Chinese CDA Ma Jia urges India to support China's success, reject zero-sum competition

Beijing says border disputes should not stymie bilateral relations, criticizes geopolitical calculations in the region

Sep 27, 2023 - 09:04
Chinese CDA Ma Jia urges India to support China's success, reject zero-sum competition

Chinese charge d'affaires (CDA) Ma Jia stated on Tuesday that India and China should support each other's success rather than "undermining and doubting each other". Beijing has long maintained that border disputes should not stymie bilateral relations. Ma Jia made the case for keeping the region free of "geopolitical calculations" in her remarks.

"China and India are eternal neighbors who need to precisely understand each other's strategic intentions and to support and contribute to each other's success instead of undermining and doubting each other," Ma said during the reception celebrating the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Together, we must reject zero-sum competition and protect our territory from geopolitical calculations. In order to co-create the "Asian Century," China and India have the ability and knowledge to develop a solution for peaceful cohabitation amongst large neighbors.

Although she made no mention of the Quad or India's actions in the Indo-Pacific, it was evident that she was criticizing New Delhi for supporting Western efforts to restrain China through various groupings.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.