Tag: Gopal Lama

Darjeeling Lok Sabha Race: A Tale of Intense Competitio...

Neeraj Zimba and Gopal Lama: Key Players in the Entertaining Battle for Darjeeling

Trinamul's Low-Key Campaign Strategy in Darjeeling Hill...

Gopal Lama's candidacy and BGPM alliance draw attention amidst subdued campaign ...

Trinamul Launches Strong Campaign in Chopra, Darjeeling...

Trinamul Candidate Gopal Lama Gains Momentum in BJP Weakspot

Trinamul-supported Candidate Gopal Lama Organizes Massi...

Traffic Chaos Ensues as BGPM-backed Nominee Files Nomination Amidst Support

Controversy Erupts Over Trinamul Congress-BGPM Candidat...

Identity Politics Takes Center Stage as Gorkhaland Issue Sparks Debate

Bharatiya Gorkha Prajatantrik Morcha Rallies Against BJ...

Campaign Highlights Unfulfilled Promises and Apathy Towards Gorkha Community
