Jalpaiguri BJP Officials Face Legal Action for Disruptive Public Gathering, Trinamul Alleges Provocation

Complaint Triggers Case Against BJP Leaders, Including State Chairman Sukanta Majumdar, Over Road Closure

Jan 8, 2024 - 12:31
Jalpaiguri BJP Officials Face Legal Action for Disruptive Public Gathering, Trinamul Alleges Provocation
State BJP chief Sukanta Majumdar (holding the mic) with party leaders at the public meeting blocking a prominent thoroughfare of Jalpaiguri town on Saturday

In response to a complaint from "someone," Jalpaiguri police have opened a case against district BJP officials for holding a public gathering on Saturday that caused traffic to stop and was facilitated by state unit chairman Sukanta Majumdar.

"We have received a complaint from someone who claims that a political party held a gathering by closing a local route. The party had previously told the police that the meeting would take place in a restricted area, but they broke that agreement. The Jalpaiguri superintendent of police, Khandbahale Umesh Ganpat, said on Sunday, "We have filed a case based on the complaint."

The complainant's identity was kept a secret by the police.

According to police sources, Bapi Goswami, the president of the Trinamul district, and a few other party officials are the targets of the lawsuit. They are facing charges of illegal restraint under section 341 of the IPC.

Leading from Majumdar, BJP officials arrived to the district party headquarters on DBC Road, a well-known street that passes through the center of Jalpaiguri town, on Saturday at around 4 p.m. Then they had moved a temporary dais to the middle of the road. Majumdar was among the leaders who had taken the dais and made statements.

Hundreds of BJP supporters clogged the road, causing traffic to halt and forcing drivers to use other routes.

For more than sixty minutes, the route was still closed.

Leaders in the district of Trinamul had questioned the purpose of closing a major road for a public gathering and accused the BJP of attempting to incite unrest in the community.

The district president of Trinamul, Mohua Gope, said on Saturday that the BJP was attempting to instigate and irritate the locals by closing the route. She said the BJP would have questioned Jalpaiguri's law and order and turned it into a political issue if people had been upset over the route being closed during rush hour.

Gope praised the police action on Sunday.

"That the police have opened a case is a positive thing. There will be legal repercussions for anyone who blocked a road for a public assembly in violation of the law. The BJP would have used violence yesterday (Saturday) if the police had taken any action. They had this planned," she said.

When reached, Goswami sounded undisturbed. The cops refused to give us authorization. We had the meeting outside for this reason. The situation does not surprise us since Trinamul commands the state police to operate in this way. Goswami said, "Hundreds of fake charges have been filed in the state against BJP leaders and employees.

"We'll challenge the case in court. The BJP representative said, "If necessary, we would submit complaints against Trinamul for convening meetings in a same manner with the necessary supporting documentation.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer. https://linksgen.in/rajesh