Macron and Modi Express 'Grave Concerns' on Escalating Middle East Violence

Joint Efforts to Uphold International Law of the Sea and Ensure Freedom of Navigation in the Red Sea

Jan 27, 2024 - 11:28
Macron and Modi Express 'Grave Concerns' on Escalating Middle East Violence

Both French President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Narendra Modi voiced "grave concerns" about the likelihood of the violence in the Middle East, including the Red Sea, spreading farther.

The two presidents emphasized the importance of adhering to international law of the sea and advocated for maintaining the freedom of passage in the Red Sea in a joint statement released late on Friday night.

On Thursday, Modi and Macron had extensive discussions in an opulent mansion. The main visitor during Delhi's Republic Day festivities was the president of France.

According to the statement, which has had a major economic effect, the two presidents voiced "grave concern at the possibility of further expansion of the conflict in the region, including in the Red Sea."

Since November, the Houthi rebels have started targeting cargo boats in the Red Sea, ostensibly in retaliation for Israel's military campaign in Gaza.

"They (Modi and Macron) recalled the utmost importance of upholding freedom of navigation in the Red Sea and of respecting the international law of the sea," added the statement.

"They had detailed conversation aimed at coordinating their efforts in that region in this regard," it said.

Additionally, it said both Modi and Macron "strongly condemned" the terrorist assault that occurred on October 7 in Israel and showed support for the Israeli people.

"Condemning the huge loss of civilian lives in the ongoing conflict, they emphasised the need to respect international humanitarian law and to create conditions, including through a humanitarian ceasefire, for aid to flow to the affected population in the Gaza region," stated the statement.

"The immediate and complete release of all hostages was demanded by both leaders. The two leaders reiterated that long-term peace and security in the region depend on a political process that results in a two-state solution for the Israeli and Palestinian people." Macron and Modi both conveyed their profound worry about the terrible humanitarian effects of the conflict in Ukraine.

"They underscored the need for a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in Ukraine in accordance with international law, and consistent with the principles of the UN Charter," the statement said.

"They underscored the growing impact of this war on the global economic system and food security, with consequences predominantly affecting developing and least developed countries," stated the statement.

Along with reiterating their unwavering condemnation of terrorism in all of its forms and manifestations, including cross-border terrorism, the two presidents also pledged to unite in the fight against this worldwide threat.

Modi and Macron further agreed that no nation should provide sanctuary to those who plan, organize, encourage, or carry out acts of terrorism.

"The leaders also called for concerted action against all terrorists, including through designations or individuals affiliated with groups that are listed by the UN Security Council 1267 Sanctions Committee," stated the statement.

"The two sides emphasised the importance of upholding international standards on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism, consistent with Financial Action Task Force recommendations," it said.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.