Kalimpong Seeks New Tourism Avenues to Lure Visitors: Lepcha Culture, Monasteries in Focus

District administration explores old monasteries, craft centers, and flower nurseries to attract tourists beyond popular Lolegaon and Lava

Dec 24, 2023 - 10:43
Kalimpong Seeks New Tourism Avenues to Lure Visitors: Lepcha Culture, Monasteries in Focus
Mary Mother of God Church in Kalimpong on Saturday, decked up before Christmas

Kalimpong Unveils Hidden Gems: Monasteries, Lepcha Culture Take Center Stage in New Tourism Push

Nestled amidst the verdant embrace of the Eastern Himalayas, Kalimpong, the lesser-known cousin of Darjeeling, is embarking on a captivating reinvention. Following Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's recent visit to the Darjeeling hills, the Kalimpong district administration is diligently exploring avenues to entice more visitors to this picturesque haven.

Beyond Lolegaon and Lava: While Lava and Lolegaon have long been Kalimpong's crown jewels, attracting nature enthusiasts with their breathtaking vistas, the district aspires to unveil a hidden tapestry of experiences. A recent business meet in Siliguri brought together key stakeholders like homestay owners, hoteliers, tour operators, and even flower nursery owners, to brainstorm and curate a fresh narrative for Kalimpong tourism.

Unearthing Cultural Treasures: The spotlight is now firmly on the rich cultural tapestry woven by the indigenous Lepcha community. Their intangible traditional practices, often shrouded in mystery, promise to enthrall visitors. Imagine witnessing age-old rituals, immersing yourself in vibrant dance performances, or learning the art of weaving from a skilled Lepcha artisan.

Whispers of Ancient Wisdom: History buffs will be drawn to the serene environs of centuries-old monasteries nestled amidst the rolling hills. These spiritual sanctuaries, steeped in timeworn traditions, offer a glimpse into the bygone era of Kalimpong. Breathe in the tranquility as you explore ornate prayer halls, admire intricately painted murals, and soak in the wisdom emanating from these hallowed spaces.

A Kaleidoscope of Crafts and Blooms: For those seeking a touch of artisanal magic, Kalimpong's craft centers beckon. Witness skilled hands transform raw materials into exquisite souvenirs, from intricately carved wooden trinkets to vibrant tapestries woven with love. And for nature lovers, a walk through the fragrant embrace of Kalimpong's orchid cultivations and flower nurseries is a sensory delight.

A Collaborative Canvas: The success of Kalimpong's tourism revival hinges on a spirit of collaboration. The business meet in Siliguri was a testament to this, with stakeholders across the spectrum pooling their ideas and expertise. From homestay owners crafting immersive cultural experiences to hoteliers curating bespoke packages, each player has a crucial role to play.

Kalimpong's Enchanting Allure: As Kalimpong unveils its hidden gems, one can't help but be captivated by its promise. From the soulful whispers of ancient monasteries to the vibrant tapestry of Lepcha culture, this hill haven beckons with a unique charm. So, if you're seeking an escape that transcends the ordinary, pack your bags and let Kalimpong's magic work its spell on you.

Rajesh Mondal I am founder of Press Time Pvt Ltd, a News company. I am also a video editor, content Creator and Full Stack Web Developer. https://linksgen.in/rajesh