England Seek Comeback After Disastrous Start at T20 World Cup

Defending champions England are in a spot of bother after losing their first two matches at the T20 World Cup. Captain Jos Buttler has urged his team to show character and resilience in their upcoming matches.

Oct 17, 2023 - 09:38
England Seek Comeback After Disastrous Start at T20 World Cup

England, the defending champions with a team full of elite, powerful players, perhaps never imagined that the World Cup would begin with such horror for them.

It was still possible to discount the defeat to New Zealand, but not the catastrophe versus Afghanistan. While acknowledging the hard-working Afghans, England ought to have prevailed despite giving up more than 280 runs in total. But now that the unimaginable has occurred, the Englishmen need to get back together and attempt a comeback. Captain Jos Buttler has similar desires.

After Sunday's loss, Buttler spoke with the media. "It's not been the way we wanted to start the competition, but this is the situation we find ourselves in and we're going to have to play some of our best cricket going forward."

The keeper-batter is confident he has players with the fortitude to brush aside the setback and carry on.

Yes, it's undeniably a significant setback. You have a different notion about how the first three games will go before the tournament even starts.

We must exhibit a great deal of character, a great deal of team resilience, and most importantly, a great deal of belief. Buttler emphasized, "We haven't played good enough, but we have to hold onto that belief.

What, though, went wrong with the Afghans? Has he recognized the errors? "We didn't hit the areas that we wanted to, and credit to (Rahmanullah) Gurbaz (80 runs) as he put us under a lot of pressure. We started poorly, and I missed the first ball of the game, which kind of set the tone for that first 10 overs," the captain stated.

It's amazing how the team that has revolutionized Test cricket with its "Bazball" strategy was unable to unleash their full forceful aggression against the non-elite Afghan cricket team.

"We always try to play aggressively and with positivity, but sometimes you can't play to your full potential.

Buttler stated, "Even though Afghanistan put a lot of pressure on us, the wicket may not have performed as well as we had anticipated and the dew may not have accumulated as much as we had anticipated."

But as evidenced by their most recent comeback in the Ashes series against Australia, England performs admirably when facing overwhelming odds. Buttler has the belief this time as well.

"In all situations, whether we were leading or facing defeat, we have played some excellent cricket.

"You find yourselves in a situation that you didn't want to be in three games ago, but the character is great, as I've already mentioned, and we'll pick ourselves up and try again."

Afghan request: Please smile

Afghanistan's head coach Jonathan Trott believes the team's historic surprise victory over the reigning champions England on Sunday will inspire more young people to play cricket at home.

Afghanistan was just rocked by a terrible earthquake.

"The players are aware that this victory would cheer up the impacted individuals back home. The former England star Trott added, "This victory will also inspire boys and girls in Afghanistan to pick up a cricket bat or ball."

"The guys have played more than just cricket; they understand the importance of this victory." The lads are trying to help the victims since they understand what people back home have gone through, according to Trott.

Rahmanullah Gurbaz, the opener, who scored 80 runs off of 57 balls and contributed significantly to the victory, stated that the victory meant a great deal to the people back home.

After the catastrophe, the victory will give the people of Afghanistan cause for celebration. We are all aware of the circumstances back home, therefore we are doing everything in our power to support and console them," Gurbaz remarked.

Gurbaz was repeated by Rashid Khan. "There will be a huge celebration in my hometown... I believe that the only thing that brings them joy and wonderful memories is cricket, and everyone else just has to wait.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer. https://linksgen.in/rajesh