Congress slams PM Modi for "theft" from the people, calls Adani scandals "biggest scam in modern Indian history"

Jairam Ramesh says PM is benefiting from exorbitant coal and power equipment prices, while calling welfare programmes "revdi" culture

Oct 14, 2023 - 07:09
Congress slams PM Modi for "theft" from the people, calls Adani scandals "biggest scam in modern Indian history"

The Congress has given the accusations of "loot" against the Adani group a new meaning, claiming that the Prime Minister was encouraging "theft" from the populace and scornfully rejecting other parties' attempts to lessen the suffering of the underprivileged by calling them "revdi" (freebies) culture.

Congress communications leader Jairam Ramesh questioned, "Where do these projects come from? " in the face of new claims that the Adanis are raising the price of imported coal in order to make unjustifiable profits. Naturally, the prime minister is Narendra Modi. The Prime Minister is benefiting off the exorbitant expenses of coal and power equipment that India's population are paying for.

Ramesh described the Adani scandals as the largest fraud in the history of independent India, saying that they "amount to outright theft from the people of India." Furthermore, the Prime Minister disparages the Congress as "revdi" when it attempts to ease the suffering brought about by the Modi government through welfare programmes like the guarantee plans that have been put into place in Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Chhattisgarh, as well as those that have been promised in Madhya Pradesh and Telangana.

"First he inflicts pain in your life to help his billionaire friends, and then he attacks those who try to ease your pain," the Congress leader continued. Remember that Adani was making money during a period when millions of Indians were suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic and economic hardship, having to use their hard-earned savings to make ends meet while having their wallets stolen.

Out of the hundred questions the Congress posed regarding the Adani scandal, the Prime Minister has not responded to a single one.

Ramesh recalled how Adani's fortune increased, saying: "These funds are deployed to build monopolies in airports, ports, defense and many other sectors with the help of the Prime Minister." The ED, CBI, and income tax agency are utilized to control the competition and make sure that assets end up in Adani's hands with PM Modi's assistance. Adani also obtains contracts in friendly neighboring nations like Bangladesh and Sri Lanka with the PM's assistance. In exchange, the BJP maintains an ample supply of electoral bond funding, enabling it to arbitrarily purchase MLAs and dismantle opposition parties.

Ramesh explained the purported connection by stating: "It combines greed and heartlessness with a cold contempt for the people of India," arguing that the important thing to remember is that the Prime Minister and Adani are stealing money from the people. It is predicated on the belief that there is no con that cannot be "managed" and no problem that cannot be sidestepped. The Shahenshah is wrong, though. Modani will not take over India. India's populace will respond in 2024.

Ramesh stated: "Electricity contracts allow high capital costs and the price of fuel to be passed on to consumers via higher prices." He was referring to the several contracts that the Congress claimed were given to Adani due of Modi's influence. The reason behind the sharp increase in electricity prices is now apparent. For instance, the state government of Gujarat has acknowledged in writing that the cost of the electricity it purchased from Adani Power increased by 102% between 2021 and 2022. In other states, the tale is comparable. On May 12, 2017, a state government auditor in Jharkhand declared in writing that regulatory modifications concerning Adani's Godda power plant constituted "preferential treatment" and would provide the business with "undue benefits" totaling Rs 7,410 crore.

In order to deflect attention from the massive theft of national money being committed by Modi and his close allies, Ramesh claimed that Modi has depended "on PR stunts, headline management and rhetoric."

However, the truth won't be concealed. The Prime Minister and his allies are enriching themselves and the BJP at the expense of India's poor and middle class, as revealed by recent disclosures concerning a clandestine network of Adani confidantes involved in round-tripping, money laundering, and flagrant violations of Sebi laws. This is actual stealing from the pocketbook of lakhs of Indians, not figurative loot.

The head of Congress claimed that the most recent disclosures published in the Financial Times newspaper demonstrated the veracity of the accusations made by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI). Evidence that the Adani group was embezzling thousands of crores of rupees from India through overbilling coal imports was discovered by the DRI. The truth has emerged even though the prime minister "managed" the probe and shut down the nation's investigative organizations, he continued.

The Financial Times examined 30 Adani coal shipments totaling 3.1 million tonnes that were made between 2019 and 2021. It was discovered that the value declared to Indian customs was $215 million (Rs 1,570 crore), although the total cost declared in Indonesia, including shipping and insurance, was $142 million (Rs 1,037 crore). That equates to a profit margin of 52%, or the purported embezzlement of Rs 533 crore in just 30 shipments.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.