Call to Save Democracy: Street-Corner Meeting in New Town Reminds Voters

Advocacy for Democratic Rights and Communal Harmony

May 24, 2024 - 11:38
Call to Save Democracy: Street-Corner Meeting in New Town Reminds Voters

Call to Save Democracy: Street-Corner Meeting in New Town Reminds Voters

New Town, West Bengal, India – A thought-provoking street-corner meeting took place on Sunday under the banner of “Save Democracy in New Town.” Unlike traditional political rallies, this gathering featured no party flags, and the speakers refrained from soliciting votes for any candidate. However, their shared ideology was unmistakable: they were Leftists.

The Purpose

The primary objective of this meeting was to jog the memories of New Town residents regarding a critical event that occurred on July 8. On that fateful day, a significant portion of the population was denied their fundamental right to vote during the panchayat election. Outsiders had erected barricades, effectively blocking all roads leading to the polling booth.

Advocacy Through Pamphlets

Passersby received pamphlets that highlighted an ongoing legal battle. A leftist group had filed a case in the high court against individuals associated with the vote boycott call. These pamphlets served as a reminder of the struggle for democratic rights and the importance of active participation in the electoral process.

Communal Harmony Play

As part of the meeting, a poignant play unfolded—one centered around communal harmony. Former neighbors from different faiths reminisced about life across the border and reflected on the changes they had witnessed after crossing over. The performance aimed to emphasize unity and understanding, even in the face of adversity.

Ambikesh Mahapatra’s Address

Among the speakers, Ambikesh Mahapatra—a chemistry professor at Jadavpur University—stood out. He recounted the challenges he endured over a decade ago when he forwarded an allegedly derogatory cartoon featuring Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. His resilience and commitment to democratic values resonated with the audience.

As New Town grapples with its democratic rights, this street-corner meeting serves as a powerful reminder that active citizenry remains essential for safeguarding democracy.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.