Sun Temple, Konark: A UNESCO World Heritage Site

A Magnificent Chariot-Shaped Temple Dedicated to the Sun God

Oct 9, 2023 - 12:43
Oct 9, 2023 - 12:43

Sun Temple Konark

One of the most famous Hindu temples in India is the Sun Temple, which is located in Konark, Odisha, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 35 kilometers northeast of Puri is where it is situated. The temple is distinguished by its fine carvings and distinctive style, which resembles a chariot.

King Narasimhadeva I of the Eastern Ganga dynasty had the temple constructed in the thirteenth century. Over 1200 artists are thought to have worked on its construction. Thought to have been originally dedicated to Vishnu, the temple was changed in the 14th century to become a Surya temple.

With twelve sets of wheels at the base and seven horses pulling the chariot, the temple is made to resemble a chariot. This distinctive pattern is said to depict the voyage across the sky of the sun god Surya.

Black sandstone was used in the construction of the temple, earning it the moniker "The Black Pagoda." Intricate carvings that represent images from Hindu mythology, daily life, and sensual art cover the whole temple. Some of the best carvings ever created for an Indian temple are thought to be in these ones.

[Picture of carvings from Konark's Sun Temple]

One of the most significant Hindu temples in India at the period, the Sun Temple served as a representation of the Eastern Ganga dynasty's might and wealth. However, because of Muslim invasions and natural disasters, the temple started to deteriorate in the 16th century.

Today, just the main temple and a few of the outlying buildings are still standing. The elements and time have completely destroyed the remaining portions of the temple complex.

The Sun Temple is still among India's most impressive and recognizable Hindu monuments despite being in ruins. One of the top tourist spots in Odisha, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


The Sun Temple at Konark, Odisha, was built in the 13th century under the authority of King Narasimhadeva I of the Eastern Ganga dynasty. It is estimated that at than 1200 artists contributed to its development. The temple, which is thought to have been originally dedicated to Vishnu, was transformed into a Surya temple in the fourteenth century.

The temple is constructed to resemble a chariot with twelve pairs of wheels at the base and seven horses pulling the chariot. According to legend, this particular pattern represents the sun deity Surya's journey across the sky.

The temple was built out of black sandstone, therefore the nickname "The Black Pagoda." The entire temple is covered in intricate carvings that depict scenes from Hindu mythology, everyday life, and sensual art. These carvings are regarded as some of the finest ever produced for an Indian temple.

The Sun Temple, one of the most important Hindu temples in India at the time, represented the power and prosperity of the Eastern Ganga dynasty. However, the temple began to decay in the 16th century as a result of Muslim invasions and natural calamities.

Only the main temple and a couple of the peripheral structures remain today. The surviving parts of the temple complex were utterly destroyed by the elements and the passage of time.

Despite being in ruins, the Sun Temple is still one of the most striking and well-known Hindu structures in India. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of Odisha's most popular tourist destinations.


During the rule of King Narasimhadeva I of the Eastern Ganga dynasty in the 13th century, the Sun Temple at Konark, Odisha, was constructed. Over 1200 artists are thought to have worked on its construction. Thought to have been originally dedicated to Vishnu, the temple was changed in the 14th century to become a Surya temple.

With twelve sets of wheels at the base and seven horses pulling the chariot, the temple is made to resemble a chariot. This distinctive pattern is said to depict the voyage across the sky of the sun god Surya.

Black sandstone was used in the construction of the temple, earning it the moniker "The Black Pagoda." Intricate carvings that represent images from Hindu mythology, daily life, and sensual art cover the whole temple. Some of the best carvings ever created for an Indian temple are thought to be in these ones.

One of the most significant Hindu temples in India at the period, the Sun Temple served as a representation of the Eastern Ganga dynasty's might and wealth. However, because of Muslim invasions and natural disasters, the temple started to deteriorate in the 16th century.

Today, just the main temple and a few of the outlying buildings are still standing. The elements and time have completely destroyed the remaining portions of the temple complex.

The Sun Temple is still among India's most impressive and recognizable Hindu monuments despite being in ruins. One of the top tourist spots in Odisha, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Punam Shaw I am a versatile full-stack developer skilled in both front-end and back-end technologies, creating comprehensive web applications and solutions. I have done in Accountancy hons.