Thieves attempt to rob bank in Purulia, escape after alarm goes off

Unattended bank's back door broken, 2 empty bags left behind

Sep 4, 2023 - 08:23
Thieves attempt to rob bank in Purulia, escape after alarm goes off

On Saturday night, a group of thieves forced into the back gate of an unattended nationalized bank in Hura, Purulia, only 500 meters from the neighborhood police station, but they were forced to run when they attempted to disconnect the alarm bell linked to the vault.

Locals rushed to the scene as soon as the alarm went off at 9.30 p.m. and also alerted the police.

Locals and several clients waiting outside the ATM next to the bank claimed to have seen the crooks driving off in an SUV in the direction of Purulia town.

When the police arrived, they discovered the SBI bank's back door shattered and two large empty bags that may have been left inside by the criminals. After disconnecting the system, according to the police, the thieves attempted to unlock the vault room, but when the alarm went off, the thugs escaped.

Police officer: "The bags the criminals may have brought with them to carry the cash were left behind in the hurry."

Three people with veiled faces were present at the bank, according to the CCTV video that the police have so far discovered. According to the police, three to four people entered the bank while the other members of the gang kept watch outside.

This attempted bank robbery occurred at a time when Purulia police are under pressure as a result of a branded jewelry store heist that occurred in the town last week and resulted in the theft of gold and diamond jewelry valued at over Rs 8 crore by the criminals. In that instance, the police have not yet made any significant progress.

After the police came, the local populace and several Hura merchants protested, accusing them of being careless with their security. "Only four days have passed since criminals ransacked a jewelry store in Purulia town, and now some thugs are attempting to steal a bank that is close to a police station. Where are we safe? Nripen Kar, the proprietor of a gas station in Hura, said, "We are afraid.

Basudeb Mondal, a different local, said that the bank would have been easily stolen had the alarm not gone off.

According to officials, all nearby police stations have been informed.

"We're not certain whether the bank robbery attempt and the jewelry store crime were carried out by the same group. Investigations and searches are ongoing. After the alarm went off, cops showed there swiftly, according to a senior Purulia police officer.

On the basis of CCTV evidence and eyewitness statements, police have created drawings of the thieves responsible for the jewellery store burglary.

"We are comparing the drawings to CCTV video that we have obtained from the bank. But we are certain that it was an interstate group with a base in Bihar," the policeman stated.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.