Family Alleges Police Abuse Following Complaint About Patient's Treatment at Calcutta National Medical College

Investigation Launched into Claims of Excessive Force by Police and Hospital Staff Amid Heated Confrontation

Jul 2, 2024 - 09:22
Family Alleges Police Abuse Following Complaint About Patient's Treatment at Calcutta National Medical College

When relatives of a patient with lathis apparently complained to a nurse at the Calcutta National Medical College and Hospital's Emergency unit on Sunday about an injection that left the patient in pain, the nurses were seen on camera abusing the patient.

The superintendent of Park Circus Medical College received a complaint from Shahnawaz Begum's family on Monday, accusing the police of violating their rights.

The patient's son, Muhammad Shahdab, claimed that when they went to file a complaint against a police officer and a volunteer from the community who had attacked them with a lathe, the officer who was on duty at Beniapukur police station did not accept it.

Metro was unable to independently verify the footage that the family uploaded, which appears to show the claimed excesses.

A doctor had filed a counter-complaint, according to the police, claiming that the patient and some of the nursing staff had been abused by his relatives. The police said they had started an investigation into the matter.

At the Lalbazar headquarters, a senior officer stated, "Senior police officers will submit a report about the incident after speaking to all concerned and necessary steps will be initiated if the police are found guilty."

Senior hospital authorities announced late on Monday that a team had been assembled to look into the claims further after Swasthya Bhavan, the health headquarters, requested a report.

According to Shahnawaz's family, she experienced chest trouble on Sunday and was moved to the state-run clinic.

After being taken to the hospital, she received medical attention in the emergency observation ward.

One of the nurses was requested to give some shots. The 44-year-old patient complained of chest pain during the preparation of the third injection, which was to be given after the first two.

The families and hospital officials got into a heated argument after the relatives stated they wanted to know why Shahnawaz's agony wasn't getting better.

Police from the nearby outpost arrived at the ward in a matter of minutes and took the relatives out. A civic volunteer allegedly beat the relatives with a lathi when they persisted in asking questions, and his colleagues joined in.

The police claimed that they had asked officers to interview with witnesses and that they were gathering CCTV footage of the incident.

An officer stated, "The team will also speak to the patient and her relatives who were allegedly attacked."

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.