Abhishek Banerjee Keeps Promise to Aid MGNREGS Workers

Financial Assistance Sent to Workers Facing Wage Delays

Nov 28, 2023 - 12:01
Abhishek Banerjee Keeps Promise to Aid MGNREGS Workers

Abhishek Banerjee Delivers on Promise to MGNREGS Job Cardholders

Fulfilling a promise made in October, Trinamul Congress national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee has begun distributing financial assistance to over 3,000 MGNREGS job cardholders who had accompanied him to Delhi for protests against the freezing of central funds. The assistance is intended to help the workers, who have been waiting for their wages for up to two years, make ends meet.

The letters and financial assistance are being sent out just days before Union Home Minister Amit Shah's planned rally in Esplanade. However, a Trinamul insider has stated that the timing is coincidental and that Banerjee would have sent out the assistance regardless of Shah's rally.

Banerjee had initially announced that he would compensate the job cardholders if the Centre did not pay their dues. However, he later suggested that a change at the helm of the Centre might be necessary to resolve the issue for the remaining beneficiaries.

In the meantime, the financial assistance of "Rs 5,000 or so" is being sent to the affected workers. MGNREGS job cardholder Animesh Rakshit expressed his gratitude for the assistance, saying that he appreciated Banerjee's fulfillment of his promise.

For those MGNREGS job cardholders who have been trying to make ends meet without their income, the cash support is a welcome measure.It also shows Banerjee's dedication to helping the employees and attending to their issues.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer. https://linksgen.in/rajesh