Tejashwi Yadav Questions Modi's Silence on Job Creation and Industrial Growth

RJD Leader Challenges Prime Minister on Unemployment and Economic Issues in Bihar

Apr 12, 2024 - 05:46
Tejashwi Yadav Questions Modi's Silence on Job Creation and Industrial Growth

Tejashwi Yadav, the leader of the RJD, grilled Narendra Modi on Thursday on jobs and industrial growth, bringing up the fact that the Prime Minister consistently avoids talking about matters that affect the general public.

The people of Bihar are inquiring as to how many employment were created in the railway industry over the previous ten years from the Central government and the so-called "double-engine government" (a term that alludes to the same political party that rules both the state and the capital of Delhi). In ten years, how many people were recruited into the army? In what ten years, how many industries were established in Bihar? Tejashwi enquired.

over a public rally in Sono, which is part of the Jamui Lok Sabha constituency, Tejashwi also questioned the BJP's pledge to create two crore jobs annually and demanded an explanation for "the 20 crore jobs" that "must have been given" over the previous ten years under Modi's leadership. He also questioned why there were still unfilled government positions in restricted categories.

During his hectic election campaign, Tejashwi has addressed up to five rallies in various Bihar Lok Sabha seats. On Thursday, he conducted open forums in Gaya, Aurangabad, Jamui, and Munger. Elections for the first three seats are scheduled on April 19, and Munger's fourth phase is scheduled for May 13.

Have you ever heard Modi discuss a wide range of topics, including farmers, inflation, unemployment, poverty, and Bihar's special category status? He never discusses these problems. Tejashwi said in Aurangabad, "He keeps blaming the Opposition for everything, instead of counting the achievements of his 10-year rule."

The Prime Minister was also challenged by the RJD leader to explain why, in the previous 46 years, unemployment, poverty, and inflation had only rapidly increased under his administration.

"Narendra Modi continues to wrongly claim that he is giving food grains to people, yet this has been going on throughout the Congress government's tenure. Modi claims to be eradicating poverty, then why is he feeding 80 crore people with food grains if the problem still exists? Tejashwi enquired.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer. https://linksgen.in/rajesh