Trinamul Congress Expels Mohitnagar Politician Over Alleged Extortion, Reveals Internal Differences

Transporter accuses party leader of demanding money, exposing conflicts within the district committee

Feb 29, 2024 - 13:40
Trinamul Congress Expels Mohitnagar Politician Over Alleged Extortion, Reveals Internal Differences

A politician from Mohitnagar, which is outside the district headquarters, was removed by the Jalpaiguri district committee of the Trinamul Congress due to accusations made by a transporter that the leader was attempting to demand money from him.

The district's two Trinamul leaders' differences have also come to light as a result of the expulsion.

SRG Transport, owned and operated by Sandeep Agarwal, supplies trucks for the transportation of cement from a Mohitnagar facility.

"I was requested Rs two lakh by Ratnajit Nandi, the leader of Trinamul who also claims to be the representative of a party trade union, a few days ago. He threatened to shut my office down and threatened me when I refused. Feeling uneasy, I've complained to the Kotwali police station," Agarwal said.

Other Mohitnagar carriers said that Nandi had printed banners and invoices with the name of the Mohitnagar Goods Transport Welfare Association, including pictures of Krisha Das, the party's SC, ST, and OBC Cell district president for Jalpaiguri.

He would often demand money from us and even act in an arrogant manner. The majority of us would have paid him to keep our trucks moving without any problems, but on this occasion, he went too far, prompting the transporter (Agarwal) to file a police complaint against him, according to a transporter.

Reacting quickly, Das said that Nandi was no longer welcome in the party. He refuted the claim that Nandi once followed his orders. Das added, "I had no idea that some people were collecting money under my name."

It was impossible to reach Nandi.

The accusation was made soon after Tapan Dey, the president of the INTTUC district for Jalpaiguri, claimed that Das, the head of the Trinamul Industrial Estate Workers' Union in Raninagar, a town outside of Jalpaiguri, had been extorting money from business owners who owned industrial units on the estate.

But Das had dismissed the accusation.

Dey, the district president of the INTTUC, said on Wednesday that "none of these unions are affiliated with the INTTUC." We made the decision to launch new unions after receiving similar complaints in the past. These unions would not admit anybody who has supported or participated in such corrupt behavior. The party will take strong action against them if necessary.

"We have information that some people are trying to make money by using Trinamul's name and the party flag," said Mahua Gope, the head of the Trinamul district. We will put an end to all such actions."

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.