Police Officials Visit Changrabandha Land Port to Improve Infrastructure and Security

Meet with Exporters to Address Challenges

Sep 7, 2023 - 10:34
Police Officials Visit Changrabandha Land Port to Improve Infrastructure and Security

On Wednesday, a group of top police officials went to Changrabandha, a land port and immigration checkpoint at the Bangladesh-India border in the Cooch Behar district, to look at the area's infrastructure and talk to the exporters who use this route.

The squad arrived at Changrabandha under the direction of Col. Nevendera Singh Paul, a joint commissioner of the Calcutta police, and with help from BSF agents. Both local and Bhutanese exporters who use the land port to ship products to Bangladesh were interviewed.

The BSF's neighborhood border outpost was the location of the meeting.

In order to take the required actions to promote export and strengthen security at the land port, he (Col. Paul) collected information from exporters. The state has developed an app for it, and the exporters were informed that they could now monitor the live status of the truck being used to transport products to Bangladesh. There will be many places with CCTV cameras installed. Amit Verma, a member of the team and the assistant superintendent of police for Mathabhanga, said that it would improve neighborhood security and reduce crime.

Approximately 250 lorries from Bhutan and India enter Bangladesh via Changrabandha each day. Additionally, between the two nations, 400 to 500 individuals pass through the immigration checkpoint every day.

By way of Changrabandha, Bhutan now exports stones and pebbles to Bangladesh. According to accounts, India also exports maize, pebbles, and stones to Bangladesh through the same land port.

The exporters said they brought up specific problems in front of the visiting team after the meeting.

"We must pay the Indian government Rs 5,000 if we utilize a 10-wheel vehicle to export stones. The size of export will increase if this amount is decreased, according to Bimal Ghosh, a spokesperson of the Changrabandha Exporters' Association.

The need for a rest area and a water supply for truck drivers, their assistants, and other users of the land port was also expressed by exporters.

They have difficulties, particularly in the heat and monsoon seasons. The water supply and shed are two necessities that have to be provided here, said Ghosh.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer. https://linksgen.in/rajesh