Bus Door Malfunction Leads to Tragic Accident in Moulali Crossing

Man Flung Off Moving Bus Due to Door Malfunction, Investigation Underway

Jun 12, 2024 - 12:40
Bus Door Malfunction Leads to Tragic Accident in Moulali Crossing

MOULALI CROSSING - A man was flung off a moving AC bus when the door malfunctioned and suddenly opened at the Moulali crossing on Tuesday morning. The incident occurred on the crowded CIT Road during peak traffic hours.

Eyewitnesses reported that the bus door flung open as the vehicle was taking a left turn from CIT Road towards SN Banerjee Road. At least five other passengers inside the bus also slipped and fell on the road, but only one of them sustained serious injuries.

The injured passenger, 28-year-old Wassim Hossain, a resident of Tiljala Road, received multiple injuries and was rushed to NRS Medical College and Hospital. He was discharged after receiving first-aid.

The bus, which runs on route number 24A/1 between Golabari in Howrah and Anandapur along EM Bypass, is operated by a private operator. As the bus swung to turn left heading for SN Banerjee Road, the man leaning on the door was flung off onto the road as the door came off.

Traffic police on duty intercepted the bus and took it to the local Entally police station. However, the driver managed to flee from the spot. A case has been registered against the driver for alleged rash and negligent driving.

An officer from Entally police station stated, “A probe has been launched to establish if the bus had any mechanical fault. We will examine if there was too much pressure on the door or if it was defective.”

The police warned that passengers often lean on the doors of a moving bus without realizing the potential danger. “Ideally, we should not take this kind of risk. If a bus is ill-maintained, the door may come off any moment and the consequences could be disastrous,” said an officer of the traffic department.

The police will examine the private operator running the bus and check if the vehicle’s maintenance was as per standard protocol. A senior officer noted that accidents often occur due to rash and negligent driving and suggested that Tuesday’s accident could have been averted had the bus not been moving at high speed.

The transport department has identified the private operator that runs the bus and has sought an explanation about the malfunctioning bus door.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer. https://linksgen.in/rajesh