Imam Abdullahis Safi plants trees to combat climate change in Gangapur, Murshidabad

Local committee distributes 1,400 saplings to residents

Sep 4, 2023 - 09:23
Imam Abdullahis Safi plants trees to combat climate change in Gangapur, Murshidabad

Imam Abdullahis Safi of the Ahle Hadiz Jamat in Gangapur, Murshidabad, has started a green campaign to educate the locals about the need of planting trees in order to prevent climate change.

Safi serves as the imam of a hamlet of 1,200 homes, the majority of which belong to a minority group.

The imam is in charge of the local committee that the Ahle Hadiz Jamat established. Safikur Rahaman, the committee secretary, and Motiul Haque, the treasurer, have started the planting effort under his direction because they think it would help assure more rainfall and chill the region.

But rather than being imposed, the effort is an attempt to include the communities. The trio of Safi, Rahaman, and Haque has been going to each house to learn about the particular plants that each family like.

On August 26, 700 people received two saplings apiece — one of a fruit plant and one of a hardwood — as part of the planting effort, according to a villager.

When asked what inspired him to start a green project, Safi said, "The globe is growing warmer and we are paying the price for excessive urbanization that has resulted in the destruction of trees. In conjunction with each household, we are giving seedlings to improve the amount of vegetation in our neighborhood. We have delivered 1,400 plants thus far.

After the plants have been distributed, Safi and his team's work is not done. To determine if the owners are properly caring for the saplings, they visit the 700 homes.

"More people are realizing how important it is to grow trees. But when the saplings are planted, the obligation doesn't stop. We check on the plants often to make sure they're healthy, Safi added, adding that the families were certainly doing a fantastic job of taking care of the plants.

The three had already spent Rs 50,000 on the seedlings from a nearby nursery. Crowdfunding was used to raise the funds.

"We made the mission inclusive because without it, no effort can succeed," said Haque. Our village's hired kids came forward with cash in response to our call. With the money, we were able to purchase the saplings that we have already given to 700 houses in the Gangapur neighborhood near the Beldanga police station.

Pasupati Mondal, a villager who also received seedlings, expressed gratitude for the initiative: "Members of the committee visited us to inquire which plants we preferred. Mango and mahogany saplings were my choices, and I got them. They were planted on August 26. The plants are being well-cared for by my family, who are also watering them. I sincerely appreciate what our town is doing.

The group wants to plant trees across the hamlet, including in the cemetery. The second part of the planting will take place on September 9 as long as Rs 1 lakh has been funded via crowdfunding, according to Haque, the committee's cashier.

We've decided to plant 2,500 trees as a result of this initiative, he added, adding that 1,100 seedlings will be given out next.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.