How Life Has Changed for Farmers During Narendra Modi’s 10-Year Reign

A Farmer’s Perspective from Purulia

Apr 30, 2024 - 11:03
How Life Has Changed for Farmers During Narendra Modi’s 10-Year Reign

Purulia, West Bengal, May 25, 2024: As India reflects on a decade under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, we delve into the lives of those who toil on the land. Gokul Mahato, a 52-year-old farmer from Kasidhi village in Purulia, shares his experiences and perspectives on the changes he has witnessed during this period.

Name: Gokul Mahato Age: 52 Profession: Farmer Education: High school dropout Family: Wife Place: Kasidhi village, Purulia Constituency: Purulia Profession in 2014, 2019: Farming

Did you vote in 2014, 2019? Yes, I exercised my right to vote in both elections.

Did Modi deliver on his promise of “acche din”? Gokul’s response is unequivocal: “No, I did not feel any impact of ‘acche din’.”

Why not? Despite an increase in his income over the past decade, Gokul finds himself unable to save any additional money due to rising living costs and the escalating prices of essential items.

Has Modi kept his guarantee? Gokul’s frustration is palpable: “What guarantees? Modiji said farmers would experience good times during his tenure. However, I have not witnessed any improvement. I am essentially the same as I was 10 years ago.”

The Single Biggest Change Since 2014: Gokul’s agricultural output tells a story of incremental progress. In 2013-14, he produced five quintals of paddy per bigha. Now, thanks to the agriculture department’s provision of free hybrid seeds over the past three years, he yields eight quintals per bigha.

The One Issue Gokul Wants Changed Now: Better irrigation coverage. With access to reliable irrigation water, Gokul believes he could cultivate two or three crops annually, significantly enhancing his livelihood.

What He Wants From the New Government: Control over the rising prices of essential commodities. Gokul hopes for policies that alleviate the burden on farmers like him.

What He Doesn’t Want From the New Government: Any measures that adversely affect poor people. Gokul emphasizes the need for policies that uplift the marginalized.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.