Evolving Political Landscape in Jammu and Kashmir: Missing Slogans and New Agendas

Navigating Post-Article 370 Politics: Insights from Jammu and Kashmir’s Evolving Landscape” ????️????

May 1, 2024 - 11:07
Evolving Political Landscape in Jammu and Kashmir: Missing Slogans and New Agendas

The political landscape in Jammu and Kashmir has undergone significant shifts since the abrogation of Article 370. Once-dominant mainstream parties, including the National Conference, People’s Democratic Party (PDP), and People’s Conference, find themselves grappling with a changed narrative and recalibrating their strategies.

Missing Road Maps and Slogans

For generations, these parties had relied on captivating road maps and slogans to address the complex Kashmir issue. However, the abrogation of Article 370 stripped them of their trademark formulas related to internal autonomy, self-rule, and “achievable nationhood” for Jammu and Kashmir. These slogans, once powerful rallying cries, now seem obsolete.

The Irony of Change

Interestingly, despite this seismic shift, one or more of these parties may secure victory in the three Valley seats without leaning on their old slogans. The BJP, sensing defeat, has opted not to contest these seats. The National Conference and the PDP, once vocal advocates for Article 370 restoration, now discuss it in hushed tones. Their language revolves around safeguarding the “collective identity, land, jobs, and resources” of Kashmiris, subtly alluding to the special status.

The People’s Conference: A New Perspective

The People’s Conference, previously associated with a formula that was a step away from complete independence (azadi), now finds itself labeled as the BJP’s “B-team.” Interestingly, it has lowered its expectations further. Rather than clamoring for Article 370 restoration, it seems willing to settle for the restoration of statehood.

Changed Circumstances

A former journalist, who shifted to his family business after the 2019 crackdown on dissent, observes that the parties have abandoned their old slogans. Perhaps they recognize that these slogans no longer resonate with the electorate. The tragedy lies in the fact that their new agendas find takers, given the altered political landscape and the urgency to avoid confrontation with the central government.


As Jammu and Kashmir heads to the polls, the absence of familiar slogans and road maps underscores the transformative nature of politics in the region

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer. https://linksgen.in/rajesh