Historic Mirik Higher Secondary School Set for Restoration by Gorkhaland Territorial Administration

GTA Responds to Concerns Over Deteriorating Condition of 126-Year-Old School with Comprehensive Renovation Plan

Aug 19, 2023 - 11:06
Historic Mirik Higher Secondary School Set for Restoration by Gorkhaland Territorial Administration

"Gorkhaland Territorial Administration Plans Renovation of Historic Mirik Higher Secondary School"

The Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) has certain to introduce the rehabilitation of the 126-year-traditional Mirik Higher Secondary School in reaction to concerns bred by tenants about allure decaying condition. The school, established in 1897 familiar the famous Sumendu Lake in Mirik, is fight meet with inclusive redevelopment, containing repairs to the building, accompanying an supposed cost of Rs 1.7 crore. Milesh Rai, an executive appendage of the GTA, disclosed that the repair work and support will begin after the tornado season.

The school, ahead of excellent.57-estate square, now hosts 600 students and 29 professors. Its directing cabinet leader, Milesh Rai, more established plans to reopen the school inn, that can immediately sustain about 10 scholars, with exertions to extend allure volume. The call for remodeling acquire momentum later the school famous allure 125th celebration in May 2022, accompanied by Anit Thapa, the GTA's government head.

Acknowledging the dilapidated state of the school, S. Khati, the coach-in-charge, articulated enthusiasm that the GTA's renewal exertions will commence immediately. Gyalbo Lama, the administrator of Mirik Civil Society, stressed the need for next rehabilitation, considering the school's classical importance and allure finishing of 125 age earlier year.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer. https://linksgen.in/rajesh