Pampa Shaw: A Voice from Kolkata North

A Common Citizen’s Expectations and Concerns for the Upcoming Government

May 22, 2024 - 12:31
Pampa Shaw: A Voice from Kolkata North

Kolkata - Pampa Shaw, a 39-year-old cook from Shyambazar in the Kolkata North constituency, has voiced her concerns and expectations for the upcoming government. Shaw, who also earns from rental income and a tea-and-snacks stall co-owned with her brother, represents a significant section of the Indian populace grappling with the realities of everyday life.

Shaw, who voted in the 2014 elections, was unable to cast her vote in 2019 due to an error that led to the deletion of her name from the electoral roll. When asked about Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s promise of ‘acche din’ (good days), she responded, “To me or anybody that matters to me, no.”

She elaborated that her life has barely improved, and she credits any benefits received from the government — from Lakshmir Bhandar to Kanyashree — to Mamata Banerjee’s state government. She expressed that decisions such as demonetisation and the ill-planned lockdown at the start of the pandemic caused many problems for her and others in her community.

Shaw noted a significant change since 2014, stating, “Way too many people I know talk about religion now, in daily life. There is, sadly, a startling rise in bigotry and Islamophobia, which we never experienced growing up.”

Looking forward, Shaw hopes for an improvement in purchasing power. She pointed out that while prices continue to rise, interests keep falling, and the value of money decreases with each passing day.

From the new government, Shaw hopes for more opportunities for her daughter, who aspires to pursue higher studies and have a flourishing career as an independent woman. She also hopes for more financial assistance under various schemes.

However, Shaw also expressed her concerns. She doesn’t want the new government to prioritize religion or inconsequential issues such as the citizenship matrix in politics and governance. Instead, she hopes for adequate importance to be given to welfare, infrastructure, and reduction of inequality.

Shaw’s voice echoes the sentiments of many Indians who are looking for tangible improvements in their lives and a government that prioritizes welfare and development over divisive politics.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.