Dalit Faculty Members Face Punitive Action for Ambedkar Readings: University Under Scrutiny

Institution Show-Causes Instructors, Discontinues Weekly Debates on Ambedkar's Writings

Apr 22, 2024 - 10:01
Dalit Faculty Members Face Punitive Action for Ambedkar Readings: University Under Scrutiny

A major institution has show-caused seven of the instructors and taken punitive action against four of the informal group of Dalit faculty members, forcing them to discontinue their weekly readings and debates of Bhimrao Ambedkar's writings on campus.

The Ambedkar readings, which had begun two years earlier, were indicated by the Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya to pose a risk to the “safety and health of (participating) students and reputation of the university”.

Two of the show-caused instructors were reassigned, and two others were fired from their posts at a campus academic center, after the majority of them declined to apologize.

The institution has been under fire from certain academics for suppressing free expression, especially when it comes to topics like Ambedkar's speeches and writings.

In February 2022, a group of Dalit academic members launched the Ambedkar Study Circle India on campus. Every Thursday, after 6 p.m., it convened in front of the university's Ambedkar monument to read and debate excerpts from his collected writings, which have been released by the Maharashtra and federal governments.

In January of this year, the practice was ordered to cease by the registrar-in-charge, Dharvesh Katheriya, after around sixty-one sessions had been held in the previous two years.

Seven educators received show-cause orders from Katheriya, requesting them to certify that reading Ambedkar's writings would compromise university security and damage its standing.

Teaching the literature in courses is a better idea than having unapproved groups conduct reading sessions. It is inappropriate to have such a reading session in light of the students' health and safety as well as the university's image, the warning stated.

It said the organization had not obtained official clearance.

After expressing remorse, one of the seven teachers left the study group.

In their comments, the other six stated that instructors from different academic departments had started the study circle after alerting the college administration.

All of the participants willingly attended its meetings, which often started with a reading of the Preamble to the Constitution and concluded with the national song, they noted.

They dismissed worries about student health, safety, and the university's image, saying that anyone experiencing problems was welcome to miss the classes.

Furthermore, they claimed that the setting of the event, which included reading and listening to Ambedkar's works and speeches in unison while standing in front of the monument and beneath the open sky, encouraged everyone to have an open mind.

One of the seven instructors, Shailesh Marji Kadam, was moved to the Amravati campus, while Ravindra Borkar was moved to the Prayagraj campus. Borkar requested a stay in court.

Lella Karunyakara, the director of the Buddhist Study Center, and Surjit K. Singh, the interim head of the same center, were both ousted by the authorities. Additionally, a number of non-teaching employees from Karunyakara's office were moved.

Last week, an email was sent to Katheriya asking for his thoughts. His answer is anticipated.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer. https://linksgen.in/rajesh