A Decade of Change: Reflecting on Life in Mathura under Narendra Modi's Leadership

Insights from Vivek Kumar, Actor, Lawyer, and Citizen of Mathura

Apr 24, 2024 - 09:41
Apr 24, 2024 - 09:41
A Decade of Change: Reflecting on Life in Mathura under Narendra Modi's Leadership

How life has evolved in the ten years after Narendra Modi took office.

Vivek Kumar is a lawyer in Mathura, and his income is based on how many people he helps with land register paperwork. Additionally, he plays Sant Ravidas on Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Jayanti every year.

Vivek Kumar is his name.

27 years old

Actor and lawyer by profession

Education: LLB

Family: Kaushal Singh Kardam, the younger brother, and parents Karan Singh and Raj Kumari

Location: Mathura's Basant Vihar Colony

Constituency: Mathura

Career in 2014 and 2019: Scholar

Did you cast a ballot in 2019?

No, Modi did not fulfill his pledge of acche din. All he said was platitudes meant to appease the masses. He never gave a damn about the issues that others faced.

What is the most significant alteration that has happened since 2014? Digital India, where everyone is too preoccupied with viewing messages and reels to consider the benefits or drawbacks of the government, has drawn people to the nation.

Which one of these issues do you wish to change right away? Fees for education have gone up three to forty times since 2014. The medical system has broken down. The government has to concentrate on these two matters.

Better and free health and education services are what he wants from the incoming government.

What he wants to see from the incoming government is an end to the current abuse of religion and caste. The government ought to quit changing the Constitution.

On April 26, Mathura casts a vote.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer. https://linksgen.in/rajesh