appear and vanish.

52 forested islands were discovered in the Sunderbans, according to a 1908 British record, according to Sinha. "We found about 65 forested islands after doing our own satellite mapping in 2010," he said.

The foresters stated that the construction of Dhanchi and Thakuran char was caused by the regular accumulation of soil. According to a forest official, the second in particular is a full-fledged forest as a result of a plantation drive that started many years ago.

Wild boars and spotted deer are a consistent population in both forests, they claimed.

An estimation of the tigers is made every year at the state level using the data from the trap cameras. The national count, in contrast, is a more meticulous endeavor that accounts for both human interference and the prey base.

On November 27, the yearly camera trap exercise to estimate the number of tigers in the Sunderbans began. The South-24 Parganas forest division's Matla range and the Sunderbans Tiger Reserve were both included in the first phase's coverage. The remaining areas of the South-24 Parganas division will be covered by the second phase, which will begin on January 13.

Scattered across 10,000 square kilometers, slightly more than 4,000 of those are in India, is the Sunderbans. Bangladesh is home to the remainder. The South 24-Parganas forest division and the STR share the Indian Sunderbans.

2,585 sq km make up the STR. The Sajnekhali Wildlife Sanctuary and the Basirhat Range serve as its buffer zones, while the Sunderbans National Park (East and West) makes up its core.

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Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:56:58 +0530 Press Time
Opposition Raises Red Flag on Bengal Home Secretary Appointment: 'Illegal' and Power Play Claims The head of the opposition in Bengal, Suvendu Adhikari, referred to Nandini Chakravorty's appointment as the home secretary as "illegal" on Tuesday. Chakravorty is an IAS officer from the 1994 batch.

Suvendu threatened to file a lawsuit, claiming that the state government had promoted a relatively junior officer to a senior IAS officer's position.

"The WB Govt has now illegally posted a junior IAS officer, Nandini Chakravorty, as Principal Secretary; Home Department superseding 13 Additional Chief Secretaries and another 5 Principal Secretaries who are senior to her,” Suvendu wrote in his X handle on Tuesday. This was done to ensure that the illegally appointed acting DGP of WB, Rajeev Kumar, is allowed a free run.

Suvendu supported his argument that one of the senior-most IAS officers ought to be appointed as home secretary by citing the IAS (Pay) Rules and the IAS (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations.

Senior bureaucrats stated that there was no set procedure for selecting someone like this to be home secretary.

"The chief minister is free to appoint whoever she wishes to be home secretary. In Bengal, it is customary for an IAS officer with the rank of additional chief secretary to be appointed as home secretary. However, since Atri Bhattacharya, a principal secretary in 2017, was appointed as home secretary, replacing all previous chief secretaries, the custom has not always been adhered to here, according to a bureaucrat.

Additionally, Suvendu asked the state's IAS Association to speak out against the "illegal appointment."

As Suvendu posted on his X handle, "I exhort the @IASassociation to protest against the mischief being carried out by this corrupt TMC govt leading to total usurpation of IAS authority and breakdown of hierarchy in West Bengal Administration, even though I will be moving the appropriate forum, legal and otherwise, against this."

The argument that a senior IAS officer should always be posted as the state home secretary may not be compelling, according to a senior bureaucrat, but Suvendu's theory that a relatively junior officer was chosen to serve as the home secretary in order to give Rajeev Kumar, the new DGP, more freedom, did hold water.

The bureaucrat stated, "It was obvious that the government would not appoint any senior officer in the post in accordance with tradition only because it wants Rajeev Kumar, an IPS officer from the 1989 batch, to have a free hand in running the show in the home department."

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Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:53:50 +0530 Press Time
Caught in Tokyo Skytree: Indian Prof Recounts Frightful Quake's 10&Hour Stranding Sudipta Das, an assistant professor in the Japanese department at Visva-Bharati, witnessed the terrible earthquake that struck Japan on Monday firsthand.

Two hours before the earthquake that struck central Japan's west coastline and left at least fifty-five people dead, Das, his wife Sangita, and their four-month-old daughter Sanvika, visited Tokyo Skytree on Monday while on a research assignment at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

Das described how they were stranded inside the Skytree for at least ten hours following the earthquake to The Telegraph over the phone from his home in Japan.

In August 2022, I moved to Tokyo, Japan, for a two-year research assignment at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, funded by a scholarship from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). My daughter Sanvika was born in Fuchu City, which is close to the university campus, four months ago," he stated.

"We were going to celebrate the New Year by going to the well-known Tokyo Skytree on Monday morning. We arrived there by 2:00 PM," he remarked, pointing out that thousands of people had already visited. "You can see the entire Tokyo from the Skytree, which is 634 metres tall."

According to Das, the tremors began about 430 p.m.

"For our safety, the security guards and officials declared in less than a minute that all elevators would be shut off and that nobody could leave the tower. I heard the announcement while I was taking pictures in the tower at a height of 455 meters," he stated. "I imagined the worst."

"There were tremors more than once or twice. Over a six-hour period, there were at least forty separate earth tremors. Das reported, "People were screaming in fear and clinging to anything they could grab onto."

He acknowledged that both he and his spouse were anxious. "It's beyond words to express," he uttered. "We were stuck at a height of 455 metres from the ground and the earth was shaking."

They learned about 8 p.m. that it would take some time to descend from the height because people would be evacuated one at a time by the authorities.

"Finally, when we stepped out of the tower and touched the ground, it was midnight and the date had changed," Das continued. "I saw people speaking on the phone, taking news of their relatives and close ones, asking if they were safe."

Though it took some time for the services to be restored, they traveled to Tokyo City in order to take the train.

At 1.30am, we could finally go home. "After returning home, I learned about the events in Japan, including the deaths of thousands of people in places like Ishikawa, Toyama, and Yamagata, and the displacement of thousands more from their homes," Das said.

He gave a few of his friends and coworkers who lived in those areas a call. "Thankfully, they were safe."

Even though he and his loved ones were safe, the assistant professor claimed that he was still in shock. "Yes, I did not lose my home, I have food and water, but I can't forget the feeling of almost witnessing death from close quarters," he stated.

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Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:48:47 +0530 Press Time
Trinamul Divided: 'New vs Vieux"'Feud Delays Lok Sabha Prep, Sparking 'Irreversible Damage' According to several sources on Tuesday, the party's plans to immediately begin preparing for the Lok Sabha elections are being postponed due to the unexpected outburst of "internal democracy" in Trinamul, which took the form of statements flying thick and fast over the debate on the nouveau versus vieux.

At the party's foundation day events on Monday, leaders of the "new lot" and "old guard" camps engaged in a verbal sparring match unlike anything seen before.

In Bengal's political amphitheater, the battle between the new and the old guard is not new, but in Trinamul's case, it appears to have split the party into two camps: Mamata Banerjee, the party supremo, and Abhishek, her nephew and national general secretary.

Some of the people voicing their opinions might refer to it as internal democracy. However, as our preparations for the Lok Sabha election are being postponed, all of this is causing irreversible damage to the party, according to a source.

"The inauguration of the Ram temple is causing the saffron camp to go into overdrive with propaganda." To combat it, we must be present on the ground. However, we are discussing new versus old, aunt versus nephew," stated a veteran of Trinamul who claimed to be undecided on the matter.

"Neither the new nor the old will benefit from this," he continued. "Only with organizational strength all the way down to the booth level can we win the elections, something the BJP lacks. The preparations we made for our booth are being impacted by this debate.

While disagreements between the aunt and the nephew are not new—they had significant disagreements in February 2022 that were settled—the extent of difference is thought to be greater this time, according to a number of sources.

The meeting between Mamata and Abhishek on Monday, the day of the party's founding, came after a heated argument between the party's outspoken state general secretary Kunal Ghosh, who is generally seen as Abhishek's spokesperson, and Trinamul's normally reserved state president Subrata Bakshi, who is seen as a member of the so-called old guard.

Tuesday saw the public release of statements by Trinamul state general secretary Ghosh, Dum Dum MP Saugata Roy, education minister Bratya Basu, Ashoknagar MLA Narayan Goswami, urban development minister and Calcutta mayor Firhad Hakim, Cooch Behar civic chairman Rabindra Nath Ghosh, Baranagar MLA Tapas Roy, and Canning East MLA Saokat Molla, representing both sides of the "divide" and some non-aligned remarks.

Molla, who was with Abhishek for an election-related meeting that evening, stated that it would only be a few days before the Diamond Harbour MP made a comeback to the mainstream in all of his former glory.

An MP from Trinamul stated, "If that does happen, it would not be a moment too soon."

The majority of influential groups within the upper echelons of the leadership continue to maintain a reasonable degree of confidence that, despite the current increase in distance between 30B Harish Chatterjee Street and 188A Harish Mukherjee Road, this distance will eventually decrease. However, a lot of people worry about how much time would be lost in the process.

"Everyone within the Trinamul camp is eager for clarity so that we can concentrate on striving for the electoral victory that is most important to all groups, cliques, and coteries," the MP stated, highlighting the fact that Trinamul's actual political operations have essentially come to a halt since Durga Puja.

According to a senior leader, the main political activity in October was the demonstrations in Delhi and Calcutta, which Abhishek led alone because Mamata was ill. The demonstrations were against the release of Bengal's frozen central dues. The first of Abhishek's five main alleged triggers was being made to press the pause button on the movement on October 9 by his aunt.

"After that fruitless meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the subject, and a few token events on this, there has been nothing," he stated.

Aside from this, sources claimed that Abhishek is currently irritated by four other things. They include Mamata's resistance to his suggestions for an age limit and the one-person, one-post principle in party leadership, disagreements over his methods for selecting candidates for the Lok Sabha poll, and the alleged procrastination of certain senior state bureaucrats on some of his welfare scheme implementation recommendations.

For example, by November, his office had suggested replacing at least 150 of the 341 block presidents. That needs to be completed. A senior leader stated, "Those who were to succeed existing block presidents never got anointed, and several of them quit their jobs and withdrew from party activities out of fear of being removed.

Subhamoy Maitra, a senior political analyst, said he had been watching the party's headlines in the mainstream media closely for days and was wondering why they had nothing to do with the party's priorities for social security or the important political messages it should be putting out in the lead-up to the general election.

Trinamul has been circling around this succession dispute, which has intensified over the last several days. Renowned political scientist Subhamoy Maitra said, "They have ceased referring to their premier poll planks, such as Lakshmir Bhandar, Swasthya Sathi, and Kanyashree. It appears that their senior leadership has been occupied with squandering time by picking sides in this internal dispute. This is a worrying point in relation to Trinamul's mass connect.

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Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:44:36 +0530 Press Time
Bus Tragedy in Assam: 12 Killed, 30 Injured in Head&on Collision with Coal Truck A head-on collision between a truck carrying coal and a bus in the Golaghat district of Assam on Wednesday resulted in at least 12 fatalities and about 30 injuries, according to police.

According to Golaghat Superintendent of Police Rajen Singh, the 45-person bus and the goods vehicle collided this morning in Balijan, close to Dergaon.

When the accident happened, the bus was traveling toward Upper Assam.

"Twelve people have died in the accident so far. "A hospital has received the injured parties," he stated.

Singh added that there is an ongoing investigation and that more information will become available in the future.

Thirty injured patients were receiving treatment at Jorhat Medical College and Hospital, according to a senior physician who spoke with reporters.

Some of the injured are in critical condition. We're keeping an eye on them," she said.

An official from the local police station stated that the bus and truck collided at approximately 4:30 in the morning. The bus was traveling from Kamargaon in Golaghat to Tilinga Mandir in Tinsukia district for a picnic.

A section of the four-lane highway sustained damage, and the truck was approaching from the Jorhat direction on the incorrect side. The bus had the right course. Both cars were moving quickly and there was fog," he continued.

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Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:38:11 +0530 Press Time
Kejriwal Defies ED Summons Again, Cites Poll Motive, Offers Written Reply AAP sources said that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday disregarded the ED's third summons in the Delhi excise policy case and instead sent a written response denouncing the notice as unlawful.

While claiming that Kejriwal was prepared to assist the agency, the Aam Aadmi Party said that the summons was sent with the goal of apprehending him.

"Why was the notice sent so close to the election season? The party claimed that the notice is an attempt to prevent Kejriwal from participating in election campaigns.

Kejriwal was called in by the Enforcement Directorate on Wednesday to be questioned about a money laundering case related to excise policies.

Kejriwal, who is also the convener of the AAP, received three ED notices in a row after he turned down two previous summonses from the federal agency for November 2 and December 21.

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Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:34:48 +0530 Press Time
Adani Hails "Truth's Victory" after SC Ruling, Pledges Continued Indian Growth In response to the Supreme Court's ruling on charges made against his conglomerate by a US short-seller, billionaire Gautam Adani declared on Wednesday that the truth had won out and that his company would keep advancing India's economic development.

The Supreme Court decided on Wednesday that there was no justification for requiring the CBI or SIT to look into accusations made against the Adani group, and that SEBI, the capital market regulator, had to wrap up its investigation in three months.

"The verdict of the Honorable Supreme Court demonstrates that: Truth has won out. Adani wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, "Satyameva Jayate." "I am grateful to those who stood by us." "We shall keep making our modest contribution to India's remarkable progress. "Jai Hind," he exclaimed.

The top court's three-judge panel, led by Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud, directed the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to finish its ongoing investigation in three months and declared that no further investigations were necessary. This could put an end to the year-long drama that began with Hindenburg Research's damning report against the apples-to-airport conglomerate.

The Adani Group has refuted every accusation.

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Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:32:16 +0530 Press Time
SC Grants SEBI 3 Months to Conclude Adani Probe, Rejects SIT Demand On Wednesday, the Supreme Court gave the SEBI three months to wrap up its investigation into two ongoing cases involving accusations against the Adani group.

Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud led a bench that declared it could not control SEBI's investigative authority, pointing out that the agency had concluded its investigation in 22 of the 24 cases involving claims made against the Adani group.

The top court further declared that the case's facts did not support giving the investigation over to a Special Investigation Team (SIT) or other investigative body.

The top court rendered a decision on a number of petitions pertaining to the Adani-Hindenburg dispute, which involved claims that the Indian conglomerate had manipulated stock prices.

The CJI stated during the verdict announcement that the top court's authority to delve into the Securities and Exchange Board of India's (SEBI) regulatory sphere was restricted.

On November 24 of last year, a reserved judgment was reached regarding the PILs filed by attorneys Vishal Tiwari, M L Sharma, Congressman Jaya Thakur, and Anamika Jaiswal.

Following a slew of accusations against the business conglomerate by Hindenburg Research, including those regarding fraudulent transactions and share-price manipulation, the Adani Group stocks were bludgeoned on the exchanges.

The Adani Group said it complies with all legal requirements and disclosure requirements, dismissing the accusations as baseless.

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Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:29:43 +0530 Press Time
Kejriwal Refuses Third ED Summons, AAP Cries Foul, Claims Politics at Play Leader of the AAP and minister for Delhi, Saurabh Bharadwaj, charged on Wednesday that the BJP-led Centre was planning to arrest Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in order to prevent him from participating in the Lok Sabha election campaign.

In a written response on Wednesday, Kejriwal rejected the third summons that the ED had issued in the Delhi excise policy case, claiming that the notice was unlawful.

Bharadwaj questioned the timing of the Enforcement Directorate summons during a press conference.

"The ED has still not responded when asked if he is being called as a witness or an accused person. The whole excise policy case is a political ploy to prevent Kejriwal from running in the Lok Sabha elections. He claimed that a plot to have him arrested had been hatched by the BJP-led Centre.

Manish Sisodia, the former deputy chief minister of Delhi who has been imprisoned for almost a year, will eventually be shown not guilty, according to Bharadwaj.

Kejriwal was summoned by the ED on Wednesday to answer questions regarding a money laundering case involving excise policies.

Kejriwal, who is also the convener of the AAP, received three ED notices in a row after he turned down two previous summonses from the federal agency for November 2 and December 21.

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Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:27:10 +0530 Press Time
What is the typical lifespan of an eagle in the wild?  Flying Through Time: An Eagle's Lifespan in the Wild

Eagles have fascinated people for thousands of years because of their magnificent wings and menacing stare. These apex predators, who control the skies, stand for strength, independence, and tenacity. But for what length of time will these amazing animals continue to inhabit our planet? Now let's explore the amazing lifetime of a wild eagle.

A Tale of Two Worlds: Nature vs. Zoo

An eagle's life expectancy varies greatly based on its surroundings. Eagles normally live **between 15 and 20 years** in the wild, where perils are present at every turn. Several factors shape this harsh reality:

Predation: Larger predators such as owls and hawks pose a threat to eagles, especially in their vulnerable chick stage. Disease and parasites:Eagles are prone to a variety of illnesses and parasites that can weaken and shorten their lives.

Accidents and injuries: Eagles are susceptible to fatal collisions with power lines, wind turbines, and other man-made structures. Food scarcity:It can be difficult to find enough prey to support a large body, especially in inclement weather.

But in captivity, where they get regular food, medical attention, and defense against predators, eagles can live **much longer**. **Up to 50 years** of life has been recorded for certain captive eagles, indicating the potential longevity these birds have when given the right circumstances.

The Bald Eagle: An Icon of Determination and Hope

The bald eagle, one of North America's most recognizable birds, provides an intriguing case study in lifespan. These magnificent birds, who were once in danger of going extinct because of DDT poisoning, have miraculously recovered because of conservation efforts. Bald eagles normally live **about 20 years** in the wild; the oldest known bird of prey lived an astounding **38 years**. Their monogamous behavior, which creates solid pair bonds that boost breeding success and offspring survival, is partially responsible for their longevity.

[Bald Eagle image]

Beyond the Figures: A Meaningful Life

Although longevity is a significant measure, it's vital to keep in mind that an eagle's life is made up of many different aspects. These amazing birds soar over great distances, hunt with accuracy, and raise their young. Their lives are full of struggles and victories. No matter how long or short a year they spend in the wild, it attests to their incredible adaptability and resilience.

Protection Measures: Guaranteeing Eagles Fly for Future Generations

For eagles to survive, it is imperative that their habitats be preserved. Threats like pollution, habitat loss, and conflicts between people and wildlife can be addressed if we want to ensure that these magnificent birds can live on for many more generations.

Thus, keep in mind the incredible journey an eagle has made the next time you see one soar through the sky. Even though their lives may be shorter in the wild, these feathered marvels of nature live them to the fullest and serve as a constant reminder to us of the value of protecting our fragile natural environment and the strength of resilience.

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:20:16 +0530 Press Time
Mexico Mourns Loss of Beloved Actress Ana Ofelia Murguia, Voice of Mama Coco The two-time Oscar-winning animated feature film "Coco" starring Mexican actor Ana Ofelia Murguia as Mama Coco has passed away. She was ninety years old.

On December 31, 2023, Murguia passed away.

The National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature in Mexico announced her passing on Monday.

"We mourn the delicate passing of the first actress, Ana Ofelia Murguia, who was a member of the regular cast of the @CNTeatromx del #INBAL and whose career in the arts was essential to Mexico's performing arts. We offer our deepest sympathies and cozy embraces to her loved ones," the institute stated on X.

Murguia, who was born in Mexico in 1933, had a 40-year career spanning film and television during the heyday of Mexican film.

The Mexican Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Science's highest honor, the Golden Ariel lifetime achievement award, was bestowed upon her in 2011. In 1979, 1986, and 1996, she was also awarded best supporting actress at the Ariel Awards.

Among Murguia's acting credits are "Nobody Will Speak of Us When We're Dead" (1995) and "The Queen of the Night" (1994).

"Coco" told the tale of Miguel, an aspiring musician who must deal with his family's anti-musical prejudices (Anthony Gonzalez).

He travels into the Land of the Dead on the Day of the Dead and meets his renowned vocalist ancestor. In remembrance of her father, Murguia's Coco performs the Oscar-winning song "Remember Me" with Miguel during the film's conclusion.

In 2018, "Coco" was the recipient of the Academy Award for best animated film.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 14:11:12 +0530 Press Time
Jr. NTR Offers Prayers & Support to Earthquake&Stricken Japan After returning from Japan last evening, Jr. NTR stated in a note on Tuesday that he was "deeply shocked" by the death toll and devastation left by a series of strong earthquakes that struck various parts of the country.

"I'm home from Japan today, and the earthquakes that struck shocked me greatly. I spent the whole last week there, and my heart goes out to everyone impacted," he wrote on X, hoping that Japan, an island nation still shaken by aftershocks, would recover quickly.

The Japanese Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami alert for the entire western coast of Honshu island, Japan, as well as the northern portion of Hokkaido, following a 7.6-magnitude earthquake on Monday afternoon that claimed 30 lives and severely damaged a number of buildings and cars.

The actor also touched on the Japanese people's fortitude in the face of hardship in his note. He concluded, "Stay strong, Japan."

In addition to their prayers for the people of Japan, fans flooded the comment section with worries about the actor. "Thank God for your return to India❤️Stay strong, Japan," wrote one of them.

Regarding his 2022 hit movie RRR, which was hugely successful in that country, a Jr. NTR fan page in Japan stated, "Thank you for your concern????A very serious thing happened, but Japanese people, including the suburbs of Ishikawa, have an indomitable spirit in any situation like RRR bro.

With SS Rajamouli's RRR, which costarred Ram Charan, Jr. NTR shot to international fame. The actors' duet Naatu Naatu from the movie took home the Oscar at the 80th Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles in 2023.

The actor's next project is Koratala Siva's Devara, which stars Janhvi Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan. The first part of the movie will be released in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi on April 5.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 14:08:37 +0530 Press Time
Abir Chatterjee and Raj Chakrabarty Reunite for 'Babli' Adaptation Starring Subhashree Ganguly For their next film Babli, which also stars Subhashree Ganguly, actor Abir Chatterjee and filmmaker Raj Chakrabarty will reunite after more than ten years, the actor-director team announced on Monday.

Bojhena Sheila The final film that Raj and Abir worked on together, Bojhena, went on to become a box office success in 2012.

Abir shared a teaser of the announcement on his X handle, writing, "Some relationships, both new and old, on the first day of the new year." plus a tale that never gets old. Bhadra deb Guha's Babu

"2024's biggest surprise." A Babli adaptation by Buddhadeb Guha, Raj also wrote on X with the teaser for the announcement.

Babli is based on the late Buddhadeb Guha's book of the same name. Abir and Subhashree will also work together for the first time; the latter is making a comeback to the big screen following the birth of her second child, Yaalini.

The two main characters of the romantic novel Babli are Babli and Abhi. While the latter is an introverted, nerdy guy who recently returned to India after earning a degree in London, the former is a free-thinking woman. The remainder of the story revolves around how their paths intersect and how they eventually fall in love.

Raj, who is renowned for his astute storytelling and directing abilities, has been enjoying great success following the release of his debut web series, Abar Proloy for ZEE5.

While Subhashree's OTT debut, Indubala Bhaater Hotel on Hoichoi, in 2023 also received widespread acclaim, Abir's Durga Puja release, Raktabeej, in 2023 proved to be a smash hit.

Abir is waiting for his next movie, Shri Swapankumarer Badami Hyenar Kobole, to come out. Under the direction of Debaloy Bhattacharya, it is based on the story of Shri Swapankumar's pulp fiction detective Dipak Chatterjee. Cinemas will screen the movie on January 12.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 14:01:57 +0530 Press Time
Alia Bhatt Rings in 2024 with Ranbir & Raha: Sunsets, Kisses & Seaside Fun Alia Bhatt celebrated the new year at an undisclosed seaside location with her daughter Raha and husband Ranbir Kapoor, as seen in recently released photos and videos.

Along with the photos on Instagram on Monday, the Brahmastra actress wished her fans a happy 2024 and wrote, "Keep it wholesome & soul-some."

The carousel offers a peek into Alia's life, showcasing the actress having a great time partying with Raha and Ranbir.

In one of the photos, Ranbir gives Alia a kiss on the cheek. In another, the Brahmastra actress is seen holding Raha in her lap and facing the ocean, their silhouettes softly lit by the twilight sun.

The 30-year-old actress also shared a selfie in the sun with her hair disheveled, sporting a funky hair accessory and a sleeveless beige dress. The carousel was completed with a video of her blowing the party horn and a photo of her feet against the sky.

Co-star Ranveer Singh of Alia, Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, responded to the post with hearts.

Regarding her career, Alia is slated to co-star with Priyanka Chopra and Katrina Kaif in Farhan Akhtar's drama Jee Le Zaraa, which focuses on women. Along with Dharma Productions, the actress will co-produce Vasan Bala's thriller Jigra.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:59:02 +0530 Press Time
Dev Returns in Action Mode, Jaya Ahsan Embraces the Supernatural Later this year, Dev will return to full action mode after taking on the roles of an iconic detective, several historical figures, and, most recently, a conscientious cop.

Dev shared the first-look poster of Khadaan on social media with the caption, "One of the most experimental films."

Khadaan, a co-production of Surinder Films and Dev Entertainment Ventures, is helmed by Soojit Dutta and features Bangladeshi actress Idhika Paul in the lead role.

This year, Dev's other major undertaking is Tekka, a film co-directed by Srijit Mukherji and starring Rukmini Maitra and Swastika Mukherjee.

His most recent film, Pradhan, is presently showing in theaters alongside Paran Bandyopadhyay, Soumitrisha Kundu, and Anirban Chakrabarti.

Jaya Ahsan as an agitated soul

Jaya Ahsan made her Hindi film debut in Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury's Kadak Singh, which is currently available on ZEE5. She is currently preparing for her upcoming Bengali film, Bhootpori.

Bhootpori, directed by Soukarya Ghosal, is about a little boy (Bishantak Mukherjee) who meets this restless spirit and a woman (Jaya Ahsan), who passed away in 1947. As the narrative goes on, the woman enlists the boy's assistance to solve the mystery surrounding her death.

"The Bhooter Raja in Satyajit Ray's Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne has always captivated me. Soukarya stated, "I've always wanted to make a movie about the amicable relationship that ghosts have with people and how they eventually learn to appreciate the risks as well as the fun of it.

Jaya went on, "The film touches upon the crime thriller genre as well as horror and ghosts."

Bhootpori, which also stars Ritwick Chakraborty, Sudipta Chakraborty, and Shantilal Mukherjee, is slated for a February 9 theatrical release. The music for the movie was composed by Nabarun Bose.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:52:15 +0530 Press Time
Steve Waugh Criticizes ICC and CSA Over Test Cricket's Decline Amid T20 League Prioritization Following the announcement of the South African board's T20 league over the longest format and the selection of a reduced Proteas red-ball squad for the New Zealand tour, former captain of Australia Steve Waugh has taken aim at the International Cricket Council (ICC) and Cricket South Africa for their apparent lack of concern for Test cricket.

For the two-Test series against New Zealand that begins next month, the CSA has selected a second-string Test team that consists of seven uncapped players, including a new captain. The top South African cricket players are contracted to participate in the SA20, a T20 league that was started by CSA and Indian Premier League teams, in its second season, which happens to coincide with the tour.

A CSA ruling states that no player under contract with a SA20 franchise is qualified to be selected for the Tests.

They obviously don't give a damn. If the South African cricket board, which keeps its best players at home, is any guide to the future, it will happen, Waugh told The Sydney Morning Herald.

Not even if I were from New Zealand, would I play the series. I have no idea why they are even having a game. Given that it betrays a lack of regard for New Zealand cricket, why would you?

Waugh had originally expressed his concern on Instagram. Is this a turning point in Test cricket's demise? To preserve the purest form of the game, the ICC and the cricket boards of Australia, England, and India must undoubtedly intervene.

Tradition and history have to be taken into consideration. One of Australia's most successful captains, Waugh, wrote, "The legacy of (Sir Don) Bradman, (WG) Grace, and (Sir Garfield) Sobers will be irrelevant if we stand by and allow profits to be the defining criteria."

South Africa has a history of giving precedence to its domestic T20 league over international cricket. They forfeited an ODI series in Australia in 2022 in order to have their best players play in that league, which served as a direct-qualification route for the 2023 ODI World Cup in India.

Due to the fact that some of their regulars would have preferred to play in the IPL, South Africa fielded a weakened team for the two home Test matches against Bangladesh back in March 2022.

"You're not testing yourself against the best players, so Test cricket doesn't become Test cricket if the ICC or someone else doesn't intervene quickly. I can see why there are no players. Their compensation is inadequate.

But in order to encourage people to play Test cricket, I fail to see why the ICC or the wealthiest nations simply establish a standard fee for Test matches that is a premium.

Waugh worries that the trend will continue since neither Pakistan nor the West Indies are sending their full-strength squads to Australia for the Test matches.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:42:37 +0530 Press Time
Deepti Sharma Aims to End Australia's Winning Streak, Focus on Lessons Learned India Women are favored to end Australia Women's winning run at home "as early as possible," according to off-spinner Deepti Sharma. The Indian team has lost two of the current series' ODI matches and nine other in a row against the Australians.

Australia secured the three-match series last Saturday at the Wankhede Stadium with a narrow three-run victory, building an unbeatable 2-0 lead. India's last home victory over Australia came in Chennai in February of 2007.

"Look, there are rewards and penalties in sports. As a team, we have also become better at both hitting and bowling. Thus, on the eve of the meaningless third ODI on Monday, Deepti stated, "We'll try to break their winning streak as early as possible."

"There have been numerous advancements. The games we used to play against Australia used to never be that close. We can persevere through to the end, which is a plus, Deepti continued.

India will try to concentrate on the lessons learned from the second game in all departments. As a team, we bowled well. It worked well for the pacers and spinners to limit them.

Meanwhile, the batters performed admirably. Their inter-partnerships weren't too bad, according to Deepti.

In addition, Deepti commended Richa Ghosh (96 off 117 balls) and rookie Shreyanka Patil (1/43) for their enthusiastic efforts in the second ODI. "It's not simple to perform as well as Shreyanka did in your first match.

Speaking of Richa, Deepti said, "It was fun to watch her play fearless cricket."

Following her impressive five-for-38 spell, which was her second career fifer, Deepti led India's bowling attack. She attributed this to her prolonged net sessions. "I've increased my bowling sessions, trained a lot, and bowled with the new ball in different phases, in the middle of overs, and even at the end with the old ball."

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:37:52 +0530 Press Time
Pace Predicament: India's Selection Conundrum Ahead of Second Test Against South Africa Before the second Test match between India and South Africa in Cape Town starts on Wednesday, the Indians are unsure of their pace combination.

A lackluster pace attack, with the exception of Mohammed Siraj and Jasprit Bumrah, greatly contributed to the innings loss in the first game in Centurion on a lively wicket.

It is acknowledged that Shardul Thakur's position on the team has not yet been decided. After taking just seven wickets in his last seven Test matches, the pacer's bowling abilities have been the subject of much introspection. Nonetheless, he is no longer sidelined by the shoulder injury he sustained on Saturday during practice.

Monday morning marked the start of the Indians' first practice at Newlands. Mukesh Kumar is still a possibility for the second Test, but Prasidh Krishna might get another chance.

Following his five-wicket performance for India A against South Africa A, Avesh Khan was added to the Indian squad. However, Mukesh might be given a chance if the think tank chooses to fire Shardul. The young Bengali player impressed with his performance in his debut match against the West Indies in Port of Spain.

However, India's pacers will struggle unless they can take advantage of the uneven bounce and extract the same amount of pace and seam movement as their South African counterparts.

The candidate who missed the first test because of lower back stiffness is Ravindra Jadeja. Ravichandran Ashwin might have to sit out because India will start with four pacers.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:35:10 +0530 Press Time
Rohit's South Africa Woes: Can He Conquering Rabada and Find Batting Bliss in Cape Town? Ten innings with just 128 runs at an average of 12.80. That is Rohit Sharma's performance in his five Test matches in South Africa.

A major contributing factor to the depressingly low number of Rohit is Kagiso Rabada.

In six innings on South African soil, the Proteas pacer has dismissed Rohit five times since India's tour in early 2018. Rabada has caused problems for other contemporary greats with his bowling ability, and the pitches in South Africa are difficult enough to make it harder for hitters to get hits.

The ball that Rabada used to dismiss Rohit in the second half of the previous Test match in Centurion was actually an absolute beauty of a delivery that could have easily taken out any other batsman.

Nevertheless, in their crucial second and final Test match in Cape Town, which starts on Wednesday, India needs their captain to perform at the highest level. For that reason, Rohit needs to make sure he finds a way to tackle Rabada. Playing the pull with a little more caution and prudence is one way, particularly if a fielder is positioned in the deep third-man or deep fine-leg area. It's likely that Rabada will try to lure him in again with the pull, which was the reason Rohit was dismissed in the first Centurion innings.

In South Africa, a batter needs to focus on moving forward. Playing from the crease, rather than going forward or back, is a mistake that Asian batters in South Africa have been making for thirty years. Rohit makes this error. Originates from a fear of the quick pace and bounce, former South Africa batsman Daryll Cullinan stated to The Telegraph on Monday.

"Rabada hits his short balls with outstanding follow-up lengths. Therefore, you need to be forward with a strong defense when he gets it fuller. The slower, less buoyant wickets back home allow Indian batters to get away with playing from the crease," said Cullinan, who averaged 44.21 in 70 Test matches.

However, it is anticipated that the wicket in Cape Town will be slightly more batter-friendly, which should provide Rohit with some relief.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:32:32 +0530 Press Time
From Controversy to Closure: Warner Reflects on Test Farewell, Ashes Agony, and Hughes' Legacy David Warner enjoys making headlines. Over the previous 13 years, the opener has been a part of some of the most iconic, poignant, and controversial moments in Australian cricket history.

Warner makes for an interesting story as he winds down an amazing Test career in Sydney on Wednesday, the third game of the series against Pakistan.

Prior to his final Test on home soil, Warner disclosed that he was ready to abandon Test cricket following the second Ashes game at Lord's in the previous year if he failed to register any runs.

"I wanted to take early action because there was a lot of talk about me and my form in England prior to the World Test Championship, as I stated quite clearly. In Sydney on Monday, Warner stated, "I said my ideal preparation to finish would be Sydney." "However, if I didn't perform as well as I did in a partnership with Uzzie (Usman Khawaja) at the top of the order, I actually had Lord's scheduled as my final Test."

After that, we simply continued to play some excellent innings together. I never got that hundred (in England) that I had always desired. However, we all did our part as a team, so getting to this conclusion is fantastic; it's not about me, it's about us. Although we have won the series, it would be fantastic to win 3-0 and have a clean sweep at the SCG.

I don't think it's the right decision to play on if you're down 2-0 and you go into the third one and lose that. It's a simple way out. A second reason, for me, was that it would have been simpler to choose if I had failed and we hadn't prevailed.

Warner acknowledged that his feelings about his Test career coming to an end have intensified in the last few weeks.

He said, "I wasn't really feeling very emotional when I looked at Lord's as a potential finish because I was content." Even though I wasn't making many runs, I still wanted to play Test cricket. No matter what format I play, I adore the game of cricket. Undoubtedly, though, since returning to Australia and learning that I'll be playing (my final Test), it's been emotional since Perth.

"Achieving that 160 and placing the team in a great position was made especially evident when passersby approached us and said, 'Well done, we support you, we back you.'" It has great significance. That's when the feelings most likely began.

Usman Khawaja, Warner's opening partner for 13 and final Test matches, has been a teammate since their Randwick under-12 days together. Warner gave a heartfelt tribute to Khawaja.

He also mentioned how hard it was for him to talk about the late Phillip Hughes's passing even after all these years.

Being here that day when he fell was really awful and depressing for us. It still gets to us hard. He's the one I've always seen on the other end. The boys are all aware that he is sneering down at us. It's still difficult for me to talk about it now, but I believe Warner will go down in history as one of our best opening hitters.

"Every shot in the book was his. His personality, vigor, and smile brightened the entire space. He was best friends with everyone, no one could ever say anything negative about him, and I genuinely think that if he were still with us now, he would be in my or Uzzie's shoes.

When asked how he wanted to be known for his Test cricket career, he replied that he had "given his all."

He claimed to have moved past the controversy surrounding his lifetime captaincy ban and the Sandpapergate incident that occurred in South Africa in 2018.

"Now that I think about it, I could have handled it differently. However, I believe that Nick (Hockley, the CEO of Cricket Australia) gave it his all when presenting that to the board, and I'm satisfied with the outcome. After that, I've moved on," Warner remarked.

"I have the chance to take the lead in the ILT20 and the IPL. I've had fun taking on leadership roles.

However, I've discovered in recent years that being a leader isn't just about donning a vice-captain or captain badge. In my opinion, I always take the lead on this team. That C or VC next to your name is not necessary.

"I know that when I'm in the changeroom, everyone gets up and moving, but I also know that sometimes my energy can be bothersome and a pest."

ODI goodbye with the rider

Sydney: Ahead of his final Test match, David Warner declared his retirement from one-day international cricket (ODIs), but he left the door open to play for Australia in the 2025 Champions Trophy should they feel the need.

"I'm retiring from one-day cricket as well," he declared on Monday at the SCG. "I had stated during the World Cup that overcoming that and winning it in India, in my opinion, is a tremendous accomplishment.

"I will thus decide to retire from those forms today, which will enable me to play in various leagues across the globe and help the one-day team progress a little bit. I am aware of the upcoming Champions Trophy. In two years, if I'm still around and playing good cricket, I'll be there if they need someone.

Warner's last One-Day International was the World Cup final against India in Ahmedabad, barring an unexpected comeback in two years. With 22 centuries, his total is 6932 runs at 45.30. Having played 205 more ODI innings than Ricky Ponting, he is second on the hundreds list and Australia's sixth-highest run scorer in men's ODIs.

He declared, "I was very, very comfortable with the decision." It was truly incredible to win in India from our current location.

"Our relationship only grew closer after we dropped our first two games in India... Not to mention the Calcutta semi-final, the bravery of Maxi (Maxwell), the captaincy, and the abilities and execution of the way we played against India were extraordinary.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:30:11 +0530 Press Time
South Dinajpur Cheers New Direct Train to Calcutta in New Year Bonanza On New Year's Day, citizens of South Dinajpur, a district bordering Bangladesh, boarded the first direct train to Calcutta.

To the delight of the locals, Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw essentially kicked off the Balurghat-Sealdah Express from Delhi on Monday. At the Balurghat railway station, Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) senior officials and a few other elected representatives were present, including the local MP, Sukanta Majumdar.

Starting on Tuesday, the train will operate seven days a week using LHB coaches. According to NFR sources, it will make stops at 13 stations en route.

Vaishnaw announced on Monday that 98 stations in Bengal, including 26 in north Bengal, would be developed into world-class stations as part of the Amrit Bharat station development scheme.

The scheme has also included the Balurghat station. The project to build a new railway line between the stations of Balurghat and Hili will cost a total of Rs 633 crore. The railway minister stated that improvements to passenger amenities, such as more foot overbridges, elevators, and escalators, are currently being made in a number of stations throughout the state.

Hili lies near the border between Bangladesh and India. A rail line connects Hili, a station in the neighboring country, with the Dinajpur district on the Bangladeshi side.

The locals' expectations have been fulfilled by the Narendra Modi administration. The local MP, Majumdar, stated, "We think more trains would be introduced in due course. Infrastructure development is in progress at Balurghat station."

Many observers interpret the decision to implement a direct train to Calcutta from the district—a long-standing demand of the people of South Dinajpur—as an attempt by the saffron camp to hold onto its support for the Lok Sabha elections.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:25:30 +0530 Press Time
Vlogger Arrest Sparks Sikkim Election Feud: Nepali Woman Returns Home as Tensions Rise There is a stir on both sides of the international border following the recent arrest of Nepali vlogger Uma Chamling Rai by Sikkim police and her subsequent return to her home country.

The events also revealed the fierce political maneuvering that was going on between the opposition Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) and the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) in advance of the Sikkim Assembly elections.

According to sources, Uma, who has 1.1 lakh Facebook followers, was detained on December 30 and charged with violating sections 153A, 153B, 505 (1), and 505 (2), which prohibit inciting animosity between various groups, after she uploaded a video on Facebook urging the Rai community to attend the Rai community's Udhauli Sakewa festival, which is scheduled to take place at Legship in West Sikkim on December 30.

Spokesman for the ruling SKM, Jacob Khaling, referred to the Legship festival as an SDF event. The Legship festival's organizers refuted the accusations.

Additionally, on December 26, Prem Singh Tamang (Golay), the chief minister of Sikkim and president of SKM, went to another Udhauli Sakewa festival in Namchi.

Uma announced that she had been forced to return to Nepal in a video that she shared on Facebook on Monday. "I would like to express my gratitude to the government and people of Sikkim for this gift. This is an incident that I will always remember. I was imprisoned after talking about my community.Uma remarked, "I don't think I discussed anything political.

Numerous Nepali artists denounced the detention. "Artists ought not to be used as tools for political gamesmanship," a Nepali singer told this publication.

Uma was placed under arrest, according to Sikkim police, following a complaint and learning that "her personal security was under threat."

Uma was placed under police remand for five days by the court, but on Sunday the police decided to send her back to Nepal. A police officer stated, "We will file a report (about the pushback and their action) before the court in due time."

The Sikkim government was attacked by the SDF, led by Pawan Chamling, for the arrest. "The arrest is an indication of the current government's desperation and frustration. Their behavior demonstrates how hopeless the administration is. According to SDF senior vice-president Tshering Wangdi Lepcha, Uma had not made any statements in support of the organization.

But the SKM camp persisted, claiming that Uma had been encouraged by SDF to produce online content that might stoke conflict within the community. Two three-day seminars were held by the SDF, one in Batabari Dooars from May 5 to 7, and the other at Delo in Kalimpong from June 9 to 11. The SDF's closed-door seminars in these two locations were attended by Uma's guides during her stay in Sikkim, according to a source from the SKM camp.

According to observers, the dispute surrounding Uma demonstrated the fervor of the competition ahead of the Sikkim Assembly elections.

After 25 years in power, Golay had won 17 of the 32 seats in the 2019 elections, removing Chamling from office. This year, Chamling is attempting a comeback.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:22:54 +0530 Press Time
Gorkhaland Hope Flickers: Darjeeling Advocate Ends Hunger Strike After BJP MP's Letter After the BJP legislator wrote to the agitator on Sunday regarding his efforts to fulfill the party's promise of finding a "permanent political solution," or PPS, for the hills and awarding Scheduled Tribe (ST) status to eleven Gorkha communities, a Darjeeling resident has ended his sporadic hunger strike near MP Raju Bista's residence at Matigara here.

The lawyer Birendra Rasaily had abstained from food since Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

"I got a written explanation from the MP about the PPS and the ST status yesterday evening, which is the third day of the relay hunger strike. After Sunday, Rasaily didn't fast, but she withdrew her protest because she was happy with his response.

In his letter, Bista stated that he had been persistently bringing up the issues in the Lok Sabha and urging the Narendra Modi administration to keep its word.

"Bista is actively promoting these issues with the Union Ministry of Home Affairs and Tribal Affairs, as well as other pertinent departments, including the Prime Minister's office," the letter stated.

The Darjeeling MP's letter stated, "The Union Ministry of Home Affairs has initiated the tripartite dialogue due to persistent efforts; the details of which are already in the public domain and the process is currently ongoing."

The attorney has also received an assurance from Bista that he will keep everyone updated on any changes to those matters.

The MP and his letter drew criticism from the Darjeeling district committee leaders of the Trinamul Congress.

"The BJP won the last Lok Sabha election by making grandiose claims and promises that ultimately proved to be unfulfilled. They are now attempting to use these issues once more to get votes from the hill residents as the elections get closer. The Darjeeling (plains) district Trinamul spokesperson, Vedabrata Dutta, declared that the plan would not succeed this time.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:19:17 +0530 Press Time
Debt&Ridden Everest Summiter Piyali Turns to Rock Climbing School to Conquer Loan Avalanche Mountain climber Piyali Basak, a debt-ridden athlete from Hooghly's Chandernagore who has scaled six of the world's ten highest peaks, set up shop at a bookfair in her hometown to instruct people in rock climbing and sell equipment for mountaineering.

Piyali, 32, chose this course in an attempt to pay off a massive debt. The climber's expenses to fulfill her ascent goals total Rs 80 lakh.

Opening the stall involves more work than just selling mountaineering supplies. A large number of tourists, rock climbers, and hikers visit the hills and mountains. Before heading uphill, I want to establish a platform where people can receive inexpensive rock climbing instruction. "I started my campaign for my new effort with this stall at the book fair," Piyali, a primary school teacher, added. "

In 2018, Piyali began her ascent of peaks higher than 8,000 meters when she ascended Mount Manaslu (8,163 meters), the eighth-highest peak in the world.

She achieved the seventh-highest peak in the world, Dhaulagiri (8,167m), once more in 2021. She successfully ascended Mount Everest (8,848 meters) in 2022 without the need for additional oxygen. She ascended Mount Lhotse, the fourth-highest peak, after two days of conquering Everest (8,516).

She attempted to climb Mount Cho-Oyu (8,188 meters), the sixth-highest peak in the world, which is located on the China-Tibetan Province No. 1 border. She was forced to return due to inclement weather before reaching the final 100 meters of the peak.

She ascended the 10th-highest peak in the world, Mount Annapurna (8,091m), and the fifth-highest peak, Mount Makalu (8,481m), in 2023.

Sadly, Piyali has not yet received her certificate of recognition for climbing the two peaks from last year because she neglected to pay the organization that arranged her expedition for a sum of Rs 30 lakh.

"I went to rescue another foreign mountaineer, and on my way back to base camp after conquering Makalu, I suffered severe injuries. I had to travel to Nepal for pricey medical care. To obtain my certificates, I must give the Nepal-based organization Rs 30 lakh. I'm not sure when I'll be able to collect the money," she uttered.

In addition to repaying the Rs 30 lakh she had borrowed from different banks, Piyali also had to pay back the Rs 50 lakh she owed to summit Mount Everest, Mount Lhotse, and Mount Dhaulagiri.

Piyali claimed that despite her requests for financial assistance to chief minister Mamata Banerjee and other organizations, no answers have been received.

"Every month, bank interest rates rise... I have no idea what to do. The teacher stated, "I'm going to Delhi now to beg our Prime Minister Narendra Modi for support," adding that she would be traveling there on Tuesday.

She explained that her way of making some money was through her stall at the book fair. The 10-day book fair in Chandernagore came to an end on Monday.

Although Piyali was disappointed that not enough trekking gear was sold during the event, she was pleased to meet at least 200 people—including parents of small children—who expressed interest in her proposed platform for training aspiring climbers.

"I have no idea how many people will sign up for my platform in the end. However, I enjoyed our conversations. "I intend to set up a comparable booth at the Calcutta Book Fair as well," she declared.

She continued by saying that her goals were to provide young climbers with inexpensive trekking equipment and training at a lower cost than other establishments.

"As a mountaineer from a very lowly beginning, I am aware that reaching aspirations of reaching summits calls for enormous financial resources. "I want to use my platform to provide affordable access to mountaineering experiences for the next generation," she stated.

The Indian Medical Association's (IMA) vice-president for Bengal, Chandan Kumar Ghoshal, a 74-year-old surgeon, described Piyali as a valuable asset for both Bengal and India. "We want the state and the central governments to positively help this courageous young mountaineer," Ghoshal stated.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:15:51 +0530 Press Time
TMC Rift Erupts: Abhishek Backlash, Bakshi Sparks Divide Over Mamata's Legacy The ongoing conflict between the old guard and the younger members of the ruling Trinamul Congress took a new turn on Monday when a number of senior party leaders got into an argument about leadership, specifically focusing on Mamata Banerjee and her nephew Abhishek Banerjee.

On a day when the party's grassroots members were occupied commemorating Trinamul's 27th foundation day, the unrest within the ruling regime came up in the state's political circles.

Many questioned whether the party was split vertically, with some members supporting national general secretary Abhishek and others chairperson Mamata.

In this context, Abhishek spent two hours with Mamata at her Kalighat home on Monday night.

"We don't yet know what was discussed or decided upon during the unexpected meeting between the two top leaders. However, we presume that some conversations about the events, especially the altercation between the two groups that happened all day, must have happened between them, a party leader stated.

The party's state president, Subrata Bakshi, started the unrest in Trinamul on Monday after making a remark about Abhishek's role that embarrassed the party hierarchy.

We have a national general secretary named Abhishek Banerjee. In my view, Abhishek Banerjee will undoubtedly not retreat from the battlefield if he runs in this election. When he fights, Bakshi—a well-known lieutenant of chief minister Mamata since Trinamul's founding—will fight by keeping Mamata Banerjee and the party's emblem front and center.

Due to "ongoing differences of opinion" between Abhishek and his aunt Mamata regarding the party's course of action, many in the party believed Bakshi raised doubts about whether Abhishek would leave the battlefield during the Lok Sabha elections.

According to a source, there were rumors circulating within the party that Abhishek wanted to limit his involvement in politics to campaigning for his Lok Sabha seat of Diamond Harbour. For this reason, Bakshi's remark became significant.

Does this imply that "Abhishek will not retreat" from the combat zone? Why is he going to retreat? As the party's leader, he is a leader. Under Mamata di's direction, Abhishek has emerged as the party's commander and is considered its face. Abhishek has led a number of campaigns in the recent past, such as rural elections and protests in Delhi. Respected state president of our party, Kunal Ghosh, a close Abhishek aide, stated, "I think his sentence structure needs to be reevaluated.

According to a source, Abhishek held a private meeting with five leaders, including Ghosh, where he discussed areas of disagreement.

According to insiders in Trinamul, Abhishek has recently cut ties with the party's organizational matters because he and his aunt, the party's top leader, have differing views. This is because the movement Abhishek led to demand central funds was gradually watered down.

According to party insiders, Abhishek intended to step up the opposition to the BJP in order to obtain central funding for a number of rural development initiatives, such as the 100-day job scheme.

Prior to the Lok Sabha elections, he intended to intensify his campaign against the BJP and deliver a crushing blow to the party with a rally at Brigade Parade Ground in February. According to a party source, "He is not happy with how the agitation he started was handled after Durga Puja."

Additionally, sources claimed that Subrata Bakshi assumed leadership and began corresponding with various district leaders after Abhishek stopped keeping an eye on the party's organizational matters. According to sources, Bakshi even got involved in settling internal disputes in some districts, which was initially the responsibility of Abhishek's office.

However, Abhishek's absence was evident throughout the party's organization in recent times, which is why the topic of disagreements became a talking point.

"It's a fight between the younger generation supporting Abhishek's leadership and the party's elders who want Mamata to lead the organization," the source continued.

Sudip Bandyopadhyay, a veteran legislator from Trinamul, made a remark that sparked yet another verbal exchange between the two factions within Bengal's ruling administration.

In national politics, Bengal is given top priority due to Mamata Banerjee. On the eve of the party's foundation day celebration on Monday in Calcutta, Bandyopadhyay informed party employees that Bengal will have no place in national politics without Mamata Banerjee.

"He (Bandyopadhyay) witnessed an altercation in Delhi that Abhishek led and its consequences. So why does he claim that without Mamata di, Bengal would not exist? According to news channel ABP Ananda, "some leaders are attempting to demonstrate their blind obedience." Kunal Ghosh said.

The opposition criticized Trinamul for letting its internal squabbling become public.

"The national general secretary of a political party is not backing down from the battlefield, according to the state president of the party. "I doubt that it was a puppet show directed by Amit Shah and Narendra Modi," veteran CPM member Sujan Chakraborty remarked.

Such open divisions are typical within dynastic and regional political parties. People, however, are not interested in such developments (in Trinamul)," chief spokesperson for the Bengal BJP Samik Bhattacharya stated.

It is nothing new that Abhishek and Mamata have different approaches to managing party affairs.

Bengal experienced controversy in February 2022 over the release of candidate lists for 107 municipalities. Partha Chatterjee, the general secretary of Trinamul, released a new version of the candidate lists two hours after Prashant Kishore's iPAC, which was once under Abhishek's direction, published the previous ones.

After a meeting with Mamata and Abhishek, along with other high-ranking party officials, the differences were resolved.

However, some leaders stated that it is more important to publicly discuss disagreements before the important Lok Sabha elections, particularly in light of how it will affect the spirits of the party's local cadres.

"There hasn't been any significant political program in the last few months, and the political activities on the ground have ceased. A senior Trinamul leader in Calcutta stated, "We believe Didi and Abhishek should work together to identify some strategies to activate the party's organization throughout Bengal.

The leader used the ongoing dispute between the party's Barrackpore MP Arjun Singh, who left the BJP, and Jagaddal MLA Somnath Shyam, which hasn't been able to be resolved despite Bakshi's best efforts over the past week, as an example of the problems caused by this division.

"It continued even after Bakshi da (Subrata Bakshi) asked the two to cease criticizing one another in public. Shyam criticised Singh even on Monday, but he didn't mention him. The party's organisation is suffering from Abhishek's absence, the leader claimed.

The leading pair had earlier in the day wished supporters a happy Trinamul Foundation Day on X.

Mamata's post on her X handle, "No surrender to evil force: in defence of all terror we will continue our lifelong struggles for the common people of our country," set the tone for the party's election campaign.

"Celebrating the 27th Foundation Day of Trinamool Congress!" wrote Abhishek. We are appreciative of the amazing journey and, united, we will continue to serve the country honorably and honestly.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:12:47 +0530 Press Time
Japan Hit by 7.6 Earthquake, Buildings Topple, Rescue Thwarted by Blocked Roads At least five people were killed in the strong earthquake that struck central Japan on New Year's Day, according to reports from police and local authorities early on Tuesday about bodies being pulled from the wreckage of fallen buildings.

The mid-afternoon on Monday saw the earthquake, which had a preliminary magnitude of 7.6, destroy buildings, cut off electricity to tens of thousands of homes, and force residents of some coastal areas to evacuate for higher ground.

It also caused waves in neighboring South Korea and along Japan's extensive western coast that reached a height of about one meter (3.3 feet).

When the earthquake ripped open cracks in the runway, one nearby airport remained closed and Army personnel were sent to assist with rescue efforts.

A day after the accident, major roads leading to the worst-affected areas were severely damaged, impeding rescue efforts. The extent of the damage and the death toll were still unknown.

Doctors were reportedly unable to get to the hospital in the severely damaged town of Suzu, according to public broadcaster NHK. It stated that due to a power outage, the hospital was depending on a backup generator.

Following a building collapse in Shika Town, Ishikawa prefecture, a man in his 90s was pronounced dead, according to local police, as reported by broadcaster NTV.

Four people died in Ishikawa, according to Kyodo News, which cited the Prefectural Crisis Management Team. The deceased included a man in his 70s, a woman and man in their 50s, and a small boy.

Search and rescue teams were finding it difficult to get to the worst-hit areas because of blocked roads, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida informed reporters late on Monday.

Following the earthquake, President Joe Biden said in a statement that the US was prepared to assist Japan as needed.

"Our people are united by a strong friendship between the United States and Japan, who are close allies. We are praying for the people of Japan during this trying time "said he.

As of Monday night, the Japanese government announced that it had issued evacuation orders for over 97,000 residents of nine prefectures located on Honshu's western coast. They were spending the night in school gymnasiums and sports halls, which are frequently utilized as emergency evacuation hubs.

According to the website of Hokuriku Electric Power, nearly 33,000 households in Ishikawa prefecture were still without electricity early on Tuesday morning.

Following the catastrophe, the Imperial Household Agency announced on Tuesday that it would postpone Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako's scheduled New Year's appearance.

atomic plants

The earthquake strikes at a sensitive moment for Japan's nuclear industry, which has been confronted with strong opposition from certain residents ever since the earthquake and tsunami that occurred in 2011 and led to the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns. That disaster destroyed entire towns.

Nuclear plants around the Sea of Japan, including five operational reactors at Kansai Electric Power's Ohi and Takahama plants in Fukui Prefecture, were found to be normal, according to the Nuclear Regulation Authority.

The agency stated that Hokuriku Electric's Shika plant, which is the closest to the epicentre, had already stopped its two reactors for routine inspections prior to the earthquake and had not experienced any seismic damage.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:09:10 +0530 Press Time
Yogi Taunts Opposition over Ayodhya Visit, Touts UP Development and Girl's School Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath took a jab at leaders of opposition parties on Monday, stating that people who were hesitant to even mention Ayodhya are now stating they would travel there if invited.

Adityanath said this in front of a sizable crowd during a program held to honor Sadhvi Ritambhara's 60th birthday in Vatsalya Gram, Vrindavan.

Leaders of several opposition parties have indicated that they plan to attend the January 22 consecration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya.

The chief minister stated, "Those who were reluctant to travel to Ayodhya previously, those who were reluctant to even mention Ayodhya, are now saying that if we get an invitation we will also go."

Adityanath also praised the infrastructure improvements made to Ayodhya, which include wide roads, a modernized train station, and air connectivity. He also mentioned that there will soon be waterways in Ayodhya.

"In the double engine government, this is the biggest change. "Everyone will side with you if you stand up for what's right," he said.

Adityanath urged everyone to promise to advance India's development. "When 140 crore Indians band together to defend the nation, the world will truly understand the strength of India," he declared.

Adityanath remarked of the previously opened all-girls Sainik school, "The school was an ideal example of security, self-reliance and honour for girls." According to him, women's security, honor, and independence are essential for building a powerful society.

"I was informed that only boys are admitted to Lucknow Sainik School during my visit there in 2017, and I said that girls should be admitted starting with the next session," the chief minister stated.

Rajnath Singh, the minister of defense, officially opened Samvid Gurukulam Girls Sainik School on Monday. It is the first all-girls sainik school, with approximately 870 students enrolled.

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:06:15 +0530 Press Time
Ram Mandir Opening: Can BJP Leverage It to Divide Opposition? In addition to bolstering the party's campaign for the Lok Sabha elections, BJP strategists think that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's opening of the Ram temple later this month may end up creating a rift within the Opposition INDIA bloc.

It has been reported that the BJP leadership has devised a complex strategy to leverage the inauguration for political gain, which involves creating a horde of "temple influencers" in each Lok Sabha seat. Party managers, however, are now positive that the opposition leaders, with their differing perspectives, have the potential to be "bigger influencers."

A BJP general secretary expressed happiness that the leaders of the INDIA bloc were indecisive about accepting the invitation, saying, "The invitation to Opposition party leaders to attend the consecration ceremony seems to have set the proverbial cat among the pigeons."

In the lead-up to the consecration ceremony on January 22, this BJP leader predicted that the Opposition bloc's divisions would deepen and expressed hope that the event would benefit the party politically. He claimed that by making statements in favor of and against attending the consecration ceremony, the opposition leaders were merely assisting in the transformation of the Ram temple into a potent political symbol.

While other INDIA bloc partners have been speaking in different voices, the Congress has not yet made an official announcement regarding its attendance at the Ayodhya event, giving the impression that it is stuck in a bind.

The ruling alliance partner RJD has not yet made up its mind, but Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's JDU, a significant member of INDIA, has clearly stated that it will attend the Ram temple consecration ceremony.

"If invited, JDU will undoubtedly attend. Following the party's national executive meeting, JDU general secretary K.C. Tyagi stated, "The consecration ceremony of Lord Ram is a matter of pride for all Indians and no politics should be done over it since Ram belongs to all and not only the BJP."

Nitish will probably get an invitation to the temple opening ceremony now that he has been elected JDU chief. Should he depart, discussions about a potential realignment with the BJP in advance of the Lok Sabha elections would resurface.

In Bihar, the BJP is desperate to sever ties with the Grand Alliance that is in power. Insiders in the party think that disagreements between the JDU and the RJD may be sparked by the Ram temple.

The main opposition Samajwadi Party is also caught in a Catch-22 in the biggest state, Uttar Pradesh. Akhilesh Yadav's wife, Dimple Yadav, recently declared that she would unquestionably travel to Ayodhya on January 22 if invited. Later on, Akhilesh tried to avoid giving a direct response.

When asked, he responded, "Will go (to the temple) whenever God wants me," raising concerns that going could alienate the party's Muslim support base.

The BJP leadership, for its part, has devised a scheme to take full advantage of the Ram temple controversy. Modi was present at the recent party office-bearers' meeting, where the topic was covered.

Following the inauguration on January 22, the plan is to arrange free trips for ordinary citizens to Ayodhya for a Ram temple darshan, and then utilize those same citizens to further the cause upon their return. According to party insiders, the goal is to make sure that more than 2 crore voters—selected from important Lok Sabha seats—visit Ayodhya prior to the election.

It has been requested of party MPs and MLAs that they arrange for notable individuals from each village in their constituency to travel to Ayodhya.

In the run-up to the recent Assembly elections, home minister Amit Shah encouraged voters to elect a BJP government and receive a complimentary trip to Ayodhya by promising "darshan of Ram Lalla" at his rallies.

Apart from the BJP, several other groups within the broader Sangh Parivar have arranged several events highlighting the lives that Hindus have given up to see a Ram temple built in Ayodhya, with the aim of uniting the Hindu voter base.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:03:16 +0530 Press Time
Opposition INDIA Bloc Pushes for Meeting with Election Chief on VVPAT Concerns. In a letter to Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar, senior Congressman Jairam Ramesh asked that leaders of the INDIA bloc be given the chance to meet with him and his colleagues in order to present their positions on VVPATS.

In his letter to Kumar, Ramesh stated that, in accordance with a resolution adopted at the bloc's leaders' meeting the day before, the leaders of the INDIA parties had asked for an appointment with the ECI to "discuss and provide suggestions on the use of VVPATs" on December 20, 2023.

"We have been trying to meet with the ECI to hand over a copy of this resolution and have a discussion but have not been successful so far in doing so," he stated.

"I once again make a request for an opportunity for a 3-4 member team of INDIA party leaders to meet with you and your colleagues and take a few minutes to put forward our point of view on VVPATS," Ramesh stated.

The Congress general secretary also mentioned in his letter dated December 30, 2023, that a memorandum on the EVM-related concerns of INDIA parties had been submitted to the ECI on August 9, 2023.

According to him, this was corroborated by multiple requests made on August 9, 10, 16, 18, and 23 of last year for a meeting between an INDIA parties' delegation and the ECI.

"ECI provided our counsel with a clarification regarding the memorandum on August 23, 2023. This generic clarification did the following: (i) it told us to refer to the standard FAQs on EVMs that are available on the ECI website; (ii) it explained the legal basis for EVMs through Section 61A of the Representation of Peoples' Act, 1951; (iii) it summarized Supreme Court and High Court rulings regarding the matter of EVMs; (iv) it provided a chart of results from assembly and parliamentary elections since 2004 that demonstrated multiple changes in the political party gaining the most seats," Ramesh said. Nevertheless, he claimed that despite repeated requests, the delegation of the INDIA parties was not given access to a meeting or hearing.

Ramesh noted that we sent a follow-up representation on October 2, 2023, via counsel.

He stated that no response was received on the specific concerns raised by the representation, which were not addressed in the ECI's clarification dated August 23, 2023.

Ramesh's letter was sent a few days after the opposition INDIA bloc claimed that there are numerous questions regarding the accuracy with which electronic voting machines operate and recommended that voters be given VVPAT slips so that 100% of the votes can be counted later.

After discussing the matter with one another and in light of the BJP's recent victories in state assembly elections, leaders of various opposition parties believed that the opposition coalition as a whole ought to bring up the issue of EVMs with the public.

In the event of an election to the House of the People, the Election Commission states that before results are announced, it is mandatory to verify printed voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) slips from five randomly chosen polling places in each assembly constituency or assembly segment.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:00:02 +0530 Press Time
14 Opposition MPs Remain Suspended; O'Brien Accuses Govt of Hypocrisy Over Bidhuri & Singh As 14 opposition MPs are still suspended from the legislature, Trinamul Congress MP Derek O'Brien suggested on Tuesday that the government might want opposition members to act like BJP lawmakers Ramesh Bidhuri and Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, who are both accused of misconduct.

During the recent winter session of Parliament, opposition MPs in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, numbering one hundred and forty-six respectively, were suspended for staging protests in both Houses demanding a meeting and statement from Union Home Minister Amit Shah regarding the security breach that occurred on December 13.

Taking a swipe at the government, O'Brien—one of the suspended MPs—mentioned Bidhuri, who was accused of using a communal slur in the Lok Sabha, and Singh, who is being accused of sexual harassment by six female wrestlers, in a post on X.

An investigation into Bidhuri's accusation is underway by a privileges committee.

"The Lok Sabha is still graced by two exemplary members of Parliament, Ramesh Bidhuri and Brij Bhushan Singh. As the leader of the Trinamool Congress in the Rajya Sabha, O'Brien wrote in the post, "Perhaps the Modi government wants all of us in the Opposition to behave like them to avoid suspension from Parliament."

Although the majority of Opposition Members of Parliament were suspended for the Winter session and had their suspensions lifted when the House was prorogued on December 29, 14 members—11 from the Rajya Sabha and 3 from the Lok Sabha—remain suspended until a privileges committee report is received.

Three MPs—K Jayakumar, Abdul Khaleque, and Vijay Kumar—remain suspended from the Lok Sabha.

The Rajya Sabha members who are still serving their suspensions are: Mohamad Abdulla, John Brittas, AA Rahim, Kumar Ketkar, GC Chandrasekhar, Kumar Mather, L Hanumanthaiah, Neeraj Dangi, Rajmani Patel, and Binoy Viswam.

The suspension makes it unclear whether these MPs will take part in the next Budget session.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 12:56:10 +0530 Press Time
'Can Nature Unlock Calcium? How do Fruits Serve as Rich Sources of this Vital Mineral?'  Uncovering Fruits High in Calcium: Where to Look for This Vital Mineral

Calcium is an essential mineral that helps to maintain healthy bones and teeth, supports overall body functions, and helps with muscle and nerve signaling. Although dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, are widely recognized for their high calcium content, numerous fruits also provide a natural source of this vital mineral. In this section, we will explore the world of fruits and determine which are the best sources of calcium.

You might not think of oranges as foods high in calcium, despite their reputation for having a high vitamin C content. Calcium is present in oranges and their citrus cousins, such as tangerines and clementines. These juicy treats can still add to your daily intake even though the quantity may not be as high as other fruits.

When it comes to calcium content, figs—fresh or dried—are remarkable. They have a sweet flavor and a substantial concentration of this vital mineral. A handful of figs can contribute significantly to your daily intake of calcium.

Another fruit that is high in calcium is prunes, which are also frequently linked to digestive health. They're a healthy complement to your diet because they're also rich in fiber and antioxidants.

Kiwi is another unexpected fruit that makes a good source of calcium. Full of flavor and nutrients, especially calcium, this little fuzzy fruit is a powerhouse. Even though it doesn't contain as much calcium as some other fruits, it can still be included in a calcium intake plan that is well-rounded.

Though in smaller amounts than other fruits, some berry varieties, like raspberries and blackberries, do contain calcium. Nevertheless, eating a range of berries increases your consumption of calcium and offers a variety of vitamins and antioxidants.

It is noteworthy that although these fruits do contain calcium, the concentration of calcium may not be as high as in other food sources, and the amounts may differ. Still, including them in a well-balanced diet can help you get the calcium you need, particularly for those who might not tolerate lactose or who prefer plant-based diets.

Apart from fruits, vegetables such as broccoli, bok choy, and kale are also great providers of calcium. A balanced intake of nutrients is guaranteed when you incorporate a variety of foods high in calcium into your diet.

Recall that even though fruits are full of health benefits, they might not be the only source of calcium you need. To guarantee that your body gets all the calcium it needs, you must keep up a well-balanced diet that consists of a variety of fruits, vegetables, dairy products or dairy substitutes, and other foods high in calcium.

In conclusion, even though they might not be your main source of calcium, a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits can help you get the extra calcium you need. Discover the wide variety of fruits that are available and take advantage of their nutritional advantages to promote your general health and wellbeing.

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 12:43:25 +0530 Press Time
New Year's Eve: A Window into Our Aspirations, Our Connections, and Our Humanity It is customary to celebrate the New Year in order to commemorate the start of a new calendar year. It's a time of change from one year to the next, representing opportunities, hope, and fresh starts. People rejoice in the New Year for a number of reasons, such as:

1. Renewal: It represents an opportunity for a new beginning, a chance to make goals and resolutions, and a chance to move past the difficulties or errors of the previous year.
2. Tradition and Culture: Holidays are culturally diverse and may incorporate regionally specific rites, customs, and festivities.

3. Reflection:During this time, many people consider their accomplishments, personal development, and lessons discovered over the previous year.
4. Hope and Optimism:The celebration of the New Year is frequently linked to optimism, positivism, and hope for a better year to come.
5. Social Gatherings: This is the season of get-togethers, celebrations, and quality time spent with loved ones, creating bonds and spreading happiness.
6. Unity Across the Globe: New Year's celebrations unite people with a common excitement and optimism for the future.

All things considered, the New Year's celebration is a long-standing custom that enables people to look forward with hope, make new resolutions, and celebrate life's journey.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 13:55:23 +0530 Press Time
Cinematic Excitement: Anticipated Bollywood Movie Bonanza in 2024 Cheers to Christmas!

With Merry Christmas, Sriram Raghavan ventures back into thriller territory nearly six years after his mind-bending masterwork Andhadhun. The plot centers on two strangers who decide to spend Christmas Eve together, and things quickly spiral out of control. Merry Christmas, starring the unlikely duo of Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi, will be released simultaneously in Tamil and Hindi. Radhika Apte will make a cameo appearance in both languages.
Date of release: January 12


In Siddharth Anand's aerial action film, Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone play fighter pilots together for the first time. This Republic Day weekend's big movie also features Anil Kapoor, Akshay Oberoi, and Karan Singh Grover. The songs that HR and DP have released thus far have us infatuated. Looking forward to more!
Date of release: January 25

The Group

What a group of people! This Rajesh Krishnan movie, which is centered around the airline industry, stars Tabu, Kareena Kapoor Khan (whose The Buckingham Murders, directed by Hansal Mehta, is also something we are looking forward to), and Kriti Sanon. Producers of Veere Di Wedding, Ekta and Rhea Kapoor, are also involved in the movie, which also stars Diljit Dosanjh and Kapil Sharma.
Date of release: March 22


In March, Sidharth Malhotra's eagerly awaited film Yodha will hit theaters. Sidharth plays a soldier in the high-octane movie, reprising his role from Shershaah, with co-stars Disha Patani and Raashii Khanna.
Date of release: March 15

Chhote Miyan Bade Miyan

Tiger Shroff and Akshay Kumar star in the adrenaline-pumping thriller directed by Ali Abbas Zafar. This is not a re-imagining of the 1990s comedy Bade Miyan Chhote Miyan starring Govinda and Amitabh Bachchan. It was filmed overseas, and Prithviraj Sukumaran plays the antagonist.
Date of release: April 10

Champion Chandu

In this Kabir Khan film, which is based on true events, Kartik Aaryan is tasked with embodying the never-say-die spirit of a sportsman. A significant amount of Chandu Champion has already been filmed, and fans are intrigued by Kartik's initial appearance in the movie.
Date of release: June 14

Singham Once More

With the release of the third Singham movie, Rohit Shetty explores the most recent major development in his universe of cops. Kareena Kapoor Khan joins Ajay Devgn, who is back as the ferocious Bajirao Singham from Singham Returns. Coming soon to the franchise as new police officers are Deepika Padukone's “brutal” Shakti Shetty and Tiger Shroff’s Satya. Ranveer Singh’s Simmba and Akshay Kumar’s Sooryavanshi are scheduled to make brief appearances. Arjun Kapoor portrays the antagonist.
Date of release: the weekend of Independence Day


In Jigra, Alia Bhatt is a courageous sister. Alia's first look at the anime-styled poster for the Vasan Bala movie, which also stars Vedang Raina from The Archies in a major role, is already a #win thanks to the collaboration between the actor's Eternal Sunshine Productions and Karan Johar's Dharma Productions.
Date of release: September 27

Step 2

This August, the excellent Stree team makes a comeback with its sequel. In this Amar Kaushik film, Rajkummar Rao, Shraddha Kapoor, Pankaj Tripathi, and Aparshakti Khurana return to their respective roles. We hope Stree 2 is just as much of an incredible time as the first one, which completely changed the paradigm of the social horror drama.
Date of release: August 30


Vicky Kaushal stars in this period drama directed by Laxman Utekar, who also helmed Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, as Chhatrapathi Sambhaji Maharaj, the son of Chhatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj. Sambhaji Maharaj's wife, Yesubai Bhonsale, is portrayed by Rashmika Mandanna.
December 6 is the date of release.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 13:35:06 +0530 Press Time
Karan Johar's Heartfelt Gratitude to Apoorva Mehta: A Journey of Support and Friendship In a heartfelt note penned on the final day of 2023, filmmaker Karan Johar expressed his love and gratitude to Dharma Productions CEO Apoorva Mehta for supporting him through his most trying period.

Karan, who refers to Apoorva and his spouse Bijal as his "emotional and professional pillars," posted a story on Instagram about how he sought their help during a trying time after his father, Yash Johar, passed away in 2004.

With the release of Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani this year, Karan marked his 25 years as a director. He was grateful to remember that Apoorva, who was living in the UK at the time with his wife Bijal, immediately replied, "I will be there."

"Many thanks, Aps! In closing, the director wrote, "My father would have been so proud of us...just knowing that we could keep it together and do our best to build his dream." He then wished the Dharma Productions family a happy new year.

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Apoorva was moved by Karan's sincere message and replied with gratitude and modesty. "Not many people in the world are so important that you don't consider whether they are right or wrong, @karanjohar.... He left a remark beneath the director's note, saying, "I know Yash uncle must be very proud. I am honored and humbled to be part of your incredible journey."

"He just said, 'I will be there,' and that was it—overnight, Bijal and him left their established life to venture into uncharted territory," Karan said, emphasizing how that signaled the start of their joint venture to establish Dharma Productions.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 13:31:13 +0530 Press Time
Rajkumar Hirani on 'Dunki,' Audience Response, and Filmmaking Philosophy The director Rajkumar Hirani addresses the urgent problem of human trafficking in his most recent major motion picture, Dunki. In addition to Taapsee Pannu, Boman Irani, and Hirani—who is making her first film collaboration with Shah Rukh Khan—the film is doing very well at the box office. Vicky Kaushal also makes a brief appearance.

Hirani, 61, has been one of the most significant directors in Hindi cinema since his debut feature Munna Bhai MBBS (2003). He has skillfully combined comedy, education, and message in all of his films, including Lage Raho Munna Bhai (2006), 3 Idiots (2009), PK (2014), Sanju (2018), and Dunki.

A week following the movie's premiere, Hirani had a casual conversation with t2.

A week has passed since Dunki's release. Which aspect of the response and interaction from the audience has piqued your interest?

Many comments have been received, both positive and negative. The fact that a few people said, "Thank you for creating a different story," made me feel good. You have the guts to go against the grain and choose a different route, always attempting to create something you truly believe in. I am thrilled to have been referred to as brave! (laughs)

I have always made an effort to locate stories about India that are distinct from one another. If not, it's a trap, and you can either keep creating what you believe to be in style or stick to what you've always done and decide to try the same thing again after seeing how well it works with the audience. However, you must try various things; some will be more successful than others.

I tried something completely different with Dunki. Although it's a humorous movie, the human story it tells is weighty. I was unsure of how it would be received by others. However, it is receiving a lot of love, and I am glad that it is succeeding. I've never participated in the game of numbers. If the box office for my current movie does well enough to fund my next project, I'll be happy. That's sufficient.

It has always been your strongest suit to make each movie unique from the last one.

I'm not conducting business. If not, I would have been putting out one movie a year. Making a film takes me three, four, or five years. It is really hard for me to keep searching for new stories. With a century of Indian cinema under our belts, the majority of stories have already been told. Discovering a story that originates from within is the difficult part.

If everyone else decides to make Animal after a successful film like Animal, you won't be able to. This is because Sandeep Reddy Vanga, the director, is the one behind the movie. He is the source of it. That's what he thinks. It is different whether it is good or bad, but it comes from him, which is why people are connecting with it.

You have to tell the stories you want to tell because I will fail if I try to be someone I'm not. I will fail miserably because it is not me, even if I say to myself today, "Action is working, let me try and do it." That way, I'm attempting to determine what other people desire. How do you make judgments? Because of how big and diverse our country is, it is not possible. Making the movie you want to see is therefore challenging. There are situations when it will be accepted by everyone, and situations when it won't, but some people will find it appealing. And let's rejoice over that.

Despite your claim that you are not in the numbers game, each of your films has become a box office success. What is the equation?

There is no way to have a formula. You watch my debut movie, Munna Bhai MBBS. It centers on a 40-year-old gangster who aspires to be a doctor and is portrayed by Sanjay Dutt. You'll think, "Oh, obviously it was going to be successful," when you look at it now. However, many people at the time did not feel that way. Upon learning that I was making a film on Gandhi, every distributor I approached for Lage Raho Munna Bhai would call me, frightened, and ask, "Are you sure people will want to see Gandhi in today's times?" I was told, "Oh God, it's about religion and aliens," when I was working on PK. Who is going to want to watch? They even said, "He (Sanjay Dutt) is a tainted guy, who will want to watch?" when I made Sanju. At the time, everything seemed really frightening.

I really don't think the numbers game exists. While I'm thrilled that Dunki is performing so well, I'm not advocating that my movie should make a billion or two billion dollars. Sometimes a film will be favored by a larger audience than others, and vice versa. That is what is going to occur.

Despite Sanju's success, many people continued to say, "You made it for Sanju (Sanjay Dutt)." "No, I never made it for Sanju," I replied. Because I enjoy the story, I made it. A father and son are at a crossroads in their household, and I liked what happened to them. I felt that I should be making that movie, so I made it. I was informed that I had solely displayed his happy life. However, I had demonstrated his gun ownership, drug use, and number of women he had slept with. I had demonstrated everything.

You and Shah Rukh Khan had been attempting to collaborate for years prior to Dunki. Was working with him on set everything you had imagined it would be?

To put it simply, Shah Rukh is "pure love." Making a film is the journey that matters. You work together virtually nonstop for a year or longer when making a movie. It's an adventure. It's a "dunki" in and of itself, hehe. You have to relish the journey as you become family. Don't worry about me; instead, speak with Abhijat (Joshi), who co-wrote Dunki with me. He talks about Shah Rukh all the time because he is so enthralled with him. Additionally, he will say, "I am coming too," if I tell him, "Okay, I am going to see Shah Rukh."

We are very grateful for Shah Rukh's love. And I'm not even talking about how much work and how many rehearsals he put into a movie like this. Playing Hardy was a difficult role for him. Taapsee (Pannu), a girl from Punjab, is a good fit for the part. The actors who portrayed Anil Grover's Balli, Vikram Kochhar's Buggu, and even Vicky Kaushal's are devout Punjabis from that region. Shah Rukh continued to say, "That is the most challenging thing for me," as a result. You're forcing me, an urban guy, to play a country boy who doesn't even speak English. "It is very difficult to make the world believe that I do not know English," he said to me. He worked very hard to accomplish that, and it was great to see someone making that kind of effort as a director. He has shown me pure love throughout this movie, as I have stated.

Among other things, Dunki is a love story—one that you had never made before, but also one that is heartwarming and ultimately tragic. How was that experience, and did you ever consider a different, happy-ever-after conclusion in which they stroll into the sunset together?

This would be a common question even during scripting. Things like, "Don't kill her," would be said (referring to Taapsee's character Manu). I continue to receive this response, both now and after the initial screenings. However, a more rational reading of the narrative would reveal that she returned to her hometown because she wanted to pass away there. It would look ridiculous if I got her back and she lived on and recovered.

One other thing I could have done would have been to soften the scene where he pops the question and marries her, followed by a voiceover stating that she lived a happy six months with him before passing away. In other words, I would be lessening the death. I had to decide whether to be more subdued or to wait for people to get shocked that she had passed away. I choose the latter because I thought it was better.

Many others told me how much the death shocked them and that they had not anticipated this, even though there were those who desired a happy ending. Reducing it was not as good as that dramatic shock.

The purpose of the story is to astonish you. This, in my opinion, is the best conclusion. As a filmmaker, you have to make these decisions. I also believe that even if I had given it a happy ending, I would still have been held accountable and told that she should have died; how else could she have survived?

Dunki was the result of around three years of research. Did the movie take its cues from one or more stories?

Searching online or even going through The Telegraph's archives and finding articles from the past six months will show you that not a single month has gone by without news like this. There was news last month about a boat capsize in a dunki that claimed many lives. Before then, a lot of people were shot at a nation's border. A family was apprehended when numerous Punjabi men attempted to cross the Mexican border approximately fifteen days prior. Next, a family got stuck at the Canadian border. Therefore, not a single month has gone by without this news. It's just that the movie has made people aware of it now.

It is regrettable that we are so engrossed in our lives these days that we fail to notice all of these things. There are thousands of YouTube videos of what happens if you look a little deeper. These folks on a dunki now create and publish their own videos because times have changed. It's common to see videos posted online by Indians, Pakistanis, and Bangladeshis, the majority of whom use the message, "Don't do this." It was a mistake that we committed to. We are currently confined to this nation.

There are videos of the teachers in those English classes that I have demonstrated, including Boman (Irani, who plays Geetu Gulati). They're very funny! I considered using one particular video in the movie, but in the end I decided against it. The instructor assigns dialogues from Sholay to the class, with the instruction to translate them into English. Thus, when Gabbar says to Kaalia, "Ab goli kha," the students interpret it as, "Now eat medicine," since goli means bullet. These funny videos are hundreds in number. I had a good amount of material for my research.

I visited Punjab on several occasions and attended those classes. I visited those homes and got to know those folks whose children had left. Everything portrayed in the movie is real. It is, of course, about various families and their unique histories. Seeking asylum is the first thing they do after leaving the country. If they are discovered, they are taught to say that. If apprehended, they ought to have no affiliation with India—nor visas, nor identity. Saying that you seek asylum is all that is required. According to the law, you must find out which country this person is from and return him within six months. But the Indian embassy finds it difficult to determine where these guys are from because they come from isolated villages. Identity does not exist. When they are unable to return them in six months, they must grant them asylum there. They are expected to report to the authorities once a week and are given paperwork. They stay there, and after fifteen years in a nation, you are required to be granted residency.

It really is fascinating.

Yes, it is. During the research, a lot of things surfaced. Human rights concerns get in the way of the application and misuse of the law. People keep leaving the country in search of a better life, but because they are so naive, they are unaware that once they arrive, they will be unable to return for at least 15 years. Additionally, they are unable to return if they leave. They work at low-paying jobs. They have difficulty. Not everyone is wealthy. In the US and the UK, I made a lot of new friends. One of the people we were casting mentioned, "My brother is on a dunki right now." He forced me to talk to the man who claimed to have arrived in Mexico. "I've been here for two weeks," he stated. I now have to enter the United States. Yes, I'll go there and do it.

Has the movie always been called Dunki?

After a considerable amount of time without a title, Shah Rukh thought the name Dunki was intriguing. However, the title was already owned by actor-producer-director Akashdeep, who intended to create a web series. When we met him, he was incredibly kind and gave us the title.

Dunki is being compared to one of Shah Rukh's most influential movies, Swades. How do you interpret that?

Since Dunki is about a guy without a visa issue, I believe Swades is a very different story from that movie. He was an extremely intelligent man who had already made his home in the US. When he gets home, he wants to remain.

People who are unable to leave the country are the subject of Dunki, and they make up a sizable portion of the populace. Only 7% of Indians are in possession of a passport. The minimum requirements to enter a first-world country are a specific amount of money in your bank account and a particular degree of education. If not, no first-world nation will accept you unless they hire you. Even then, human struggle persists. I spoke with some restaurant owners in London who would like to hire our talented chefs but are unable to do so because the chefs must pass the IELTS test.

Every nation requires immigrants. I've come to realize that you cannot function without migrants. See what happens if the Mexicans are expelled from the United States. The UK is already suffering from Brexit. Restaurants close at 10 p.m. due to a staffing shortage. Because there are no porters at the airport, there are lines.

Most people don't receive visas. This implies that you are obligated to remain in the nation where you were born. You are not allowed to leave your nation's borders, no matter what. Unless you are wealthy. You will be able to travel to certain countries without a visa at most, which is currently the case. There are a ton of neighboring countries where a visa is not needed. However, there is no chance that your housekeeper or cook will be granted a visa if they ever want to travel to the United States. It will be extremely challenging, even with support and sponsorship.

This problem has no simple answers. We've drawn boundaries. However, after Germany bombarded the remainder of Europe, there are now no borders between them.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 13:27:14 +0530 Press Time
Exciting Movie Releases of 2024: Upcoming Blockbusters and Anticipated Sequels Madame Web

Madame Web, which is supposed to be the fourth movie in Sony's Spider-Man Universe (SSU) and is based on the Marvel Comics character, stars Dakota Johnson as the title character, a clairvoyant paramedic who develops the ability to see into the future. Characters played by Sydney Sweeney, Celeste O'Connor, and Isabela Merced join forces with Cassandra Webb/Madame Web to battle evil forces. Reminiscent of his role as Charles Sobhraj in The Serpent, Tahar Rahim co-stars.
Date of release: February 16

Part Two of Dune

The much-anticipated sequel to Denis Villeneuve's expansive Dune universe centers on Paul Atreides (Timothee Chalamet), who is seeking retribution against those responsible for his family's devastation while simultaneously attempting to avert a horrifying future. The returning cast members from Part One include Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin, Stellan Skarsgard, Dave Bautista, Charlotte Rampling, and Stephen McKinley Henderson. The new cast members are Austin Butler, Christopher Walken, Florence Pugh, Lea Seydoux, and Souheila Yacoub. I'm eager!
Date of release: March 15

Mickey 17

Filmmaker Bong Joon-ho, known for his parasites, steps into the realm of Christopher Nolan with an intriguing-looking sci-fi thriller featuring Robert Pattinson as a space traveler. Pattinson plays Mickey in the movie, which is based on Edward Ashton's novel of the same name. Mickey is a "disposable" employee who is sent on a mission to colonize the ice world Niflheim. One iteration is cloned when he dies, retaining all of his memories. In his March film, Mark Ruffalo and Toni Collette also feature.
Date of release: March 29

Kong x Godzilla: The New Empire

Godzilla and King Kong, who fought each other in Godzilla vs. Kong (2021), team up in this eagerly awaited movie to face a lethal new foe. This Monsterverse movie stars Rebecca Hall, Brian Tyree Henry, Dan Stevens, Kaylee Hottle, Alex Ferns, and Fala Chen.
Date of release: April 12


"A girl sets out on a magical adventure to reconnect forgotten IFs with their kids after learning she can see everyone's imaginary friends." All we need to do is sign up for IF, or Imaginary Friends, based on that description. This comedy, which was written and directed by actor John Krasinski, stars Steve Carrell and Phoebe Waller-Bridge in addition to an ensemble cast led by Ryan Reynolds, Krasinksi, and Cailey Fleming.
Date of release: May 17.

Furiosa: An Absurd Max Story

George Miller's Mad Max: Fury Road is an epic film that serves as both a prequel and a spinoff. It centers on the exploits of a young Imperator Furiosa, with Anya Taylor-Joy portraying the younger Furiosa (Charlize Theron played the older version of the character in Fury Road). Numerous cast members from the 2015 movie are back in the movie, which depicts Furiosa being kidnapped from the Green Place of Many Mothers and forced into a Biker Horde under the command of the Warlord Dementus (Chris Hemsworth), from which she must return home.
Date of release: May 23


Ana de Armas plays an assassin skilled in the customs of the Ruska Roma in the spinoff of John Wick. The high point? John Wick will be portrayed by Keanu Reeves once more. Costarring with Anjelica Huston are Ian McShane, Norman Reedus, Lance Reddick (who passed away), and Gabriel Byrne.
Date of release: June 7

A Calm Space: First Day

The history of the world in which the Abbott family first appears—one in which keeping quiet is the only way to survive—will be shown in this prequel to the 2018 post-apocalyptic thriller A Quiet Place. In the movie, which was directed by Michael Sarnoski and adapted from a story by John Krasinski, Lupita Nyong'o plays a woman navigating the early stages of an invasion by creatures that are affected by sound in what may be the loudest place on earth—New York City.
Date of release: June 28

Deadpool 3

The third installment in the Deadpool franchise stars Ryan Reynolds in the title role of the "Merc with the Mouth." Shawn Levy's film features Hugh Jackman, who postpones his retirement as Wolverine. Elektra, played by Jennifer Garner, is back. According to Fandango's yearly survey, Deadpool 3, a movie that is a part of Phase V of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is the most anticipated movie of 2024.
Date of release: July 26

Joker: Double Take

The 2024 movie that has us the most thrilled is Joker: Folie à Deux, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga plays Harley Quinn in the Todd Phillips-directed musical thriller, in which Phoenix plays the character for which he received an Oscar in 2019—the Joker. Zazie Beetz, Brendan Gleeson, and Catherine Keener are among the other cast members.
Date of release: October 4

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 13:24:01 +0530 Press Time
Kajol's Instagram 2023 Lookback: Cherished Moments, Glamorous Events, and Exciting Projects On New Year's Eve, Kajol shared a 2023 lookback video on Instagram, sharing memories of her favorite looks from the year as well as times spent with her co-stars, friends, and family.

In the end, the year was enjoyable. The 49-year-old actress wrote, "Spent time with the most lovely people, laughed a lot, had some great experiences, did a bucket full of amazing projects, celebrated more things than I can count, and wrote a farewell to 2023."

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The video includes everything, from the classy cast and crew of Lust Stories 2 on the cover of the June issue of the upscale magazine Lifestyle Asia India to Kajol and her daughter Nysa Devgan's glamorous appearance at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Center's opening ceremony.

In one of the scenes, Kajol is seen celebrating Durga Puja alongside Jackie Shroff, who is dressed traditionally. Although the 66-year-old actor wore a matching blouse and a golden saree, he looked dapper in an eccentric yellow coat.

A peek of the time Kajol spent in 2023 with her family can be seen on a few of the slides. The video montage includes a selfie taken with her son Yug Devgan, a family portrait taken in Ahmedabad during the 2023 Cricket World Cup Final, and a picture of her with her nephews, Aaman and Danish Devgan. Inside a studio, the Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham actress also posed with her husband, Ajay Devgn.

In different photos, Kajol wore a sequined pink saree and a bodycon dress, both of which looked equally stunning on her. Her go-to colors in 2023 seem to have been red and black. In the lookback video, the actress and fashion designer Manish Malhotra also shared a frame.

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Kajol's next role is in Kriti Sanon's thriller Do Patti on Netflix, which is scheduled for release in 2024.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 13:18:54 +0530 Press Time
Bengal Forest Department Implements 25% Fee Waiver for Student Forest Visits For educational field trips in reserve forests throughout the state, the Bengal Forest Department has announced a 25% fee waiver for students.

According to Debal Ray, Bengal's principal chief wildlife warden, the waiver will take effect in the new year.

Educational institution students visiting reserve forests for educational purposes will receive a 25% charge waiver, it has been decided. These include the admission price, the car parking fee, and the user fee for forest roads. Over the phone, Ray stated, "We think it will inspire students to visit the reserve forests and take advantage of the rich biodiversity they offer."

For example, the department charges admission fees to the Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary, Gorumara National Park, Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary, Jaldapara National Park, Buxa Tiger Reserve, Singalila National Park, Neora Valley National Park, Senchal Wildlife Sanctuary, and portions of Baikunthapur Forest Division for visitors who go on jungle safaris in north Bengal.

Every year, teachers and students from colleges, universities, and schools go to the reserve forests to conduct research.

The biodiversity of these forests is abundant. Experts, researchers, and students are drawn to even the moths and bird species. Siliguri-based wildlife conservationist Animesh Bose said he was pleased with the forest department's decision.

There is no waiver listed by the department for fees associated with hiring cars and guides for the safaris.

"In our opinion, these ought to be disregarded. Furthermore, a 50% student waiver should be offered. Our company regularly hosts nature study camps. We can conduct jungle safaris with students visiting reserve forests if a waiver of this kind is granted, according to Bhaskar Das of the Jalpaiguri Nature and Trekkers' Club.

The forest department ought to simplify fees, according to Jalpaiguri tour guide Sabyasachi Roy. "They do, on the one hand, charge cars to enter. Conversely, a visitor must pay the forest road user charge. He suggested streamlining these to encourage more people to visit forests.

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 12:33:30 +0530 Press Time
Bengal Greenlights 17 New Cold Storage Units, Aims to Aid Potato Farmers In order to assist potato farmers in storing an extra 17,000 tonnes of the tuber, the Bengal government recently approved plans for 17 new cold storage units spread throughout the state.

"This year's BGBS (Bengal Global Business Summit) featured proposals for the construction of 17 new cold storage units. All of those proposals have recently been approved. Within two years, these units will be constructed "said a senior department of agriculture marketing official.

There will be five cold storage facilities built in Cooch Behar. Jalpaiguri and Birbhum will see two. Each of the following will receive one: Bankura, East and West Burdwan, Alipurduar, Murshidabad, North Dinajpur, East and West Midnapore.

In the southern districts of Hooghly, Bankura, Birbhum, East Burdwan, and the northern districts of Jalpaiguri, Cooch Behar, and North Dinajpur, Bengal produces between 90 and 100 lakh tonnes of potatoes.

Currently, Bengal has 588 cold storage facilities spread out over the state, storing about 60 lakh tonnes of potatoes annually.

"Although farmers do not store all the potatoes they produce in cold storages, we have to increase infrastructure as the state government wants to focus on growing potatoes," stated a source.

Despite last year's surplus in potato production, a source claimed that many of the 588 cold storage units were unable to store potatoes to their best potential because farmers were not properly storing their produce.

The state government, according to potato growers and dealers, ought to concentrate on improving the potato market.

"We can store more of our produce thanks to the construction of 17 new cold storage units, which is a good thing. Unfortunately, limited market options prevent farmers from getting a higher price for their produce. The president of Paschim Banga Pragatishil Aloo Byabyasayee Samiti, an association of potato growers and traders in Bengal, Bibhas Dey, stated, "We implore the government to look at new areas, including outside Bengal, to sell our produce."

According to a top state government official, Bengal produced 120 lakh tonnes last year, more than the 90 lakh tonnes the state typically produces.

"Surplus production led to a lower price. To manage the price, however, we keep an eye on the market. In order to protect farmers from losses in the event of a decline in demand, the state directly purchases potatoes," the official stated.

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 12:29:16 +0530 Press Time
Anit Thapa's Mysterious Disappearance and Public Return: A Hillside Political Enigma The president of Bharatiya Gorkha Prajatantrik Morcha and head of the GTA, Anit Thapa, revealed his family vacation to south India on Sunday after remaining hidden from the public for five days.

Following Christmas, Thapa did not appear in public, leading to rumors that he was away in Calcutta or Delhi manipulating political equations.

According to sources, the rumors weren't shocking at a moment when the hills are seeing fresh combinations and permutations in preparation for the next Lok Sabha elections.

Thapa wrote on his Facebook page on Sunday, saying, "I have traveled to Puttaparthi with my family for a few days." Nine photos, some of which featured his family, were included with the message.

Andhra Pradesh's Puttaparthi is well known for being the birthplace of Sathya Sai Baba, an Indian spiritual leader and guru, as well as his ashram, Prasanthi Nilayam. During the winter, when hill schools are closed for three months, a significant number of his devotees from the Darjeeling, Sikkim region, travel to this location.

"2023, a year of accomplishment, has come to an end, and for that, I am grateful to Sai. In addition, I have prayed for 2024 to be a year of love and peace for the hills," Thapa said.

Thapa was seen by the public until Christmas.

"On December 22 and 24, he spoke at the party's open meeting at Mirik and went to Darjeeling to attend the Darjeeling Hill Marathon and MELOtea fest." According to a source, he also celebrated Christmas at an elderly residence in Takdah.

Following his disappearance from the public eye, conjecture intensified. Recently, there have even been discussions about his whereabouts among the leaders of his party. Only after the information was made public today (Sunday) was his presence at Puttaparthi extensively disseminated in the party's WhatsApp group, according to a BGPM source.

The curiosity about Thapa's disappearance from the public eye coincides with the emergence of new equations in the hills.

Mahendra Chhetri, the leader of the Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF), was suspended on Saturday for meeting Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Congress, in Delhi on December 26. The BJP ally party asserted that it was unaware of Chhetri's meeting with Rahul.

Rahul also met Ajoy Edwards, the president of the Hamro Party, on the same day. Munish Tamang, the president of Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh, an apolitical organization of Indian Gorkhas, did the same.

Thapa is an ally of Trinamul, which, along with Congress, is a member of the anti-BJP bloc in India. But Thapa is not friendly with Binay Tamang, the Congress representative for the hills.

"Against this background, there was much talk about Thapa's absence. His choice to share family photos on Sunday was likewise peculiar. According to a bystander in the hills, "He was presumably attempting to confirm in front of the public that he was only on a family vacation."

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 12:24:03 +0530 Press Time
Navigating Factional Challenges: Amit Shah and J.P. Nadda Forge Poll Management Team Amid Concerns Amit Shah, the union home minister, and J.P. Nadda, the president of the BJP, established a 15-member poll management committee on Tuesday. However, considering the structure of the party and the factionalism within the Bengal BJP unit, some party leaders are skeptical about the initiative's ability to add 35 Lok Sabha seats from the state to Narendra Modi's collection.

Party officials are reluctant to discuss their doubts in public. Some of them privately acknowledge that uniting the opposing factions to fight as one is the greater challenge facing the state BJP.

The Shah-Nadda team has stacked the new committee with notable figures like Suvendu Adhikari, Rahul Sinha, Sukanta Majumdar, and Dilip Ghosh. However, the state BJP is debating whether or not these leaders could work together to take on Trinamul in Bengal.

"Naddaji managed to bring the rivals together, but he did so without resolving their disagreement. According to a senior BJP leader who spoke on the condition of anonymity, "that prompted Amitji to step in and issue a stern message urging the warring leaders to come together and work cohesively for the Lok Sabha elections."

Shah met with a few leaders at a hotel in New Town on Tuesday, and he also had separate discussions with Majumdar and Adhikari. According to a BJP source, the Union home minister informed the pair that, while he wasn't interested in knowing whether Rahul or Dilip were good or bad, the party would not be able to win the 400 seats needed nationally if they lost even one Bengali seat.

Shah emphasized Ghosh's role in the 2019 elections, the source continued, when Bengal added 18 MPs to the party's coffers. Shah made it plain that the BJP high command was not paying any attention to the complaints against Ghosh by voicing his opinions in front of Nadda.

The source stated, "Amitji made it clear what he wants the Bengal leadership to do by asking Dilip-da to take a first-row seat during the meeting. Both Majumdar and Adhikari made several complaints against Dilip Ghosh in the last two years."

Shah is reported to have told the Bengal team, "Dilip Ghosh has the experience of giving the party 18 seats from Bengal and all should work together."

Ghosh and Majumdar's differences are no longer a party secret. An insider claims that Sinha and Ghosh have been marginalized since Majumdar and Adhikari have emerged as pivotal figures in leading the BJP's state unit since September 2021.

Their rooms at the party's state headquarters in Calcutta were recently demolished without their consent in order to make renovations. When Ghosh told reporters he should have given notice before his office was demolished, the party was embarrassed.

The district units are no better if the internal strife among the party's state leadership is a cause for concern. Since August, the Bengal unit of the BJP has instituted organizational changes that have resulted in factionalism and internal conflicts in a number of districts.

October saw BJP workers from Barasat in North 24-Parganas demonstrate outside the party's Salt Lake headquarters, accusing a few district office-bearers of being "Trinamul stooges" and protesting the appointment of them.

Because of his ties to Trinamul, we do not want Tarun Ghosh to take over as the head of the Barasat unit. A protester had stated, "The BJP cannot mount a united front in the Lok Sabha polls if people like him are given important posts."

Samik Bhattacharya, a BJP state spokesperson, denounced the demonstration and declared that "indiscipline would not be tolerated."

Outside the party's Calcutta headquarters, some BJP supporters recently set posters featuring Majumdar, Amitabha Chakraborty, the party's general secretary (organization), and co-minder Amit Malviya on fire. They asserted that older workers were being left out. The BJP unit from south Calcutta wrote to Nadda expressing their displeasure with Ghosh and Sinha's marginalisation.

Junior Union minister Subhas Sarkar was locked for more than an hour in a Bankura district party office in September by about fifty BJP workers who were protesting his autocratic behaviour and holding him accountable for the party's dismal performance in the local civic elections held the previous year and the rural elections this year.

To get away from the angry party workers, Sarkar had to call in the state police.

In 2019, the BJP secured the Lok Sabha seats of Bishnupur and Bankura. In Bankura, it won eight of the twelve Assembly seats in 2021 despite the Mamata wave that swept the state.

Maybe these protests had an impact on Shah and Nadda's thoughts. A state BJP leader claimed that Sarkar and three other Union ministers from Bengal were not included in the committee.

In the run-up to the 2024 elections, sources said that organisational strife among party officials does not bode well, especially in north Bengal's Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, and North Dinajpur, as well as in North 24-Parganas, Murshidabad, Nadia, Bankura, South 24-Parganas, and Calcutta.

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 12:21:02 +0530 Press Time
Mamata Banerjee's Adjustments: Postponements Amid Health Recovery and Administrative Priorities Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister, decided to postpone most of her administrative and political commitments that were originally planned for the first week of January. This included her visit to Sagar Island, where she was supposed to supervise preparations for the island's massive annual congregation.

Despite the lack of an official announcement regarding the reason for the delay, a state government source stated that Mamata was told to take it easy for at least a week following her minor surgery on her right shoulder at the SSKM Hospital on Friday.

Since most of the events are held outside of Kolkata, she would have needed to travel by air and by road. A senior state government official stated, "Doctors recommended rest for at least a week even though there is no serious illness."

Every year during the first week of January, Mamata travels to Sagar Island to supervise the fair's preparations. In order to spare the administration more strain, she would rather not go to the location during the Gangasagar Mela.

This time, her visit to the island was rescheduled for Wednesday and Thursday.

She will now travel for two days to inaugurate the Gangasagar Mela on January 8. A high-ranking official in South 24-Parganas stated that the chief minister would remain on the island until January 9. The fair will stay open through January 17th.

On Makar Sankranti, the Gangasagar Mela is a significant gathering where thousands of people travel from all over the nation to the island to visit temples and bathe in the Gangasagar.

Mamata was supposed to go to a public benefits distribution event in the same district on Thursday, but it has been rescheduled for January 9.

Once the chief minister opens the fair, all district officials will be preoccupied with Gangasagar. To expect the local government to plan another massive event, such as a public distribution program, for January 9 would be a difficult request. They would need to come up with a new strategy with a few more officials, the source added.

Mamata had an engagement at the Netaji Indoor Stadium in Calcutta on Tuesday before heading to the Gangasagar Mela. Reportedly, she is not likely to do so at this time.

According to sources, the chief minister wishes to keep an eye on the state secretariat's operations in addition to his health. This is in response to the appointments of the new director-general of police, home secretary, and chief secretary.

"She would like to oversee their initiation into the posts as a handholding exercise, since they are taking charge ahead of the Lok Sabha elections at a critical juncture," an insider stated.

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 12:16:45 +0530 Press Time
Arvind Kejriwal Stresses AAP's Ideals, National Impact, and Challenges Amidst Political Struggles Arvind Kejriwal, the convener of the AAP and chief minister of Delhi, claimed on Sunday that his party's "work-centric politics" have made it popular and that party members should be prepared "to go to jail for the paths we have chosen for the public good".

In his virtual chairing of the party's 12th National Council and National Executive meetings on Sunday, he declared, "In these ten years, the Aam Aadmi Party has risen to the third place among 1,350 political parties."

"If we were not successful and did not do anything good, then none of our party leaders would have gone to jail and today everyone would have been happy with their families," he stated.

Kejriwal's comments are significant because the Enforcement Directorate has requested that he appear before it on January 3 in relation to the money laundering case involving the Delhi excise policy.

The chief minister of Delhi declared that after ruling the nation for 75 years, "these people will not relinquish power so easily."

"I believe we are in a difficult situation, but we shouldn't be depressed. Our heroes are the five leaders who are currently incarcerated. We are overjoyed with each of them. I keep in constant communication with attorneys. The fact that all of our leaders are in such good spirits despite being incarcerated is a very good thing.

"Manish Sisodia sent a message the day his bail was revoked, stating, 'It's okay, I'll stay in jail for as many days as needed.'" "My struggle will continue, and this entire case is fabricated," he said.

During the National Council meeting, Kejriwal claimed that the AAP's "work-centric politics" have made them popular and provided the nation with a competitive electoral alternative.

Speaking to the party employees, he declared, "You will have to go to jail if you give children a good education. You will have to serve time in jail if you give the underprivileged free medical care. Because of the paths we have chosen for the greater good, we will have to serve jail time."

He also commended Bhagwant Mann, the chief minister of Punjab, for the state's outstanding advancements.

"We've demonstrated the kind of work that can be done that other parties couldn't in 75 years. The work the AAP government has done in Punjab over the past two years demonstrates that, in a state where they hold complete power, they are capable of working quickly and accomplishing great things "said the speaker.

He went on to say that in the past ten years, the AAP has had a major influence on national politics. He said opposition parties have been forced to talk about schools and hospitals for the first time in the nation.

"Now, these people have taken our term 'guarantee' and replaced it in the manifesto. They have begun discussing "Congress's guarantee" and "Modi's guarantee." While we are keeping all of our promises, these people have made promises to the public, but none of them have followed through on them since their motives are wrong," he continued.

In light of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, he also apprised the AAP officials of the party's physical national council and executive meetings in Amritsar.

Kejriwal explained the challenges the Delhi government faced and the liberty enjoyed in Punjab, a fully fledged state: "In Delhi, we set up 550 Mohalla Clinics due to obstructions created by the LG and the Centre, but in Punjab, 662 Aam Aadmi Clinics (Mohalla Clinics) are operational now and by January 26, 2024, the number will reach 750 in just two years."

Additionally, he urged party members to expand and fortify the organization across the nation. He asserted that states need strong organizations in order to win elections.

"In the Lok Sabha elections, the AAP is a member of the INDIA alliance. We have to compete well for the seats we receive through seat sharing, and we will use all of our resources to secure every seat. In the areas where elections are being contested, party volunteers from states where the AAP is not running for Lok Sabha will come and assist," he continued.

The Haryana Assembly election, he said, is the most important for the party after the Lok Sabha elections.

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 12:12:58 +0530 Press Time
ISRO Successfully Launches XPoSat: India's First X&Ray Polarimeter Satellite into Orbit The first-ever X-Ray Polarimeter satellite, which would provide various insights into astronomical objects like black holes, was successfully launched by ISRO on Monday.

Launched at the scheduled time of 9.10 am from the first launch pad here, ISRO's always dependable Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) successfully completed the C58 mission, putting the primary X-Ray Polarimeter satellite XPoSat into a 650 km Low Earth Orbit as planned.

The spaceport located approximately 135 km east of Chennai saw a large number of spectators descend, and as the 25-hour countdown came to an end, the 44.4-meter tall rocket lifted off majestically to thunderous applause.

The purpose of the X-ray Polarimeter Satellite (XPoSat) is to study the polarization of high-energy X-ray sources in orbit.

It is the first specifically designed scientific satellite from ISRO to conduct space-based polarization measurements of X-ray emission from celestial sources.

ISRO Chairman S Somanath greeted everyone with a happy new year as he left the Mission Control Center. Thus, on January 1, 2024, PSLV completed another mission that was successful. The primary satellite XPoSat is now in the desired orbit thanks to PSLV-C58." "From this point the orbit of PSLV 4th stage will be reduced to a lower orbit where the upper stage of PSLV which is described as POEM will carry out experiments with the onboard payloads and that will take some time," he said.

"Let me also announce the orbit that has been accomplished which is available through various routes, it shows excellent orbit and the deviations from the targeted orbit is hardly just 3km in circular orbit of 650 km and inclination is 001 degree which is one of the very excellent orbital condition and yet another announcement is that the solar panel of the satellite has been deployed successfully," Somanath, who is also the Secretary of the Space Department,

An essential diagnostic tool for analyzing the geometry and radiation mechanism of celestial sources is the X-ray polarisation.

The principal payload of XPoSat is XSPECT (X-ray Spectroscopy and Timing), constructed by the U R Rao Satellite Centre, Bengaluru, and POLIX (Polarimeter Instrument in X-Rays), designed by Raman Research Institute to measure polarimetry parameters. There are roughly five years in a mission.

"To be here to celebrate the great success of the 60th launch of PSLV makes me very happy," stated Jayakumar M, the mission director. "What makes this mission more interesting is the new technologies that are getting demonstrated in the POEM 3 experiment, we have the fuel cell, we have the silicon-based high energy battery, amateur radio satellite service...," he continued.

"More importantly, one of the payloads is a total women engineered satellite, this I think showcases the women empowerment in the field of science and technology and all the payloads in fact demonstrate the reforms that are currently in the Indian space sector," he continued.

The tremendous efforts put in by all members of the ISRO team and other stakeholders have made today's successful launch possible. Had it not been for the dedicated work of multiple teams from different ISRO centers, this mission would not have been feasible," he stated.

"I also thank IN-SPACe for acting as the nodal agency in identifying the payloads for POEM-3 experiment and for delivering the payloads adhering to our schedule," he said.

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 12:09:56 +0530 Press Time
Traffic Chaos Near Bhagalpur Railway Station as Truck Carrying Train Coach Causes Accident On Sunday, there was a major traffic jam near the Bhagalpur railway station in Bihar due to an accident involving a truck transporting a train coach.

The incident happened close to the station, near the Lohiya Bridge. Police report that no one was hurt.

"The incident took place when the truck carrying the coach lost control and hit one of the railings of Lohiya Bridge," they stated.

Reporters were informed by Vikas Choubey, DRM (Malda Division), "A restaurant is opening in the railway complex near the station." The company that had opened the restaurant was in the midst of moving the coach. It was essentially an instance of a traffic accident."

Due to the large number of interested onlookers drawn to the scene, there was heavy traffic on the surrounding roads. Nevertheless, the traffic was eventually cleared, according to police, with the help of local law enforcement and railroad representatives.

In Motihari, East Champaran, on Friday, a truck carrying a scrapped aircraft from Lucknow to Assam became stuck beneath the Piprakothi bridge.

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 12:06:53 +0530 Press Time
Digvijaya Singh's Ongoing Opposition to Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) and Call for VVPAT Slip Verification Digvijaya Singh, a senior Congress leader, questioned electronic voting machines (EVAs) once more on Sunday and insisted that voters be given VVPAT slips to place in ballot boxes.

Singh said that he has been saying that he does not trust electronic voting machines since 2003 in response to a video that raised concerns about their use in elections.

"I'm not even sure where my vote has been cast; I want to cast it to whomever I want to." There isn't a single machine in existence that can accept a chip that can be compromised. because the software that is embedded in the chip will dictate what it does. "You type 'A,' the software says, and only 'A' gets printed," he explained.

"What will print on the EVM if you press the "panja" (Congress poll symbol) and the software says "lotus"? Lotus or Panja? The issue at hand is that the VVPAT machine displayed the word "panja" for seven seconds. We were pleased with this and left, but the election symbol for the BJP, "lotus," will be printed! Rahul Mehta's video is where you can watch this game," Singh wrote in his post.

He said that, as is the case in all developed nations, the opposition had demanded that elections be held using ballots.

"Counting will require additional time. Okay, that's fine. However, the general public will think that the candidate they supported received their vote. It's not even known today. In his Hindi post, he said, "If @narendramodi ji and our Election Commission @ECISVEEP love EVMs so much, then why don't they show the VVPAT slip, give it to us, and we will put it in the ballot boxes."

Singh questioned, "What is the objection to this?" and continued, stating that "the Election Commission does not have time" despite the INDIA bloc's request for time to meet with the commission starting in August.

"What are our current options? Take your case against EVM to the Supreme Court or to the streets. Political parties, particularly those in India, ought to make a decision on this soon," he stated.

He stated in a different post that the political parties of the INDIA bloc are so busy that they don't even have time to meet with the opposition, despite their desire to be scheduled with the Election Commission starting in August.

"Will the Honorable CJI consider this? ECI consistently asserts that the Supreme Court's ruling on EVM is final. Honorable CJI, you should not even ask questions about EVMs from ECI; instead, recognized political parties should do as you please. He asked, "Where is justice?"

Singh also commented, "Thanks @pbhushan1 ji," in response to a post made by attorney Prashant Bhushan. Since this video is from before VVPAT, @ECISVEEP would argue that the matter is resolved. The voter can now view his chosen candidate for seven seconds. Does this imply, however, that the voter cannot verify that what he has seen is accurately printed by holding the printed VVPAT slip in his hands? The printer would follow the software's instructions rather than the voter's. Is the software reliable?"

"Who created the software and put it into the system? Why can't @ECISVEEP be truthful and release the software into the public domain? He stated.

Singh's comments follow days after the opposition 'INDIA' bloc claimed there are numerous questions regarding the accuracy with which electronic voting machines operate and recommended that voters be given VVPAT slips to complete, with 100% of the votes counted afterward.

After discussing the matter for a while, particularly in light of the BJP's recent victories in state assembly elections, leaders of various opposition parties felt that the opposition coalition as a whole ought to bring up the issue of EVMs with the public.

In the event of an election to the House of the People, the Election Commission states that before results are announced, it is mandatory to verify printed voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) slips from five randomly chosen polling places in each assembly constituency or assembly segment.

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 12:04:06 +0530 Press Time
Probe Initiated into Alleged Custodial Deaths of Gujjar Men in Jammu Amidst Army Scrutiny and Political Ramifications According to sources on Sunday, the defence ministry has instructed army headquarters to ensure a time-bound and "impartial" investigation to enable "speedy justice" for the three Muslim Gujjar men who are suspected of dying in custody last week in Jammu's Poonch district.

An official from the defense ministry told The Telegraph, "The discipline and vigilance branch at army headquarters has been asked by the defense ministry to ensure there is no undue delay in the completion of the probe and the fixing of accountability."

"The ministry emphasized that the incident was the subject of intense media scrutiny and had cast doubt on the army's reputation; the investigation must be unbiased and finished in four weeks to ensure prompt justice."

Following a militant ambush that claimed the lives of four soldiers and injured three more, the army is accused of torturing eight men from a Poonch village, three of whom perished.

The Center appears to have political motivations for its quick action, which included the removal of three officers, including the commander of the relevant Rashtriya Rifles brigade. The Gujjars, who comprise about 8% of the population in Jammu and Kashmir, are thought to be essential to the BJP's chances of winning elections in the Union Territory.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh visited the grieving families in Jammu on Wednesday, amid a flurry of protests against the alleged custody killings, and pledged to bring about justice.

Additionally, he met with soldiers and counseled them to uphold "professional" standards. He also reminded them of their responsibility to win over the nation's citizens' hearts in addition to defending it.

Raised in 1990, the army's elite counter-insurgency force in Kashmir is the Rashtriya Rifles, which is located in the storm's eye. The army provides its personnel through deputation.

The three officers' roles are being scrutinized. According to an official at army headquarters, "a thorough investigation is underway to determine their involvement in the suspected torture that resulted in the deaths of three civilians."

He said that the investigation would determine whether the three were present at the location and whether they gave the order for the alleged torture.

Key witnesses' statements have been documented, and higher-ups are closely monitoring the investigation's development. The official continued, "All civilian witnesses have been requested to provide a deposition before the court of inquiry.

The claimed custody killings, according to security establishment sources, may "alienate" the Gujjar tribe, which would be detrimental to the army's intelligence-gathering process.

"The people living along the Line of Control with Pakistan have long served as army informants. For a very long time, they have served as the army's eyes and ears, according to a security official with the Union home ministry.

"The Center has therefore overreached in an attempt to appease the locals."

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 12:01:18 +0530 Press Time
Tehreek&e&Hurriyat Ban Marks a New Phase for Kashmiri Separatist Movement After Founders' Demise Years after the founding leaders of the group, Syed Ali Shah Geelani and Mohammad Ashraf Sehrai, both died, the Center on Sunday outlawed the pro-Pakistan separatist organization Tehreek-e-Hurriyat (TeH).

Though militancy continues to be a problem for the government, the ban points to a new low for the political separatist movement in Kashmir.

"Unlawful Association" status has been granted to Tehreek-e-Hurriyat, J&K (TeH) in accordance with UAPA. The group engages in illegal actions to impose Islamic law and divide J&K from India. Union Home Minister Amit Shah posted on X that the group is still engaging in terror activities and disseminating anti-Indian propaganda in an effort to support secessionism in J&K.

Any person or organization found to be involved in anti-Indian activities will have their activities immediately thwarted under PM@narendramodi Ji's zero-tolerance policy against terrorism, he continued.

A few months before special status was to be discontinued, in March 2019, TeH was among the last significant separatist organizations to be deemed unlawful by the Center.

In 2019, the government began to outlaw the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front and Jamat-e-Islami. With the government's October and December bans on the Muslim League led by Masarrat Alam and the Democratic Freedom Party led by Shabir Shah, respectively, the process has accelerated in recent months.

Veterans of the separatist movement, Shah and Alam have both spent years behind bars. In addition, Alam is the leader of the radical Hurriyat Conference faction.

Hurriyat factions, both moderate and hardline, as well as smaller groups, have not yet been outlawed.

After 2019, the Center adopted a zero-tolerance stance toward all separatist endeavors. While some leaders are hiding, many have been put in jail.

Following the special status's cancellation in 2019 and the subsequent deaths of its co-founders, Geelani and Sehrai, a separatist leader claimed that the Tehreek-e-Hurriyat only existed in name.

After growing apart from their parent organization, Jamaat-e-Islami, the two, who are referred to as hardliners, co-founded the group in 2004 as a political organization. Their association with Jamat had persisted.

To make room for Sehrai, Geelani resigned from his position as the group's chairman in 2018. Sehrai passed away in 2021 while incarcerated, presumably due to a condition connected to COVID-19.

Geelani passed away in 2022 after a protracted illness while she was under house arrest.

Families were forced to bury their loved ones in secret in the middle of the night because the government had forbidden public funerals.

In Sehrai's case, his two sons were accused of yelling anti-terrorist slogans during their father's funeral, which led to their being booked under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA).

In addition to Geelani and Sehrai, several other notable members of the group, including Molvi Abbas Ansari, Sheikh Tajamul Islam, Altaf Ahmad Shah, and Nazir Ahmed Shawl, also departed from this life between 2019 and 2023.

This week, Shawl, 77, a former professor, passed away in London. Geelani's son-in-law Shah, 66, passed away from cancer while incarcerated in 2022.

Shah's relatives claimed that the government was refusing to provide him with healthcare.

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 11:58:08 +0530 Press Time
Tamil Nadu's Innovative Approach to Fast Bowlers' Training Reduces Injury Risk and Enhances Performance Sivaraman Arumugam, an orthopaedic surgeon, is willing to wager that Tamil Nadu-trained cricket fast bowlers will soon have an advantage over their counterparts in other parts of India unless other states also follow his center's "protocol."

The Tamil Nadu Cricket Association is going to provide promising fast bowlers with a biomechanics-based strength and conditioning programme aimed at reducing their risk of injury, improving their game, and extending their careers.

Arumugam and associates at the Sri Ramachandra Centre for Sports Science in Chennai studied the biomechanics of fast-bowling and came up with the protocol, which consists of a specially designed set of exercises to strengthen the lower back.

The act of repeatedly bowling over months or years, known as bowling overload, raises the possibility of injury. However, previous research has indicated that fast bowling mechanics have a significant impact on both performance and risk level.

In their biomechanics lab, Arumugam and his colleagues measured the sideward bending angles, knee rotation angles, and peak vertical ground reaction force of state-level fast bowlers from Tamil Nadu and Kerala. These measurements were taken to determine the three risk factors for lumbar spine injuries.

Bowlers are more likely to sustain a lumbar spine injury if their sideways bending, knee angles, and peak ground reaction force are greater than threshold values. Researchers in Chennai discovered that 46% of bowlers exceeded the maximum vertical ground reaction force limits and 1 in 4 bowlers exceeded angle thresholds.

According to the results, almost half of the fast bowlers had a chance of suffering a lumbar spine injury.

In order to reduce the risk, the researchers created a strength and conditioning protocol in collaboration with specialists in Australia and South Africa. This exercise program included plyometrics, squats, lunges, planks, broad jumps, hamstring curls, and back extensions, among other exercises.

Twenty-one fast bowlers who kept up their regular training and practice regimen and another twenty-one fast bowlers who were asked to follow the protocol for a period of twelve weeks had their ball-hurling behavior observed. The sideward and knee movements, as well as the lower peak ground force, were significantly improved in those who followed the protocol, reducing the risk of injury.

Arumugam stated, "As an added bonus, the ball's speed increased after the training—the bowlers threw the ball faster under movements that lowered their risk of injury." The goal of the Tamil Nadu Cricket Association's fast bowler training program is to include this protocol.

The Board of Cricket Control of India has received a proposal from the Sri Ramachandra Centre for Sports Science to investigate implementing the protocol in additional states. The danger of lumbar spine injuries and their effects for fast bowlers have been highlighted by numerous studies conducted in India and other nations.

The Chennai study, according to Mandeep Dhillon, an orthopaedic surgeon at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh, is an example of how biomechanics can shed light on the forces produced during fast bowling.

In a commentary on the science and medicine of cricket published earlier this year in the Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, Dhillon wrote that this information, in turn, can help experts design specific actions to generate more bowling pace while minimising injury risk.

For example, a study conducted among elite male academy cricket players in England and Wales revealed that the most common site of injury was the lumbar spine, accounting for 15.3 injuries per 100 players annually. Other common sites of injury included the hand (12.1), ankle (11.1), shoulder (8.1), and knee (8.1).

According to a study conducted last week and published in the UK by Amy Williams and her colleagues at the University of Bath, lumbar spine injuries most frequently happened while bowling. Stress fractures accounted for a significant portion of these injuries, with full healing usually taking four to six months.

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 11:53:34 +0530 Press Time
Rishabh Pant Set for a Promising Cricket Comeback Post Near&Fatal Accident, Predicts Nasser Hussain After recovering from a near-fatal car accident in December 2022, "box office" cricketer Rishabh Pant is expected to make a successful comeback in 2024, according to former England captain Nasser Hussain.

Pant was in a terrible car accident on that fateful night. Since then, the wicketkeeper-batter has advanced significantly, and it is likely that he will play cricket again before the T20 World Cup in the United States and the West Indies.

You watch what I do on social media, on my phone, and from the first few steps on foot to scenes in the gym, to scenes where Pant plays a little cricket, and to scenes where he hangs out with Ricky Ponting. Ricky was texting him during our summer trip through the 2023 Ashes, asking how things were going with his progress. Hussain informed the ICC, "And he's a box office cricketer."

KL Rahul, who took over for Pant during his absence, performed admirably at the most recent ODI World Cup, amassing 452 runs at an average of 75.33. India is fortunate to possess both of them. However, Hussain said, "Pant was box office before his injury and hopefully will be box office after his injury as well."

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 11:50:21 +0530 Press Time
Sunil Gavaskar Advises Shubman Gill to Adjust Batting Approach for Test Cricket After Initial Struggles After the young batsman failed to score significantly in the first Test match against South Africa in Centurion, Sunil Gavaskar has asked Shubman Gill to temper his aggressive intentions when batting in Tests.

India lost the first Test by an innings and 32 runs. Gill scored two and twenty-six at the SuperSport Park before being removed by pacers Nandre Burger and Marco Jansen in the first and second innings, respectively.

Gavaskar counseled Gill to consider how Test cricket differs from white-ball cricket in terms of requirements.

"In my opinion, he is playing Test cricket a little too aggressively. Playing Test cricket differs slightly from playing Twenty20 and One-Day International cricket. The ball makes a difference.

"Compared to the white ball, the red ball moves a little bit more both off the pitch and in the air. It also bounces a bit higher. That's something he should remember, Gavaskar said to Star Sports.

Gill had a great run in the limited-over versions of the game, but in 10 innings in the traditional format in 2023, he has only managed to score one fifty or more: a hundred against Australia in Ahmedabad back in March.

His scores from his nine other outings were 21, 5, 13, 18, 6, 10, 29 not out, 2, and 26. When England last visited India in early 2021, James Anderson noted that Gill often faced serious difficulties as a result of the delivery's shape-and-dash style.

That was also demonstrated by Australian quick Scott Boland, who dominated Gill in the June World Test Championship final at The Oval.

Gavaskar wished Gill would discover his range as soon as possible.

"We were impressed by Shubman Gill's shots as he launched his career. All we can do is hope he returns to his former form. I hope he works harder in the future and achieves success," Gavaskar remarked.

In the second and final Test, which starts on Wednesday in Cape Town, India will be looking to square the series.

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 11:47:23 +0530 Press Time
Black Caps clinch T20I series with thrilling Duckworth&Lewis win over Bangladesh In the third and final Twenty20 international on Sunday, New Zealand defeated Bangladesh by 17 runs (by DLS method) thanks to a 46-run partnership between Mitchell Santner (4/16 and 18 not out) and James Neesham (28 not out). Bangladesh's hopes of winning a series in New Zealand were also shattered by the Black Caps' victory, as the T20I leg ended in a 1-1 draw.

Captain Santner and Neesham both had brilliant ideas. In a race against gathering dark clouds and rain, New Zealand had to overcome another top-order collapse and pursue Bangladesh's pitiful total of just 110.

When Neesham and Santner combined, New Zealand was down 49/5 in the ninth over and trailing using the DLS method. When rain suddenly arrived and ended the match prematurely, they remained together and guided New Zealand to 95-5 in 14.4 overs.

"I believe we were always aware that there would be some rain, whether it arrived at the end of the second inning or halfway through," Santner remarked. "It was good to cross the finish line in a pretty hard-fought series, and the bowlers did their jobs upfront."

Driven by strong winds, spectators made a mad dash for the exits of Bay Oval in extraordinary scenes as the rain poured down. The DLS calculation said that New Zealand needed to be ahead by 79.

Brief results: M. Santner 4/16; Bangladesh 110 in 19.2 overs. In 14.4 overs, New Zealand scored 95/5 (F. Allen 38, J. Neeshan 28 n.o.).

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 11:44:25 +0530 Press Time
CERT&In Launches Probe into Apple Threat Notification to Opposition MPs IT secretary S. Krishnan said on Thursday that the government's cybersecurity agency, CERT-In, has begun an inquiry into the matter of the Apple danger warning that a number of opposition MPs received, and that the firm has been notified.

At an event pertaining to the Meity-NSF research cooperation, Krishnan informed reporters, "CERT-In has started its probe... they (Apple) will cooperate in this probe."

The national nodal agency for handling computer security problems as they arise is the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, or CERT-In.

The IT secretary said "yes" when asked whether a notification had been issued to Apple.

According to sources, the government has requested further data from Apple, such as the IP addresses, the location from where the hack was attempted, the time it was attempted, and whether or not the attacker was successful in breaking into the devices.

According to data, between January and October of this year, CERT-In found and reported 28 instances of vulnerabilities in the company's products.

According to sources, Apple was notified of these vulnerabilities and was obliged to take appropriate measures.

CERT-In has identified vulnerabilities in a number of Apple products, including watchOS, macOS, iOS, iPadOS, iTunes, and Apple iOS.

CERT-In released warnings stating that "multiple vulnerabilities are found in Apple products, which could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code, bypass security restrictions, gain access to sensitive information, and data manipulation."

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Fri, 03 Nov 2023 11:15:13 +0530 Press Time
Prakash Chik Baraik's Rental Property Ransacked by Thugs, 3 Arrested On Wednesday night, a bunch of thugs broke into the rental property of Prakash Chik Baraik, the district president of the Trinamul party and member of the Rajya Sabha, in Alipurduar. They beat up two people and looted the building.

Three of them were turned over to the police when Prakash, along with a few other party workers, managed to apprehend them. Three more people were detained by the police in relation to the event.

An investigation is underway to determine the attack's motivation.

The MP comes from the Kumargram block of the Alipurduar district, home of the Newlands Tea Estate. Prakash, an MP and the leader of the district's Trinamul party, has rented a home in Madhyapara, a neighborhood in ward 4 of Alipurduar town, where this event occurred.

About 11.30 p.m., six young people arrived at the residence in an SUV while Prakash was meeting with some Trinamul employees about a Bijoya Sanmilani.

Three people entered the building, while the other three remained outside.

According to sources, they grabbed the apartment's private security guy and gave him a severe treatment. The guard was then compelled to lead them to Prakash's apartment when they seized him by the collar.

The three kept ringing the bell and began to kick and bash on the door as soon as they arrived at the apartment.

Prakash was accompanied by a Trinamul laborer named Swapan Sarkar, who unlocked the door. The three of them rushed at him and began to beat him.

"Such a quick onslaught caught us off guard. I attempted to stop them, along with a few others, as they began robbing the furniture. We overwhelmed the three when a few other apartment tenants barged in. The Trinamul MP said, "I phoned the police right away, and they came to my house in ten minutes.

Three other people who were outside were detained by the police as well. According to accounts, several sharp weapons were discovered inside their car.

"I don't even know why they targeted my accommodations. I think there's a BJP plot," Prakash said.

BJP officials refuted the accusation, however. "The MP from Trinamul is needlessly involving the BJP in the matter. There is no link between us and the assault. Manoj Tigga, the main whip of the BJP in the Assembly and president of the district, said, "We think the police will uncover the truth."

The MP filed a complaint, according to district police head Y. Raghuvamshi, and investigations were underway.

After all six appeared in court on Thursday, a local judge placed five in judicial detention for 14 days and one under police custody for four days.

two held in gold

In response to a tip, a team from the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) detained two Rajasthani citizens on Wednesday in New Jalpaiguri carrying 1.7 kg of gold valued at more than Rs 1 crore.

Ankit Tak and Kamlesh Ghanchi from Pali, Rajasthan, were reportedly taken off the Poorvottar Sampark Kranti Express in New Jalpaiguri, according to sources. Four gold objects in the form of bracelets were discovered when they were frisked at the DRI office.

With a weight of 1.776 kg, the gold was valued at around Rs 1.07 crore.

According to DRI officials, the pair was transporting the gold to Delhi after it was smuggled via the Tripura border between Bangladesh and India.

Cough mixtures

On Wednesday, the Siliguri Metropolitan Police and Pradhannagar police special operation squad detained two Siliguri residents in possession of cough syrup valued at Rs one lakh.

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Fri, 03 Nov 2023 11:12:47 +0530 Press Time
Jalpaiguri District Administration Launches Door&to&Door Survey of Migrant Workers The Jalpaiguri district administration has begun a door-to-door survey to gather information on the district's migrant workers who have not yet arrived in Duare Sarkar camps or sent representatives to enter their information.

According to government insiders, around 40,000 residents of the district may have moved to other states in search of employment.

Nevertheless, only 13,669 migrant laborers' identities from the recently held Duare Sarkar camps have been recorded and posted on the state government's website. A door-to-door survey was conducted last Monday because the actual number is far lower than the estimate (about 35%), according to an administrative official.

The state opened the Duare Sarkar camps to migrant laborers earlier this year so that they could register and help create a database of Bengal's migrant population.

According to reports, 14.25 lakh migrant laborers from all across Bengal have their data registered at the camps.

Jalpaiguri district magistrate Shama Parveen said that teams will inspect the whole area until November 10.

"They will ask migrant workers' relatives for basic information about them. In addition, the families would be informed about the West Bengal Bhabishyat Credit Card Scheme, she said, so that any migrant worker who is still living there might establish his own company there rather than leaving.

The Mamata Banerjee government's initiative offers loans to private citizens for commercial purposes up to Rs 5 lakh.

The advantages of the student credit card would be explained if any kid dropped out of school and started working as a migrant worker.

According to an official, "it will encourage students to continue with their studies through educational loans."

After the survey's data collection, the state labor department will submit the information to the Karmasathi site.

We can estimate the number of migrant workers in the area more precisely thanks to the poll. Regular data updates are planned, the source said.

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Fri, 03 Nov 2023 11:11:13 +0530 Press Time
Trinamool Congress Leadership Meeting Postponed to November 23 to Avoid Conflict with World Cup Semi&Final Cricket Match The important leadership meeting that was scheduled for November 16 will now take place on November 23, according to a statement released by the Trinamul Congress on Thursday. The reason for the change is because the World Cup semi-final cricket match at Eden Gardens is scheduled to take place on November 16.

Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had said on Wednesday that after a meeting on November 16 at the Netaji Indoor Stadium, her party will decide whether to continue its campaign to seek the release of federal monies owed to Bengal.

But after the announcement, several in the ruling class and the government, according to insiders, reminded Mamata that a World Cup semifinal was set for November 16 at Eden Gardens, which is next to Netaji Indoor Stadium. It's possible that chaos would break out in and around downtown Calcutta on the day of the crucial cricket match, since thousands of Trinamul leaders are anticipated to attend the gathering at Netaji Indoor Stadium.

The Netaji Indoor Stadium can hold 12,000 people, whereas Eden Gardens can hold around 66,000 people.

On November 1, 2023, Smt. @MamataOfficial, the Hon. Chief Minister of West Bengal and the Hon. Chairperson of the All India Trinamool Congress, announced that a gathering will take place at Netaji Indoor Stadium on November 16, 2023. However, the meeting is being postponed due to the World Cup semi-finals taking place on the same day, according to a statement released by Trinamul on X.

According to a top Trinamul MP, the chief minister decided to postpone after realizing that the coincidence of the cricket match in the semi-final would create a logistical and administrative nightmare in the middle of Calcutta.

The announcement from Trinamul said, "The meeting will now be held on November 23, 2023 (Thursday), at Netaji Indoor Stadium."

"We shall tenaciously defend the rights of the Bengali people. It went on, citing its assertions that Bengal had central dues totaling more than Rs 1.15 lakh crore, including around Rs 15,000 crore for MGNREGS and the Awas Yojana. "We will not give up until the BJP-led Central Government releases the rightful dues of our workers," the statement said.

Mamata had issued a warning on Wednesday that the protest will escalate to its "most intense phase."

She brought up the matter with X on Thursday as well.

She stated, "I see a planned disinformation campaign about Central release of funds in MGNREGA."

The chief minister said, "The Center has been dragging its feet and has not released any withheld fund whatsoever at all, despite our vigorous movements and submission of detailed factual records and accounts."

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Fri, 03 Nov 2023 11:09:02 +0530 Press Time
Wild Elephants Wander Into Cooch Behar District Neighborhood, One Person Injured On Thursday, a herd of wild elephants wandered through a Cooch Behar district neighborhood, attracting hundreds of spectators who drove erratically after the herd—some on motorcycles and cars—hoping to get a sight of the beasts.

An elephant attacked and wounded a person who went too near.

The government had to impose prohibitory orders under CrPC Section 144 due to the severity of the situation.

According to accounts, teams of foresters assembled in the evening to lead the elephants into the forest.

According to sources, a herd of six elephants was observed by locals in the Bhutkura-Laxmir Bazar region under Matalhat panchayat of Dinhata-I block on Thursday morning.

"The herd had entered a field of crops and was consuming harvested paddy. Elephants visiting our neighborhood was unheard of. We had previously seen elephants in circuses, but this is the first time we have seen wild elephants up close," Matalhat local Prafulla Barman said.

When word got out, a group of police officers and foresters from the Cooch Behar Forest Division arrived at the location.

The two calves in the herd seem to have originated in Jaldapara National Park. In addition to monitoring the herd's movements, our personnel are preventing anybody from approaching. We'll attempt to move the herd into the forest in the evening, according to additional divisional forest officer Bijon Kumar Nath.

Situated around 60km away from Matalhat, Jaldapara is the biggest rhino habitat in Bengal and is renowned for its elephant population.

To the dismay of foresters and law enforcement, an increasing number of people began congregating throughout the day in hopes of catching a sight of the elephants. Most of them were using cellphones to take pictures and record movies.

When resident Harendranath Barman approached the herd too closely, an elephant attacked him, causing injuries. Dinhata Subdivisional Hospital admitted him.

"Hundreds of people from various sections of the region arrived to the location on bikes and in vehicles, along with villagers living nearby. It was difficult for foresters to keep an eye on the herd's movements or start the process of guiding the elephants back into the forest because of the large crowds.

"The crowd was getting bigger every hour, making it hard for the police to keep control of it," said Manabendra Nath Roy, the pradhan of Matalhat panchayat.

In the end, the subdivisional officer of Dinhata issued prohibitory orders under section 144 of the CrPC to halt vehicle traffic and public gatherings in the panchayat areas of Bhutkura, Gotamari, Bholka-Putimari, and Kharija-Borodanga.

An official said, "The order will remain in effect until all of the elephants are returned to the forest."

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Fri, 03 Nov 2023 11:07:24 +0530 Press Time
Enforcement Directorate sniffs web of shell firms in irregularities in ration distribution system in Bengal Senior ED officers looking into the money trail claimed that a network of shell companies was allegedly established, shut down, and then reopened under different names and with different sets of directors to park the proceeds of crime from the reported irregularities in the Bengali ration distribution system with the alleged involvement of arrested minister Jyoti Priya Mallick.

The better part of Thursday was spent questioning Mallick while he was under the custody of investigators from the central investigating agency, trying to piece together the routes of fund transfers through some of these purportedly fake companies. They also double-checked his responses with those of his close associates, such as the minister's former personal assistant Avijit Das.

at addition to Mallick, Das was also grilled throughout the day at the ED's location at the CGO Complex in Salt Lake City.

According to the investigators, three businesses were established between 2006 and 2008, and one of their directors was Bakibur Rahman, a businessman who was detained in Calcutta. According to officials in the federal investigative agency, Bakibur allegedly acknowledged while he was being held that the jailed minister had received offers of loans totaling more than Rs 8 crore from these organizations. The company failed and the sums were never reimbursed. Senior investigators revealed that the three firms had the same location on Jessore Road close to Nagerbazar in Dum Dum.

A senior officer said, "It appears that two additional Bankura-based companies were established primarily to conceal the proceeds of criminal activity." "We are attempting to ascertain the minister's chartered accountant's involvement in the establishment of these businesses."

A group of ED officers searched the chartered accountant's Netaji Nagar flat in Calcutta on Thursday. A crew had inspected the flat on October 26 and subsequently sealed it while the owner was away.

The state government allegedly paid for the whole quantity, but a group of rice mill owners headed by Rahman allegedly provided less rice to the distributors than the authorized quota.

According to the ED's preliminary findings, mill owners would provide each distributor around 200 grams less of rice per kilogram under a payment arrangement. A portion of mill owners are said to have benefited financially from the quantity that was not delivered, since it was sold in the retail market at market prices.

Weighing apparatus

E-weighing machines are being installed by the state government in ration stores across the state, according to senior officials in the department of food and supply.

A top official said, "It will guarantee that no beneficiary receives an item less than what he is entitled to according to the data stored in the ration card."

"The slip won't be generated and that data will be reflected through a central monitoring system if the volume is less than what he should get."

The official said, "We will begin installing the e-weighing machines across over 2,000 shops engaged in public distribution of ration starting in December."

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Fri, 03 Nov 2023 11:05:12 +0530 Press Time
Delhi Police Nab Man for Mistreating Hindu Deities by Selling Lewd Pictures Online The Delhi Police on Friday arrested a man for allegedly abusing and disrespecting Hindu gods and goddesses by selling their obscene images online.

A case under section 295 of the Indian Penal Code and 67A of the Information Technology Act was registered by the IFSO unit of Delhi Police's Special Cell after it got a complaint from the Delhi Commission for Women last week.

The DCW issued the notice after it received a complaint regarding the objectionable pictures being sold on the internet.

An official said one person is arrested and a few more are yet to be apprehended.

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Fri, 03 Nov 2023 11:02:30 +0530 Press Time
Dalit Woman Raped, Murdered, and Dismembered in Banda, UP; SP Slams State Government According to authorities, a 40-year-old Dalit lady was raped, killed, and her corpse dismembered in this community.

The lady went to Rajkumar Shukla's home on Tuesday in order to clean his wheat mill. The mother's cries came from a locked room when her daughter, 20, arrived, according to Station House Officer (Girwan) police station Sandeep Tiwari on Thursday.

He added that after a while, the child noticed her mother's corpse laying in three parts when the room door opened and called the police.

The SHO said that as a result, a FIR was filed against Rajkumar Shukla, his brother Bauwa Shukla, and Ramakrishna Shukla. He said that no arrests had been made in the case and that the accused guys were fleeing.

Akhilesh Yadav, the leader of the Samajwadi Party, criticized the state administration in the meanwhile for the occurrence.

Yadav said, "The news of rape and heinous murder of a Dalit in Banda is heart-wrenching," in a Hindi post on X. Uttar Pradesh's women are both frightened and enraged." The former chief minister also brought up the supposed incident in which a female IIT-BHU student was stripped and indecently filmed.

"The incident of filming an IIT-BHU female student after removing her clothes due to indecency is a slap on the face of Uttar Pradesh's law and order and exposes the BJP's big lie of zero tolerance," the speaker said.

"The BJP administration has utterly lost the trust of the women in Uttar Pradesh. Any expectations you may have of this administration are now pointless," Yadav said.

On his social media accounts, the head of the SP posted a video of an IIT-BHU student protest.

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Fri, 03 Nov 2023 10:56:48 +0530 Press Time
Political Parties Woo TDP Sympathisers in Telangana, Shower Praise on Chandrababu Naidu As the Telugu Desam Party decided not to contest the upcoming assembly polls in Telangana, political parties in the state are trying to woo the party's sympathisers by showering praise on TDP supremo N Chandrababu Naidu who was released from a prison recently.

Naidu walked out of the Rajamahendravaram central prison on October 31 after spending 53 days in connection with a case of alleged misappropriation of funds from the Skill Development Corporation, which resulted in a purported loss of over Rs 300 crore to the state exchequer.

The TDP, which polled over 3.5 per cent votes and won two seats in the 2018 assembly elections in Telangana, has decided not to contest in the polls for reasons unknown.

BRS Minister P Ajay Kumar who is contesting from Khammam, which is close to Andhra Pradesh border, had said he condemned Naidu’s "illegal" arrest on September 14 itself.

Describing the former chief minister as a national leader, Kumar said the arrest is not fair in politics.

"My father is very close to Chandrababu. He used to enquire about him every day. We supported several rallies taken out in Khammam in favour of Naidu," the minister said, addressing a gathering cheering on the occasion of the TDP supremo’s release from the prison.

Tummala Nageswara Rao, a Congress contestant from Khammam, welcoming the release said he was trained under Naidu.

He went a step ahead and reached the TDP office on October 31 and said he wanted to share the joy of Naidu’s release from prison, with others.

"I am happy with your joy. With the same enthusiasm, I request you to support me for the next 30 days (until polls)," Rao said.

BRS contestant and outgoing legislator from Sathupalli in Khammam district also expressed happiness over Naidu’s release.

TDP’s Telangana president Kasani Gnaneswar on October 30, a day before Naidu was released from the prison, announced his resignation from the TDP following the party’s decision not to contest in the polls in the state.

The TDP Telangana unit became headless after his exit.

When asked about the party's stand for the November 30 polls, a Telangana TDP leader said the party would decide in a few days the course of action to be followed.

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Fri, 03 Nov 2023 10:52:16 +0530 Press Time
Congress Intensifies Campaign in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan; Rahul Gandhi to Hold Padyatras The Congress has decided to intensify its campaign in election-bound states, particularly in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan where reports suggest a close contest with the BJP.

Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge, Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra will address 17 public rallies over the next 15 days in Madhya Pradesh, which include padyatras by Rahul whose Bharat Jodo Yatra had generated wide interest among the people. Rahul will hold padyatras in Jabalpur and Bhopal, while Kharge and Priyanka will address public meetings across the state.

While Rahul concluded his three-day tour of Telangana on Thursday, Kharge will address two public rallies in Chhattisgarh on Friday. Kharge will reach Madhya Pradesh on November 4.

Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinate said the idea was to cover all 230 constituencies all over again, with Kamal Nath and Digvijaya Singh addressing at least 130 more meetings before the campaign ends on November 15. Asserting that the objective was to reach the target of 150 seats, Shrinate said the party would go full throttle in the last two weeks.

To bolster the campaign in Rajasthan, Kharge on Thursday appointed five special observers — Mukul Wasnik, Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Jitendra Singh, Shaktisinh Gohil and Shakeel Ahmad Khan. While the campaign in Rajasthan is being spearheaded by chief minister Ashok Gehlot himself, the high command felt the need to send reinforcements on the basis of feedback from observers. Kharge, Rahul and Priyanka will also upgrade their involvement in the state.

The party has augmented its communication system in the states — while general secretary Jairam Ramesh has held two media conferences in Chhattisgarh, Shrinate and Pawan Khera are holding fort in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. They have drawn up a plan to counter Prime Minister Narendra Modi without any delay, apart from spreading the word on the Congress’s robust welfare agenda in all the states.

The party picked up the issue of the unemployment rate crossing 10 per cent on Thursday, demolishing the BJP’s claim that joblessness had dipped to a six-year low in the country.

Citing data by the CMIE (Centre for Monitoring of Indian Economy), Kharge said: “The unemployment rate has crossed 10 per cent. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has staged such a ‘Berozgari Mela’ in the country that the youths are wandering from pillar to post to get a job.”

This was a jibe at Modi’s “Rozgar Melas” where appointment letters are distributed to new recruits and even those who have been promoted. Kharge said: “Modiji, you are doing PR stunts by distributing appointment letters for already sanctioned posts/ vacancies, which is like rubbing salt into the wounds of youths. The 20 per cent rise in demand for jobs under the MGNREGA shows the desperation of the jobless.”

Congress communications chief Jairam Ramesh said: “India’s growing Modi-made economic crisis continues to spiral out of control. CMIE data shows that the unemployment rate in India is now at above 10 per cent, the highest in over two years — when it already was the highest ever in five decades. Rural unemployment is 10.8 per cent. MGNREGA demand is up 20 per cent from last year. The number of households demanding work is even higher than that before the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019, showing how all talk of an economic recovery is a complete farce.”

He added: “One crore Indians entered the labour market in October 2023, and lakhs will be unable to find work. Just last week, news came of hundreds of engineers applying for a government peon’s job. Infosys and Wipro have said they will not be recruiting from colleges this year. A vast majority of Indians, especially educated youths, are suffering due to the Modi-made economic crisis. Modi’s enduring legacy as Prime Minister is record unemployment. So the government will go to any lengths — manipulation, distortion and distraction — to hide the problem. But the youth of India know the truth. It’s time for the Prime Minister to retire.”

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Fri, 03 Nov 2023 10:49:41 +0530 Press Time
Odisha Has Best Vigilance System in India to Detect Disproportionate Assets Cases According to the most recent statistics available from the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), Odisha has the best vigilance system in the nation for identifying and registering cases involving disproportionate assets.

38 Class-I policemen and 37 Class-II officers are among the 365 people against whom the state vigilance has filed 202 criminal charges this year. Additionally, it has taken disproportionate assets worth Rs 268 crore from public employees.

"It is very encouraging to see that in all major parameters like registration and disposal of corruption cases and conviction of corrupt public servants, Odisha vigilance is among the top performing anti-corruption agencies in the country, as revealed by the latest statistics from the National Crime Record Bureau," chief minister Naveen Patnaik said, congratulating the vigilance on its success.

"I am especially happy to learn that, according to the most recent NCRB data, Odisha vigilance has the highest national ranking in the detection and registration of disproportionate assets cases."

To begin the week-long vigilance awareness campaign, Naveen gave government personnel the oath of honesty and integrity on Monday.

"My government has adopted a zero-tolerance approach to corruption so that public services are made available to the people of the state in a fair and transparent manner," Naveen said in his speech at the event.

According to the chief minister, "as a strong deterrent, a number of public servants have been dismissed and many have been given premature retirement in suitable cases as part of the zero-tolerance approach to corruption."

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Fri, 03 Nov 2023 10:48:26 +0530 Press Time
Diwali 2023: 10 Countries Around the World That Celebrate the Festival of Lights One of the most significant and extensively observed holidays in India is Diwali, also referred to as the Festival of Lights. Families and friends gather together to celebrate, exchange presents, and eat a ton of delectable food.

Numerous other nations throughout the globe also celebrate Diwali, including Guyana, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritius, Fiji, Trinidad & Tobago, and Suriname.

Every one of these nations celebrates Diwali according to its own special traditions and customs. The festival's fundamental principles, which honor the triumph of righteousness over immorality, light over darkness, and knowledge over ignorance, have not changed.

Here is a glimpse at ten different nations' celebrations of Diwali:

1. India: The nation celebrates Diwali, the largest holiday in India, with tremendous fervor. People share presents with loved ones, tidy and adorn their houses, and burn candles and diyas. Families join together to celebrate Diwali by doing puja (worship) and indulging in delectable cuisine.

2. Nepal: After Dashain, Diwali, also known as Tihar, is the second-biggest event there. Five days are devoted to celebrating Tihar, each one honoring a different god. People worship Laxmi, the goddess of riches and prosperity, on the fourth day of Tihar.

3. Sri Lanka: Deepavali, the local name for Diwali, is observed by Jains, Buddhists, and Hindus equally. People burn candles and lamps on the day of Deepavali to represent the triumph of good over evil.

4. Singapore: Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains celebrate Diwali, a public holiday in Singapore. People enjoy fireworks displays, trade presents, and light candles and diyas.

5. Malaysia: In Malaysia, Diwali is celebrated as Hari Deepavali, a public holiday. People enjoy cultural performances, trade presents, and burn candles and diyas.

6. Mauritius: Christians, Muslims, and Hindus all celebrate Diwali, which is an official holiday there. People enjoy fireworks displays, trade presents, and light candles and diyas.

7. Fiji: Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains celebrate Diwali, which is a public holiday in Fiji. People enjoy cultural performances, trade presents, and burn candles and diyas.

8. Trinidad and Tobago: Muslims, Sikhs, and Hindus all celebrate Diwali, which is a public holiday in Trinidad and Tobago. People enjoy cultural performances, trade presents, and burn candles and diyas.

9. Guyana: Christians, Muslims, and Hindus all celebrate Diwali, which is a public holiday there. People enjoy cultural performances, trade presents, and burn candles and diyas.

10. Suriname: Christians, Muslims, and Hindus all celebrate Diwali, a state holiday in Suriname. People enjoy cultural performances, trade presents, and burn candles and diyas.

People of all religions get together to celebrate the victory of good over evil on Diwali. People everywhere are delighted by this celebration of light and optimism.

Fri, 03 Nov 2023 10:45:52 +0530 Press Time
Elaborate Arrangements Made to Deal with Emergencies During Diwali: Delhi Fire Service November 3, 2023 - New Delhi The Delhi Fire Service (DFS) has declared extensive preparations to guarantee the safety of the citizens of the capital as the festival of lights, Diwali, draws near. The DFS has implemented a comprehensive strategy aimed at protecting the public over the holiday season, with a particular emphasis on avoiding and handling crises resulting from firecracker accidents.

Delhi celebrates Diwali with tremendous fervor, however the usage of pyrotechnics often results in an upsurge in fire-related events. The DFS has implemented a multifaceted strategy that includes improved response procedures, more personnel, and fire safety education in order to reduce these hazards.

An intensive public awareness campaign is one of the DFS's main strategies. The DFS is educating the public about fire safety regulations and how to handle firecrackers safely in the weeks before Diwali via workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns. The amount of avoidable accidents is what these initiatives are meant to lower.

In order to guarantee prompt emergency response, the DFS has also boosted the number of employees on duty throughout the Diwali season. In an effort to reduce response times, new fire stations have been established, and more fire engines and ambulances will be placed strategically across the city. In order to have medical teams available to help with any injuries, the department has also worked with hospitals to arrange this.

Additionally, in order to prepare its staff to tackle chemical fires and other uncommon events that can occur around Diwali, the DFS has scheduled specific training sessions. By undergoing this training, firemen will be equipped to handle any emergency that may happen during the event.

"The safety of our citizens is our top priority during the festive season," said Mr. Suresh Kumar, Chief Fire Officer of the Delhi Fire Service, in reference to these preparations. We are doing all we can to make sure we can react to any situations that may arise quickly and efficiently. Our personnel are ready to act quickly to save lives and property, and our public awareness initiatives are geared toward avoiding incidents before they happen."

Additionally, the DFS has asked people to use firecrackers sensibly and in accordance with safety regulations. They have asked residents to report any instances right away and have supplied emergency services' contact information. The Delhi Fire Service wants to ensure that everyone has a safe and happy Diwali celebration by collaborating with the community.

It is encouraging to observe the Delhi Fire Service's dedication to public safety during these festive times. The people of Delhi can anticipate a Diwali that is bright, joyous, and safe thanks to their thorough strategy and active community involvement.

Fri, 03 Nov 2023 10:30:14 +0530 Press Time
Delhi's Air Quality Plunges to Severe Levels, AQI at 450 Air Quality in Delhi Drops to Severe Levels, with AQI at 450

New Delhi: The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) reports that on Friday, Delhi's air quality dropped to very bad levels, with an Air Quality Index (AQI) of 450. This year, the city's air quality is at its lowest point.

A number of things have contributed to the poor quality of the air, including construction dust, automobile pollutants, and stubble burning in nearby states. Pollutants in the air have also been trapped by the chilly temperatures and quiet breezes.

People have been instructed by the CPCB to stay inside and, if they must go outdoors, to use N95 or N99 masks. In addition, the Delhi government has implemented other measures to mitigate air pollution, such as prohibiting development and limiting vehicular traffic.

Nevertheless, experts argue that more work has to be done to enhance Delhi's air quality and that these steps alone are insufficient. They have demanded a long-term strategy to cut down on stubble burning, dust pollution, and car emissions.

The Effects of Extreme Air Quality

The inhabitants of Delhi are suffering greatly from poor air quality, which is having an adverse effect on their health. Those with respiratory disorders, the elderly, and children are especially at risk.

Inhaling air pollution may lead to several health issues such as heart disease, pneumonia, bronchitis, and asthma. Additionally, it may cause an early death.

What Might Be Done

The quality of the air in Delhi may be enhanced in a variety of ways. These consist of:

* Cutting down on automobile emissions via encouraging cycling, carpooling, and public transit.

* Reducing dust pollution from roadways and building sites.

* Limiting the burning of stubble in adjacent states.

* Expanding the city's botanical and tree population.

Additionally, people might take the following actions to safeguard themselves from air pollution:

* Staying inside when there is bad air quality.

* putting on a mask while venturing outside.

* ensuring proper ventilation in their houses.

* adopting air purifiers in their residences.

A long-term strategy to enhance Delhi's air quality must be developed and implemented in collaboration with the national government and the Delhi government. The main objectives of this strategy should be to safeguard city dwellers' health and reduce emissions from all sources.

Fri, 03 Nov 2023 10:23:55 +0530 Press Time
Kalimpong Taxi Operators Seek District Government Intervention to Limit Sightseeing Trips to Local Taxis The Kalimpong taxi operators' organizations have made it clear that only local taxis would be used to transport visitors while they are sight-seeing the city and its environs.

They have made a plea to the district government, highlighting the impact such sightseeing excursions have on their livelihood, to prohibit taxis from operating beyond the area.

Since local drivers will be guiding tourists to the hill town's attractions, Bijay Chhetri, assistant general secretary of Kalimpong Chalak Mahasangh, the apex body of the sixty-odd associations of taxi drivers in the hill districts, said the arrangement will be advantageous to the local taxi operators.

Every day, a few taxis arrive in the town from the outside and transport visitors on sightseeing trips. If these cars drop off and pick up visitors from hotels, other lodging establishments, and taxi stops, we have no issues. However, the local taxis should be the only ones permitted for tours. This is a common tradition in the town of Darjeeling and across Sikkim. Speaking as the head of the Kalimpong Luxury Taxi Drivers Welfare Association, Chhetri expressed optimism that the district government will take note of his arguments.

He claims that the town of Kalimpong has at least 600 local taxis.

Tucked away in the wider Himalayas, Kalimpong is renowned for its beautiful scenery and orchids.

The Durpin Cactus Garden, a scientific center, a golf course, Deolo Park, and Hanuman Tok are a few of the well-liked locations. A Durga temple and the meeting point of the Relli and Teesta rivers are two further points of interest.

A local taxi driver is acquainted with all of these locations. However, most of the time, taxi drivers from Sikkim or other locations have trouble finding the destinations, a cab driver claimed.

Another organization spokesman said that the poor visitor turnout these days is a result of the October 4 flash flood in the Teesta, which damaged parts of the area and the NH10.

"In this scenario, local taxis have very little chance of finding customers if outside taxis pick up visitors for sightseeing. A lot of taxi drivers are struggling financially. We want the government to make this deal for still another vital reason," he said.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 12:16:50 +0530 Press Time
Kalimpong Taxi Operators Demand Only Local Taxis for Sightseeing Trips The Kalimpong taxi operators' organizations have made it clear that only local taxis would be used to transport visitors while they are sight-seeing the city and its environs.

They have made a plea to the district government, highlighting the impact such sightseeing excursions have on their livelihood, to prohibit taxis from operating beyond the area.

Since local drivers will be guiding tourists to the hill town's attractions, Bijay Chhetri, assistant general secretary of Kalimpong Chalak Mahasangh, the apex body of the sixty-odd associations of taxi drivers in the hill districts, said the arrangement will be advantageous to the local taxi operators.

Every day, a few taxis arrive in the town from the outside and transport visitors on sightseeing trips. If these cars drop off and pick up visitors from hotels, other lodging establishments, and taxi stops, we have no issues. However, the local taxis should be the only ones permitted for tours. This is a common tradition in the town of Darjeeling and across Sikkim. Speaking as the head of the Kalimpong Luxury Taxi Drivers Welfare Association, Chhetri expressed optimism that the district government will take note of his arguments.

He claims that the town of Kalimpong has at least 600 local taxis.

Tucked away in the wider Himalayas, Kalimpong is renowned for its beautiful scenery and orchids.

The Durpin Cactus Garden, a scientific center, a golf course, Deolo Park, and Hanuman Tok are a few of the well-liked locations. A Durga temple and the meeting point of the Relli and Teesta rivers are two further points of interest.

A local taxi driver is acquainted with all of these locations. However, most of the time, taxi drivers from Sikkim or other locations have trouble finding the destinations, a cab driver claimed.

Another organization spokesman said that the poor visitor turnout these days is a result of the October 4 flash flood in the Teesta, which damaged parts of the area and the NH10.

"In this scenario, local taxis have very little chance of finding customers if outside taxis pick up visitors for sightseeing. A lot of taxi drivers are struggling financially. We want the government to make this deal for still another vital reason," he said.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 12:13:37 +0530 Press Time
Trinamul and Congress Leaders Pay Homage to Ghani Khan on His 97th Birthday On Wednesday, officials of Trinamul and the Congress party gathered in Malda to honor the 97th birthday of Congress patriarch A.B.A. Ghani Khan Choudhury, also referred to as Barkat-da, at his ancestral home.

At the grave of Ghani Khan in Kotwali, the leaders of both parties paid their respects in unison.

Even now, 17 years after his passing, Trinamul and the Congress still use Ghani Khan's name to win support in a district where more than 50% of the population is underrepresented.

Mausam Noor, a Rajya Sabha MP of Trinamul, and Dulal Sarkar, the vice-president of Malda district Trinamul, stood alongside Ghani Khan's brother A.H. Khan Choudhury, the Congress MP of Malda South, the MP's son and former Congress MLA Isha Khan Choudhury, and party leader Mottakin Alam as they paid their respects to Ghani Khan on Wednesday morning.

There was an obvious camaraderie between the opposing leaders. Noor gave the Congress MP some flowers to place at Ghani Khan's grave.

An further Trinamul veteran named Sarkar remembered seeing "Barkat-da" in front of Congress officials at Kotwali Bhawan, where Ghani Khan had resided from his early years till his passing in 2006.

Trinamul and Congress officials honored Ghani Khan in front of his life-size sculptures in Malda town.

The head of the Englishbazar municipality, Krishnendu Narayan Choudhury, of Trinamul, honored the monument of Ghani Khan at Brindavani Grounds. Trinamul recalled an occasion for the Congress leader.

Congress officials celebrated the day in Town Hall, honored a second monument at Rathbari, and gave out sweets to passersby.

Still, both parties claimed Ghani Khan's political legacy.

Ghani Khan, according to Isha Khan Choudhury, thought that only the Congress could establish a stable, democratic, and secular administration at the federal level.

The civic chairman, Krishnendu Narayan Choudhury, said that Ghani Khan has endorsed Trinamul supremo Mamata Banerjee.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 12:10:58 +0530 Press Time
NBU Finds CAG Report Highlighting Irregularities in Recruitments Even as the university celebrated its 62nd foundation day on Wednesday, top officials of North Bengal University (NBU) said that the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) had discovered anomalies in some recruitments made at the school between 2018 and 2021.

In North Bengal, the NBU is the oldest university.

According to sources, the varsity received the CAG report with the "irregularities" lately.

The acting registrar of NBU, Swapan Rakshit, attested to receiving the report.

"Some surprising terms, such as 'irregularities,' 'not at par,' and 'non-following of government directives,' were found in the report we got from the CAG about some appointments. They requested responses, which we provided, but they expressed dissatisfaction with our report, calling it unsatisfactory, Rakshit said.

The irregularities in the recruitments conducted between 2018 and 2021 have been noted in the CAG report. He said, "The varsity has been asked to investigate the eight officer-level appointments that the CAG specified."

Current vice-chancellor C.M. Ravindran said that when looking through the varsity's ancient records, he had also discovered anomalies.

"While reviewing some outdated documentation, I discovered that there was unethical hiring practices between 2018 and 2021," he said. He also discovered that some outside applicants, "who lack the necessary qualifications for positions," were hired by the university.

"People without prior experience have been hired." Since this is against the law, I won't be able to regularize these instances," Ravindran said.

NBU Foundation Day events took place on Wednesday as well. The festivities began with Ravindran hosting the university flag after a ceremony of honor by the varsity security guards.

The welcoming address was given by former NBU vice chancellor Sanchari Roy Mukherjee, who emphasized the need of filling the positions.

"The expansion of research facilities and infrastructure is vital for our institution. To improve our NAAC (National Assessment & Accreditation Council) score, we want creative research and approaches, according to Subhash Chandra Roy, dean of the school of science, arts, business, and law.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 12:09:21 +0530 Press Time
Mamata Banerjee to Announce Revival of Protest for Central Funds on November 16 Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee announced on Wednesday that her party's decision to resume its campaign to demand the release of central funds due to Bengal, which her nephew and party MP Abhishek Banerjee had put on hold until October 31, would be made public on November 16 at a meeting held at Netaji Indoor Stadium.

During a press conference held on Wednesday afternoon at the state secretariat, Nabanna, Mamata mentioned releasing a statement regarding the revival of Trinamul's movement.

"We had previously stated that on November 1, we would reveal our schedule. Mamata declared, "I hereby make it clear that our protest will escalate to its most intense phase if the funds for MGNREGS are not released."

Mamata had threatened a "bigger" protest against the BJP-led Centre on October 12 for refusing to provide Bengal's poor the money they were owed under federal programs. She then turned to Durga for protection from the "conspiracy to starve" the state.

Bengal is allegedly owed around Rs 1.15 lakh crore in central dues, of which approximately Rs 15,000 crore is due to the MGNREGS (100-day work) and the Awas Yojana (housing) alone, according to the Trinamul Congress.

"On November 16, at noon, we have a meeting in the Netaji Indoor Stadium with the leadership from every level, including the civic body, MLAs, MPs, zilla parishad, gram panchayat, and panchayat samiti. We will make decisions at that meeting about how to bring the movement ahead," the chairperson of Trinamul stated.

After meeting with Bengal governor C.V. Ananda Bose on October 9, Abhishek, the national general secretary of Trinamul, decided to temporarily rescind his indefinite sit-in demonstration in front of Raj Bhavan. He attributed his decision to Mamata's advice.

The Diamond Harbour MP had warned a bigger, more aggressive agitation that would effectively be a fight-to-the-finish, led by Mamata herself, if the BJP-run Centre did not appropriately reply to his requests for the release of funding by October 31.

"We will draft the protest's blueprint during our meeting, and on November 16, we will make it public. The meeting will take place after that because we have a lot of festivals coming up, including Kali Puja, Diwali, and Bhai Phonta. We have Jagaddhatri and Chhath pujas right after the meeting. We'll take them into account," Mamata stated on Wednesday.

The aunt and nephew pair first declared the initiative in March. Overcoming multiple setbacks and last-minute adjustments to the schedule, Abhishek led the demonstration alone in Delhi and Calcutta at the beginning of October, with Mamata being absent due to health concerns.

On October 5, Abhishek led a 90-minute march of hundreds from Rabindra Sadan before beginning the sit-in protest outside the governor's mansion.

These actions were a response to reports that on October 3, at the Krishi Bhavan in Delhi, a 40-member group, including him, was beaten and physically restrained by Delhi Police. The delegation had been refused a scheduled meeting with the junior Union minister for rural development, Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti. Additionally, starting at 9:15 p.m., the delegation was held at the New Police Lines at Kingsway Camp for more than 90 minutes.

"Our ministers, MPs, and MLAs traveled to Delhi at the invitation of a minor Union minister. But even though she stayed in her office, (she) did not get to meet the delegation's victims of the financial freeze. However, BJP representatives receive warm welcomes when they come," Mamata remarked on Wednesday.

On October 9, Abhishek led a delegation of thirty people to Raj Bhavan to meet with Governor Bose. The delegation included leaders and elected representatives as well as those who had been denied benefits from central schemes. Abhishek praised Bose for his approach to the negotiations and thanked him for moving quickly to take up the issue with the Center.

At that moment, Abhishek announced that Mamata would lead the protest from the front if it needed to be restarted, while also hitting the pause button.

"In just seven days, we completely upended the nine-year Narendra Modi government, even though she (Mamata) wasn't even there. They feel afraid. Their stability has obviously vanished. He had said, "The BJP leaders' body language is telling." "Imagine what will happen when she takes to the streets in the next two months, with one lakh people in Delhi. That was just a teaser. The movie still needs to be seen.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 12:06:58 +0530 Press Time
Mamata Banerjee praises Jyoti Priya Mallick for efforts towards digitising ration cards On Wednesday, Mamata Banerjee commended her party colleague and former minister of food and supply Jyoti Priya Mallick for his efforts to digitize ration cards. Mallick was detained last Friday by the Enforcement Directorate on suspicion of corruption in the public distribution system.

According to the chief minister, Mallick, the current minister of forests, has tried to introduce a number of modifications in the food grain supply distribution system.

He is a government minister for forests, of course. When questioned by the media at Nabanna about whether the minister's detention by the central agency was the result of the BJP's political revenge, the chief minister responded, "But how many know that he worked for digitisation of ration cards and how that cancelled one crore fake ration cards."

Mamata continued, saying that since it was a political topic, her party will clearly state its position when it was right.

Remaining focused on the matter, the chief minister sought to distance himself from the purported PDS scandal roiling the region and place the blame for phony ration cards and anomalies in food grain distribution on the former Left Front administration.

She said that her administration was addressing the legacy of the Left Front government and that, upon taking office in 2011, the Trinamul-led administration made an effort to eliminate any anomalies from the public distribution system. From 2011 until 2021, Mallick served as the minister of food and supplies.

When we took office in 2011, there were over a crore fictitious ration cards. Food grains were taken out using these ration cards under the Left Front government. Mamata stated that it took six to seven years to find and cancel the fictitious ration cards.

She claimed that each time the government attempted to revoke the licenses of dishonest ration merchants, she had encountered legal obstacles.

Some moved courts whenever we tried to take action. But in spite of all of this, throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, no one perished from starvation. During the pandemic, we provided additional foodgrains," Mamata remarked.

Before 2011, officials of the Left Front denied any problems in the public distribution system.

"The government led by Trinamul ought to have launched an investigation if there were anomalies. After 12 years in office, the Trinamul administration has not brought any corruption charges against Left Front ministers. CPI leader Srikumar Mukherjee, who was a member of then-chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee's cabinet, said, "The chief minister is trying to blame the Left as Trinamul's irregularities are getting exposed to save her skin."

Bengal's false ration cards were cancelled, according to a state BJP leader, only because the central government asked the states to seed Aadhaar with the ration cards.

The only state to postpone the Center's plan to connect Aadhaar to ration cards was Bengal. If not, phony ration cards would have been discovered far sooner. A state BJP leader stated, "The chief minister should take credit for the Center's decision to eliminate phony ration cards rather than saying her government found the fake ones."

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 12:05:15 +0530 Press Time
Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan Receives Death Threat At the state police headquarters here, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan got a death threat, the police reported on Thursday.

It stated that the threat was made on Wednesday night over the phone to the police headquarters' control room.

When questioned if the call was made by a little boy, as reported in the media, police responded that they were looking into every possibility.

According to the statement, a charge has been filed under sections 118(b) and 120(o) of the Kerala Police Act against the phone number that was used to make the threat in relation to the event at the Museum police station.

Section 120(o) deals with making someone else feel uncomfortable by using any form of communication to make repeated, unwanted, or anonymous calls, letters, messages, emails, or messengers. Section 118(b) deals with intentionally spreading rumors or setting false alarms to mislead the police, fire department, or any other essential service.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 12:02:53 +0530 Press Time
Rahul Gandhi Promises Rs 4,000 Monthly Benefits to Women in Telangana if Congress Wins Election Rahul Gandhi, the former head of the AICC, stated on Thursday that women in Telangana might receive benefits of up to Rs 4,000 if Congress wins the assembly elections on November 30. These benefits would include a social pension, savings on LPG cylinders, and free transportation on government buses.

Speaking to a group of ladies at the Ambatipalli hamlet, which is close to the Medigadda (Laxmi) barrage of the Kaleshwaram project, he added that the Congress has made the decision to "give back" all of the money that Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao is accused of having "looted".

"Here, women from Telangana were most impacted by the chief minister's theft. Rahul stated, "The Congress party has decided to deposit the money that the chief minister pilfered into your bank accounts."

He stated that the first stage would be to deposit Rs 2,500 as a social pension into the bank accounts of women each month. Additionally, Rs 1,500 will be saved because, should the Congress win the election, it will provide an LPG cylinder—which currently costs Rs 1,000—for Rs 500 and another Rs 1,000 in the form of free transportation on government buses.

You would receive a monthly bonus of Rs 4,000 with all of these. "This is known as the people's government, or Parajala sarkar," he declared.

The Gandhi scion said that Rs 1 lakh crore had been robbed in Telangana and that the BRS, BJP, and MIM are standing on one side in the next elections while the Congress and the KCR-led party are fighting each other.

"BRS is being supported by MIM and BJP. Thus, in order to overthrow the feudal tyranny of Dorala sarkar and install the people's rule of Parajala sarkar, you would need to wholeheartedly support Congress," he stated.

Rahul claimed that all Telangana family will need to "shell out Rs 31,500 per annum till 2040" in order to operate the Kaleshwaram Project, which has turned into a "ATM" for KCR to make money.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 12:01:35 +0530 Press Time
Delhi Police Deploys Large Force in Central Delhi Ahead of Arvind Kejriwal's ED Questioning In an effort to keep AAP members from congregating near the ED office on Thursday, when Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is expected to appear for questioning, a sizable contingent of police officers has been stationed in the central region of Delhi.

Regarding whether or not the chief minister will appear before the Enforcement Directorate (ED), the ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) kept silent.

Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, has been called in by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) to be questioned in connection with a money laundering case involving the purported excise policy fraud. When he deposes at the investigating agency's Delhi office at 11 am, the ED will record his statement.

The ED office on Tughlaq Road has several levels of barricades up in preparation of AAP workers' protests. According to an official, a sizable contingent of law enforcement and paramilitary forces have also been sent in.

On the roads going to the BJP office at DDU Marg in Central Delhi, police officers have also been stationed. Additionally, barricades have been placed in the ITO area close to the AAP office.

The security precautions in Central Delhi caused small traffic congestion near the ITO, Vikas Marg, and India Gate.

The Delhi government's now-canceled excise policy for 2021–2022 is being investigated by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Enforcement Directorate. The AAP has vehemently refuted the accusation that specific booze merchants were given preferential treatment. In July of last year, Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena urged a CBI investigation into suspected anomalies in the creation and execution of the policy, based on a report from the Delhi government's top secretary.

According to officials, the report listed a number of purported irregularities, such as the waiver of Rs 144 crore to retail licensees under the policy on the grounds that COVID-19 affected sales and the reimbursement of Rs 30 crore to the winning bidder for the airport zone who was unable to secure a no objection certificate to open liquor stores there.

They further claimed that there was a "quid pro quo" situation in which the wholesale licensees' commission was increased from 5% to 12%.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 12:00:11 +0530 Press Time
ED Raids Delhi Minister Raaj Kumar Anand's House in Money Laundering Case Raaj Kumar Anand, the leader of the AAP and cabinet minister for Delhi, and a few other people were subject to raids by the Enforcement Directorate on Thursday as part of an investigation into money laundering, according to official sources.

They claimed that since 7:30 am, twelve locations, including the minister's in the national capital's Civil Lines neighborhood, had been searched. A group from the CRPF escorts the ED teams.

The Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMlA) provisions are being followed in conducting the investigation against Anand.

According to the sources, the probe is based on a charge sheet that the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) submitted, which alleges false statements in imports to evade customs for more than Rs 7 crore in addition to international hawala transactions.

Following the DRI prosecution complaint's recent admission to court, the ED allegedly filed a PMLA case against Anand and a few other people.

Anand, 57, is one of the ministers in the Arvind Kejriwal-led administration, responsible for social welfare and SC/ST welfare among other things. He represents Patel Nagar as an MLA.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 11:58:55 +0530 Press Time
Nitish Kumar Refrains from Commenting on ED Summons to Kejriwal On Wednesday, Nitish Kumar, the chief minister of Bihar, refrained from speaking about the Enforcement Directorate's (ED) summons to Arvind Kejriwal, his counterpart in Delhi.

On November 2, Kejriwal was summoned by the Enforcement Department (ED) to answer questions regarding the purported excise scam in Delhi. During the 11th foundation day function of the Bihar State Power Holding Corporation Limited and its subsidiary companies in Patna, media representatives inquired about Nitish's thoughts on the matter.

Nitish, who assembled the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) in June of this year, indicated with a sideways glance that he was unaware of the summons and with a folded hand that indicated he would not respond to inquiries. The opposition group also includes Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal's party.

The biggest party in India, the Congress, has also spoken cautiously about the ED summons to Kejriwal, and none of its prominent figures have responded to it in the media.

The chief minister of Bihar had earlier in the day began the work and laid the groundwork for projects related to the energy department that would cost approximately Rs 14,000 crore.

Speaking at the event, Nitish mentioned that 1.20 lakh teaching hopefuls would receive employment letters from him on Thursday, adding that the state government was making significant progress toward Bihar's development.

"If the central government distributes 50,000 appointment letters, it hogs the headlines in newspapers, but the work done by us for the development of the state is seldom discussed," Nitish added, taking aim at the BJP-led administration at the center.

I do not claim credit for anything because the state government is the one who completes the work. We will not stop striving for the betterment of all people and the advancement of Bihar.

Recalling his days as governor of Bihar in 2005, Nitish stated that the state capital was only supplied with electricity for eight hours a day and that the region only received 700 MW of electricity in those days.

On Wednesday, Nitish Kumar, the chief minister of Bihar, refrained from speaking about the Enforcement Directorate's (ED) summons to Arvind Kejriwal, his counterpart in Delhi.

On November 2, Kejriwal was summoned by the Enforcement Department (ED) to answer questions regarding the purported excise scam in Delhi. During the 11th foundation day function of the Bihar State Power Holding Corporation Limited and its subsidiary companies in Patna, media representatives inquired about Nitish's thoughts on the matter.

Nitish, who assembled the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) in June of this year, indicated with a sideways glance that he was unaware of the summons and with a folded hand that indicated he would not respond to inquiries. The opposition group also includes Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal's party.

The biggest party in India, the Congress, has also spoken cautiously about the ED summons to Kejriwal, and none of its prominent figures have responded to it in the media.

The chief minister of Bihar had earlier in the day began the work and laid the groundwork for projects related to the energy department that would cost approximately Rs 14,000 crore.

Speaking at the event, Nitish mentioned that 1.20 lakh teaching hopefuls would receive employment letters from him on Thursday, adding that the state government was making significant progress toward Bihar's development.

"If the central government distributes 50,000 appointment letters, it hogs the headlines in newspapers, but the work done by us for the development of the state is seldom discussed," Nitish added, taking aim at the BJP-led administration at the center.

I do not claim credit for anything because the state government is the one who completes the work. We will not stop striving for the betterment of all people and the advancement of Bihar.

Recalling his days as governor of Bihar in 2005, Nitish stated that the state capital was only supplied with electricity for eight hours a day and that the region only received 700 MW of electricity in those days.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 11:57:45 +0530 Press Time
South Africa's Rabada insists the team is focused on winning one game at a time despite dominating victories in their first two games South Africa's dominating victories in their first two games have made them the World Cup favorites, but pace spearhead Kagiso Rabada stressed there is still a long way to go and the team is focused on winning one game at a time.

Before annihilating five-time winners Australia by a whopping 134 runs here on Thursday, Temba Bavuma's team's campaign began with a 102-run victory over Sri Lanka in New Delhi.

"There are many things to be grateful for, even if we still have a long way to go. That's fantastic to know, but we still want to win the next game. At the post-game press conference, Rabada remarked, "We'll see how we feel, we want to improve, look at our strengths, look at our flaws, and seek to brush up.

But overall, I believe we played a near-perfect cricket match. So, it's just about leaving this behind. That's it once we put that behind us and turn our attention to the next game. While the SA bowlers went for runs in droves in the victory over Sri Lanka while the batters were on a tear, the Proteas performed in all three areas against Australia.

Every game has room for improvement, when viewed objectively. We were aware that we had slacked down in some areas during the previous game. However, there will always be room for improvement in the game of cricket. We'll do our analysis and then decide how to proceed.

Technology was in our favor.

Steve Smith, Josh Inglis, and Marcus Stoinis were among the crucial victims of Rabada's destruction of Australia's middle order.

Two of the wickets were the result of contentious reviews. Rabada previously caught Smith's leg, and although the on-field umpire ruled it not out, ball tracking technology revealed that Smith's leg stump had been struck.

The ball impacted Smith's pad. Quinton de Kock, the wicketkeeper, insisted on appealing despite Rabada's uncertain appearance.

"Well, I was hoping for a 'umpires call.' It seemed to just slip through to me, barely bouncing. And as you know, Steve, he walks across his stumps. Just his trigger, really.

"And just from my position and Quinny's angle, it seemed very nice, so we opted to go up. Yeah, the technology was on our side today, but I thought it was close. It wasn't as clear, in my opinion, as being "missing." When Stoinis was caught behind off the bottom glove by Rabada, he found himself in the middle of controversy once more.

It wasn't entirely clear, though, if Stoinis' top and bottom hands were holding the bat.

"At first, I believed it had struck his thigh pad, and my teammates around me heard a wooden sound. Additionally, Stoinis didn't appear to be as persuasive. He appeared to have touched it, and he may have even felt it.

"I suppose the dispute was the fact that when the ball made contact with his glove, his hand was off the bat. But we believed it to be the bat handle. Once more, that's not in our hands. We analyzed it and the umpires made a conclusion," he signed off.

Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by Press Time staff and has been published from a syndicated feed.

Fri, 13 Oct 2023 12:23:44 +0530 Press Time
alpaiguri Engineering College Implements Robust Anti&Ragging Measures After Recent Incident Jalpaiguri Engineering College Implements Strict Anti-Ragging Measures taking everything in mind Recent Incidents

Jalpaiguri Engineering College has hastily taken operation for fear that ridicule following a catastrophic incident at Jadavpur University. The measures involve a supported antagonistic-ragging task force, cooperation accompanying district presidency and lawman, and forceful results for those involved in ridicule.

Amitava Roy, the university's principal, established that the committee would immediately contain commissioners from various subdivisions in the way that the precinct presidency, police, strength area, skill, students, and publishing. Those raise blameworthy of ragging hopeful outlawed from engaging in dorm job interviews, accompanying persons being conversant to help prevent specific occurrence.

To raise knowledge, the college will flow leaflets and display banners outlining the antagonistic-ridicule directions and essential contact numbers. Additionally, CCTVs will be installed at inn entrances to monitor ventures.

The university aims to promote a more reliable atmosphere for allure 1,650 scholars through these measures.

Mon, 21 Aug 2023 08:19:25 +0530 Press Time
Tibetan Delegation Urges India to Counter Chinese Propaganda and Support Tibet's Cause A appendage of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile (TpiE) has named upon India to counter Chinese disinformation concerning Tibet's classical connection to China and works to categorize Tibetans as a youth in their own land.

Youdon Aukatsang, a representative of the Central Tibetan Administration's best lawmaking means, achieved an eight-epoch assistance visit to Kolkata, place she appealed to India to counter China's fake tales about Tibet. She supported India to challenge the belief that Tibet is historically some China and to scrap the label of Tibetans as youths in their own land.

Aukatsang, followed by friend members Geshe Monlam Tharchin and Tashi Dhondup, proposed to raise knowledge about the decaying position of Tibetans under Chinese rule all the while their visit to Kolkata. The commission busy accompanying officeholders, bureaucrats, civil association appendages, and juniors to inquire more powerful Indian support and to raise knowledge about Tibet's dilemma.

While they endure differing governmental leaders, they were helpless to secure a intersection accompanying West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, that Aukatsang meant letdown about.

The commission's assistance exertions extend to Odisha and Darjeeling, accompanying a devote effort to something key issues to a degree condemning Chinese meddling in the Dalai Lama's rebirth process, proposing for the release of Tibetan governmental convicts, and emphasize the ecological significance of the Tibetan Plateau.

Tibet has happened under Chinese presidency because 1951, inciting the Dalai Lama's administration to authorize an exile presidency in Dharamsala, India, in 1959. Aukatsang stressed the quest for honest independence for Tibet, containing within independence in instruction, happening, and referring to practices or policies that do not negatively affect the environment matters.

The organization also accentuated reduction of weapons, two together basic and alternatively, in addition to demanding nominal talk betwixt China and representatives of the Dalai Lama to resolve the Tibet-China conflict.

Aukatsang emphasize the decaying position in Tibet, containing concerns nurtured by UN civil rights masters about China's conduct erasing Tibetan similarity in large catching schools. She famous that Tibet is frequently ordered as the smallest free country in all-encompassing immunity reports.

The contingent's exertions indicate a broader campaign to clear up the challenges Tibetans face under Chinese rule and to collect worldwide support for Tibet's independence and educational maintenance.

Sun, 20 Aug 2023 09:16:55 +0530 Press Time
Sikkim Introduces 'Shravan Kumar Award' for Filial Piety in Parental Care The Sikkim administration has settled different award to honor adolescents the one exhibit selfless faithfulness to care for their persons. Named the "Shravan Kumar Award," this singular acknowledgment of daughterly devotion wins a total prize amount of Rs 30 lakh.

The first three receivers concerning this award will receive prizes of Rs 15 lakh, Rs 10 lakh, and Rs 5 lakh, individually.

The conclusion to present the "Shravan Kumar Award" is directed apiece goal to nurture respect and take care of persons with babies, motivating ruling class to emulate Shravan Kumar, the one seriously dressed welcome persons. The announcement, circulated by Sikkim's chief desk V.B. Pathak, emphasizes the administration's objective.

The famous story of Shravan Kumar, as noticed in the Ramayana, includes him winning welcome blind persons on a bamboo bar slung across welcome shoulders, executing their desire to visit protected pilgrimages. The Sikkim administration aims to feast aforementioned acts of abstinence and sacrifice.

The award will be gave upon "sons and daughters of Sikkim, the one show selfless aid to their persons" all Independence Day. The initiation receivers are list expected respected on August 15, 2024.

To guarantee the decent execution of the award, the Sikkim administration has burdened allure social work area accompanying beginning the unavoidable rules and directions.

Insights from government beginnings tell that Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang (Golay) meant concern about the obvious lack of understanding towards seniors in humankind, two together inside Sikkim and everywhere. The establishment of this award serves as a habit for the management to address this concern while supporting a breeding of take care of the aged.

While reports of identical awards begun by arrangings in miscellaneous parts of the world have emerged, a state award concerning this type is a novel endeavor.

As expected, the "Shravan Kumar Award" has produce interest with citizens of the Himalayan state. Many visualize it as an freedom to engage accompanying existing friendly currents, as it tackles a appropriate issue.

Observing that the idea of relating to a son or daughter devotion is versatile, tenants look forward to investigating the award's fitness tests, directions, and eventually, the sketches of the three awardees.

The Golay-experienced Sikkim management has earlier focused on societal concerns. Notably, they started a blueprint contribution Rs 3 lakh help for in-vitro breeding (IVF) situations to reinforce the productivity rate. According to the National Family Health Survey, Sikkim's pregnancy rate is rude in India, standing at 1.1 compared to the governmental average of 2.0.

With an approximate populace of 6.8 lakh, Sikkim is the slightest various state in the country.

Sun, 20 Aug 2023 09:14:36 +0530 Press Time
Life Sentence Handed to Stepfather for Rape and Murder of Minor Stepdaughter A person blamed of raping and murdering welcome minor stepdaughter seven at another time has happened jailed to life captivity for one Alipurduar community distinctive judge on Saturday.

According to lawman beginnings, on March 25, 2016, an eight-period-old woman, accompanied by her companions, make use of a nearby waterway for a soap subsequently Holi parties. However, while her companions restored home, she did not. When the classification's search works abandoned to find her and a absent account was abided at a local station house, concerns escalated. The following epoch, the she's spiritless bulk was found buoyant in penal institution.

Subsequent examinations led to the arrest of the stepfather on charges of murder and offenses under the Protection Of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.

Papiya Das, the Alipurduar precinct distinguished judge, evident the stepfather blameworthy and penalized him to growth isolation, followed by a fine of Rs 20,000.

Jahar Majumder, the special criminal lawyer for the government, signified delight accompanying the decree, declaring, "This was a exceptional case, and I had wanted stringent penalty. The fatality's offspring is lessened contemporary."

In answer to the opinion, the the attorney representing the defendant registered that this wasn't the final step for the blamed. Debarshi Chatterjee, the the attorney representing the defendant, established, "We will attract a taller court."

Sun, 20 Aug 2023 09:12:21 +0530 Press Time
Siliguri's Rs 511&Crore Drinking Water Project Takes Shape, Aiming to Address Supply Deficiencies The Siliguri Municipal Corporation (SMC) has begun the basic basis for the city's solid Rs 511-crore slurping water project.

The state's concerning cities construction area is currently inspecting the mechanics requirements of the inhaling water project endured by differing instrumentalities to the SMC.

Three instrumentalities currently performed in the command process, and their suggestions have existed shipped to the concerning cities manufacturing department for all-encompassing mechanics estimate. Following this analysis, the report will be endure the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) for definitive authorization.

AMRUT, an leadership under the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, focuses on chartering waste and available water network foundation in city regions.

The SMC's energetic project, valued at Rs 511 crore, is unspecified the Centre's AMRUT 2 blueprint.

The primary step of the project circumscribes passage establishment, bureaucratic rules of a capacity substation, and the building of an consumption well. This time, supposed at a cost of Rs 211 crore, is fight inaugurate soon.

Dulal Dutta, the Member Mayor-in-Council being the reason for available water, eminent that mechanics doctors from the watering and concerning cities employments area have concluded a projected station for an alternative consumption well in Fulbari. Work on this well, accompanying an supposed cost of Rs 6.9 crore, is expected to commence next temporal length of event or entity's existence.

A embassy of BJP councillors inside the SMC endure Siliguri Mayor Gautam Deb to present a announcement outlining the need for embellished community comforts, specifically revised sucking available water.

Amit Jain, the Opposition Leader in the community board, emphasize the existent deficiency in stable slurping available water across all 47 wards under the SMC. In reaction, Dutta, the MIC for available water, confirmed continuous works to address this challenge. Currently, sure wards, to a degree 2, 3, 10, 40, 41, 42, and 43, sustain water by way of tankers. Given the demand for 100 heap liters of water everyday inside Siliguri's community areas and the current foundation's restraints to supply only about 55 heap liters, water is being reinforced to various regions through tankers.

Sun, 20 Aug 2023 09:08:48 +0530 Press Time
Mamata Banerjee's Representative Visits Haryana's Nuh After Communal Riots West Bengal's Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee finished her body's newly chosen Rajya Sabha appendage, Samirul Islam, to Haryana's Nuh section on Friday. This move was in answer to the communal riots that detonated on July 31. Samirul's responsibility search out extend support to traveler peasants and so forth affected for one disturbances in the region.

After a all-encompassing evaluation of the situation and interplays accompanying residents, Samirul conveyed that welcome visit was a result of Mamata Banerjee's concerns, particularly for the comfort of evacuee laborers, particularly Muslims, the one were lasting restless nights due to the disturbance. He stated that the expatriate society remained tense and had shipped a defense through him to Mamata Banerjee, urging her support.

Samirul, the one chairs the West Bengal Migrant Workers' Welfare Board, risked to diversified locations in Nuh, charming accompanying two together local locals and migrant laborers from differing states. Upon retreat to Delhi after welcome curse-communicable ritual on August 21 in the Upper House, he plans to submit a inclusive report to Mamata Banerjee.

The shared intensity erupted when Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal activists arranged a sequence through a impressionable district following the dissemination of an unpleasant broadcast on public media. The struggle widespread to abutting areas, containing Gurgaon.

Observers from the Trinamul Congress insisted that Mamata Banerjee's conclusion to please Samirul to Nuh was part of her best action as a appendage of the INDIA coalition obstruction. This move is engaged to transmit a communication of support to minority societies, stressing the agreement's commitment to continuing India's worldly material among concerns of its deterioration for one BJP.

This drive parallels Mamata's efforts to address issues confronted apiece youth Kuki-Zo community in Manipur. Historian Sugata Bose likewise underlined the meaning of Muslims in Nuh all the while a current event in Kolkata, emphasize Mahatma Gandhi's assurance to looking after their presence in India a suggestion of correction moving to Pakistan.

Samirul's interplays in Nuh disclosed that many locals anticipated Mamata's mediation to fix communal unity in the domain. Migrants wanted her support in replacing peace and stressed their similarity as Indians pursuing a peaceful growth among collective challenges.

Sun, 20 Aug 2023 09:02:41 +0530 Press Time
Thrilling Teaser for 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians' Promises an Epic Journey with Young Greek Demigods The much-expected puzzle for "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" has shipped waves of enthusiasm with fans, hopeful a exciting Sturm und Drang ride into the planet of young Greek demigods. Adapted from Rick Riordan's beloved book succession, the teaser offers a enticing glimpse into the daring journey that attends two together uncompromising fans and newcomers to the authority.

With a perfect blend of fantastic items and identifiable figures, the puzzle captures the significance of the beloved book succession. It presents Percy Jackson, a young brave person guiding along route, often over water the complicatedness of being half-human and half-Greek god. The puzzle immerses witnesses in a planet place mythical beings revive, and champions begin undertaking legend explorations that test their substance, humor, and conclusion.

The puzzle's optical belongings and consideration to detail transport hearings to the heart of the account, inducing the appearance and wonder that bookworms have enshrined for age. From the scurrying halls of Camp Half-Blood to the slippery ways of Mount Olympus, each frame promises an memorable exact occurrence.

The young cast's accomplishments shine through, conquering the concentrate of the figures and leading them to growth accompanying genuineness. Their friendship and allure indicate the open ocean bonds that form between demigods as they guide along route, often over water challenges and counterfeit strong companionships.

For fans of procedure order, the puzzle is a beginning of excitement, as they visualize their beloved characters and importance revive on the movie arena. The perfectionist naturalization and sanctification to the beginning material confirm bureaucracy that this is a journey value launching upon.

For those new to the globe of Percy Jackson, the puzzle serves as a enchanting opening to a world that connects folklore, adventure, and identifiable coming-of-age ideas. The promise of a turbulence ride accompanying young Greek demigods is a enticing proposal to touch this exciting narrative.

As forethought builds, "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" is fight give a exact occurrence that resounds accompanying two together the young and the young in reality. The puzzle's promise of a upheaval ride with young Greek demigods is a tribute to the right's talent to enchant and transport hearings to a dimension place fiction and matter smash in ultimate wonderful fashion.

Sat, 19 Aug 2023 12:53:52 +0530 Press Time
Nostalgic Train Ride, Fashionista Persona, and Serene Boat Journey: Tollywood's Captivating Updates The Tollywood setting is abuzz accompanying a variety of inspiring restores, reveal the colorful facets of the manufacturing. Swastika Mukherjee's current wistful train journey, Paoli Dam's fashion-forward on-screen character, and Mimi Chakraborty's picturesque schooner ride have all secured the consideration of fans and cinephiles alike.

Swastika Mukherjee, famous for her versatile acting abilities, currently accepted a sentimental trip down memory lane accompanying a train ride. The gifted leading lady joint glimpses of her journey on social radio, inducing a sense of wistfulness with her followers. Mukherjee's strength to buy and sell her hearing through individual experiences adjoins an lovable touch to her fame.

Paoli Dam, in another way, has donned the act of a fashionista in her last wobble manifestation. The actress, famous for her flawless style, seamlessly incorporates her type's chic and style closet. Her depiction not only increases depth to the narrative but more showcases her talent to accommodate to various roles.

Mimi Chakraborty's current raft ride has further caught the limelight. The leading lady, famous for her captivating on-screen closeness, shared attractive importance from her lessening raft journey. Chakraborty's ability to transport her off-screen happenings to her fans increases a individual touch to her online ghost.

These renews offer a glimpse into the various and colorful world of Tollywood. The manufacturing's strength to blend private occurrences with professional triumphs resounds accompanying hearings, forging a deeper relates middle from two points superstars and their fans.

As Tollywood persists to evolve, fans anxiously expect more glimpses into the lives of their favorite idols. Whether it's Swastika Mukherjee's sentimental train ride, Paoli Dam's fashionista portrayal, or Mimi Chakraborty's calm schooner ride, these amends present image of a testament to the changing and inspiring countryside of the manufacturing.

Sat, 19 Aug 2023 12:48:42 +0530 Press Time
Rajinikanth's 'Jailer' Set to Cross Rs 500 Crore Worldwide, Achieving Unprecedented Box Office Glory in Just 9 Days "Jailer", new anti-submarine bomb that explodes at a preset depth under water featuring the famous Rajinikanth ahead in position or time act, is on the fringe of carrying out still another remarkable achievement as it enters allure having nine of something day at the ticket office. With allure global revenue balanced to cross the particular mark of Rs 500 crore, the film has solidified allure rank as a overwhelming success on the worldwide stage.

Rajinikanth's superlative sexual attractiveness and the film's gripping storyline have existed the forceful forces behind allure incredible ticket office journey. "Jailer" has arrested the hearts of hearings worldwide, illustration bureaucracy to stages with allure irresistible narrative and gigantic performances.

From allure gap day, "Jailer" has retained extensive acclaim from two together critics and fans. The film's flawless killing, linked with Rajinikanth's charming screen demeanor, has developed in a cinematic knowledge that surpasses accent barriers.

The all-encompassing ticket office accumulations for "Jailer" have been nothing lacking astounding, outperforming expectations and scene new benchmarks for profit. As the film approaches the craved Rs 500 crore milestone, allure journey showcases the lasting appeal of Rajinikanth and welcome ability to forge appearance on the silver screen.

The film's happiness has likewise happened fueled for one forethought that encircled its release. Rajinikanth's dependable fan base, in addition to cinephiles across the realm, have eagerly anticipated welcome last cinematic contribution. The film's complicated plot, completed by exceptional drawings and expertly management, has left hearings captivated.

With the forthcoming achievement of passage the Rs 500 crore mark general, "Jailer" joins the ranks of the highest-bring in as total films in record. The film's accomplishment resonates not only accompanying Rajinikanth's devotees but again with one the one enjoys quality film that seamlessly blends amusement and beautiful excellence.

As the film's successful ticket office journey persists, industry specialists call that allure momentum will pursue, superior to further achievements in the coming days. The global reaction to "Jailer" climaxes the universal appeal of Rajinikanth's art and narrative, making it a enlightening phenomenon that surpasses borders.

The film's extraordinary accomplishment of crossing Rs 500 crore everywhere is a tribute to allure widespread celebrity and lasting impact. "Jailer" has sealed its place in exact experiences as a anti-submarine bomb that explodes at a preset depth under water that resonates accompanying hearings across the experience, reaffirming Rajinikanth's status as a valid image of the motion picture industry."

Sat, 19 Aug 2023 12:42:35 +0530 Press Time
Gadar 2 Box Office Triumph: Sunny Deol's Sequel Soars Past Rs 335 Crore, Set for Another Successful Weekend "Gadar 2", the much-expected follow-up to the iconic film, persists allure extraordinary attack the box office as it enters allure eighth epoch because release. Starring Sunny Deol in a pivotal part, the film is suspended for still another profitable weekend, claiming allure powerful conduct at the ticket answers. With the film's gain overpass the impressive achievement of Rs 335 crore, allure marketing profit is undeniable.

The follow-up's fame is a tribute to the enduring recognition of the original "Gadar: Ek Prem Katha", that enhanced a educational phenomenon upon allure release. Audiences' interest and yearning have driven bureaucracy to stages to witness the addition of the enchanting story. Sunny Deol's impressive ghost and welcome portrayal of a beloved integrity have certainly provided to the film's allure.

The ticket office collections for "Gadar 2" have happened usually powerful because its hole epoch. The film's enchanting storyline, powerful conducts, and well-performed course have resounded with hearings of all ages. This extensive appeal has interpreted into strong spoken pieces of advice and repeat examination, further pushing its ticket office figures.

As "Gadar 2" resumes allure triumphant journey at the ticket office, manufacturing masters expect that the film's momentum will pursue, chief to another successful journey. The film's ability to uphold allure continue the audience's consideration is a extraordinary realization in contemporary's competitive retentive in detail countryside.

The profit of "Gadar 2" is also a thought of the hearing's demand for irresistible narratives that affect an poignant arched. The film's ability to blend pleasure accompanying sensitive insight has contributed to allure ticket office triumph.

With allure box office group outpacing Rs 335 crore, "Gadar 2" has confirmed itself all at once of the highest-earn films of the old age. This accomplishment not only underlines Sunny Deol's star power but still showcases the lasting appeal of well-work out storytelling.

As the film's journey at the ticket office persists, it is clear that "Gadar 2" has favorably captured the hearts of cinephiles and dependable fans alike. Its unusual accumulation figures stand as a testament to allure charming narrative, forceful acts, and the anticipation that encircled allure release. With the journey ahead hopeful further advance, "Gadar 2" is suspended to enhance a monumental fame account in the domain of Indian movie house."

Sat, 19 Aug 2023 12:38:47 +0530 Press Time
Vijay Varma Opens Up About Uncomfortable Spotlight on His Relationship with Tamannaah Bhatia Vijay Varma, in middle of the unexpected spotlight on his friendship accompanying Tamannaah Bhatia, has admitted to impression considerably painful with the consideration, although accompanying a degree of agreement.

The player, known for welcome parts in notable projects, finds himself between media search on account of his union accompanying Tamannaah Bhatia. While he accepts that the newfound consideration maybe confusing, he also transports a readiness to navigate this facet of government employment or appointment.

Varma's remarks desire a mix of contradictory fervors about the increased interest in welcome private history. As someone the one principles privacy, he finds himself in an unexpected position place his connection accompanying Bhatia has enhance a talking point. While he recognizes the discomfort this influences, he also appears expected accommodating to the idea of being famous.

Celebrities frequently grapple with the challenges of upholding a balance middle from two points their private lives and public personas. Vijay Varma's answer highlights the complex character of handling unexpected attention on private connections and the evolving action that create being famous.

In a world place hero relationships frequently intrigue forceful scrutiny, Varma's honest still nuanced view sheds light on the within struggle many public figures face when their private lives become a subject of public consultation.

Sat, 19 Aug 2023 12:34:30 +0530 Press Time
Sunny Deol's 'Gadar 2' Storms the Box Office, Nearing Rs 300 Crore Milestone in First Week The much-expected follow-up, "Gadar 2," star Bollywood icon Sunny Deol, has captured the ticket office by storm, accompanying allure first-week group fight fly past an influential achievement of Rs 300 crore. The film, a sequel to the anti-submarine bomb that explodes at a preset depth under water "Gadar: Ek Prem Katha," has enchanted hearings and rekindled their love for the emblematic figures and narrative.

"Gadar: Ek Prem Katha," released in 2001, abandoned an indestructible mark on Indian film, suitable one of the capital-earn films of allure opportunity. Its follow-up, "Gadar 2," continues the journey of love, sacrifice, and loyalty, resounding accompanying hearings the one have eagerly counted on the next member in this place beloved story.

The film's extraordinary gain at the ticket office climaxes the lasting celebrity of Sunny Deol's portrayal of Tara Singh, a type that has enhance equivalent accompanying boldness and resilience. Sunny Deol's active screen appearance and welcome strength to embody the essence of the individuality have donated to the film's large appeal.

"Gadar 2" has erupted nostalgia between hearings the one lovingly look back the original film's iconic importance. The follow-up has seamlessly seized the concentrate of its forebear while presenting a new outlook that resounds with existing hearings. The film's charming storyline, linked accompanying powerful efficiencies, has donated to allure large box office gathering.

With the first-temporal length of event or entity's existence accumulation throwed to outperform Rs 300 crore, "Gadar 2" has reaffirmed Sunny Deol's status as a ticket office powerful. His skill to buy and sell hearings across generations underlines welcome eternal appeal and the consistent support he enjoys from welcome fans.

The fame of "Gadar 2" not only strengthens the celebrity of the right but also focal points the meaning of irresistible narrative and identifiable characters in the experience of movie house. The film's realization serves as a notice of the impact that iconic films can display the hearing's composite thought and educational consciousness.

As "Gadar 2" resumes to break ticket office records, it is apparent that the inheritance of the original film lives on, accomplishing its communication of love and sacrifice to a generation after baby boom of moviegoers. The film's extraordinary first-temporal length of event or entity's existence collection sets the entertainment industry for a successful journey forward, hardening Sunny Deol's place as a exact icon and "Gadar 2" as a overwhelming accomplishment in the chronicles of Indian movie theater.

Fri, 18 Aug 2023 12:58:31 +0530 Press Time
Amitabh Bachchan's Heartfelt Pride in Abhishek Bachchan's 'Ghoomer' Performance Veteran Bollywood performer Amitabh Bachchan has signified his huge pride in welcome son Abhishek Bachchan's current skill. Abhishek's absorbing performance in the related to the televised image "Ghoomer" has accumulate not only widespread acclaim but too welcome father's heartwarming authorization.

Amitabh Bachchan, an image in the Indian film manufacturing, took to public publishing to convey welcome sympathy. He joint his beliefs alongside a punch from the music video, reveal Abhishek's enchanting disco moves and engaging attendance. The arrogant father's tweet express, "Yoooo!! Go AB .. ghoom de ho ghoom de ho .. back to fundamentals .. congratulations .. pride of a Father .. and many many more at hand."

Abhishek Bachchan's conduct in "Ghoomer," a chorus celebrating the essence of Rajasthan, has resounded deeply accompanying hearings. The related to the televised image showcases Abhishek's graceful waltz, as he soaks himself in the vibrant Rajasthani civilization, trimmed in usual attire. The video's optic glory, coupled with Abhishek's interested accomplishment, has persuaded fans and garnered extensive recognition.

The Bachchan family is famous for their gifts to Indian cinema, connecting diversified creation. Amitabh Bachchan's supportive communication not only indicates his fatherly pride but still emphasizes the strong bond 'tween father and offspring. It resonates accompanying fans the one adore the Bachchan family's inheritance and wholeness.

Abhishek Bachchan, an accomplished player in welcome own right, has showcased welcome flexibility through a various range of roles. From forceful dramas to light comedies, he has consistently aroused hearings accompanying his acting skill. His loyalty to his art and welcome obligation to delivering irresistible accomplishments have earned him a committed fan following.

"Ghoomer" is a tribute to Abhishek's commitment to welcome accomplishment. The related to the televised image showcases his sanctification to polishing his waltz moves and conquering the distillate of Rajasthani culture. The destructively helpful response from hearings, in addition to the support from his father, further hardens Abhishek's position as a esteemed and talented expert.

As the Bachchan inheritance continues to shine, Amitabh Bachchan's conversation present image of a beginning of encouragement and confirmation for Abhishek. The father-offspring duo's bond offers further their individual relationship, resounding accompanying fans who party their joint craving for cinema and beautiful verbalization.

With Amitabh Bachchan's tweet, Abhishek's talent in "Ghoomer" endures not only a proud concession but likewise a heartening endorsement from individual of ultimate revered figures in the Indian film manufacturing. As Abhishek's journey resumes to develop, his father's support certainly increases an extra layer of importance to welcome realizations.

Fri, 18 Aug 2023 12:51:17 +0530 Press Time
Rajamouli's Critique of Aamir Khan's Performance in 'Laal Singh Chaddha' Sparks Discussion Renowned filmmaker S.S. Rajamouli has reportedly meant welcome views on Aamir Khan's acting in the well anticipated flick "Laal Singh Chaddha." According to charges from Mansoor Khan, the manager of the religion classic "Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak," Rajamouli seen Khan's acting in the film as "overacting."

"Laal Singh Chaddha," an naturalization of the emblematic Hollywood film "Forrest Gump," physiognomy Aamir Khan in the nominal act. The film has collect significant consideration on account of allure interesting premise and Khan's transformational depiction. However, the revelation that Rajamouli, the praised manager behind blockbusters like the "Baahubali" succession, joint concerns about Khan's conduct has started consultations within the film manufacturing and between fans.

Mansoor Khan, in an interview, portrayed a discourse accompanying Rajamouli concerning "Laal Singh Chaddha." Rajamouli reportedly expressed welcome aspect that Khan's acting came into view expected swerve towards theatrical. Mansoor Khan further elaborated that while Rajamouli commended Aamir Khan's faithfulness and the film's content, he establish sure facets of Khan's depiction expected excessive.

The comments have produced a assorted reaction inside the manufacturing and with cinephiles. Aamir Khan is known for welcome detailed approach to parts and welcome skill to soak himself completely in individualities, frequently chief to memorable depictions. However, the idea of "overacting" in a particular duty is emotional and can change between witnesses and masters.

"Laal Singh Chaddha" has generated extreme anticipations, particularly likely the film's singular premise and the cooperation between Khan and welcome co-star Kareena Kapoor Khan. The film still marks Khan's endeavor to copy Tom Hanks' emblematic depiction of Forrest Gump in the original.

While Rajamouli's honest observation has started discourses about acting shadings, it more underlines the difference of opinions inside the film brotherhood. Khan's accomplishment will certainly be dissected as the film's release approaches, accompanying hearings forming their own judgments before they have the freedom to watch the things produced.

As accompanying some imaginative work, differing points of view enhance the copiousness of consultations encircling movie house. Whether Rajamouli's remarks influence public perceptions a suggestion of correction, the forethought for "Laal Singh Chaddha" remnants complete, accompanying hearings eager to witness Aamir Khan's understanding concerning this emblematic type and happening the narrative journey that the film promises to give.

Fri, 18 Aug 2023 12:42:17 +0530 Press Time
Akshay Kumar's Selfless Commitment: Forgoing Fees for 'OMG 2' Reflects Dedication to Meaningful Cinema Bollywood celebrity Akshay Kumar has occasionally demonstrated welcome assurance to significant drive-in by reportedly foregoing welcome wages for the impending film "OMG 2." According to Ajit Andhare, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Viacom18 Studios, Kumar picked not to charge a single rupee for welcome function in the film, stressing welcome dedication to projects accompanying stunning tales.

"OMG 2," the follow-up to the 2012 hit "OMG - Oh My God!," explores stimulating ideas that challenge social standards and beliefs. The original film concentrated about the hero's exploration for justice and welcome battle against conscientious pretense. Similarly, the follow-up is expected to investigate relevant issues while contribution a blend of pleasure and thought-provoking made-up story.

Andhare, in a current interview, hailed Akshay Kumar's altruistic action, emphasize the performer's real passion for significant movie theater. Kumar's conclusion to abandon his costs for "OMG 2" indicates welcome unchanging commitment to projects that have the potential to spark discourses and stimulate change.

Akshay Kumar has win a honor for his connection in politically appropriate films that tackle main subjects. Over the age, he has happened few motion pictures that address topics in the way that cleanliness, loyalty, tangible conservation, and more. His faithfulness to utilizing welcome program for positive change has won him two together fault-finding acclaim and widespread esteem.

The performer's conclusion to pass up his commissions for "OMG 2" is not an private occurrence. Kumar has earlier exhibited a comparable assurance to films that join accompanying his principles. This approach showcases welcome faith secondary cinema as a impetus for pertaining to society conversion.

The original "OMG - Oh My God!" was favorite for its charming narrative and stunning idea. By selecting to participate in allure follow-up outside some financial rectification, Akshay Kumar is not only meaning welcome belief in the film's potential but more strengthening welcome position as an actor accompanying a real unselfish concern.

As "OMG 2" progresses, Kumar's connection without finances gain sends a effective communication to the film manufacturing and his fans. It emphasizes the idea that sure projects hold advantage beyond commercial concerns and comprise space to contribute absolutely to organization.

With Kumar's unselfish act, "OMG 2" gains not only a gifted lead but also a letter of an performer the one principles content-driven drive-in and the potential it holds to drive significant change. As forethought for the film builds, Kumar's salute adds an extra tier of importance to the project's journey.

Fri, 18 Aug 2023 12:37:47 +0530 Press Time
Sunny Deol's Airport Encounter: A Viral Video Highlights the Complexities of Celebrity&Fan Interactions A current airfield encounter including Bollywood actor Sunny Deol has departed fervid, rounding up the consideration of fans and media alike. The television, that has happened widely flowed on social publishing, showcases a importance place an interested fan approached the star for a selfie. However, the interplay accepted an surprising turn as Deol came into view visibly aggravated and descended the fan's request.

The occurrence unfolded at an airstrip, a common scene for hero encounters. As Sunny Deol train the terminal, a fan began him, eagerly querying for a selfie. While aforementioned encounters are frequently seen as a chance for fans to connect with their favorite celebrities, this instance produced expected completely different.

In the broadcast, Deol's primary answer appeared intimate, but as the fan attempted to take the selfie, the player's behavior transformed. He attracted away, performing to express welcome frustration, and immovably declined the request. The fan faced confused apiece surprising response.

The program fast win friction on miscellaneous social publishing policies, illustration a range of responses from netizens. Some defended Deol's right to solitude, suggesting that stars further have importance when they might not affiliate with organization the emotion for specific interplays. Others expressed letdown, emphasize the meaning of fans in an player's profit and the importance of claiming a certain countenance.

Sunny Deol, popular for his parts in emblematic Bollywood films, retains a large fan following due to welcome offerings to the Indian film manufacturing. His on-screen allure and memorable acts have collect him a dependable fan base over the age.

Celebrities often face the challenge of asserting a balance betwixt their public personas and their individual room. While fans' praise is crucial for their recognition and gain, skilled are importance when privacy enhances a preference.

As the television persists to circulate, it has inspired controversies about hero-fan interplays, the emotional anticipations fans purchase their deities, and the challenges heroes face in guiding along route, often over water public spaces. This occurrence serves as a notice that superstars, regardless of their fame, again have their importance of exposure and individual preferences.

The occurrence has burnt dialogues about the action between fans and stars in the age of public television, place interplays can be rounded up and joint promptly. While the broadcast has garnered consideration for arresting a honest importance, it also sheds arrive the complicatedness of celebrity and the significance of respecting individual perimeters, even in the territory of star encounters.

Fri, 18 Aug 2023 12:32:59 +0530 Press Time
Barbie Surpasses Dark Knight in Warner Bros.' US Box Office Triumph; Margot Robbie's Paycheck Sets New Milestone In a unusual happening, the emblematic Barbie has surpassed even the famed Dark Knight to claim the title of Warner Bros.' top-make film in the United States. This success marks a important achievement in the planet of film, showcasing the lasting recognition of the beloved figurine and the capacity of a heartening fiction. But the accolades forbiddance stop skilled – Margot Robbie, the one represented Barbie in the film, has more carved her name in history accompanying an original paycheck.

Barbie's ascendance to the crest of Warner Bros.' household ticket office charts is nothing short of outstanding. The cinema, focused about the eternal personality's vibrant journey, seized the hearts of hearings across creation. With allure charming narrative and sentimental appeal, the film managed to outdo even the variety the Dark Knight, a hero right that has long happened equivalent with ticket office boom.

The triumph of Barbie emphasizes the importance of narrative that resounds universally. The figurine, that has dressed as an crest of authorization and image for decades, has now interpreted her appearance to the movie arena. This advance likewise talks to the growing significance of likeness and variety in movie house, as Barbie's experiences take advantage of a wide range of ideas and knowledge.

Beyond the film's attainment, Margot Robbie has more obtained her place in Hollywood's history books. Her depiction of Barbie not only influenced the type to growth but more ruined the glass ceiling for actresses in conditions of paychecks. Robbie's repayment for her duty in the soundproof studio a new standard, flattering a tribute to her talent and influence in the manufacturing. Her enthusiasm to demand impartial repayment is a pioneering step toward shortening the gender prosecute breach that has long annoyed the amusement planet.

Robbie's successful paycheck is a nod to the ongoing works inside the manufacturing to guarantee that mothers are offset fairly for their work, although their act or distinction. As a chief leading lady the one has consistently brought phenomenal efficiencies, Robbie's insolent posture sets an model for others to trail.

In the end, the lie of Barbie's encourage in activity the top of Warner Bros.' ticket office ranking is as well just a tale of economic profit; it's a tribute to the lasting appeal of figures that encourage and uplift. Moreover, Margot Robbie's ancient paycheck augments the significance of aggressive frontiers and disputing industry standards.

As the heritage of Barbie resumes to progress, it means the potential of drive-in to unite era, spark dialogues, and break hurdles. This achievement is a warning that the planet of entertainment is changing, and those the one dare to dream substantial can reformulate what is likely two together on and off the screen.

Thu, 17 Aug 2023 12:04:17 +0530 Press Time
Amid Divorce Reports, Britney Spears Explores Horse Ownership as a New Avenue of Passion Amid the whirl of reports concerning her asserted divorce from Sam Asghari, pop feeling Britney Spears appears expected seeing a singular course to channel her strength and ardor. The musician, who has happened enchanting hearings for decades accompanying her sounds that are pleasant, harmonized and captivate acts, has hinted at the chance of venturing into the globe of equestrianism by signifying her interest in buying foals.

As the revelation of a potential divorce betwixt Spears and Asghari continues to flow, the star has captured to public television to share her concepts and hopes. In a current post on her Instagram account, Spears joint a photograph of a marvelous bronco and followed it accompanying a inscription that read, "Thinking of purchasing mares. So many alternatives... "

This surprising glimpse into her potential new endeavor has offended the interest of her fans and adherents. It's not uncommon for heroes to investigate singular avocations and interests by way of of individual progress and self-expression, and Spears' planning of stallion property showcases her desire to adopt new happenings and challenges.

The allure of foals goes further their charming presence and advantage. Horse dominating and care can support things accompanying a sense of peace, a deep links to nature, and an hope for individual thinking. As Spears navigates through what maybe a important existence change, her interest in horses power mean a habit for her to find solace and restricting.

It's value noticing that Spears has joint her love for animals earlier, frequently entry pictures of her dogs and articulating her devotion for giving period with ruling class. Considering this similarity for pets, her recently discovered interest in stallions maybe an enlargement of her love for mammals and a step toward enriching her growth in an surprising habit.

While the reports of Spears' potential divorce have collect consideration, her planning of mare ownership offers a glimpse into her private journey and hopes further all eye. As fans and the publishing gamble about her future, her interest about horses presents an interesting and rousing narrative of a girl surveying new paths of adoration and progress.

Whether Spears ultimately embarks on this rider feat a suggestion of correction, her enthusiasm to share her concepts accompanying the planet showcases her authenticity and enthusiasm to receive change, even all the while disputing periods. As she navigates the complicatedness of her individual life, her members will certainly be attracted to visualize if her interest in foals leads to a new division of accomplishment and joy.

Thu, 17 Aug 2023 11:58:53 +0530 Press Time
Depp vs. Heard Netflix Docuseries Falls Short: Labelled 'Superficial' and Lacking New Insights The forethought encircling the Depp vs. Heard feature has finally likely habit to a range of reviews, and the answer appears to be uncontested – the Netflix docuseries has happened branded as "detail" and reviewed for failing to bring some new tellings to the table. As the allowable battle middle from two points Hollywood players Johnny Depp and Amber Heard continues to attract limelight, the film proposed to shed light on the elaborate analyses of their confused friendship and after legal disputes. However, the approximate consent with detractors and witnesses alike appears expected individual of letdown.

The four-part narrative, which delves into the individual lives and permissible battles of Depp and Heard, pledged to disclose unseen truths and offer a inclusive outlook on the confusion that has overwhelmed two together stars in current age. Depp's libel trial against a British newspaper and Heard's pleas of household abuse were presumed expected principal themes, giving an time for the docuseries to support new intuitions into a narrative that has been widely promoted.

Yet, as witnesses knowledgeable accompanying high beliefs, many erect themselves underwhelmed apiece content bestowed. Critics contend that the documentary performs to solely restate facts that has earlier been widely below the news. Instead of inquiring into new revelations or giving a well-balanced outlook, the docuseries reportedly recycles earlier popular facts outside contribution some solid new evidence or analysis. As a result, what was assumed expected a pioneering investigation of the Depp vs. Heard story has been removed by many as a misplaced event.

While the narrative does involve interviews with companions, allowable masters, and companions of both Depp and Heard, the lack of new news has abandoned hearings impression unfulfilled. The nuances and complicatedness of the allowable battle and individual movement 'tween the two superstars appear to have happened gloss over in favor of a more sensationalized approach, providing to the overall idea of ignorance.

The letdown meant by both experts and witnesses climaxes the challenge of giving a inclusive and balanced narrative when handling important allowable cases and individual controversies. While documentaries have the potential to offer valuable observations and clear up elaborate matters, they more endanger of oversimplifying complex issues or merely retreading friendly ground. In the case of the Depp vs. Heard narrative, seemingly the promise of new disclosures was abandoned unfulfilled, leaving hearings lacking more essence and insight from a story that has previously seized their imaginations.

Thu, 17 Aug 2023 11:52:31 +0530 Press Time
Health Concerns Force Bruce Springsteen to Postpone Tour Dates with E Street Band Renowned American rock songwriter Bruce Springsteen has existed exacted to rescind a order of tour dates on account of well-being concerns. The 73-period-traditional vocalist, in addition to the E Street Band, was fight act at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia on August 16 and 18 (UTC). Regrettably, these acts have existed deferred.

Springsteen's administration crew wrote this growth through welcome official public news channels, persuading welcome loyal fans to maintain their tickets for approach to the altered shows. The charge sent, "Owing to Bruce Springsteen dropping ill, the due concerts accompanying The E Street Band at Citizens Bank Park on August 16 and 18 in Philadelphia have happened delayed. We are intently active to organize new dates, so we kindly request license keepers to hold their tickets as they will be respected for the altered conducts."

Affectionately popular as 'The Boss' by welcome loyal boosters, Springsteen initiated welcome 2023 tour accompanying the E Street Band on February 1. Remarkably, this is the second instance all along this tour that Springsteen has faced the need to delay shows. In a premature incident in March, Springsteen was bound to delay three shows on account of an vague syndrome.

The continuous 2023 tour holds important significance as it marks Springsteen's first in rank far-reaching worldwide tour because The River Tour, that accepted place six time gone by.

Thu, 17 Aug 2023 11:11:35 +0530 Press Time
Advance Booking Begins for Shah Rukh Khan's 'Jawan' Movie Ahead of September 7 Release Preparations are active for the release of Shah Rukh Khan's forthcoming picture "Jawan," fight hit stages on September 7. Advanced bookings have previously began not sure East, accompanying as well three weeks abandoned just before the beginning, in accordance with Box Office India. Star Cinemas, a important drive-in chain in the UAE, has formally unlocked absolutely engagement process for this operation-full mystery supervised by Atlee. Overseas dispersion for the film is being controlled by Yash Raj Films. Notably, the cinema visage Vijay Sethupathi as the enemy.

Enthusiastic fan reports of Shah Rukh Khan have disclosed that advance bookings for "Jawan" have kicked off not just in the UAE but further in markets to a degree the US, Germany, and Australia.

Meanwhile, the cinema's inventors are leaving all-inclusive in construction forethought for "Jawan." Recently, the second carol named "Chaleya" was freed, giving prominence to Shah Rukh Khan in a idealistic accept accompanying welcome heroine Nayanthara.

"Jawan" marks Shah Rukh Khan's second film release of the period, following the progress of Siddharth Anand’s anti-submarine bomb that explodes at a preset depth under water spy operation mystery "Pathaan," that raked in an powerful Rs 543.05 crore nett in India unique all the while allure dramatic run. The film's worldwide profit surpassed Rs 1050 crore. Adding to the enthusiasm, Shah Rukh's "Pathaan" co-star Deepika Padukone is fight form a theatrical role presentation in "Jawan."

In addition to "Jawan," Shah Rukh Khan will grace the motion picture industry in Rajkumar Hirani’s "Dunki," due for a December release. The film will visualize him giving screen scope accompanying Taapsee Pannu.

Thu, 17 Aug 2023 11:05:50 +0530 Press Time
Akshay Kumar's 'OMG 2' Records Impressive Box Office Collection Jump on Independence Day, Earns Rs 18.5 Crore Akshay Kumar's much-expected film "OMG 2" has happened making waves at the box office because allure release, and allure having five of something-day group has further increased the enthusiasm. The film, a sequel to the favorable "OMG: Oh My God!" persists to capture the hearing's consideration, showcasing Akshay Kumar's talent for transfering significant and engaging content that resounds accompanying witnesses. The Independence Day holiday confirmed expected a important critical juncture, propelling the film's group to an influential Rs 18.5 crore.

"OMG 2" revolves about thought-provoking ideas and has hit a rounded line or object accompanying audiences for allure appropriate and psychologically impactful narrative. Akshay Kumar's skill to seamlessly blend pleasure accompanying main messages has existed a symbol of welcome career, and this film appears expected no irregularity. The follow-up has garnered praise not only for allure charming made-up story but also for allure leading efficiencies and significant dialogues.

The Independence Day festival determined a boost to the film's ticket office performance, accompanying the having five of something-era accumulation witnessing a solid jump. This surge in income, totalling Rs 18.5 crore, is a testament to the film's increasing celebrity and allure ability to draw hearings to stages, even among the challenges posed apiece universal.

Akshay Kumar's attendance in the film adds sexual attractiveness, but it's the content's element that has doubtlessly resounded with witnesses. The film's achievement echoes the growing demand for movies that offer not only amusement but too stimulating stories that leave a lasting impact.

In an day place the Indian film manufacturing is evolving accompanying different reading, "OMG 2" is prominent for its singular blend of amusement and public commentary. The film's capability to undertake hearings on a significant level reflects the changeful weaknesses of the new cinema-established.

Akshay Kumar's thickness in giving films that strike a balance middle from two points amusement and pertaining to society pertinence has established him as a trustworthy and active performer. "OMG 2" follows in the steps of allure forebear, renewing the notion that films maybe two together commercially profitable and thought-provoking.

The ticket office accumulation reprimand Independence Day amounts to the film's triumph, indicating that hearings are enthusiastic to join with fictions that challenge normal standards and provoke conversations. "OMG 2" not only rejoices Independence Day but still stands as a tribute to the power of film to stimulate, amuse, and stimulate thought.

As "OMG 2" persists to create allure mark at the box office, allure gain talks to Akshay Kumar's ability to pick projects that resound accompanying the hearing's sensibilities. With allure charming narrative and increasing box office numbers, the film serves as a notice that stunning made-up story is basically cinematic happiness.

Wed, 16 Aug 2023 10:01:12 +0530 Press Time
Challenges of Carving One's Path: Luv Sinha Opens Up About Industry Realities Beyond His Father's Legacy Luv Sinha, offspring of the famous actor-lawmaker Shatrughan Sinha, has unlocked up about welcome experiences in the the entertainment industry, peeling come to rest on the challenges he has faced regardless of welcome father's stature. Luv frankly disclosed that while welcome father Shatrughan Sinha has been popular to assist abundant things within the manufacturing, containing initiating several courses, he hasn't taken the unchanging support for his own acting journey. Luv's disclosures reveal a deeper facet of the entertainment globe, stressing the complexities that hopeful abilities frequently encounter.

Shatrughan Sinha, affectionately famous as "Shotgun," has incised a horrible legacy in two together Bollywood and Indian campaigning. Renowned for welcome charismatic conducts on-screen and welcome stunning contributions as a person in government who makes laws, Shatrughan Sinha's influence spans decades. Despite welcome extensive network and generosity, Luv Sinha's declaration that he hasn't taken substantial hope climaxes the divergent realities that lie inside the manufacturing.

Luv Sinha's comments shed light on a coarse challenge met by manufacturing newcomers – the struggle to establish their individual correspondence further their legendary lineage. While a apparent last name may freedom to enter, it doesn't certainly guarantee happiness or unbridled support. Luv's assertion carefully emphasizes the importance of merit and diligence, even when ancestral relates could apparently precede.

The complicatedness of the entertainment industry are versatile. While links and networks imitate, the talent, sanctification, and differentness of an individual are equally important. Luv Sinha's acceptance of the manufacturing's selective character, even in the demeanor of ancestral assistance, indicates a nuanced validity that is to say often considered in private conference.

Luv's remarks also prompt a more extensive discourse about the action between heritage and individual achievements. In a experience place correspondings and expectations are frequently intensified for superstar offspring, Luv's inexperience climaxes the central battles and uphill struggles confronted by those attempt to build their own course.

Shatrughan Sinha's efforts in advancing remainder of something within the manufacturing manifest welcome commitment to maintenance ability and repaying it forward. However, Luv Sinha's journey serves as a reminder that each individual's course course is singular and influenced by versatile determinants.

Luv Sinha's conclusion to open up about welcome occurrences not only gives voice to welcome personal journey but again introduces a broader dispute about the manufacturing's complications. His story serves as a notice that acknowledgment and excuse are earned through a alliance of determinants, surpassing family relations.

In giving welcome experiences, Luv Sinha joins the ranks of those the one are not quite guide along route, often over water their own paths, finish for dress goods two together triumphs and challenges, irrespective of their famous ancestry. His journey, obvious by determination and elasticity, increases a tier of authenticity to the elaborate curtain of the amusement world.

Wed, 16 Aug 2023 09:55:43 +0530 Press Time
Kartik Aaryan's Immersive Cinema Experience: Watching 'Gadar 2' with Fans at Gaiety Galaxy Bollywood sweetheart Kartik Aaryan currently additional a dash of excitement to the amusement field as he tickled in a singular and pleasant movie-vigilant happening. The player was speckled vigilant the highly expected film "Gadar 2," a follow-up to the emblematic Bollywood classic "Gadar: Ek Prem Katha," at the standard Gaiety Galaxy troupe. This unexpected and deeply engaging move reveal Kartik's identifiable and shy type, further sealing his place as a star the one is accompanying welcome fans and welcome love for film.

Kartik Aaryan's visit to the Gaiety Galaxy theatre reached as a acceptable surprise to two together fans and the hearing present. Known for welcome endearing charm and easy buy and sell common people, the performer's conclusion to watch the film alongside his fans resounded intensely. As he mesmerized himself in the retentive in detail knowledge, Kartik added an detail of relatability and genuineness, trying that even among fame, he cherishes the plain joys of cinema-going.

The original "Gadar: Ek Prem Katha," promoting Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel, was announced in 2001 and remnants etched in the thought of cinephiles for allure strong depictions and absorbing storyline. The sequel, "Gadar 2," has produce huge interest, and Kartik Aaryan's ghost at the theater added to the incitement encircling the film.

Kartik's indication echoes the heart of movie house as a joint experience, place stars and fans meet to feast reading. His willingness to watch the film alongside the hearing not only intensive the incitement with moviegoers but likewise underscored the powerful bond that lives 'tween players and their fans.

In a planet where mathematical planks have enhance outstanding, the heart of experiencing a film in a established theater background holds a distinctive place. Kartik Aaryan's conclusion to be any of the hearing all the while the protect of "Gadar 2" not only distinguished the magic of movie theater but likewise famous the wholeness and love of the movie-affectionate society.

As Kartik persists to escalate the graduated system of fame, his reasonable and real approach to welcome art and welcome fans set him apart. His appearance at the Gaiety Galaxy troupe for "Gadar 2" not only obvious a significant importance for the attendees but again hardened welcome position as an star the one remains implanted in the concentrate of drive-in. With this pleasant action, Kartik Aaryan reaffirmed his links accompanying the hearing and welcome love for the appearance that only the silver screen can build.

Wed, 16 Aug 2023 09:51:29 +0530 Press Time
Asha Bhosle's Unique Artistic Journey: Striving for Distinction Beyond Lata Mangeshkar Renowned playback musician Asha Bhosle has abandoned an indelible mark on the Indian sounds that are pleasant, harmonized manufacturing accompanying her distinctive voice and adjustable ability. In a current statement that has collect consideration, Asha Bhosle revealed her hope expected despite everything the legendary Lata Mangeshkar, another image of the manufacturing. With a course spanning over various decades, Asha Bhosle's honest disclosure sheds light on her imaginative journey and her decision to shape her own unique way.

Lata Mangeshkar and Asha Bhosle are two emblematic relatives who have improved Indian movie house with their superlative spoken ability. Their voices have graced pertaining to 1000 of harmonies, gaining them the commitment of sounds that are pleasant, harmonized believers worldwide. While Lata Mangeshkar's delicate and spirit-moving voice earned her a distinctive place in the hearts of hearers, Asha Bhosle accepted a different route, embodying different style that resonated accompanying a roomy range of feelings and genres.

Asha Bhosle's comment about inadequate expected various from Lata Mangeshkar underscores her drive to authorize her individual similarity inside the musical world. She acknowledged the significance of setting herself separate, not to battle but to provide a unique flavor to the planet of tunes. This decision experienced her to experiment accompanying differing musical styles, participating accompanying a large group of composers and lyricists to create a different collection that surpassed boundaries.

Known for her extraordinary changeability, Asha Bhosle has easily traversed type, from emotional ballads to vigorous cabaret numbers. Her voice retains an basic versatility that authorizes her to cause genuineness to a wide array of sentiments, making her an advantage to the film manufacturing. Her collaborations accompanying sounds that are pleasant, harmonized managers like R.D. Burman and O.P. Nayyar have resulted in eternal hits that stretch to resound with era.

Asha Bhosle's affidavit is a tribute to her artistic purity and her loyalty to continually develop as a artist. Her desire expected unique indicates her deep understanding of sounds that are pleasant, harmonized's life-changing power and her consistent assurance to her art. While her approach might distinct from that of her twin Lata Mangeshkar, two together sisters have redefined the countryside of playback warbling, leaving an lasting legacy that will stretch to stimulate generations of hopeful artisans.

In a globe where contrastings are frequently certain, Asha Bhosle's journey stands as a testament to the significance of genuineness and personality. Her distinctiveness has not only set her other than her twin Lata Mangeshkar but has likewise solidified her rank as a famous musician in her own right. Her revelation serves as a warning that valid artistry stems from grasping individual's differentness and channeling it into conceiving a unending affect the artistic countryside.

Wed, 16 Aug 2023 09:46:25 +0530 Press Time
Ranveer Singh's Exciting Comment on Deepika Padukone's 'Fighter': A Glimpse into Their Dynamic Support Bollywood capacity couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh never abandon to create a buzz in the the entertainment industry. Their vital attendance, both on-screen and off-screen, frequently captures the consideration of fans and radio alike. Recently, Ranveer Singh's produce words Deepika Padukone's upcoming feature "Fighter" additional another tier of excitement to their friendship and the forethought encircling the film.

"Fighter," featuring Deepika Padukone ahead in position or time function, has happened produce substantial buzz because allure declaration. The movie is being supervised by Siddharth Anand and marks the first cooperation middle from two points Deepika and actor Hrithik Roshan. The film's idea revolves about extreme-octane action and promises to offer a singular exact happening to hearings.

Ranveer Singh, known for welcome honest and energetic personality, frequently leaves welcome mark on public media podiums. His inform Deepika's post about "Fighter" not only reveal welcome enthusiasm for her forthcoming project but more mirrored their strong bond as referring to a specifically known amount. In answer to Deepika's refurbish about the film, Ranveer left a order of fire emojis, representing welcome excitement and pleasure for welcome partner's new venture.

The couple's actual chemistry has interpreted seamlessly on-screen also. They have joint the screen in several profitable films, catching hearts accompanying their remarkable efficiencies and real feeling for each one. Their compatibility and support for each one's courses have created them individual of ultimate worshiped couples in the industry.

Ranveer's comment more given a glimpse into the shared respect and encouragement that lie inside their friendship. While their active schedules might hold bureaucracy busy, their willingness to employ accompanying each one's professional milestones illustrates the forceful organization of their alliance.

"Fighter" is expected to reveal Deepika in an operation-full avatar, a leaving from few of her prior roles. The show's proclamation accumulate attention for collect two gifted performers and a visionary manager. With Ranveer's encouraging comment, fans were warned of two together's joint journey and the genuine pleasure they fool each one's achievements.

In the planet of Bollywood, place connections and relations often attract public attention, Ranveer Singh's inform Deepika Padukone's "Fighter" post served as a heartening warning of their consistent support for each other. As fans anxiously anticipate more renews on the movie, this limited still significant interplay added a shot of affection and incitement to the already blooming buzz encircling the film.

Wed, 16 Aug 2023 09:40:17 +0530 Press Time
Musical Nostalgia: Iconic Bollywood Songs Weaved into 'Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani' Flamboyant Punjabi Boy and Roasting Bangali Journalist: Ranveer Singh's and Alia Bhatt's types in "Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani" share a ardor for period Bollywood sounds that are pleasant, harmonized. The feature pays testimonial to emblematic tunes across decades. Here are six noteworthy sequences headlining eternal tunes.

1. Heartfelt Reunion accompanying "Abhi Na Jaao Chhod Kar": When Rocky's grandsire Kanwal (Dharmendra) and Rani's grandam Jamini (Shabana Azmi) meet subsequently age of break-up, they buzz the eternal duo from "Hum Dono" (1961) - a bitter importance that surprises two together kins.

2. "Yaadon Ka Caravan": To revitalize Kanwal and Jamini's adventure, Rocky and Rani help ruling class sneak out. The couple survey Delhi's milestones while classic tunes like "O Sathi Chal," "Aaj Mausam Bada," and "Ek Pyar Ka Nagma Hai" form a sentimental scenery, lovingly refer to as the 'Yaadon Ka Caravan.'

3. "Suno Suno Miss Chatterjee": On Rani's date of birth, Rocky serenades her accompanying Mohammed Rafi's "Suno Suno Miss Chatterjee" from "Baharen Phir Bhi Aayengi" (1966). The vintage charm of the anthem and Rocky's disco induce the blamelessness of adolescent love.

4. Empowerment accompanying "Aap Jaisa Koi": Rani uncovers Rocky's parent Purnima (Kshitee Jog) lively Nazia Hassan's hit "Aap Jaisa Koi." Inspired by Purnima's secret ability, Rani spurs her to grasp her warbling ability, superior to a stirring importance of female unity.

5. Sanjay Leela Bhansali Tributes: The film again pays devotion to Sanjay Leela Bhansali's "Devdas" (2002). Chandan (Tota Roy Choudhury), Rani's father, acts "Kahe Chhed Mohe" to embarrass Dhanalakshmi at a Punjabi sangeet. The climax recreates the appearance of "Dola Re," evocative of Madhuri Dixit and Aishwarya Rai's emblematic waltz-off in "Devdas."

Incorporating these lyrical sequences, "Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani" carouses the heart of Bollywood's eternal tunes while uniting bureaucracy into the types' journeys.

Tue, 15 Aug 2023 12:18:49 +0530 Press Time
Elvish Yadav Emerges as Bigg Boss OTT 2 Winner in Grand Finale: A Triumph of Friendship and Surprises YouTuber Elvish Yadav worked out success in Bigg Boss OTT 2 all the while the noble climax of the realism show, accommodated by Salman Khan on Monday. Elvish enhanced the first wildcard competitor to win the show, while Abhishek Malhan and Manisha Rani insured the positions of first and second support, individually.

Elvish Yadav was abandoned dazed as welcome name was reported as the champion. Besides the Bigg Boss medal, he still demanded a winnable money of Rs. 25 lakh. In a pleasant token, Elvish attracted Abhishek and Manisha on stage and joint welcome keepsake accompanying bureaucracy, representing their powerful bond.

Support from Family and Friends

The lofty conclusion of Bigg Boss OTT 2 was embellished apiece offspring and companions of the top five finalists — Elvish, Abhishek, Manisha, Pooja Bhatt, and Bebika Dhurve. The added parties of the season were further present. Unfortunately, competitor Puneet Superstar was missing from the denouement.

Abhishek, the one was sick on account of ailment, was impotent to accompany a important some the finale. The scene started accompanying warm wishes from the kins and companions of the finalists. Pooja Bhatt enhanced exciting observing her step-mom Soni Razdan on screen. Her father, Mahesh Bhatt, sent Alia Bhatt's anxiousness to receive her already the show decided.

Pooja and Bebika's Exit

Pooja Bhatt was the first finalist to exit all the while the denouement. After leaving delegation of representatives, she articulated her goal to wait touch accompanying Bebika and considered Manisha to talk less. Krushna Abhishek, trimmed as Jackie Shroff, linked Pooja on stage and comically gave the dispute encircling Pooja supposedly bearing a telephone inside the Bigg Boss apartment.

Bebika Dhurve was the next finalist expected evicted. As a result, Elvish Yadav, Manisha Rani, and Abhishek Malhan arose as the top three finalists. Bebika shown appreciation Salman Khan for welcome counseling and eminent by what method the show provided to her private tumor.

Abhishek and Elvish as Top 2

Ayushmann Khurrana and Ananya Panday arose on stage to advance their approaching picture, Dream Girl 2. Ananya disclosed her enthusiastic viewership of Bigg Boss OTT 2 and challenged Jiya about her friendship accompanying Abhishek.

Ayushmann and Ananya systematized a 'dial task' including the top three finalists. Elvish, Manisha, and Abhishek filed a pay telephone in the project region. Ayushmann and Ananya named bureaucracy one at a time and inquired about their favorite importance in delegation of representatives. Following the task, Ayushmann issued Manisha's expulsion. She linked Salman Khan on stage, dance to a Bhojpuri anthem accompanying her father.

Unexpected Turn of Events

In a unexpected twist, balloting lines were reopened for 15 notes of meeting, admitting fans to select as representative their favorite competitor. As the conclusive votes were looked, Elvish and Abhishek blew the Bigg Boss building and linked Salman Khan on stage. After few untroubled banter accompanying the top two competitors, Salman asserted Elvish Yadav as the medalist of the season.

Tue, 15 Aug 2023 12:13:52 +0530 Press Time
High&Flying Action: Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, and Anil Kapoor Unveil 'Fighter' Motion Poster on Independence Day On the 77th Independence Day, a new motion billboard for the approaching flying operation film "Fighter" was revealed, presenting Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, and Anil Kapoor as warrior pilots of the Indian Air Force. In the 57-second television, three champion planes slide through the clouds information, chief to the launch of the three names decorated in brownish green departure suits. Accompanied by an forceful interpretation of "Vande Mataram," the billboard more validates the film's dramatic release date as January 25, 2024.

Hrithik Roshan joint the broadcast on Instagram accompanying the heading, "#SpiritOfFighter | Vande Mataram! See you in the stages on the night of India’s 75th Republic Day. Fighter releases general on 25th January 2024."

In a premature post, Deepika Padukone had joint a still of Hrithik from the film, advising at their individualities' vital by wanting to know, "What do you remember I call him (in the videotape)? #Fighter #25Jan2024."

Last old age, Viacom 18 Studios, the film's result party, had announced a puzzle in addition to the cast proclamation and the release date. "Fighter" is supervised by Siddharth Anand, famous for welcome bother films like "War" and "Pathaan," and is caused by Siddharth Anand, Mamta Anand, and Kevin Vaz together accompanying Viacom 18 Studios. The film is fight capture the soul of loyalty and flying combat, hopeful an exhilarating retentive in detail knowledge.

Tue, 15 Aug 2023 12:08:04 +0530 Press Time
Rakhee: Shining Across Eras in the Tapestry of Indian Cinema "In the Complex Tapestry of 1970s Hindi Cinema, Rakhee Shines as a Unique Star"

Amidst the confused countryside of 1970s Hindi movie theater, Rakhee emerged as a unique figure, a main star the one joint the screen accompanying iconic champions of that term. In a retentive in detail range that encompassed abilities like Shabana Azmi, Smita Patil, Hema Malini, Zeenat Aman, Parveen Babi, and Jaya Bhaduri, Rakhee empty her own obvious place. While actresses like Shabana Azmi and Smita Patil presented individual end of the spectrum, and Hema Malini, Zeenat Aman, and Parveen Babi busy the additional, Rakhee endured at the center. Jaya Bhaduri grasped her ground accompanying the support of filmmakers like Hrishikesh Mukherjee and Gulzar, who design acts valuable for her.

Rakhee's encourage in activity commercial profit was extraordinary. She neither attended the arthouse way of Shabana Azmi nor displayed the western allure of Zeenat Aman. In fact, in sure instances place she clothed Western attire, as visualized in movies like "Muqaddar Ka Sikandar" and "Kasme Vaade," she appeared moderately at a distance her material. She wasn't as graceful on her extremities as Hema Malini, nor acted she boast the support of famous directors like Jaya Bhaduri acted at the beginning of her course.

The Formative Years

Rakhee's ability burnished early on, in parts two together narrow still significant, in the way that in "Reshma Aur Shera" and "Lal Pathar." However, it was her rare acting in her second film, "Sharmilee," that doubtlessly reveal her prowess. Even in her early course, her depiction of a individuality education of her spouse's demise in "Reshma Aur Shera" presented unusual wisdom. Winning a National Award Special Souvenir for "27 Down" solely three age after her introduction in "Jeevan Mrityu" signify her hopeful course.

"27 Down" (1974): A Unique Presence

In 1974, Awtar Kaul's film "27 Down" transformed Ramesh Bakshi's Hindi novel "Athara Sooraj Ke Paudhe" into a bitter contemplation on life. Even half a of one hundred years later, the film debris impactful and creative. While the film's esthetics, containing A.K. Bir's handheld cinematography and the environment score, are uprightly acclaimed, Rakhee's depiction of an free career woman acquiring remarkable elasticity is conspicuous. In a period that popularized us to lasting female characters like Lakshmi and Deepa, represented by Shabana Azmi and Vidya Sinha individually, Rakhee's depiction of Shalini in "27 Down" resumes to demand consideration.

Women of Substance: "Tapasya" (1976), "Doosra Aadmi" (1977), "Baseraa" (1981)

The outstandingness of Yash Chopra in the domain of 1970s Hindi movie theater was proven, and "Kabhi Kabhie" in 1976 solidified Rakhee's position in the manufacturing. While her depiction in a multistarrer like "Kabhi Kabhie" is famous, it was Anil Ganguly's bitter comedy "Tapasya" that truly sealed her box-commission skill. Indrani Sinha's figure endured apart from the usual torment wives frequently imitated in that age, on account of Rakhee's limitation, confidence, and her daring to essay a mature role early in her course.

In "Doosra Aadmi," Rakhee advertised the horizons of test even further. She represented Nisha, an executive in an ad agency the one succumbs a more immature man fond of family life similar of her deceased admirer. This was a gamble in an manufacturing that popular incorrupt heroines in common friendships. Rakhee's understanding fashioned this venture doubtlessly special.

"Baseraa" obvious Rakhee's resume the generous acts comparable to "Tapasya." Her portrayal of a she reconvening accompanying her kin after 14 age of restriction in a insane refuge was precariously acclaimed. Despite the narrative's believeableness being controversial, Rakhee's depiction deemed even the correspondence Rekha. Notably, this film features her insolence-syncing to a verse enclosed by her spouse, Gulzar, the sublime "Jahan Pe Savera Ho."

Rakhee and Amitabh Bachchan: A Unique Partnership

While controversies frequently be contingent on Amitabh Bachchan's on-screen allure accompanying actresses like Rekha, Zeenat Aman, Jaya Bhaduri, and Parveen Babi, Rakhee's significant cooperation accompanying Bachchan is frequently missed. The twosome acted together in an powerful 13 films. This alliance was obvious by different seriousness, setting it other than Bachchan's added cooperations.

Kabhi Kabhie can be the most reviewed between their cooperations, but it is films like "Trishul" and "Kaala Patthar" that doubtlessly reveal Rakhee's mature counterpoint to Bachchan's strong appearance. Even in odd films like "Jurmana" and as Bachchan's friend in "Bemisaal," Rakhee's excellence and grace made her prominent from different female protagonists in a pair with the celebrity. Whether imitating welcome suitor, champion, bhabhi, or even mother, Rakhee caused a singular taste to her functions.

The Evolution into Mother Roles

As period progressed, Rakhee transitioned into representing parent duties, providing immensely to Hindi drive-in's depiction of screen founders. In films like "Shakti," she endured forceful against legends, infusing the film accompanying touching burden. She presented a unique fire in "Ram Lakhan," "Karan Arjun," "Baazigar," and "Anari," embodying a different tale of the Hindi film parent from resilience regardless of mortification and situation.

Her depiction of Sharda in "Ram Lakhan," apparent by branding, embarrassment, and retribution, holds moving reverberation. In "Karan Arjun," she predicted her sons' return with emblematic conversation that have enhance any of modern ways of living. In "Dacait," her portrayal of a she compulsory into disquieting positions was powerfully disturbing, peeling arrive the occasional intensity women continue.

Bengali Ventures: "Paroma" (1984) and "Shubho Mahurat" (2003)

Interestingly, Rakhee's outstandingness in Bengali movie theater reached later in her course. Aparna Sen's "Paroma" showcased her in a effective part, questioning feminine norms and investigating girlish desire. In "Shubho Mahurat," she altered into Ranga Pishima, a film-gossip-benevolent unmarried woman with extraordinary finesse. Her depiction reaped her a National Award for Best Supporting Actress.

Rakhee's journey through the switching countryside of Hindi and Bengali cinema manifests her flexibility, making her an lasting image of the Indian film industry.

Tue, 15 Aug 2023 11:50:20 +0530 Press Time
Is it necessary to eat papaya on an empty stomach to reap its health benefits, or can it be consumed at any time of the day? Eating fruit on an empty stomach can offer various strength benefits on account of allure rich digestive content. Papaya is known for allure catalyst named papain, that acquired immune deficiency syndrome burning sensation and offers miscellaneous added benefits. Here are few benefits of consuming fruit on an empty stomach:

Sliced fresh papaya on banana leaf Sliced fresh papaya on banana leaf papaya stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Digestive Health: Papain in papaya helps decay proteins and acquired immune deficiency syndrome burning sensation. Consuming fruit on an empty stomach can support a healthful digestive whole.

Weight Management: Papaya is depressed in calories and rich in texture. Eating it in the dawn can help you feel more thorough for more interminable and support weight administration works.

Boosts Immunity: Papaya is tricky accompanying source of nourishment C, that boosts the invulnerable structure. Starting your epoch accompanying fruit can support a vitamin C boost.

Skin Health: The vitamins and antioxidants in fruit enhance more healthful skin. Regular use can upgrade skin feeling and weaken blemishes and blemishes.

Regulates Menstrual Cycle: Some studies desire that fruit can help regulate uneven menstrual eras. Consuming it on an empty stomach can specify these benefits.

Colon Health: The texture in fruit advances colon fitness by supporting consistent bowel evolutions and barring constipation.

Eye Health: Papaya holds suspect-carotene, that is adapted eye fitness. Starting your epoch accompanying fruit can cause asserting good fantasy.

Hydration: Papaya has high water content, that can help in asserting hydration levels, particularly when absorbed on an empty stomach.

Heart Health: The antioxidants and texture in fruit support soul well-being by lowering cholesterol levels and claiming ancestry pressure.

Reduced Inflammation: The enzymes and vitamins in papaya have antagonistic-angering characteristics, that can benefit overall strength.

Mon, 14 Aug 2023 13:28:54 +0530 Press Time
Mohanlal and Jeethu Joseph Reunite for Legal Drama 'Neru' in Fifth Collaboration Mohanlal and Jeethu Joseph Reunite for Legal Drama "Neru" as Their Fifth Collaboration

Veteran Malayalam performer Mohanlal has excited fans by disclosing his having five of something cooperation accompanying filmmaker Jeethu Joseph for an approaching project named "Neru." The proclamation was accompanied by a title disclose television joint on Twitter. Produced by Antony Perumbavoor under Aashirvad Cinemas, the allowable acting accomplishes the tagline "Seeking justice" and is play off the scenery of a tribunal.

The vital player-manager duo, popular for their boom accompanying the Drishyam right, is fight work together occasionally for Aashirvaad Cinemas Production No 33. The film is fight start photographing in August 2023 and boasts a gifted group including cinematographer Satheesh Kurup, sounds that are pleasant, harmonized manager Vishnu Shyam, and redactor VS Vinayak.

In addition to "Neru," Mohanlal and Jeethu Joseph are again participating on the anxiously awaited tertiary part of the Drishyam order, that is now in the or music phase. The twosome is likewise busy in another project hesitantly named "Ram." Fans can eagerly predict the imaginative sparks from this productive participation.

Mon, 14 Aug 2023 12:38:53 +0530 Press Time
Jio Cinema Teases War Action Series 'Ranneeti & Balakot & Beyond' Set in Kashmir's Snowy Landscapes Jio Cinema Unveils Teaser for War Action Series "Ranneeti - Balakot & Beyond" Set in Kashmir's Snow-Clad Mountains

Jio Cinema has told a absorbing puzzle for their impending war operation succession "Ranneeti - Balakot & Beyond." The 20-second puzzle showcases soldier jets high through the attractive snowstorm-concealed countrysides of Kashmir, play off a new battle scenery. The puzzle starts accompanying a strong eruption trembling a limited Kashmiri municipality, understood by assailant jets capably navigating through the large landscape, deploying chaff and blow. A superior voiceover declares, "This is a new battle, and to win this battle we need a new plan."

Actress Lara Dutta, the one joint the puzzle on public publishing, illustrated "Ranneeti: Balakot & Beyond" as a succession stimulated by real occurrences. The succession is supervised by Santosh Singh and facial characteristics a gifted ensemble cast containing Ashish Vidyarthi, Jimmy Sheirgill, Lara Dutta, Ashutosh Rana, Prasanna, Suneel Sinha, Aakanksha Singh, and Sikandar Kharbanda.

Lara Dutta, popular for her Bollywood launching alongside Akshay Kumar and Priyanka Chopra in "Andaaz," has happened energetically engaging in in OTT projects. She currently came in Vishal Bhardwaj's "Charlie Chopra," a order established Agatha Christie's puzzle novel "The Sittaford Mystery." Stay brought into harmony for the exciting journey of "Ranneeti - Balakot & Beyond" on Jio Cinema.

Mon, 14 Aug 2023 12:32:58 +0530 Press Time
Blockbuster Trio Creates Historic Milestone: Gadar 2, OMG 2, and Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani Join Forces On Sunday, the Hindi film manufacturing supported an exceptional achievement as three bigger releases - Sunny Deol's Gadar 2, Akshay Kumar's OMG 2, and the Ranveer Singh-Alia Bhatt-more illustrious Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani - together reached a sole-era reaping record of Rs 73.5 crore nett.

Formerly, Shah Rukh Khan's Pathaan grasped this record accompanying an influential accumulation of Rs 68 crore nett on Republic Day.

Leading the charge was Anil Sharma's operation-scene Gadar 2, that collect an influential Rs 52 crore nett on Sunday. Having before created a meaningful hole epoch accumulation of Rs 40 crore nett, Gadar 2 persisted allure benefit accompanying Rs 43 crore nett on Saturday. This threw the film's three-epoch total to an amazing Rs 135 crore nett.

Gadar 2 enhanced the seventh Hindi film of 2023 to touch the Rs 100-crore club at the household ticket office. The list involves Shah Rukh Khan's Pathaan, Ranbir Kapoor's Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar, Salman Khan's Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, Adah Sharma-more famous The Kerala Story, Prabhas's Adipurush, and Ranveer Singh-Alia Bhatt's Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani.

Meanwhile, OMG 2, star Akshay Kumar, Yami Gautam, and Pankaj Tripathi, amassed an approximate Rs 17.5 crore nett on Sunday. The public farce film, supervised by Amit Rai, started allure journey accompanying a Rs 10.56 crore nett hole epoch group and persisted powerful accompanying Rs 15.3 crore nett on the second epoch. The three-era accruing group for OMG 2 stands at Rs 43 crore nett.

Karan Johar's Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani uphold allure push on allure 17th epoch, reaping about Rs 4 crore nett on Sunday. This pressured the film's overall accumulation further Rs 130 crore nett in India.

Mon, 14 Aug 2023 12:25:57 +0530 Press Time
Tarapith Temple: A Sacred Abode of Devotion and Mysticism Tarapith Temple: A Sanctuary of Spiritual Bliss

The place of worship's design is an representation of eternal aesthetics and endemic loyalty. Characterized by allure burnished color façade adorned accompanying elaborate carving, the house displays a sense of artistic brightness and elaborate creativity. As light part of 24 hours dances upon the magnificent surfaces, it casts complicated shadows that appear to whisper stories of loyalty and mysticism.

At the heart of the Tarapith Temple lies the altar sanctorum, enshrining the god Tara, a proof of the Divine Mother prize as a nurturing and menacing limitless force. Devotees draw attending accompanying offerings, pursuing solace, advantages, and guardianship from the challenges of growth. The temple complex still circumscribes different protected scopes, meditation halls, and formal extents, admitting things to soak themselves fully in the religious air.

Nestled in middle of the undisturbed countrysides of West Bengal, the Tarapith Temple stands as a significant otherworldly refuge that draws fans and applicants alike. Located on the banks of the vibrant Dwarka River, this pagoda holds huge enlightening and scrupulous significance, serving as a prize trip ground for believers of the Shakta tradition inside Hinduism.

What sets Tarapith Temple separate is allure unique traditions and practices. Devotees undertake tantric worship, from a blend of loyalty, contemplation, and symbolic ceremonies. The church's religious strength is palpable all the while these ceremonies, as mantras, incense, and protected chants join to construct an atmosphere of deep otherworldly reverberation.

Surrounding the sanctuary is a vibrant forum place foreigners can purchase usual parts, religious artifacts, and contributions to present to the god. The air buzzes accompanying activity as pilgrims, residents, and travelers investigate the contributions, reinforcing their connection to the otherworldly tradition of the domain.

Tarapith Temple not only caters to the otherworldly needs of its foreigners but still nurtures their central search for information and understanding. Its tranquil ambience invites self-analysis, contemplation, and a deep sense of link with the divine. The sanctuary's closeness to the Dwarka River amounts to the comforting air, with the mild sound of gushing water in the way that a scenery to the spiritual journey.

In essence, Tarapith Temple is in addition just an structural marvel; it is a church that materializes the union of faith, skill, and loyalty. With allure rich real legacy, elaborate construction, and deep otherworldly practices, the shrine continues to attract the hearts and beings of those the one inquire solace, enlightenment, and a deeper network to the divine.

Sun, 13 Aug 2023 21:22:18 +0530 Press Time