Chhath Puja: A Celebration of the Sun God

A Comprehensive Guide to Chhath Puja, the Hindu Festival of the Sun God

Nov 17, 2023 - 10:43
Chhath Puja: A Celebration of the Sun God
Chhath Puja
Chhath Puja: A Celebration of the Sun God
Chhath Puja: A Celebration of the Sun God

The Hindu festival of  Chhath Puja honours the sun deity Surya. It is especially well-liked in the Indian states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and Nepal. It is observed over four days in October and November.

Chhath Puja History

Though its precise beginnings are uncertain, Chhath Puja is said to be a very old celebration. There are researchers who maintain that it started in the Vedic era, while others think it is a pre-Vedic peasant celebration.

Importance of Chath Prakash

The festival of Chhath Puja honors Surya, the sun deity who is revered as the source of life. Praying and fasting for Surya is seen by devotees as a means of obtaining wealth, health, and pleasure.

Chhath Puja Rituals

The intricate traditions of Chhath Puja include a great deal of fasting, prayer, and prayer offering. Usually, devotees fast for 36 hours, only consuming water throughout that period. Along with prayers, they present fruits, vegetables, and sweets to Surya and his spouse Usha.

The  Nauka

An essential component of Chhath Puja is the Nauka, or ceremonial watercraft. It is said to symbolize the ship that Surya took to reach Earth. During the celebration, worshippers take the Nauka to a pond or river and offer prayers to Surya.

  The  Arghya 

An offering offered to Surya is the arghya. It is served in a copper vessel and contains milk, honey, and water. The belief among devotees is that they may appease Surya and win his favor by providing arghya.

  The Prasad 

After the arghya, Surya is served a delicious meal called prasad. It is regarded as a religious offering and is usually composed of rice, milk, and sugar.

Surya Namaskar

A set of yoga poses known as Surya namaskara are done in Surya's honor. It is said that devotees might enhance their health and well-being by reciting surya namaskara.

The Fast

A significant component of Chhath Puja is the fast. Fasting is seen by devotees as a way to cleanse their bodies and souls.

Importance of the Chhath Puja Festivals

Families and friends get together to honor their devotion to Surya during Chhath Puja. Additionally, it's a moment to express gratitude for the year's benefits.

Punam Shaw I am a versatile full-stack developer skilled in both front-end and back-end technologies, creating comprehensive web applications and solutions. I have done in Accountancy hons.