Sikkim in Turmoil: Former Assembly Speaker Attacked, Raising Concerns About Political Violence

SDF Leader Assaulted, Both Parties Deny Involvement, Raising Questions About Upcoming Elections

Mar 2, 2024 - 13:40
Sikkim in Turmoil: Former Assembly Speaker Attacked, Raising Concerns About Political Violence

Former Sikkim Assembly Speaker K.N. Rai, a prominent member of the Pawan Chamling-led Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF), was reportedly assaulted on Friday afternoon by members of the governing Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM).

Rai was driving two cars to Maji Goan, Melli, which is around 55km east of Gangtok and close to the border between Sikkim and Bengal, in order to visit a grieving family, according to SDF sources. An SDF spokesperson named Shiv Kumar Timshina was going with him. The opposition party said that the SDF leaders were then assaulted by occupants of a car with the license plate SK-04Z 0010.

Leaders of the SDF posted images of a bleeding Rai who was brought to a hospital in Gangtok.

Former Sikkim MP and senior vice-president of the SDF Prem Das Rai wrote to governor Lakshman Prasad Acharya, stating, "It is alleged that this was the handiwork of SKM Party cadres."

Chamling was defeated by the SKM, led by Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang (Golay), in the 2019 Assembly elections.

The Lok Sabha elections and the next Assembly Elections will take place at the same time.

On March 4, the SDF will commemorate its 32nd founding day.

The SDF had recently requested President's Rule in the state due to "political violence" in a letter to the governor and in a communication to the chief election commissioner.

Prem Das Rai said in his letter to the governor that the "identified vehicle is SK-04Z-0010 Zylo" and that it may be taken into custody. "We demand that justice be served and the offenders be apprehended."

Prem Das said, "This (the incident) goes completely contrary to the 'peaceful Sikkim'."

Golay and Chamling, the Indian chief minister with the longest tenure, have both emphasized that Sikkim has always been a peaceful state.

The assault on Rai was denounced by the SKM as well.

"Today in Malli, Namchi district, there was a terrible and antisocial act of violence on former Speaker Shir KN Rai, which I strongly condemn. Golay said on his verified Facebook account, "Shri KN Rai, a respected politician and senior citizen, should never have been subjected to such mistreatment."

Golay pledged justice for the "victim" and "strong actions against the perpetrators."

Sikkim is a peaceful, harmonious state, according to the chief minister, "and such despicable acts will not be tolerated."

Golay added, "I implore everyone to preserve peace, unity, and tranquillity, rejecting violence and strife."

There have been many recorded cases of political violence in the recent past, and many Sikkimese people think these instances have not gone down well.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.