Indian Scientists Allege Government Undermines Scientific Temper

Over 100 Scientists Express Concern About Government Policies Affecting Science Funding, Research, and Public Trust

Mar 3, 2024 - 08:42
Indian Scientists Allege Government Undermines Scientific Temper

The Indian government's "antagonistic stance" against science and evidence-based reasoning, as well as its backing for "false narratives, unfounded opinions, and a cloak of religiosity to instil adherence to a majoritarian idea of India," have been criticized by more than 100 scientists.

The scientists have called on members of the academic community, the bureaucracy, and the political elite to support the defense of constitutional principles and have accused the government of supporting "multi-pronged" assaults that aim to erode public confidence in science.

Among other important tasks, the Indian Constitution mandates that every citizen cultivate a scientific temper, humanism, and an inquisitive and reform-oriented mindset.

The scientists claimed in a statement issued on Friday that "the government and its va­rious organs now actively oppose a scientific approach, independent or critical thinki­ng, and evidence-based policy-making."

"This antagonistic stance is widely and persistently communicated to the public, perpetuating such attitudes," the scientists said.

Although no government was mentioned by name, the statement's concerns about the propagation of unverified or unscientific theories, the exaggeration of traditional Indian wisdom, and specific actions taken during the Covid-19 outbreak are relevant to the actions of the Narendra Modi administration.

The declaration, which had been in the works for about six months, was finally decided upon on February 28 in Calcutta during the national convention of the All India People's Science Network, an alliance of forty organizations working to encourage science literacy and scientific temper among the general population.

More than a hundred experts, both active and retired, have signed it from a variety of academic organizations, including the Raman Research Institute, the National Centre for Biological Sciences, the Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research, and the Indian Institute of Astrophysics.

Additionally, they have voiced concern about the promotion of "pseudoscience and a belief in mythology as history" and the use of "false narratives... to construct a unitary majoritarian religion and culture, contrary to the diverse religious beliefs even among the majority community" by the government and its allies in society.

Concerns have been raised by the scientists that government funding for research and development, which was already lower than in similar nations when expressed as a proportion of GDP, has "hit historic lows" and might negatively affect India's ability to produce new scientific knowledge.

Referring to what some signatories said was the government's excitement for local manufacturing combined with inadequate support for new knowledge development, they continued, "Domestic assembly by cheap labor is misrepresented as self-reliance, thus underplaying the need for research and knowledge production."

Scientists have charged that the government is disputing development statistics and India's standing on many international rankings "on spurious grounds." The Center has questioned India's hunger index in recent years and has often referred to estimates of extra mortality during the Covid-19 outbreak in India that were compiled by various academic organizations as "myth," "speculative," or "flawed."

Beyond image control, the scientists said that these inclinations "demoralize the knowledge production community, fostering anti-intellectual attitudes" and undercut scientific methodology and evidence-based policymaking.

The statement said that "a hyper-nationalistic narrative is built and supported by unscientific claims by prominent figures in political circles, boasting of imaginary technological achievements and exaggerated ideas about ancient Indian knowledge." "Many real substantial contributions of ancient India, originating from various cultural streams and encompassing intellectual as well as artisanal and technical accomplishments, are undermined by such fanciful and boastful claims."

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.