Mahatma Gandhi: The Father of India and a Global Icon of Non-violence

Gandhi's legacy of non-violence continues to inspire people around the world to live better lives and to work for a more peaceful and just world.

Oct 1, 2023 - 22:30
Oct 2, 2023 - 10:50
Mahatma Gandhi: The Father of India and a Global Icon of Non-violence

The founder of India and an international symbol of nonviolence, Mahatma Gandhi

In India under British control, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, usually referred to as Mahatma Gandhi, was the leading figure in Indian nationalism. Gandhi led India to independence through nonviolent civil disobedience, inspiring movements for freedom and civil rights all around the world.

Gandhi was raised in Gujarat, an Indian state on the coast, in a Hindu merchant caste. He returned to India to launch a legal practice after completing his legal studies in London. At the age of 24, he accepted a position as legal counsel for an Indian businessman in Durban, South Africa, in 1893.

Gandhi's political and spiritual perspectives were affected by his experiences in South Africa. He was horrified by the injustice and prejudice that Indians endured in South Africa, and he started to create his nonviolent civil disobedience ideology as a way to fight for their rights.

Gandhi returned to India in 1915 and took the reins of the nation's freedom cause. In opposition to British rule, he planned numerous nonviolent demonstrations and campaigns of civil disobedience. Gandhi's strategies were initially regarded with skepticism and even mockery, but they finally won the support of the majority of Indians.

Gandhi organized the 240-mile Salt March in 1930 to protest the British salt levy. The Salt March served as a turning point in the struggle for Indian independence and increased enthusiasm for Gandhi's cause.

India eventually won its independence from Britain in 1947 after years of conflict. Gandhi was revered as the founding father of the country, and his nonviolent legacy continues to motivate people today.

The following are a few of Gandhi's main tenets:

Gandhi had the view that violence is never the solution, especially in the face of injustice. He spoke in favor of using nonviolent civil disobedience to bring about social and political change.

 Truth (satya): According to Gandhi, the basis of all good things is truth. He made an effort to conduct his life in line with truth, and he exhorted others to do the same.

Gandhi firmly believed that both individuals and communities should be self-sufficient. He encouraged people to live simple, thrifty lives and promoted the usage of indigenous Indian handicrafts and industries.

Gandhi had the view that everyone is entitled to equality, regardless of race, caste, or religion. He worked for the rights of women, untouchables (also known as Dalits), and other underrepresented groups.

Gandhi's legacy is intricate and varied. He contributed to the liberation of India from British control as a visionary leader. He was also a spiritual leader who spread a message of peace and love throughout the world.

Gandhi's significance in the twenty-first century

In today's world, Gandhi's nonviolent ideology is more important than ever. Conflict and violence are on the rise right now. Gandhi's message of love and peace shines a light in the gloom.

Many of the issues we face today, such as climate change, poverty, and inequality, can be addressed using Gandhi's teachings. Gandhi set an example for us on how to coexist peacefully and create a better society for all people.

We can still live by Gandhi's ideals today in the following ways:

We should strive to be nonviolent in all of our encounters. We may achieve this by treating people with kindness and compassion, even when they don't agree with us. We can also refrain from resorting to violence to resolve our issues.

Be truthful and honest in all of our interactions with other people. We may accomplish this by acting in a transparent and responsible manner. We can refrain from criticizing other people.

Live a straightforward, sustainable life. We can achieve this by consuming fewer resources and by assisting neighborhood businesses and communities.

Take a stand for what is right, even if it is challenging. We can accomplish this by standing up against injustice and striving to make the world a more just place for everyone.

Gandhi was a very amazing individual. People all across the world are still motivated by his legacy to live better lives and fight for a future that is more just and peaceful.

Punam Shaw I am a versatile full-stack developer skilled in both front-end and back-end technologies, creating comprehensive web applications and solutions. I have done in Accountancy hons.