A 17-year-old girl living in a tea estate near Siliguri raped on Monday evening

Police arrest accused within hours of assault and registered case of incident

Aug 30, 2023 - 10:54
A 17-year-old girl living in a tea estate near Siliguri raped on Monday evening

On Monday night, a 17-year-old woman who lived on a tea farm close to Siliguri was sexually assaulted.

Within hours after the attack, police detained the suspect and reported the event.

In the Siliguri area, a little girl has experienced cruelty twice in the last week. A 16-year-old teenager was killed last Monday after resisting a sexual attack.

According to sources, the 17-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by a local teenager. At the neighborhood police station, her family made a formal complaint. Police responded and quickly detained the suspect.

The Siliguri Mahakuma Parishad's sabhadhipati, Arun Ghosh, called it a "extremely unfortunate incident" but also noted that the suspect had been taken into custody quickly.

"The culprit was soon taken into custody by the police. In order to guarantee that the culprit receives heavy punishment, we have asked top police personnel to accelerate the probe, added Ghosh.

The BJP and CPM, the opposition parties, continued to hold rallies despite the arrest.

Along with some of the victim's neighbors, leaders of the BJP and CPM went to the police station where the complaint was lodged and the arrest was made. There, they protested and demanded the accusers get severe punishment.

It is alarming that young ladies in the Siliguri subdivision are being forced to deal with such crimes, according to Nantu Paul, general secretary of the BJP's Siliguri (organizational) district. As a consequence, there is a general sense of unease among the locals. To stop such crimes, the police and the government must act quickly and decisively.

Senior CPM leader Gautam Ghosh also made it to the police station. "This is the second time in a week that a little girl has experienced violence in the area. These atrocities must be stopped.

Police officials stated they are collecting all required data as they investigate the issue.

"The accused is being questioned to learn more about the crime. The victim and her relatives are also being spoken to," a police official stated.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer. https://linksgen.in/rajesh