The Future is Now: A Statistical Overview of AI and ML

Exploring the Impact and Growth of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

May 2, 2024 - 17:45
The Future is Now: A Statistical Overview of AI and ML
The Future is Now: A Statistical Overview of AI and ML
The Future is Now: A Statistical Overview of AI and ML

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: A Statistical Overview

Two of the most revolutionary technologies of our day are artificial intelligence and machine learning, which are being quickly embraced by a wide range of sectors. These are a few fascinating figures and facts concerning ML and AI.

The Growth of AI and ML

    Investment in AI Startups: In 2019, the global market for AI was worth about $39.9 billion. By 2027, it's expected to be worth $733.7 billion.

    Investment in AI Startups: In 2019, AI companies raised more than $26 billion.
    AI in Business Operations: By 2025, AI will likely be used to help with 95% of customer transactions.

    AI and Employment

      Job Creation: In spite of what most people think, AI is only going to take away 1.8 million jobs while creating 2.3 million.
      Demand for AI Specialists: In the last few years, job postings for AI specialists have grown by 119%.

      Machine Learning in Various Industries

        Healthcare: ML systems can accurately guess up to 92% of the time when a patient will need to be readmitted.
        In terms of money, more than 70% of businesses say that the AI they've used to find scams has paid off.
        ML algorithms are used in Retail to make shopping more enjoyable for customers, which leads to a 35% rise in sales.

        What's Next for AI and ML
        Autonomous Vehicles: It is estimated that by 2030, autonomous cars could make up 60% of US auto sales.
        AI in Space ExplorationNASA is using AI to help plan the actions of its Mars rovers.

        In conclusion, AI and ML are not just terms but are powerful tools that are driving innovation across various businesses. As these technologies continue to evolve, they will surely play an even more important role in shaping our future.

        Please note that the statistics mentioned in this piece are based on different reports and studies and are open to change as new data becomes available.

        : Source: Grand View Research, 2020 : Source: CB Insights, 2020 : Source: Gartner, 2020 : Source: Gartner, 2018 : Source: Indeed, 2019 : Source: Harvard Business Review, 2019 : Source: Capgemini, 2020 : Source: McKinsey, 2019 : Source: IHS Markit, 2020 : Source: NASA, 2020

        Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.