Micro Tornado Ravages Barnish, Jalpaiguri: Residents Struggle for Recovery

Families Grapple with Injuries and Losses After Devastating Storm

Apr 2, 2024 - 11:43
Micro Tornado Ravages Barnish, Jalpaiguri: Residents Struggle for Recovery

Residents of Barnish in Mainaguri block of Jalpaiguri, Pihu Roy, 2, and Rohit Roy, 14, were not aware that they would be the ones to suffer the most from the micro tornado that destroyed their hamlet on Sunday afternoon.

Their relatives are crossing their fingers and hoping for their recovery as they get critical care at a private nursing facility in Siliguri due to brain injuries.

"The storm made a terrible sound as it approached our house as we were watching television. My kid tumbled to the ground and a wall fell on top of her as we attempted to flee to a more secure location. My bike was practically blown away by the wind and landed in a bush," Pihu's father Tamal recalled the events of Sunday.

In a matter of minutes, the family's cozy leisure day took a turn for the worst when Tamal had to take his daughter to the Mainaguri block hospital.

The father said, "We are still in shock and praying for her recovery."

Pihu was referred from Mainaguri to the Jalpaiguri super-specialty hospital.

"My daughter had a head injury, but the Jalpaiguri hospital did not have a neurosurgeon." We arrived at this Siliguri private nursing home as soon as we learned about it," he said.

Initially, Jalpaiguri sent Rohit to North Bengal Medical College & Hospital (NBMCH). Something flew and struck him in the head.

His relative Monojit revealed in NBMCH that the doctors had told him he needed surgery.

But he didn't get the right care since a neurosurgeon wasn't available. We took him to the assisted living facility where Sunday night surgery was performed by physicians," he said.

Rohit's parents are now being treated in the Jalpaiguri super-speciality hospital, according to Monojit.

"Both of his mother's legs have undergone surgery, as she is in severe condition. The teenager remarked, "We have lost everything due to the hurricane.

Health personnel in Jalpaiguri said that they had treated 160 people in a warfooting fashion after the calamity. The patients received treatment all night long, and some of them were subsequently freed.

The hospital's superintendent, Kalyan Khan, said that more physicians and nurses had been hired; they had been brought in from NBMCH.

56 people are receiving therapy at this time. They're all in stable condition, according to Khan.

Governor C.V. Ananda Bose and Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee recognized the importance of the paramedics and doctors' work.

"They have done their job correctly. Mamata said, "They all deserve our gratitude for managing the situation and for their prompt action.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer. https://linksgen.in/rajesh