Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's Routine in Tihar Jail: Yoga, Meditation, and Reading

Insights into Kejriwal's Daily Activities and Living Conditions in Asia's Largest Prison

Apr 4, 2024 - 12:15
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's Routine in Tihar Jail: Yoga, Meditation, and Reading

According to reports on Thursday, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is spending most of his time in his cell meditating, reading books, and doing yoga. He was brought to Tihar Jail after a judge placed him in judicial custody in the excise policy case.

Kejriwal, who is the first chief minister in office to be housed in Asia's biggest prison, is kept in a 14 by 8-foot room at Tihar's cell number 2's general ward number 3.

Kejriwal spends much of the day reading books and doing yoga and meditation twice a day, according to sources within the prison.

"He does yoga and meditates for about for about one and a half hours each every morning and evening," a government source said.

The Hindu epics Ramayana and Mahabharata, as well as "How Prime Ministers Decide," were among the literature given to him.

"He is often seen reading these books and writing something while sitting on the chair in his cell," according to a source.

According to a prison official, Kejriwal is also allowed to read the books that are kept in the inmate library. He added, however, that he hasn't requested any more novels as of yet.

The sources said that while the chief minister had a TV with 20 channels in his cell, he does not really like viewing it.

As instructed by the court, he has been given a table, chair, and electric kettle, according to the sources.

In accordance with the prison handbook, all convicts are given a broom, a bucket, and a piece of cloth, which he may use to clean his cell, they said.

Two CCTV cameras have been put in the cell so that the Tihar authorities may monitor him around-the-clock. He can stretch and stroll in the "lobby," a little area outside his cell, according to authorities.

It is forbidden for Kejriwal to interact with other prisoners for security grounds. Outside his ward is a fast response squad made up of Central Reserve Police Force and Tamil Nadu Special Police officers that is on duty around-the-clock.

"Whenever he goes to meet his lawyer, which is daily, he is escorted by the QRT personnel," according to a source.

He is receiving tea and home-cooked meals every day on time, an officer said, adding that "Kejriwal hasn't demanded anything else as of now."

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.