Mamata Banerjee Connects with Tea Workers in Makaibari

Chief Minister Learns Tea-Picking Technique and Sings with Workers

Dec 8, 2023 - 10:12
Mamata Banerjee Connects with Tea Workers in Makaibari

Mamata Banerjee Visits Makaibari Tea Garden, Connects with Workers

Mamata Banerjee spent Thursday at the Makaibari tea garden in Kurseong, interacting with women workers and attempting to pick tea leaves.

Wearing a traditional Nepali dress, she joined a group of women and learned the art of picking two leaves and a bud, crucial for making Darjeeling Tea.

In an effort to connect with the workers, Banerjee carried a bamboo basket and meticulously picked leaves, wishing them and their families well.

The Chief Minister also joined the women in singing the famous Nepali song "Chiyabari Ma" (In the Tea Garden), further demonstrating her connection with the local population.

Banerjee's visit to Makaibari comes as she attends a family event and stays at the tea garden. Many think this is a part of her attempts to strengthen her position in north Bengal's tea belt, where the BJP gained big gains in 2019.

However, Darjeeling BJP MP Raju Bista criticized the visit, claiming it was a tourist act and did not resonate with the tea garden workers.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.