Decade of Transformation: Life in Rural India Under Narendra Modi’s Tenure

A Farmer’s Perspective on a Decade of Change in Jansuti Village, Mathura

Apr 28, 2024 - 08:55
Decade of Transformation: Life in Rural India Under Narendra Modi’s Tenure

Mathura, April 26, 2024 - As the sun sets over the fields of Jansuti village in Mathura, 65-year-old farmer Bachchu Singh reflects on the past decade under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership.

Bachchu Singh, a Class VIII educated farmer, has seen his life change in ways he hadn’t imagined. He lives with his wife, Jamna Devi, and two sons, Sanjay (25) and Pankaj (23), in a house nestled amidst two bighas of agricultural land.

A Promise of Acche Din

When asked if Modi delivered on his promise of ‘acche din’ (good days), Singh nods affirmatively. “To me, yes,” he says. Despite hearing criticisms about Modi’s governance, Singh appreciates the tangible benefits he has received. “I get ₹6,000 a year under the Kisan Samman Nidhi and 20kg foodgrains under the food security scheme. It has helped me,” he adds.

The Biggest Change

The most significant change Singh has noticed since 2014 is the decline in criminal activities. “The goondas have stopped their activities,” he says, a sense of relief evident in his voice.

The Lingering Issue

However, Singh is not without grievances. He points out the rampant corruption that affects his daily life. “My contractor of foodgrains doesn’t give us gram and oil. He sells in the market. Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath claims this was also to be given to us but he doesn’t cross-check whether we are getting it or not,” he laments.

Hopes for the Future

Looking forward, Singh has simple wishes for the new government. “Both my sons are labourers and work in a factory in Mathura. They should have some land so they can get married and live peacefully,” he says. He also hopes for better infrastructure in his village, which he feels has been ignored by the government.

As Mathura voted on April 26, Singh, like many others, waits with bated breath, hoping for a future that addresses his concerns and fulfills his aspirations. The past decade under Modi’s reign has brought changes, some good, some not so much. But as the sun rises tomorrow, Singh, and millions like him, look towards a new dawn, a new beginning.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer.