Protecting Our Rights: Hundreds Gather in Bengal to Safeguard the Constitution

Social and political organizations rally for a caste-based census, adivasi rights, and upholding constitutional values

Nov 27, 2023 - 11:03
Protecting Our Rights: Hundreds Gather in Bengal to Safeguard the Constitution

Hundreds Gather in Bengal to "Save the Constitution"

On Sunday, over 500 members of at least 20 social and political organizations gathered in front of the B.R. Ambedkar statue on Red Road in Kolkata to observe "Save Constitution Day" and criticize the Narendra Modi government for its alleged erosion of constitutional values.

The event's organizer, activist-cum-economist Prasenjit Bose, declared that this was just the beginning of a nationwide movement with three main demands. He stated that protests would continue in various districts of the state and outside of Bengal in the lead-up to the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.

In addition to safeguarding the Constitution, the organizations also called for a caste-based census across the country and the protection of adivasis' rights to land, water, and forests in Bengal.

Before launching their protest against the central government, the demonstrators paid floral homage to the Ambedkar statue. The gathering lasted around three hours, beginning at 1.30pm.

Individuals from various districts, including those who have been protesting against the Deocha-Pachami coal mine project in Birbhum, were present at the demonstration. Saradindu Biswas, one of the Jai Bhim India Network's key activists, presided over the event.

November 26 is designated as Constitution Day throughout India to commemorate the adoption of the Indian Constitution by the Constituent Assembly in 1949.

The organizers stated that they had all come together because they realized the necessity of defending the Constitution for the country's regular people.

Avik Saha, convenor of the Jai Kisan Andolon who was present at the event, stated, "Our Constitution guarantees our right to a livelihood. The government is obligated to provide us with 100-day work opportunities due to our Constitution. The Constitution is our foundation. Just as a building cannot stand without a foundation, we cannot live without our constitutional rights.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.