Nine Dead in Chemical Factory Blast in Maharashtra’s Thane District

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May 24, 2024 - 10:42
Nine Dead in Chemical Factory Blast in Maharashtra’s Thane District

Nine Dead in Chemical Factory Blast in Maharashtra’s Thane District

The death toll from the chemical factory blast in Maharashtra’s Thane district has tragically risen to nine, following the discovery of another body at the accident site. The incident occurred at the Amudan Chemicals unit, located in Phase 2 of Dombivli MIDC.

Culpable Homicide Case Registered

Authorities have taken swift action by registering a case of culpable homicide against the owners of Amudan Chemicals. The devastating explosion has left the community in shock, and investigations are underway to determine the cause and responsibility.

Injuries and Treatment

Sixty-four people, including several women who worked in nearby factories, sustained injuries during the incident. They are currently receiving treatment at six different hospitals. AIMS Hospital in Dombivli is attending to two dozen patients.

Impact and Emergency Response

The boiler explosion on Thursday afternoon had a significant impact, affecting adjacent factories and residential buildings. Ten fire engines were deployed to control the resulting blaze, with firefighting efforts continuing until late in the evening. Cooling operations are now in progress.

Acrid Smell and Assessment

The area surrounding the factory is permeated with the acrid smell of burnt chemicals. Authorities will conduct a thorough assessment (known as “panchnama”) to evaluate the extent of damage and determine the next steps.

Post-Mortem and Investigation

The bodies of the deceased have been sent to government hospitals for post-mortem examination. Unfortunately, due to the severity of burns, identification has become challenging. A dedicated team of police investigators is probing the case, including scrutiny of government officials responsible for granting permissions and conducting inspections.

Chemical Composition and Explosive Nature

The chemical factory primarily produced food colors and utilized peroxides—highly reactive and unstable chemicals that can lead to violent explosions under specific conditions. The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) highlighted the hazardous nature of these substances.

Impact Radius and Structural Damage

The blast was so powerful that it was heard up to a kilometer away. Adjoining buildings suffered cracked glass windows, and many houses in the vicinity sustained damage.

As the community mourns the loss of lives, authorities are committed to uncovering the truth behind this tragic incident and ensuring accountability.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.