Teenager Injured in Crude Bomb Blast Triggers Political Blame Game

Incident Raises Concerns About Public Safety Amidst Political Tensions

Nov 27, 2023 - 10:54
Teenager Injured in Crude Bomb Blast Triggers Political Blame Game

14-Year-Old Boy Loses Finger in Crude Bomb Blast

Incident Sparks Blame Game Between Trinamul, ISF, and BJP

A 14-year-old boy lost one of his fingers and injured his left palm when crude bombs went off in a mango orchard behind a Trinamul Congress office in North 24-Parganas on Sunday morning.

While the authorities are looking into the event, no one has been taken into custody as of yet.

What Happened

The bombs were kept in a bag and Arman Ali mistook them for balls. The bombs exploded as he began playing with one.

The incident occurred in the Sekher More area of Kalsur gram panchayat, a strong domain of Trinamul.

Political Blame Game

The incident has meanwhile ignited a political blame game with Trinamul accusing the ISF and the BJP of the blast.

Trinamul panchayat member Sahabul Sardar alleged that criminals with close proximity to the BJP and the ISF had planned to attack the ruling party and stockpiled the bombs.

"But the bombs were accidentally found by a boy and he began playing with one of them when the blast took place. The Opposition, particularly the ISF leadership, has become desperate to attack us," said Sardar.

Both the ISF and the BJP rejected the charge.

The BJP's Barasat organising district president, Tarunkanti Ghosh, said: "Criminals enjoying the patronage of the ruling party have begun stockpiling bombs ahead of the Lok Sabha polls. People across the state live on the stockpile of bombs, which everybody knows well. Unfortunately, the police knew it all but had little power to act."

The Deganga police registered a case and started a probe.

Similar Incident

Last week, three children had been injured in a similar blast at Farakka.


The police are investigating the incident but no arrests have been made yet. It is not clear who planted the bombs or why.

Public Safety

The event has generated worries about the local children's safety.It is urged that parents exercise caution and keep their kids away from potentially hazardous circumstances.

Make a Peace Call

It is imperative that political parties abstain from uttering provocative remarks that may escalate already-existing conflicts within the community.Rather, they ought to cooperate in order to guarantee the community's safety.

In summary

The hazards of improvised bombs are brought to light by this incidence.These weapons may result in fatalities or severe injuries and are often employed in political confrontation.The employment of rudimentary explosives should be limited, and action should be taken by the government and police.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer. https://linksgen.in/rajesh