People queue up at RBI Bhubaneswar to exchange Rs 2,000 notes, EOW investigates fraud

Many in line carrying 10 pieces of Rs 2,000 notes, claim to have been paid to exchange them

Nov 2, 2023 - 11:09
People queue up at RBI Bhubaneswar to exchange Rs 2,000 notes, EOW investigates fraud

People have been waiting for hours in line in front of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in Bhubaneswar for over a week in order to exchange Rs 2,000 notes that are no longer in circulation.

Many of the people in line had 10 pieces of Rs 2,000 notes, which is the most that may be exchanged at the counter with Aadhaar cards in order to comply with RBI regulations. A few of them claimed to have waited in line for others and received Rs 300 in compensation.

Sensing a fraud, the Odisha crime branch's Economic Offense Wing (EOW) visited the RBI on Wednesday, interrogating and photographing those in line. Officials from the Enforcement Directorate (ED) also spoke with the RBI.

"My Babu, in whose factory I work as a labourer, has given me the notes and asked me to change it in the bank," said Sumita Nayak, 61, an old woman from the Saliasahi slum. I will get compensated for it.

The RBI still accepts the Rs 2,000 notes for exchange, even though the deadline for depositing and exchanging them in banks expired on October 7.

"I have no time to come and stand in a queue," Subodha Das, who has a small business unit in the market building area, said to The Telegraph. I requested my team to complete the

work. We are paying the price because people are amending the legislation haphazardly. Why have laws changed so frequently? People in the lower middle class and middle class are particularly affected.

According to sources, in the last two days, the RBI branch in Odisha has received more than Rs 2 crore in rupee notes.

"We have asked people to put the money in one box and leave their account numbers, and we can deposit that amount within one or two days," an RBI official said. However, the majority of people would rather have quick cash than Rs 2,000 notes.

"We are here to serve the people," Sarada Prasanna Mohanty, the regional director of RBI for Odisha, said to reporters. We will definitely swap any person who comes with Rs 2,000 worth of notes to trade and has legitimate documentation. Our purpose is not to inquire about the source of the money. investigative the source of funds is the responsibility of the investigative authorities.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.